Only Yang Nai and Li Huazuo were waiting outside the door.

Yiyin's resolute refusal was not beyond Yang Nai's expectation, Yang Nai asked with a smile.

"The sage refuses. Is it because he is afraid that food stamps will be distributed indiscriminately?"

Yiyin nodded.

"That's right, living without food is not a long-term solution. Today's happiness will be the debt of future generations. Sibo's food stamps are closely related to the Sibozhong Fund's welfare system, so don't mess around."

Takada Yono sighed.

"Because Sibo food stamps are related to Sibo Fuli, outsiders dare to exchange money and food for food stamps.

Because they knew very well that if Siba's food coupons were ruined, the Siba family would also be ruined.No guarantee is more secure than the continuation of the family business. "

Yi Yin said coldly.

"Since you know the seriousness of this matter, how dare you mess around with food stamps?
The arbitrage of 200 million military expenditures has already discounted the food stamp ratio from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-]. You should be very aware of this risk.

No matter how you absorb the food stamps in the world, there will eventually be a day when there will be a limit, and the rolling interest on food stamps collected at five cents interest will soon be unsupportable. "

5.00% interest will double in less than 15 years.Even if Sipo food stamps can be printed by himself, this speed is too fast.

100 million shi food stamps will become 15 million in 200 years, and 30 million in 400 years. If this continues, within a hundred years, the entire island country will not be able to produce enough land for a year to pay interest.

This is only the interest on the existing food stamps. Yono Takada will continue to inject food stamps into the market and collect real goods. That kind of growth rate will be faster, and it may not last for 30 years.

Takada Yono was purely playing a game of wealth on paper, as long as Yoshihiro let go today, the future of the Shiba family is waiting for the day of the thunderstorm.

Even if Yiyin was short of money, he would not dare to do this. This would leave endless harm to future generations, and sooner or later, all his bloodline descendants would be killed.

Takada Yoshino was already prepared for this, and when it comes to counting, how can Yiyin, the hands-off shopkeeper, be able to figure it out clearly.

"Saint, you have misunderstood. Sibo food stamps are not compound interest, but come in and out."

Yiyin glanced at Yang Nai, tapped on the document on his copybook, and hummed.

"You only have high-interest savings in your plan, and there is not a word about how to use these Sibo food coupons to make this game go on for a long time.

Why are you going to take back so many food stamps?Did they pile up in the warehouse and get moldy, or did they just burn them on fire? "

This is where Yiyin's scalp tingles the most. As long as Takada Yono makes some investment and makes some circulation, as long as the interest on investment is higher than the interest on repurchase, a benign interest rate spread can be formed.

As long as the interest rate difference can be controlled, the game can theoretically be played for a long time.

However, Yono Takada didn't mention investment at all in the plan, as if the recovered food stamps became irrelevant.

What Yiyin said was angry, but Takada Yono heard it and applauded.

"Wonderful, the sage is right, high interest rates should be set on fire."

Yiyin looked at the smiling Takada Yoshino with itchy teeth, wondering what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

"I think your skin is itchy, it's time to clean up for you."

Yiyin glanced at Li Huazuo who was standing coldly outside the door, and remembered that she once said that when Takata Yoshino was present, they could have sex together.

Is Yukino crazy?How could he order Li Huazuo like that?

Yiyin didn't know what was wrong with him, he was clearly discussing a very serious issue, but his thoughts suddenly turned to that kind of thing.

Sure enough, a man's mind can think of a * in a few seconds.

Yiyin was still secretly criticizing himself for being an idiot, but Yang Nai on the opposite side already knew that his patience had reached its limit, so he didn't dare to let it go.

"Saint, do you know how many bad debts have been incurred since Sibo's food coupons went on the market?"

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Dead account? What is a dead account?"

Yang Nai explained.

"It exists on the books, but the original owner's food stamps have not been found.

Since two years ago, the small-scale trial operation of Sibo food coupons has been used for various currency needs such as annuity distribution, stock dividends, and real estate transactions.

Leaving aside the distribution of annuities, the Sibozhong Fund has its own welfare system. One Sibo weaves a hard-core crop. Even if Warrior Ji dies, it will be handed over to future generations according to the rules and continue to be distributed.

However, many of those who bought stocks and real estate in the market are no longer there.

Saint, it is a troubled time, and everyone is precarious. The person who can drink with you today may die tomorrow.

In this world, warrior Ji, merchant, or nun, who can guarantee their absolute safety?
Many people died without leaving a will, and their families didn't even know that there was a fortune deposited with me. As time went by, the money has become more and more large. "

Yoshihiro was silent when he heard it, he finally understood what Yoshino Takada meant by burning it.

Yona Takada issued Sibo food coupons indiscriminately, so she really didn't need to rely on spread investment to maintain it, because she wanted to eat out of poverty!
Even in modern society, where the public security system is perfect, if someone is unlucky enough to go out and be hit by a car and die, his family may not know that he has a sum of money in the fund.

First of all, the institution is not obliged to inform you that the deceased has such a sum of money.

Secondly, even if you know the existence of this money, you must first prove that you are the heir.

Again, even if it is proved that you are the heir, the money may not still be in the account, because many accounts can only be operated by yourself, and if you cancel the account, you may not be able to find it immediately.

Even if the modern society has developed for many years, it is still a lot of trouble to inherit the money of the dead, let alone an island country in troubled times.Once this person died, wouldn't the food stamp become a dead debt?

Seeing that Yoshihiro understood, Takada Yono continued.

"Saint, there are not many dead debts on food stamps now, because the scope of use is narrow, and the most likely to become dead debts are business road stock dividends and Sibo real estate transactions.

I was thinking, if we can take over the right to reverse repurchase of food stamps, reorganize a bank, and collect foreign reserves at high interest rates.

It's not just for Ji samurai who have Siba's organization, but is open to the entire island country. As long as they have Siba's food coupons, they can deposit it, even if the interest rate is set a little higher, it doesn't matter.

Because a large part of the food stamps deposited will definitely become dead debts.We can offset the high interest rate of high interest rate deposits by regularly destroying bad debts.

The act of destroying dead accounts can be declared to the outside world as shrinking the balance sheet, and the re-introduction to the market from the accounts shows that it is actually burning these food coupons directly, which is a one-off.

So even if these dead accounts are put back into the market in the accounts, it will not actually cause a flood of food stamps, because they actually no longer exist.

The value of these food stamps can be used as the standard for the next round of issuance of new food stamps. As long as there are inflows and outflows, there is no need to worry about the flood of food stamps, leading to depreciation and collapse. "

Yi Yin glared at Takada Yono, this girl is now more and more like a profiteer, thinking about these unsightly things about having a son all day long, but her idea is really feasible.

Yiyin, who lacked money and food to reward meritorious ministers, was moved instantly, he hesitated.

"The troubled times will eventually pass, and the world will be peaceful in the future, and there will be fewer bad debts, which will not be enough to replace the indiscriminate food stamps, so how to smooth out the debts?"

Takada Yono said with a smile.

"Even if the world is peaceful, there will always be unfaithful and unrighteous treacherous people in the past dynasties, who are corrupt and pervert the law.

As long as we set up the Sibo Bank as the issuer and collector of Sibo food stamps, then we can punish corrupt officials in the future to make up for the gap in the excessive issuance of food stamps.

Punish corruption and eradicate evil, the people sing praises, treacherous men fall, Sibo is full.

Saint, isn't that beautiful? "

Yi Yin was speechless, Takada Yono was so bad that pus was running from the top of his head, and the soles of his feet were bubbling.

In troubled times, she was planning to balance her income and expenditure by living out of her family and earning her fortune.Anyway, the current situation is that people are like worthless people, who don't know tomorrow today, and have money to spare, which is also a benefit to others.

When the world is at peace, the Sibo regime will institutionalize the crackdown on corrupt officials for a long time.Every time a corrupt official is killed, it can not only please the people, but also smooth the accounts, killing two birds with one stone.

Yiyin let out a deep breath, not knowing what to say for a while.

After a while, he sighed.

"Takata Yoshino accepts the order."

"Your Majesty is here."

"I give you full power to take over the responsibility of Ishida Mitsunari's reverse repurchase of food stamps and form the Sibo Bank.

Sipo food stamps are of great importance, you must be careful in doing things, understand? "

Gao Tianyang respectfully kowtowed to the ground.

"The ministers are terrified, and they must spare no effort to share the worries of the saint."

Takada Yoshino was overjoyed at this moment, it was done!The future of the Takada family looks bright!
Takada Yono, who was given the power to reverse the repurchase of food stamps and set up the Siba Bank, is destined to always be a pivotal figure in the Siba family.

No matter how big the Shiba family expands in the future and how well it develops, Takada Yono's position will not be shaken.

The Shiba Bank will become the most beneficial tool in her hands, maintaining the unique position of the Takada family in the Shiba family.

Sibo Bank is a vine that clings to Siba's house. No matter how high and unattainable the towering tree of Siba's house is, Sibo Bank will follow it closely and will not be discarded.

Yoshino Takada has the right to issue Siba food coupons, and now Yoshihiro has given her the right to absorb savings and negotiate interest.

These two powers will form the foundation of the Siba Bank and become the guarantee of the strong economic strength of the Siba family.

Finance does not create wealth, but finance can transfer wealth.

In this barren island country, the samurai group with backward thinking keeps their eyes on the land.Because in the eyes of the Ji Warriors, land means food, population, and military strength.

In this regard, Takada Yono did not take it seriously.

She who controls the Hokuriku business route and the Shiba bank can completely transfer the wealth produced by the land to the Shiba family's name in a clever way through the powerful power of the Siba family.

Using knives and guns to rob land will arouse the hatred of the samurai group.However, using Siba food stamps to rob the wealth produced by the land can be praised by the samurai group.

Yoshihiro is not a good saint. If he wants to weaken others and enrich himself, he cannot do without the financial tools in the hands of Yoshino Takada.

The better the development of the Shiba family in the future, the more Yoshihiro will be inseparable from the financial support of the Takada family, so Takada Yono will be ecstatic.

The broad avenue of Gaotian's family has been leveled by her, and she will move forward leisurely.Whether it is status or children in the future, Yoshino Takada will be indispensable to Yoshihiro.


Takada Yona thought too well, thinking that the Takata family's position would be stable after the Siba Bank was acquired, but he didn't know that there were risks in the market, so he had to be cautious when entering the market.

A storm in the future may originate from the butterfly's wings that are already flapping slightly at this time.And in the future, something or someone that makes Takada Yono into despair may not be far away.

Yang Nai claims to have made arrangements for the Takata family, but she just thinks that Xue Nai can't do anything, she's just a dumb head, and can't help at all.

Seeing Yang Nai busy, Xue Nai didn't understand.As long as you are loyal to the saint, can you get everything?Why does my sister have to think so much and do so many petty tricks?

Yang Nai felt that she was planning for the future of the Takata family, and Xue Nai felt that Yang Nai was messing around, that one day the sky would be pierced, and she had to be her younger sister to make up for her.

The Takada sisters care about each other, but they also dislike each other.Under the mentality of deep sisterly love, there is also a deep thought of mutual stupidity.

But this time, Yukino was finally willing to help Yang Nao with something, because it was related to the interests of Yoshihiko Shiba, and Yukino had to come out to help.

Shiba Yoshigin was talking with Yango in the main hall of Yukino Court.At the same time, Yukino was reunited with Ii Naomasa in the inner room of the courtyard.

These two people followed Yiyin back then, one was cold, the other was stubborn, and fought for favor with each other, and in the end they became good friends, which surprised others.

At this time, Jing Yi Naomasa did not come to the meeting alone, but brought a resolute Ji warrior.

"My servant Hansawa Naoyoshi, I have met Takada Yukino-sama!"

Xue Nai sat on the main seat in a daze, like an ice doll, dumbfounded and unresponsive.

She didn't speak, Naoyoshi Hansawa kowtowed to the ground, and Naomasa Ii couldn't see it, and said.

"Yue Nao, you asked me to bring Hanzawa Naoyoshi, why are you ignoring him?"

This time, Naomasa Ii accompanied Yoshigin Shiba to Sakai Port, and Naoyoshi Hansawa has been active in Sakai Port recently.

Yukino asked Ii Naomasa to bring Hansawa Naoyoshi. This matter was very meaningful, and Jing Yi Naomasa did not refuse.But who knows, when she really saw someone, Xue Nai was so indifferent.

After being pointed by Naomasa Ii, Takata Yukino seemed to have recovered from her daze. She glanced at Naoyoshi Hansawa, then at Naomasa Ii, and said slowly.

"Naozheng, you are still so impatient, you haven't changed at all."

There was something in Takada Yukino's words, but Ii Naomasa curled his lips and said nothing.

The two have a very good personal relationship, but the Shiba family has a big business now, and everyone has their own attitudes, so many things can only be collided.

Yukino turned her eyes back to Hansawa Naoyoshi and said.

"You are Naoyoshi Hansawa? Get up."

Naoyoshi Hansawa got up just now, when he heard Yukino's voice without warmth continuing.

"After you walk out of this yard today, you will leave Sakai Port immediately, and you will not be allowed to come back for a year.

Otherwise, I will have someone cut you off. "

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