Chapter 1592

When Takeda Yoshinobu woke up from his sleep, it was already the afterglow of dusk outside.

She accidentally found that her father, who was always busy, was still at the head of her bed, got up happily, hugged Yiyin's waist, and did not forget to shout.

"My lord, my lord."

Takeda Yoshinobu, who was overjoyed, didn't notice at all that the tatami next to his bed was already damp, as if it had been soaked by some water.

When she was happy and her stomach started to growl again, she said to Kosaka Masanobu.

"Changshin, I'm hungry."

Kosaka Masanobu's face remained lingering, her complexion was ruddy, her eyes were like silk, she nodded and said.

"I'm going to make dinner now."

Yiyin called to stop her and said.

"Take three servings and let's eat together."

Kosaka Masanobu hesitated.

"The sage dines with His Highness, I am not qualified to accompany him."

Yiyin shook his head.

"There are no outsiders here, so why talk about so many rules. I let you eat together, and you eat together. You also consumed a lot just now and need to replenish your energy."

Kosaka Masanobu was both ashamed and happy, nodded slightly, and went out to arrange dinner.

Takeda Yoshinobu asked moe.

"Father, today, you're not busy, you didn't leave, stay with me?"

Yiyin glanced at the wet piece of tatami, and his waist was still a little sore. It may have been too long, and dusk was approaching before he knew it.

He said against his will.

"I miss my little baby, so when you wake up, I will spend more time with you."

Takeda Yoshinobu smiled innocently, and buried his head in Yoshiyin's arms.

"Like, like father, my lord."

Yiyin was a little ashamed holding the child, he was clearly interested in the sex, but he didn't have time to leave.

"Me too, I like Yoshinobu too."

Looking at the child's innocent eyes, Yiyin suddenly asked.

"Yishin, do you like your sister?"

Takeda Yoshinobu tilted his head, apparently not understanding what Yoshigin meant, and Yoshigin explained again.

"I mean, if you have many sisters in the future, will you treat them well?"

Takeda Yoshinobu clapped his hands and smiled.

"Sister, okay, let's play together."

Yoshigin's face softened just now, and Masanobu Kosaka's faint sigh came from behind him.

"Saint, it's too cruel for you to ask your Highness like this."

Yiyin's face froze, and he turned around to see Masanobu Kosaka with a resentful expression on his face.

Kosaka Masanobu had just finished giving orders to the dining room, and when he came back here, he happened to hear Yoshinori's words.Kosaka Masanobu, who had long regarded Takeda Yoshinobu as his own flesh and blood, couldn't help but interjected.

Yiyin couldn't say anything to reprimand this beautiful warrior Ji who was in perfect harmony with him just now, so he could only smile wryly.

"Now, few people dare to accuse me as straightforwardly as you do."

Kosaka Masanobu kowtowed to the ground and said.

"The foreign minister is guilty, but it concerns the future of His Royal Highness, so I have to be honest and honest."

Takeda Yoshinobu didn't understand what the two were talking about, but just enjoyed Yoshigin's touch.

Yiyin asked helplessly while touching his daughter's small head.

"What do you mean, can I still harm my daughter?"

Kosaka Masanobu said.

"His Highness Uesugi is a female owl, and those powerful warriors inside and outside the Shiba family who covet the saint's beauty are not easy to get along with.

It is her blessing that His Royal Highness can have fun under the seat of a saint.But leaving His Highness Takeda since she was a child, isn't it a kind of loss to her?
The sage should know better than me what the blood relationship between the Wu family is.

The sage asked the little highness to love her younger sisters whom she had never met, but would those younger sisters also love her?Is their mother willing to educate their sisters and sisters to treat my little Highness well?
Saint, if you let His Highness love her future sisters unilaterally, wouldn't you harm her? "

Yoshiyin couldn't help clenching his fists as he listened, and he said angrily at Masanobu Kosaka.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Takeda Yoshinobu seemed to be taken aback, and cried while hugging Yoshigin.

"Don't scold, Changshin. Father, don't scold, Changshin."

The future that Kosaka Masanobu showed for Yoshihiro seemed to draw out the deepest fear hidden in his heart.

Yes, those Ji warriors are willing to love him, but they have no love for each other, and they will not teach their daughters to love, the daughters of their rivals.

Yoshinobu burst into a rage in fear, Takeda Yoshinobu hugged him and cried.Yoshigin took a deep breath and said softly to Takeda Yoshinobu.

"Yi Xin is not afraid, father and Chang Xin are joking, it's okay, it's okay."

Takeda Yoshinobu glanced at Yoshigin, then at Kosaka Masanobu who was lying on the ground, shaking his head in disbelief.

Yi Yin sighed.

"You still don't get up, do you want me to help you up yourself?"

Kosaka Masanobu straightened up, his face turned pale, and said softly.

"Foreign ministers are presumptuous, and their words are not condescending, and they are willing to apologize."

Yiyin looked at this beautiful woman who looked like flowers and jade. She went to Wushan with him just now, how could he be willing to destroy flowers now.

Everything Kosaka Masanobu said was true, and she really thought about Takeda Yoshinobu.

Even if that bastard Mitsuhide Akechi was behind the scenes and even killed Yoshiki Ashikaga, Yoshigin didn't really do anything to Mitsuhide Akechi, let alone Masanobu Kosaka.

In the final analysis, he still has the three views of the modern society of male superiority in his bones. Compared with the ruthlessness of Ji Wushi, his heart is too soft, and he cannot be as heartless as the emperor.

Yi Yin sighed.

"I know you're telling the truth, but you have to worry about my father's feelings after all.

Which father likes to see his sons and daughters turn against each other, like to see the family business in turmoil?
Don't always talk about one foreign minister, you are Yoshinobu's direct minister, for the sake of her future, you have given up your future in the Takeda family, and a generation of generals will nest in this small courtyard to raise their children.

I see your sacrifice in my eyes and remember it in my heart.I have never regarded you as an outsider, do you have to ask me to give you a Sibo system to be regarded as one of my own? "

Kosaka Masanobu bowed with red eyes.

"The sage is kind, but I also have to strictly abide by my duty and not overstep."

Yi Yin snorted.

"Even if there is no such thing as Yixin, you are still my woman. You can say what you want to say. If you make a mistake, I will protect you. Who dares to do anything to you?"

Yiyin's sincere words made Gao Banchang's confidence warm, and she said emotionally.

"The luckiest thing in my life is to be favored by a saint."

Yiyin snorted.

"Nonsense, how could I have favored you, it was obviously Takeda Shingen and you who forced me to cook raw rice."

Yoshigin's sudden teasing made Kosaka Masanobu's face blush, she glanced at Takeda Yoshinobu who couldn't understand, and said angrily.

"Saint, Your Highness is still here."

Yi Yin smiled and said.

"What? I can't tell you what you have done? Okay, let's not talk about it, the dignified General Takeda is really shy."

Yoshinobu was so gentle that he wiped away the tears that just came out of the scare for Takeda Yoshinobu, and said in a deep voice.

"I will not let my children be hostile to each other, absolutely not. The indifference between the Wu family, the cruelty of the Wu family's blood, what does it have to do with me?
I am Bishamon Tentenshi, and my children are all noble descendants of the gods. The relationship between us is different from that of the Samurai family.

We are different!
Believe me, Changshin, the children's future will not be what you imagined, please believe me. "

Kosaka Masanobu smiled.

"The sage descended from the sky, and his might is unrivaled. I naturally believe you. I, Meng Lang, made nonsense and caused trouble for the sage. I'm very sorry."

Facing the wet puddle next to the bed, Yiyin nuzzled and said.

"Next time you dare to speak nonsense, I will use this posture to punish you."

Kosaka Masanobu lowered his head and pursed his lips, shy and afraid to speak.


After dinner, Yoshinobu and Kosaka Masanobu sat side by side on the porch, watching Takeda Yoshinobu playing wildly in the room accompanied by servants.

Yiyin asked casually.

"I'm not in Kyoto these days, is everything going well?"

Kosaka Masanobu hesitated for a moment and said.

"Other things are fine, except that once His Highness had a fever, the nun from Nanchan Temple took the initiative to deliver medicine and prayed for His Highness for a day."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows.

"Nanchan Temple? Is it Master Chongchuan?"

Kosaka Masanobu nodded.

"Hi, it's Master Chongchuan. She also asked me to greet you on her behalf."

Yiyin smiled and said nothing.

Children are especially prone to fever, especially in the days when the seasons change and the weather changes. It is not a rare thing.It's just that Nanzenji Chongchuan came so strangely that even Masanobu Kosaka could see something was wrong.

When will it be the turn of outsiders to inquire about Shibo's mansion?Takeda Yoshinobu had a fever, even if he invited someone to see a doctor, the hospital took the initiative to go to the hospital.

There were a lot of educated people in the monastery, and indeed there were quite a few nuns who were proficient in medicine, but it was absolutely impossible for them to know what happened in Sipo's mansion.

Unless, someone tipped them off.

As the highest abbot of Linji sect, Chongchuan of Nanzenji specially brought someone to see Takeda Yoshinobu and prayed for blessings for a day.

Both public and private, Yiyin should express his gratitude and give her a chance to meet.In this matter, Akechi Mitsuhide should be behind the scenes and sent news to Nanchanji.

Yi Yin sighed.

This Mitsuhide Akechi always says that nothing has anything to do with her, but why is her shadow everywhere?So did Nanzenji Soden, and so did Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Thinking of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Yoshigin asked.

"Have you heard about the general's departure from Beijing?"

Kosaka Masanobu nodded.

"I heard that the news has spread all over the capital, and it's hard not to know."

Yi Yin frowned.

"Are people in Kyoto unstable?"

Kosaka Masanobu laughed.

"You should ask the Shinobi of the Shiba family who are in charge of intelligence in Kyoto about this matter."

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Let's chat casually."

The Kyoto ninjas are the Fujibayashi Mukuchi faction of the secrecy team, and Yoshigin has already handed over the command to Akechi Mitsuhide, so what else is there to ask?

It was nothing more than Akechi Mitsuhide's standard answer, and Yoshiyin just wanted to hear other people's ideas.

Kosaka Masanobu smiled.

"The hearts of the people in Kyoto are stable, and the Ji warriors inside and outside the shogunate, and the townspeople don't care about this matter.

The battle of Shiba Oda had just ended, and the shogunate samurai led their troops back to their own command, and they were all concerned about the busy autumn harvest.

The general of Ertiao City, who cares about her?Without the general, the dance continued to dance, and the horse ran as usual, but there was no food, and the whole family would starve to death.

As for people's hearts, everyone knows that you are the backbone of the shogunate. As long as you are still looking after the capital, there is nothing to worry about. "

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

"General Ashikaga sits in the shogunate and ruled the world for 200 years. I don't want to be reduced to this point."

Kosaka Masanobu shook his head.

"This is the general's own fault.

When the ancestors were alive, although the samurai masters from all over the country had long been independent, they still respected the generals who should respect the generals during the festivals, and respected General Ashikaga as the master of the samurai.

Ever since Miyoshi went to Luo and killed his ancestors, the orthodoxy of the Ashikaga family has become blurred.

The current general is you who helped her succeed in Shangluo, granted her the imperial sword and royal seal, and escorted her as the bereaved son Shuang.

But how did she treat you?
In order to deprive you of your status as the Great Imperial Palace and kick you out of Hanoi Genji's descendants, she even let gossip and poured dirty water on you, an ancestor widow who treated her so well.

Although the Wu family in the world is silent, it does not mean that everyone is blind. What happened in Kyoto will sooner or later spread throughout the world.

The general is so mean and ungrateful that even his own brother-in-law can't bear it, who would respect her?

What's more, she is not the orthodox heir of the Ashikaga Shogun's family, but she returned from the Kofuku Temple and called herself Ashikaga Miao descendants.

Even though her pedigree is undisputed, there are still many things that can be criticized for her family status. The samurai daimyo wants to deny her as the Ashikaga general, and there are good reasons. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"That's all in the past, so don't mention it. In short, I have a clear conscience towards my ancestors and General Ashikaga's family. If the general wants to leave, let her go."

When Masanobu Kosaka saw Yoshigin's lonely face, he also remained silent, not knowing how to comfort him.

After a while, Yiyin laughed.

"Why are you suddenly talking about these bad things? It's really a bad mood.

Forget it, it's time for me to go back, many government affairs are still waiting for me to deal with. "

Yoshigin got up to leave, Masanobu Kosaka stood up and said in a low voice.

"Saint, there is actually one more thing..."

Yoshigin waved to Takeda Yoshinobu who was in the distance, motioning for her to come over.

"You say, I listen."

Kosaka Masanobu said with a look of embarrassment.

"His Royal Highness Takeda sent a letter a few days ago, saying that he wanted to dedicate the territory around Yancun Castle to you, as a god, and to enshrine the saint."

Yoshigin's face froze, he hugged Takeda Yoshinobu who rushed forward, and looked back at Kosaka Masanobu.

Is this an offering to the gods?This is throwing the pot on your own back!

Mino country faces Iwamura Castle, an important mountainous town in Shinano country. The Toyama family of the local wealthy family was rebelled by Takeda Shingen and became a thorn in Oda Nobunaga's heart.

If this thorn is not pulled out, there will be a gap in the east of the thick tail plain.

Obviously, Takeda Shingen also knew how much of a threat Iwamura Castle was to the Oda family, but this matter is hard to talk about.

The Takeda family could not return Iwamura Castle, the Toyama family joined the Takeda family, and the Takeda family sold Iwamura Castle, what should the Toyama family do?
The Takeda family can withdraw, and it is impossible for these local wealthy families who have taken refuge in the Takeda family to leave their homes and go to the Koshin Mountains to eat rocks.

With Oda Nobunaga's temper, the first thing to do when taking back Iwamura Castle is to kill the whole family of those traitors.

If Takeda Shingen casually abandons Iwamura Jotoyama's family, his reputation will be rotten. Who would dare to agree to her rebellion casually in the future? Isn't he afraid of being sold by the Takeda family?

But if they stick to Iwamura Castle, the Takeda family will not be sure.

The logistical supply of Nakasendo has always been a problem, and it is impossible for the Takeda family to put too many troops in Iwamura Castle.The importance of Iwamura Castle to the Nobi Plains will allow Oda Nobunaga to continue to invest in troops.

The two sides ebbed and flowed, and Yancun Castle could not be kept in the end. The face of the Takeda family would have to be lost sooner or later.

Therefore, Takeda Shingen simply enshrined Iwamura Castle as a god and gave it to Yoshihiro, which is tantamount to throwing the pot on Yoshihiro's back.

The Shiba and Oda families are negotiating. The Iwamura Castle issue was originally a problem between the Oda and Takeda families. Yoshihiro was not prepared to intervene, but when Takeda Shingen lost the pot, Yoshihiro really had to follow up.

Yoshigin must remain strong in all things related to Shinto, not to mention that Takeda Shingen sent troops to Iwamura Castle, which indeed helped Yoshigin a lot in the Battle of Shiba Oda.

He couldn't push away the matter of Iwamura Castle, and he had to protect it, and he couldn't let Oda Nobunaga do whatever he wanted.

Yoshigin sighed, pinched Takeda Yoshinobu's little face, and said.

"Your mother, what a vixen, she's full of calculations."

Takeda Yoshinobu pouted and retorted.

"Mother, good."

Yoshigin looked at Kosaka Masanobu and sighed.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It doesn't matter to you. Write to Takeda Shingen. For my daughter's sake, I will take the blame."

(End of this chapter)

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