different warring states of japan

Chapter 1589 Jane has a future in the king's heart

Yi Yin sighed.

"good very good."

These words are a compliment to Hansawa Naoyoshi, and even more a compliment to Gamo's hometown, the central organization of the Shiba family, and the group of concentric samurai seems to have gained some momentum.

As Yiyin's most reliable tool, he is happy to see Tongxinzhong growing stronger.

Looking at Naoyoshi Hansawa, who is not surprised by honor or disgrace, Yoshihiro hesitated at this time.

Originally, he wanted Naoyoshi Hansawa to continue helping Yuihama Yui, so he issued the award.But now, seeing a talent like her, it seems a bit wasteful to really stay by Yuihama Yui's side.

Just when Yoshihiro was hesitating, Naoyoshi Hansawa spoke first.

"Saint, I dare to speak out. In fact, the responsibilities of asking and annotating parties are almost the same as those of the clean government. It is redundant and wasteful to divide them into different departments."

Yiyin nodded, of course he understands this matter, the emergence of two honest government officials and one commentator is actually a problem left over from history.

The honest government members in the Guandong Office are the product of the struggle for power between the Echigo faction headed by Okuma Asohide and the recent factions headed by Dazang Changan.

Yiyin transfers Dazang Changan to the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, allowing Daxiong Chaoxiu to gain the upper hand.

In order to appease Dazang Chang'an, and to balance Daxiong Chaoxiu's power in the enforcement office, Yoshihiro asked Hasegawa Nagatsuna of the Dazang Changan faction to form a clean government group to supervise the Daxiong Chaoxiu faction.

It was Takata Yukino who started the anti-corruption storm of the Shibazhong Foundation's clean government and frightened everyone after the massacre.

In order to appease the concubines, Yoshihiro placed Yubihama Yui, who was not a threat, in the position of the clean government.

On the one hand, it is An Zhongji's heart, and on the other hand, it also expresses her approval and support for Takada Yukino's serious anti-corruption.

The establishment of the questioning party is because Akechi Mitsuhide is uneasy about Takada Yono's growing strength.

Akechi Mitsuhide doesn't understand finance, but she obviously believes that what Takada Yono is doing is very risky, so she proposes to set up a questioning party to deter and restrict Takada Yono's behavior.

Takada Yono was also very nervous when the Asking Notes were first established, and Ii Naomasa regarded it as an effective tool to supervise Takada Yono.

It was just because Yoshihiro made too many excessive economic demands on Takada Yono, and had to relax the supervision and restrictions on Takada Yono himself, which finally led to the questioning party becoming a display.

By accident, the two incorruptible government officials and one inquiring party only have the power to archive. Naturally, it seems that the functions are similar, and there is no need to repeat the settings.

Naoyoshi Hansawa's statement is straightforward.

Yiyin looked at this vigorous newcomer and encouraged him.

"Tell me what you think."

Hansawa Naoyoshi said sternly.

"The Kanto Service Office, the Sakai Minato Town Magi, and the Shibachu Foundation, all three are important economic pillars of the Shiba family.

However, the status of the three parties is very vague. The administrative office in Kanto is an agency of the shogunate, the administrative office in Sakai Port is under the jurisdiction of the Shiba Central, and the Shibachu Foundation is the foundation of the entire Shiba welfare system.

There are foreign ministers, direct ministers, and accompanying ministers, and the rights and responsibilities are confused.

The functions of the two incorruptible officials and the one who ask and comment are also blurred, and they can't deter Xiaoxiao and serve as the eyes and ears of the king.

According to the meager opinions of my subordinates, the economic system of the Shiba family needs to be sorted out more effectively in the future, and the incorruptible government and the public as the supervisory party should take the first step. "

Yiyin originally wanted to test the newcomers, but he didn't hear any nonsense about praise, so he did have some insights.

He said.

"Running a family is like Xiaocang, it is true that you can't be careless, your idea is very reasonable.

How about this, I accept that you are the joint commissioner of the Inquiring Party and the Integrity, and have the right to check the relevant archives and personnel of the school.

You can bury your head and sort it out slowly to see if you can come up with a better economic supervision system for me. "

Hansawa Naoyoshi bowed.

"Thank you saint for your grace, but I have a little request."

Yiyin laughed.

"You said."

Naoyoshi Hansawa looked at Yuigahama Yui, who was the first seat under Yoshigin, and said.

"I just promised Master Yubihama that I will temporarily take care of the archives of the Lianzheng while she is convalescing.

Therefore, I would like to sort out the incorruptible members of the QZF and the Shibachu Foundation within a year. As for the incorruptible members of the Kanto side, can we go and have a look after a year? "

There was a glint of appreciation in the eyes of Gamo Shigo next to him, Naoyoshi Hansawa is indeed very smart.She promised Takada Yukino that she would stay with her for a year, so she couldn't go to Kanto for the time being.

But the sage doesn't know about this, the sage will only think that Naoyoshi Hansawa does things from the beginning to the end, and if he promised Yuhihama Yui, he must do it well.

This kind of attitude can get the favor of the sage very much, and it will also make Yuigahama Yui think about this kind of favor, which will be good for Hansawa Naoyoshi's future work.

What Gamo's hometown thinks is what Hansawa Naoyoshi thinks, but both of them don't know that Yoshigin's satisfaction with Hansawa Naoyoshi is higher than what they imagined.

Naoyoshi Hansawa knew that Yuihama Yui was not in good health, so he took the initiative to stay in the Lianzhengzhong Gang for a year, waiting for Yuihama Yui's health to improve, and then went to Kanto to see, which was exactly what Yoshiyin wanted.

For this able-bodied, affectionate, and principled Banzawa Naoyoshi, Yoshiyin is more and more pleasing to the eye.

Yuigahama Yui, a useless guy, needs such a sensible person to help, so that he won't be kneaded by others.

For his own woman, for his own daughter, Yoshihiro remembered this Banzawa Naoyoshi.

If she is really so consistent and reliable in her work, Yiyin will not hesitate to promise her a future, let her take Yuihama Yui's place, and protect her third daughter from the wind and rain.

After a few more words of encouragement to Banzawa Naoyoshi, Yoshiyin stood up.

"Let's be here today."

Everyone stood up and sent Yiyin away respectfully.

Yoshigin glanced at the child in Yuihama Yui's arms, and said calmly.

"If you're not in good health, just stay at home and take care of yourself. Sipo's family can still afford to take care of a few idlers."

As soon as this remark came out, Ishida Mitsunari's knees softened, and he knelt back again, lying on the ground.

Yoshigin walked past Ishida Mitsunari and sighed.

"Sincerity and unity, friendship and colleagues, Ishida Hime, don't let the outstanding juniors compare to you."

Ishida Mitsunari kowtowed to the ground.

"Follow the teachings of the saints!"

Yoshigin nodded to Hansawa Naoyoshi, and gave orders to Gamo's village.

"Go back to Tianshou."



Resting overnight in the castle tower, Yiyin was not used to it.

This time out of Beijing, Tokumatsu and Kamematsu were not accompanied by the two surnames.There are too many small days when clothes come to reach out, and meals come to open mouth. It's really not used to not doing it all at once.

When they were in Sakai Port, Xue Nai pulled Yang Nai and Li Hua to play the game, Yi Yin played and sang almost every night, even Li Lu and Christina didn't have the energy to call, so naturally she didn't feel that she was not used to it.

But when I returned to Duowen Mountain City, the nightlife was gone, and I felt a little boring.

Especially after watching Yuihama Yui and the third daughter, and finding that the women and children are all fine, Yoshihiro let go of his worries and began to miss the Nanman duo far away.

I missed it this time, and I don't know when I will have the grass next time.

Li Huazuo's weekly task time has not yet arrived, and Gamo Clan is busy outside taking over the city defense, without rest all night, Yiyin is also embarrassed to pull her in.

Yoshigin stroked his chin and thought, should he call Yuigahama Yui?After that coward gave birth to a child, his body became more plump and soft, as if he could squeeze out a hand of water with just a pinch.

Or just call her?Anyway, the child is also born, and there is nothing wrong with the two of them continuing their relationship.

However, would this be too ostentatious?
After all, it was a special situation last time, and no one found out that he had an affair with Yuigahama Yui. If he was not careful this time, and someone saw the clues, the identity of the third daughter would be noticed immediately.

In the early morning, Yiyin was lying on the bed, looking at the yurt with the top of the bed, man and god fighting, hesitating to come and go.

At this moment, there was the sound of light footsteps on the porch, and Yiyin asked.

"what's up?"

"Saint Wanan."

Yiyin looked sideways at the person who came, and it turned out to be Mitsuhide Akechi.

"How did you come?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"The minister and Niwa Chohide of the Oda family had a fruitful meeting in Fushimi Castle, and we want to report to the sage for a ruling as soon as possible.

Originally I wanted to go to Sakai Port, but I heard that the saint had returned to Duowen Mountain Castle, so I came here overnight.

Master Pusheng Township was inspecting the city, and his subordinates did not want to disturb him, so he went straight into the saint's inner room on the grounds of an emergency military situation, and begged the saint not to blame. "

Yi Yin looked at Akechi Mitsuhide talking there with a smile, and his elegant smile made Yi Yin's anger in the morning even hotter.

The black-bellied fox moved its lips and tongue, exhaling the fragrance, which made him feel extremely dry.

Yi Yin looked up at the ceiling and said.

"I'm not awake yet, and I don't want to hear it now. If you have something to say, go and talk to him."


Akechi Mitsuhide was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the bulge of the blanket, he immediately understood and couldn't help laughing out loud.I came here overnight, but I didn't expect to have this benefit. It seems that I will come here often in the morning.

She was so short and strong, she burrowed her head into the blanket, Yiyin closed his eyes and let her do what she did, just inhaled and exhaled deeply.

After an unknown amount of time, Yiyin's hand outside the bed suddenly clenched his fist, and the sound of breathing stopped for a moment.

Akechi Mitsuhide got his head out of the quilt and laughed.

"Autumn is getting colder, it's that blind servant, the quilt prepared for you, the saint, is too thin, you really deserve to die.

These servants were really careless in their work, and when they turned around, they were asked to draw the cane ten times as a warning to others. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"I don't feel cold. Don't worry too much. Servants are human too. Don't be harsh all the time. You must be tolerant."

Akechi Mitsuhide covered his mouth and smiled lightly, as if he was swallowing the last bit, and then spoke.

"The saint's heart is kind, but the body can't lie. It's so cold that the taste changes, and you still say it's not cold? You have to ask the dining room to boil some ginger soup to sweat.

I won't interrupt you about the servants. Later, you really caught a cold. I'm going to trouble Gamo's village. Her servant is doing a good job. "

Yiyin couldn't say anything about Mitsuhide Akechi. At this moment, he was in the aftermath of the incident, and his mind was a little blank, so he didn't have the mind to argue with Mitsuhide Akechi.

When he came back to his senses, he straightened his upper body and said to Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Okay, don't criticize others, serve me up."


Akechi Mitsuhide dressed and washed Yiyin with clumsy hands and feet. Although he was not proficient, he cherished this time when the monarch and his subjects were alone.

Seeing that her forehead was sweating, Yi Yin seemed to be more tired of serving herself than racking her brain to think about those plots and tricks, so she couldn't help laughing, it would be great if Akechi Mitsusu was always so obedient.

He said softly.

"Come here overnight, didn't eat anything, and have breakfast with me later, the matsutake porridge is cooked in the dining room, it is very nourishing and delicious."

Akechi Mitsuhide was stunned for a moment and asked.

"The sage is sick? Is he taking medicine? If I had known this, I would have stopped Meng Lang just now. It was really wrong to take away the blood of the sage."

The island country is barren, drinking a bowl of porridge is also a medicine, and I usually don’t want to part with it.

Nobushige Sanada is a headache, but Nishi Ueno's dried matsutake is indeed a good thing. It is rare for Yoshihiro to find this delicious food, and he always asks his attendants to bring some to make porridge.

But this island country is too poor. If a daimyo wants to eat more bowls of white rice, he has to risk being pointed at by his subordinate Ji Wushi behind his back, insinuating that he is extravagant and his family business is unstable.

Yiyin wanted to have a sip of matsutake porridge, so he had to find some excuse.It is indeed a good reason to take it as medicine when the body is weak.

At this moment, Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yiyin worriedly, and Yiyin couldn't explain clearly, so he could only touch his nose and explain.

"I was angry and asked you to help me. What are you worried about? Don't worry, I have my own body. If you help me like this, it will be beneficial and harmless to me.

For this Battle of Shiba Oda, I was too preoccupied and anxious, and my body was a little angry.According to the prescription prescribed by the doctor, eat some porridge and take care of it.

You have been negotiating with the Oda family these days, you think it is exhausting, and you look bad, so let's eat together. "

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded understandingly.

From the preparation to the start of the Battle of Shiba Oda, to the post-war reward, it took more than a year, and many troubles came one after another.

Even the strong warrior Ji couldn't bear such hard work, let alone a weak man?Although Yiyin's talent is extraordinary, it is by no means comparable to ordinary men, but he is tired after all.

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"The sage Mingjian, Zhuge Wuhou is a genius in heaven, so wise that he is close to a monster, and because he has to do things himself, he was so tired that he died in Wuzhangyuan.

You are a body of gold, please think twice, and you must not be exhausted.If you feel a little uncomfortable, what should the Sibo family do?

Those who work hard govern others, many things can be done by the people below, don't bother the saints.If things are not done well, the sages will teach them, otherwise what's the use of raising so many wastes. "

Yiyin smiled in embarrassment, he was just greedy and wanted to eat something good, how could he be so hypocritical, he could do njiro in Sakai Port overnight.

Besides, everyone below me is talented, so if I leave everything to them, I'm afraid I will have even more headaches in the future.

Just like Mitsuhide Akechi in front of me, don't look at her being affectionate and sincere to herself.

When she walks out of this door, what bad things can't be done?If you have bad water in your stomach, you will point out that you will live by harming others, and if you don't harm others for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

Such important ministers can be found everywhere under Yiyin's command, so he doesn't look at it, okay?

In normal times, Yoshihiro would have spoken out to Akechi Mitsuhide directly, beating this restless guy.

But today, Akechi Mitsuhide has just served him for a while, and Yoshihiro is feeling comfortable after unloading his goods, and he doesn't want to appear ruthless, so let's just say haha.

"Stop talking, I'm hungry, go have breakfast with me."


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