different warring states of japan

Chapter 1579 Extremely Dangerous Speculation

Xue Nai seemed to understand what Yang Nai said.The main reason is that Yang Nai's ideas are too advanced, and even Sohisa Imai, who has been immersed in business all his life, is reluctant to listen.

Finance does not produce wealth, it just finds ways to circulate wealth.And Yang Nai's method is to let other people's wealth circulate into his own pocket, in exchange for Siba's food coupons.

All of this is taking advantage of human greed to control the liquidity of Sibo food coupons in the market by raising and lowering interest rates of Sibo food coupons, and artificially creating tides.

Although food stamp reverse repurchase has interest, the problem is that the interest is also paid with food stamps, which is nothing more than printing a few extra sheets of paper.

Yukino doesn't understand these things, and she doesn't know the danger of Yang Nao's doing so. The consequences of drinking poison to quench thirst may blow up the entire Shiba family to the sky.

All she knew was that Yango had a way to solve Shiba Yoshiyin's predicament now, so she would do it.

she asked.

"Since my sister has a way, why do you explain nonsense to me, you know I don't understand these business matters."

Yang Nai laughed.

"I do things for the saint wholeheartedly, but there are always some people who make things difficult for me for no reason.

After I got the right to reverse buyback of food stamps, I had to do some operations to successfully put the newly printed 200 million shi grain stamps into the market and get the real goods.

If someone jumps out to trouble me at this time, I'm afraid it will affect the ticket printing plan and affect the sage's reward for meritorious ministers. "

Yang Nai made such a big circle, separated the operation of the food coupons she planned and explained it clearly to Xue Nai.

She just wanted to tell Xue Nai that I have no selfish intentions, and everything I do is for the sake of a saint, so you have to protect me from the wind and rain.

Xue Nai nodded and asked.

"My sister speaks so well in Sakai Port, she is so majestic, who would dare to trouble you?"

Yukino has always ignored the wind and rain outside, if it wasn't for Yangno to help Shiba Yoshihiro solve problems this time, she wouldn't want to add a word.

Seeing that Xue Nai agreed to come down, Yang Nai felt relieved and said with a smile.

"There are many people who are popular, and I work for a saint, and the money and grain that flow through my hands every year is more than ten million, so it is easy to attract jealousy.

I don't know what kind of bad luck happened this year, not only the Hokuriku Road business road was cut off, and the income was difficult, but there were also people who took advantage of the fire to rob.

There's a guy named Naoyoshi Hansawa who's been checking my accounts.

Yukino, you also know how much painstaking effort it took me to work hard in Sakai Port all these years to establish the Shiba family's business system from scratch.

I dealt with the Miyoshi family, dealt with the Ichiko clan, and other ministers, places, temples, and even the Oda family.

There are some accounts that can be explained clearly, and some accounts that cannot be explained clearly.But some people just refuse to let go, we must investigate clearly, this is driving me to a dead end. "

Xue Nai asked coldly.

"Hansawa Naoyoshi? Who is she?"

Yang Nai looked at Imai Zonghisa, and the other party understood and said.

"It's the team member who asked the note."

Snow asked.

"Ask the note? Isn't that where the files are filed? What right do they have to check the accounts?"

Sohisa Imai took the opportunity to pour out the bitter water.

"That's right, the sage established a question and note method to archive business accounts!

But who knows, every time I send out the accounts, I will be made things difficult. Either I dislike the unclear accounts, or I suspect that they are missing.

For this reason, I asked Honda Masanobu, the head of the team who asked the note, and she always perfunctory me.But her subordinate Banzawa Naoyoshi is aggressive in specific affairs, and there is no room for communication at all. "

Yang Nai snorted coldly.

"A red face and a white face are nothing more than a combination of soft and hard methods."

Snow nodded.

"I see, I'll take care of this."

Seeing that Xue Nai agreed, Yang Nai couldn't help showing a smile.

Asking the note is small, but the trouble is very big.As early as the beginning of its establishment, Takada Yono knew that this department was aimed at him.

But she didn't expect that this trouble would come so fast and so violently.

Naoyoshi Hansawa, who asked the note, was able to go through those detailed and unclear accounts and follow the vines, almost touching Yang Nao's hole card.

Not only is this guy capable and cunning, but he also doesn't make money. Sojiu Imai has suffered several times.

Although only a small team member, Naoyoshi Hansawa is an excellent samurai who was recommended by Maeda Toshiie, leader of Owari Shiba, and selected by Shiba.

Hime Takeshi who has the official Siba system, even if it is just an unknown soldier, is not something that Takada Yono can kill casually.

Moreover, Naoyoshi Hansawa was sent by Naomasa Ii to ask for a job.

Naomasa Ii is the second person in the Tongxinzhong Secretariat after Gamo's hometown, and his direction of supervision is supervision.

This little girl admits death and has a stubborn temper. Even Yoshihiko Shiba is a headache for her, let alone the various forces of Shiba who are being supervised.

Yoshino Takada once used means to get Shiba Yoshigin to come forward to warn Naomasa Ii, strictly limited the scope of rights of the questioning party, and was only responsible for business filing.

After that, Takada Yono originally thought that asking Zhu Fang would not become his trouble for the time being.

Who knew that Naoyoshi Hansawa, who was appointed by Naomasa Ii, would be so powerful that his hands and feet were bound, and he almost dug out his own background.

On the other hand, Honda Masanobu's ambiguous attitude is also something that Takada Yono is worried about.

Behind Masanobu Honda is Mitsuhide Akechi, and now Mitsuhide Akechi and Fujitaka Hosokawa are almost wearing a pair of pants.

Hosokawa Fujitaka has returned to the throne after this battle and has become a new generation of Izumi Hosokawa Family Governor. She not only controls the territory of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, but also occupies the Sakai Port Customs Office.

Previously, the Miyoshi family expelled the Oda family and were defeated by the Shiba coalition forces in Hanoi. The control of Sakai Port was already in Takada Yono's pocket.

Who knew that Mitsuhide Akechi made a hindrance, allowing Fujitaka Hosokawa to reserve a piece of dead land for Yoshitsugu Miyoshi in Kita Hanoi to linger, and then took away the control of Sakai Port from Miyoshi's family.

Because of this incident, Fujitaka Hosokawa and Yono Takada fought in Sakai Port several times. Last time Yoshihito Shiba came to Sakai Port, he gave a few words of warning.

Today, Hosokawa Fujitaka has become the governor of Izumi Hosokawa's family, with more power, and Takada Yono is facing greater pressure.

If Hanzawa Naoyoshi really dug up something, Ii Naomasa would definitely do it, and Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka were also happy to help, weakening Takada Yono's power in Sakai Port.

Takada Yono glanced at his cold sister and sighed inwardly.

This silly little sister doesn't care about anything, she only has the saint in her heart, and if she asks her for help, she has to speak in the interest of the saint.It would be great if she was willing to help herself more.

In Takada Yono's heart, he was always uneasy.Because the two Takata sisters were not from the real samurai family, they could not follow the route of military exploits, so they could only engage in business and eye-paying.

Yang Nai desperately wants to maintain the special status of the Takada family in Sakai Port, that is, to maintain the dignity and future of the Takada family in the Shiba family.

The sage has already embarked on the Shinto way, and now is the critical moment whether the Takata family can be blessed with the blessing of the descendants of the gods.

Takada Yono did not allow Naoyoshi Hansawa to touch his bottom at this time, if she was used by someone with a heart, the consequences would be disastrous.

It is an excellent opportunity for Shiba Yoshiyin to come to Sakai Port to discuss the money and rations of the military merit reward.

Takada Yono is going to use the new task of issuing 200 million shi food stamps to get rid of Shiba Yoshihiro and Takada Yukino, and get rid of the hidden danger of Hansawa Naoyoshi.

Yang Nai's self-righteousness was seen by Xue Nai.

My sister is a smart person, but it's a pity that her eyelids are a little shallow.It may be because I have been used to being a servant since I was a child, and the energy to care about every detail is engraved in my bones.

Yang Nai thought that Xue Nai would not help her, but in fact, as long as Xue Nai stood still, no one would dare to touch the Gaotian family easily.

The lonely Yukino, the half-disabled Yukino, is Shiba Yoshihiko's most trusted and cared-for person.

Shiba Yoshiyin believes that Yukino is willing to do anything for him. This unreserved grace is in the heart of the king, and it is the most embarrassing of Siba's concubines.

Xue Nai's love for her sister is so cold and deep.With Xue Nai here, Yang Nai will be fine.

It's better to be still than to move.


Yiyin traveled lightly all the way, trying not to disturb the place as much as possible, and directly entered the Shinsengumi station when they arrived at Sakai Port.

He is here for two purposes.

First, take care of Lilu's general trade agent of the Nanban, let the Nanban sect bow their heads and admit defeat, don't put the matter of Christina's use of artillery on the line, and expel Lilu and Christina.

Second, communicate with Takada Yono, and find a way for the source of that large post-war reward.

The background of Nanbanism is mainly the Westerners and Portuguese in the Liberian Peninsula, who believe in the Holy See of Nanbanism.

As a starter in the Age of Discovery, the Liberian Peninsula is in its heyday at this time, forming an absolute suppression of the backward Dutch and British.

Moreover, the relationship between the two parties is even more complicated because of the newly emerging Nanman sect.

The Liberian peninsula has always been the most core diocese of the Holy See. Compared with the savages and unruly lowland mobs in English Island, they don't know how much pious they are.

Suppressing first and then launching, coupled with differences in beliefs, has resulted in Liberians being reluctant to allow the British and Dutch to participate in the trade of the island country.

The island country trade in Northeast Asia was originally a forbidden place for the Liberians.

The Luzon route is controlled by the Westerners, Macau was acquired by the Portuguese by bribing Ming officials just now, and the sea route to and from Northeast Asia is completely controlled by the Liberians.

The Dutch scratched their heads and couldn't find a breakthrough. At this time, they were not able to occupy a certain island in the southeast and open up routes to Northeast Asia.And the British people in this period were even more minor characters who did not appear on the stage.

In other words, the agreement not to provide artillery to the islanders was actually just a means for the Spanish and Portuguese to suppress the Dutch and the British.

In order to obtain the belief of Kyushu samurai, the Nanman Sect has long been secretly helping the locals who converted to the Nanman Sect to bombard their enemies with artillery.

It should also be called a good name to help devout believers repel the invasion of heretics. Double-standard dogs will always be like this.

I am a special case, you are knowingly guilty.I was fined three glasses of wine, no exception.You are severely punished and get out of the island country.

Lilu, who is Dutch, can come to the island country to earn some hard-earned money, thanks to the relationship with the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, so it is naturally bound by the agreement.

In the Yu Wuhu battle, the Oda family lost too much. One of the big reasons was the support of the Nanban artillery.

In fact, Oda Nobunaga has been asking the Nanbanjiao for artillery, but the Nanbanjiao has always refused to give it.

It's not that the Nanman Cult suddenly became virtuous and followed the agreement, but because Oda Nobunaga always likes to eat everything and refuse to admit it.

If Oda Nobunaga is willing to convert to the Nanban religion and make the entire island country a new parish of the Nanban religion, the Nanban religion will not only provide artillery, but it will be no problem to organize followers to help her fight the war.

It's a pity that Oda Nobunaga only needs the guns and artillery of the southern barbarians, and he is always vigilant about the beliefs of the southern barbarians.

Yiyin came to Sakai Port this time to support Lilu.

Although the Nanman merchants and the Nanman sect are closely related, they are actually two groups of people.

If the Nanban trade was canceled by the shogunate because of Lilu, the general agent of Nanban who expelled the shogunate, and they could not come to Sakai Port to do business, the Nanban merchants have been busy in Sakai Port these years.

Moreover, Yiyin's current situation is very good. If the Nanman Cult annoys him, the diocese of Kyushu Island may not be safe.

I believe that the Nanman Cult will make the right choice for Yiyin's face, and will be lenient to Lilu.

At this moment in Yukino's yard, Yoshihiro was confused and bewildered after hearing Takada Yono's method.

High interest rates?Yes, Takada Yono's idea is to play the game of high interest rate soliciting reserves, which is extremely dangerous.

Banks absorb interest-bearing deposits in order to release them at higher interest rates and earn the difference in interest rates between the two.

But high interest rate deposits are a crooked way. High interest rates absorb deposits, but there is no way to lend the money out with higher interest rates.

Of course, there is another way.That is to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall until the game can no longer be played, commonly known as Pond's.

Yono Takada's gameplay is even more unbearable, which can be called the Fed of the Islands.

She has no intention of investing the food stamps she has absorbed at all. She just wants to absorb the food stamps on the market and artificially create a currency gap so that new food stamps can continue to be printed and put into the market.

This bastard's way of playing can't last at all.Because the productive forces in ancient times were not so developed, and it has not yet reached the era when credit currency is needed to help capital expand.

Traditional natural currencies such as gold, silver and copper are sufficient to maintain the transaction needs of the agricultural society. The island country is also known as Treasure Island, and the natural currencies such as gold, silver and copper are the most indispensable.

The reason why Sibo food stamps can successfully replace part of the monetary value of gold and silver is mainly due to two aspects.

On the one hand, the Hokuriku Road trade route is controlled by an interest group headed by the Shiba family, and players participating in this game must respect the rules of the game formulated by the Shiba family.

On the other hand, Yiyin has been victorious in all battles, and Siboling has formed an absolute sense of security in this troubled world. Of course, capital is willing to come to Siboling to buy Sibo real estate as a kind of capital preservation.

Both Shanglu Stock and Sibo Real Estate must use Sibo food coupons, which artificially creates demand for currency. In fact, it is essentially a manifestation of Yiyin's own authority and is difficult to last.

Not to mention other things, if Yiyin dies one day, the credit of Sibo food coupons may decline on a large scale.

Yiyin is not a real god, he is a human being, as long as he is human, he will die sooner or later.

The successors of the Siba family do not have the prestige of Yoshinobu, and it is impossible to maintain an absolute sense of security, and naturally they cannot maintain the high credit of Siba's food coupons.

If Yoshino Takada is just playing Shiba food coupon arbitrage in a small area, Yoshihiro can support it, because he lacks money, and the risk of this game is easy to control.

However, Takada Yono really wants to make Sibo food coupons a form of speculation, and it is a very dangerous behavior to break away from the face value of Siba food coupons themselves.

Because the Siba food coupons have been deeply bound to the welfare system of the Shiba family, once the Shiba food coupons are collapsed by Takada Yono, the Siba welfare system will definitely collapse along with it.

Yiyin may not care about the collapse of the island country's economy, but he knows that the Ji warriors under his command are all holding food stamps.

In case Sipo's food coupons collapse one day, the wealth of Sipoji's samurai will evaporate in an instant, and the Sipo's family will really be over.

So, he shook his head firmly.

"No, I don't agree."

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