Chapter 1590

After breakfast together, Yoshigin and Akechi Mitsuhide took a walk in the garden.Autumn is strong, the branches and leaves are withered and yellow, and they will fall to the feet when the wind blows.

On the cobblestone road, Yiyin listened intently to Mitsuhide Akechi, and accidentally stepped on a fallen leaf.

"Saint, according to His Highness Oda, Kita Omi Takashima County and Echizen Country Tsuruga County belong to the Shiba Family asylum, but Ika County and Suzuka Seki must be taken back by the Oda Family.

In addition, the mountainous areas in the northern part of the Mino country and the northern part of the Fukui Plain in the Echizen country were also returned to the Oda family. "

Yiyin sneered.

"Oda Nobunaga thought so beautifully. I spent 200 million shi in military expenses for this battle, and I had to give more than 200 million shi in money and food after the war. In the end, did I protect the independence of Takashima County?
Asakura Kageki from Tsuruga County was originally my man, when will it be Oda Nobunaga's turn to be generous?
Even if Chang Isano from Takashima County sells iron, can he make up 30 shi of money and food?I spent more than three million shi, and selling her is not worth a tenth or two. "

Akechi Mitsuhide explained.

"Saint, if the Shiba and Oda families want to be harmonious, they must make the Oda family feel a little bit more secure, and His Highness Oda will feel uneasy if he is always being pointed at by the point of a knife.

The Nobi Plain and the Omi Basin are already the core territory of the Oda Clan. If we don't back down, the Oda Clan will be in the dark, and this negotiation will not be able to continue. "

Yiyin remained silent, it's not that he didn't understand what Mitsuhide Akechi meant, but he just felt that he was at a disadvantage.

Nobi Plain is the place where the Oda family started, and it is the forbidden area of ​​Oda Nobunaga.

Now, the Iwamura Castle in the eastern mountainous area is occupied by the Takeda family, the eastern part of the northern mountainous area is occupied by the Maeda Toshiya, and the west is invaded by the strange soldiers that Shima Katsuo invaded from Echizen Country Ono County.

Don't look at Oda Nobunaga occupying the affluent plain, but the mountain is facing the plain, condescending and eyeing. One day, if someone stabs him suddenly, he may lose everything.

The same is true for the Omi Basin.

The rich land of Omi is a large plain on the east bank of Lake Piwa.The mountains of Ika County in North Omi were broken through, and the North Omi Plain was flat, with almost no danger to defend.

The South Omi Plain extends in all directions, and Oda Nobunaga built Azuchi Castle here as his residence, which is more sensitive to security.

Sakamoto Castle defends Yamashiro Country on the front line, and Suzuka Pass guards Iga Country on the front line.

Now that Suzuka is in the hands of Shiba's family, Suzuka Mountain is full of loopholes and cannot be defended. How can Oda Nobunaga live in Azuchi Castle with peace of mind?

The Nobi Plain and the Fufu Plain in the Omi Basin, with a combined area of ​​about 170 million shi, are the core grain-producing mobilization areas of the Oda family.

If the threat from these two places is not lifted, the Oda family will never let go, and there will be no talk of harmony between the two families, or even a joint relationship between the two families.

Yiyin understood this truth, but he just couldn't get angry.Obviously Oda Nobunaga lost the battle, but in the end he had to take the initiative to spit out the results for the smooth progress of the negotiation. Are you cheap?

As for the situation in the Echizen Kingdom, there is no reason to back down.

Oda Nobunaga married the city king to Katsuya Shibata, listed Katsuya Shibata as a sect, and rewarded the seven counties of Echizen with 40 shi, so as to win Katsuya Shibata to resist the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Katsuya Shibata voluntarily gave up the north bank of Kuzuryu River and defended the three release lines on the south bank.Yukimori Yamanaka drove the Kwantung Allied Forces to attack southward desperately, and he took half of the Fukui Plain with heaps of lives.

Why did Oda Nobunaga let Yoshigin spit it out?Just because she has a big cheek and a thick skin?

Yiyin snorted and said.

"Nobi Plains and Omi Basin, we can still talk about the conditions, and the Fukui Plains in Echizen Kingdom, there is no need to talk about it, let Oda Nobunaga stop dreaming."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"Regarding the Fukui Plain, Niwa Chohide conveyed a proposal from His Highness Oda, which sounds pretty good to me."

Yi Yin asked.

"What proposal?"

"His Highness Oda suggested that the Kami-gun territory of the Mino country, which Maeda Toshiie was under, be renamed Ono County of the Echizen country.

Ono, Katsuyama, and the mountain basins in the county are far more fertile than in the county. If Owari Shiba is willing to move, the stone height should be doubled, with [-] to [-] stones. "

Yiyin stopped, looking at a pool of water being blown up by the autumn wind.

It's ridiculous to say that the existence of Owari Shiba Ling is like the relationship between Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga.

The territory that Yoshigin took over from Oda Nobunaga back then has become bigger thanks to the hard work of Maeda Toshiie over the years.

Except for the [-] shi Shiba ancestral land in Owari Kunokikei Village, which was inconvenient to move, Oda Nobunaga had long since thrown Maeda Toshie to the mountainous area of ​​Kami-gun, Mino-kuni Prefecture to chew rocks, and gave him [-] shi barren land.

The Owari Shiba Territory is enfeoffed by the Oda family, but it is the territory of the Shiba family. This complicated ownership relationship allows Oda Nobunaga to have a certain right to decide on the change of the seal.

In this Shiba Oda battle, Maeda Toshiie used [-] stones to disturb the peace of Gifu City and shocked the Nobi Plain three times a day.

This incident obviously made Oda Nobunaga regret it. She wanted to remove the threat from Gushang County by changing the seal.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"Although Kami-gun in Mino Country is barren, it crosses the mountains and connects to Etsu-China, receives supplies from the Hokuriku Road trade route, and goes south to directly threaten Gifu Castle, the core of the Nobi Plain.

Once it is changed to Ono County of the Echizen Kingdom, it is equivalent to being sealed up in the mountains by the Oda family. No matter how difficult it is to do anything, even if the stone height is increased by [-] to [-], it is not worthwhile. "

Yiyin didn't say anything else.

Maeda Toshiie secretly made nitrates in the mountains near Vietnam, and made a lot of money.Once the territory is relocated, the income will be lost by changing the seal, which may not be worth the loss.

Yoshigin doesn't think Maeda Toshiie is willing to leave unless Oda Nobunaga is willing to pay more.

He said.

"Owari Shiba of Gujo County can be resealed, but it is too little for Ono County.

The land on the north bank of Kuzuryu River and even half of the Fukui Plain are in my hands. Why can't I be the new leader of the Owari Shiba Territory? "

Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help shaking his head, these sites add up to about 10,000+ stones, Shibata Katsuya will go crazy.

The total stone height of Echizen Kingdom is about 50 koku of land. Excluding Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County, the people of South Etsuzen Town, Shibata Katsuya was confiscated with 40 koku of land, and he was considered the lord of Echizen Kingdom.

Yiyin cut off a third of Shibata Katsuya's Zhixing land with one knife, including half of the richest Fukui Plain. How could Shibata Katsuya agree?
Moreover, once the Owari Shiba collar expands from 10,000 shiba to [-]+ shiba, it will directly break the internal balance of the Shiba family, and Akechi Mitsuhide is unwilling.

Although Maeda Toshiie and Maeda's interests are somewhat contradictory, they are both of the Maeda family's lineage in Shimowari Karako Castle, and they are aunts and nieces of the same clan.

By crusading against the Miyoshi family and participating in the Battle of Shiba Oda, Maeda Masayoshi has established himself as the general of Jinki.

If the Maeda Toshi family, the territory managed by Owari Shiba's deputy, expands to 10,000+ shi, then the Maeda family will surpass the one party in Nizi Mountain and become the number one faction within the Shiba family.

Although Nizi Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori belonged to the same party, they were in the Kanto region near each other, so it was difficult to collude in case of trouble.

The Owari Shiba collar is not far from the nearby Siba collar. If the two Maeda families secretly join forces, who in the Shiba family can check and balance the pair of uncles and nephews?

Mingzhi Guangxiu was unwilling in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it clearly, he just persuaded him.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Oda didn't ask for it completely, but also sincerely.

Niwa Changhide conveyed her intention that the Oda family will not intervene in the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route for the time being, and will only take the share of the Ichizumune in the future. "

Yi Yin narrowed his eyes.


Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"Your Highness Oda not only wants the Echizen Kingdom, but also the Settsu Kingdom.

What she meant was that as long as the sage was willing to give it, the Oda family would solve the Ichikomune issue themselves, and the Shiba family only needed to remain neutral and not make things difficult for the sage. "

Yoshigin shook his head, Oda Nobunaga was greedy and ruthless.

Economically, the Oda family now controls Lake Biwa, so of course they are entitled to a share of the Hokuriku business route.But Oda Nobunaga didn't ask for it, as long as he killed Ichikomune, he could take his share.

Politically, Yoshihiro can remain neutral, without being scolded by Master Xianru of Ishiyama Honganji for treachery, and the blame rests on the Oda family themselves.

In terms of military affairs, the Echizen Kingdom faced Kaga Isago Ichikui and Etsuchu Ichigoku directly, and the Settsu Kingdom faced Ishiyama Honganji, the headquarters of the Ichizozong, and the Oda Army went to fight, and the Shiba family only had to sit back and watch.

Although Oda Nobunaga opened his mouth a lot, she wanted a lot and did a lot, and she really had the sincerity of cooperation.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"I have to ask Maeda Toshiie's opinion on the matter of Echizen Kingdom."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"It's better for a sage to ask Maeda Toshika to come to Luo for an interview, so as to understand the benefits and disadvantages, and I believe she will take care of the overall situation."

Yi Yin glanced at Ming Zhi Guangxiu, and secretly sneered, knowing whether it is good or bad?Is it to let me give Maeda Toshiie a little sweetness from the descendants of the gods?
The existence of the Owari Shiba collar is unique in the Shiba family.

Whether it is the recent Sibo collar or the Kanto Shiba collar, in the process of establishment, Yiyin has played a leading role.

Only Owari Shiba Ling, when Yoshigin left, was only three thousand koku, and it was Maeda Toshiie who expanded the territory to [-] koku with one hand and one foot.

Owari Shiba collar is not so much the territory of Yoshigin, it is better to say that it is the territory of Maeda Toshiie himself. The Hime Warriors under his command are all direct descendants brought out by Maeda Toshiie, and Yoshigin is not familiar with them.

Therefore, Maeda Toshiie has a great say in the affairs of Owari Shiba, and Akechi Mitsuhide is also worried that Maeda Toshiie will object, which will cause the negotiation to fail.

That being the case, don't write letters, call people to Kyoto to sleep, and make a promise to the descendants of the gods, which is more reliable.

Anti-Justice Yin has been made into a slut, and Maeda Toshiie, a bed partner, and Akechi Mitsuhide, a tauren, have already had a distorted mentality, and this kind of idea can be said casually.

Over the years, everyone has seen Maeda Toshiie's thoughts on Yoshihiro.

Maeda Toshiie took the initiative to turn most of Owari Shiba's land into Shiba Relics, which is to clarify his desire to compete for marriage.

Today, Yiyin has vowed not to marry in front of the Yiyin formation, and has officially embarked on the divine way.The matter of marrying into a family has been falsified, so there is no need for everyone to argue.

Mitsuhide Akechi felt that it was a good deal to exchange the loyalty and love of the Tian Toshi family for many years in exchange for the promise of a descendant of the gods. Grasping the Maeda Toshiie firmly is equivalent to securing Owari Shiba to lead this territory.

Yiyin curled his lips, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

I've been around for so many years, from Shiba Gozen, Godaisho, Dagodaisho, Jindadoden, to the current saint, regardless of the respectful shouting of Warrior Ji, it's far less reliable than physical wooing.

Let your saint come into the world and be admired by the world, it is better to spread your legs apart and be invincible in the world.

Hehe, woman.

Akechi Mitsuhide was ashamed by Yoshigin's eyes, and lowered his head.

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I will summon Maeda Toshie to visit Luo. I haven't seen her for more than a year, and I miss her a little, so I will do what you want."

Yiyin didn't forget to pierce his heart with the knife, causing Zhizhi Guangxiu's expression to twitch slightly.

Akechi Mitsuhide took a deep breath, suppressed the depression of sending his loved one to someone else's bed again, and said in a deep voice.

"Master Chong Chuan of Nanchan Temple respects saints and is willing to praise the merits of saints like Master Changjue and Master Tianhai.

The three masters agreed that it is difficult to show the merits of enlightenment if the Taoism of the family has always been vulgar, violent and misleading the people. "

Yi Yin said.

"I don't care about their sectarian disputes, but there is one point. The Master Kenjo of Honganji Temple is not the same as me. No matter what the future situation is, the Shiba family will not take the initiative to become an enemy of the Ichiko sect.

As a diplomat of the Siba family, you must respect, old friend of the Siba family, understand? "

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded understandingly.

The Oda family wants to have a bloody fight with Ichigomune, but Yiyin doesn't care.The Shingon sect, Tiantai sect, and Linji sect wanted to stab the Yixiang sect in the back, but Yiyin didn't care.

As long as he is a good saint who is benevolent and righteous, others will naturally do bad things.

In this battle of Shiba Oda, Ichikozong devoted a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and provided strong support to the Shiba family.

Yoshiyin turned around and flirted with Oda Nobunaga. The pair of dogs and girls kicked Honganji Xianru away just as they were dating, and the eating was too ugly.

But Yixiang Zong was unlucky because he used Yiyiyikui to grab the territory too fiercely and offended the entire samurai group.

As the patron saint of the Wu family, Yiyin's refusal to deal with Yixiangzong is already a manifestation of love and righteousness, and it seems that the master has nothing to say.

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed.

"Then the result of the initial discussion with the Oda family, does the sage think it is feasible?"

Yiyin thought for a while, then shook his head.

"It's too bad."

Oda Nobunaga wanted too much, even if she was willing to shoulder the responsibility of dealing with Ichikomune alone, Yoshigin still hesitated.

If the two fat pieces of Echizen Kingdom and Settsu Kingdom fell into the hands of the Oda family, they would be two big border countries of 50 million koku, which is no small matter.

In contrast, Suzuka Pass and Gujo County's narrow mountainous passes are not so sensitive.

The anti-justice silver never thought of attacking the core territory of the Oda family. Taking the initiative to set off Oda Nobunaga's rebellion would not do him any good. Occupying these vital points that threaten the Oda family is not beautiful.

Oda Nobunaga has already captured Owari, Mino, Omi, and Ise Shikoku. If the Echizen Kingdom and Settsu Kingdom are annexed, how far can the strength of the Oda family expand?
Although it is Yoshigin's next strategy to join hands with the Shiba and Oda families, if the Oda family's power is too strong, it may not be conducive to the combination of the two.

Akechi Mitsuhide had already prepared for Yoshiyin's worries, she said in a low voice.

"Saint, His Highness Oda is willing to acknowledge the miracle of Yuwu Lake, and is willing to praise you in the name of a saint."

Yiyin's eyes widened, he looked at Akechi Mitsuhide, and asked.


Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"If you agree to the terms of the Oda family, His Highness Oda will personally go to Fushimi Castle to meet and worship the saint."

Yiyin's breathing became rough.

That Oda Nobunaga, is she really willing to kneel in front of her and call out a saint in public?
Thinking of that winter eight years ago, I dressed up quietly, went to Ai Oda Nobunaga's grass, and kneeled and licked respectfully in front of her.

Thinking of the proud Oda Nobunaga, she bowed her head and knelt in front of her with a holy man in her ears, Yoshigin's anger vented by Akechi Mitsuhide just now began to move again.

(End of this chapter)

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