different warring states of japan

Chapter 1593 Cunning Mother, Stupid Father

Chapter 1593 Cunning Mother, Stupid Father

Walking out of Takeda Yoshinobu's yard, Yoshinobu couldn't help sighing, the guns today are too expensive.

After looking at the child, he was with Kosaka Masanobu for a while, and then he was severely tricked by the Takeda family.

Forget it, just leave the matter of Iwamura Castle to Akechi Mitsuhide, anyway, it's a package negotiation, and it's not too much.As for Akechi and Mitsuhide, Yi Yin didn't bother to talk to her.

Just because Nanzenji Chong passed it on to Takeda Yoshinobu to see a doctor, Yoshinori could cure Akemi Mitsuhide's crime of tipping the news, and it would be good if he didn't pursue it. Does she still dare to bargain?
As soon as Yoshiyin walked out of the courtyard, he saw Gamo Ujigo and Ii Naomasa standing there together.

"Why are you here?"

Gamo's hometown bowed.

"Sage, there is an urgent message from Kanto to the Tongxin Secretariat, please read it."

Yi Yin nodded.

"Let's go, go back and see, what's it about?"

Pusheng Shixiang followed behind Yiyin and said softly.

"It's about the autumn review process of the Kanto Chamberlain Review, the general narrative.

His Highness Takeda served as the united front, and the decision to join the Grand Review was passed smoothly.

After joining, she immediately put forward a new proposal, requesting the Great Review to investigate the crimes of indifference and infidelity of the people in the East for the matter of righteousness and Shangluo.

Members of the Eastern People's United Front during the grand review all left the meeting to express their protest.

However, this resolution was still supported by more than [-]% of the United Front, and the six members of the Standing Council also supported it.

The land of Guanbazhou has become a little chaotic, and the united front members belonging to the Dongfang people all expressed dissatisfaction and threatened to withdraw from the big review.

They asked the Kwantung General to come forward to arbitrate, regarding the Kwantung Servant's big review violating the Kwantung No War Imperial Order, but the Furukawa leader ignored it. "

Yiyin sneered as he walked.

"Of course, Yoshishi Ashikaga would not pay attention to these grasshoppers after autumn. The Takeda family was able to successfully enter the Grand Judgment because of the acquiescence of the Uesugi family and the Hojo family. Otherwise, how could they have entered?
Takeda Shingen's decision to enter the Grand Judgment was to be the first bird, and to cross the procedural threshold for the Kanto vassals to annex the Eastern people.

Takeda, Uesugi, and Hojo have reached an agreement, and the dragon, lion, and tiger join forces. How can the Eastern crowd survive?
The Kanto system has been taken over by the Kanto servants, and Yoshishi Ashikaga has been reduced to a puppet. As long as she has some brains, she will not get involved in this matter.

The people in the east are talking about the imperial order that there is no war in the Kanto?Hehe, I invited the imperial order from Ashikaga Yoshishi.

It is my prestige that guarantees the peace of Guanbazhou, but those idiots in the East ignore my suggestion, ignore the righteousness of the samurai, and want to count on the imperial order of Kanto without war as a talisman?

It's really stupid, and there is a way to die. "

Yiyin satirized the Eastern people mercilessly, because he knew in his heart that the crusade against the Eastern people was a certainty, and no obstacles could be tolerated.

This time the Kwantung Allied Forces marched west to Zhitian, except for the money and grain rewards, they did not take any land, which did not conform to the martial arts rules of Fenggong rewards.

The Kwantung Allied Forces were willing to retreat obediently because Shiba's cronies, Shima Katsumo and Yamanaka Yukimori, drew a big cake for them.

Takeda Shingen came forward to propose, and the Standing Council fully supported it. This is all appearance.As early as when the Kwantung Allied Forces were willing to return to the Kwantung, the people of the East were already on the chopping block.

People are swords, I am fish, and the people in the East only think of struggling now, it is too late.

In the final analysis, it was the information problems of the Eastern People that caused such a catastrophe.

In the eyes of the people in the East, the collision between the two behemoths of Shiba and Oda will inevitably result in a loss for both sides. Even if the Shiba family wins, it will not be so easy to relax.

However, the people in the east don't know about Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga's troubled affairs. It is true that the two men and women started a war, and the peace talks were also true.

This time, the neutral faction who watched the show on the outside frightened the pee.

The two Shiba and Oda families are at war, and the neutral faction is not human.Shiba and Oda joined hands, and the neutral faction is not even human.

To be neutral is to sit on the fence, to be damned.

Just after the Battle of Oda in Shiba, Nobunaga Oda had already set his sights on Araki Murashige of Settsu Kingdom, a neutral faction, and wanted to use her to replenish blood.

As for the Shiba family, Yoshigin acquiesced in allowing the Kwantung Allied Forces to attack the neutral Orientals, which was also fulfilling the promise of post-war rewards.

In fact, the power of the Eastern Crowd is not small, almost occupying less than half of the Guan Bazhou.

However, the people in the East do not trust the Great Review of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce enough, and there are not many powerful warriors who have actively obtained the status of the United Front.

At this time, the Great Review voted openly and put on the table the decision to crusade against the Eastern Crowd.

However, the number of people in the United Front of the Eastern Crowd was insufficient, so they were voted with an [-]% approval rate, and it became a wave of public opinion, which was difficult to stop.

If you fail to vote, you can only be represented. The dragon, lion and tiger join forces to force public opinion. How can the people of the East do it?

The Hojo clan government wanted the Boso Peninsula, Uesugi Kenshin wanted to expand to Shimoso Shimono, and Takeda Shingen wanted to integrate into the Kanto Office.

The rest of the big and small warlords followed the big bosses to share a piece of the pie and expand their territory, while the Shiba family fulfilled their promise of reward and won the firm support of the Guan Yashu samurai family.

Everyone can benefit from it, only the people in the east are unlucky and become spoils of war.

Yiyin thought about it, and couldn't help laughing out loud, he was really unhappy about the retribution, who made these people in the east ignore him and refused to send troops to the West to conquer Oda.

In order to maintain his majesty, even if the Guandong Chamberlain is unwilling to do anything, Yiyin will have to deal with these rebellious boys sooner or later.

Whether it's the people from the east, or Date Masamune who is doing trouble in the Ou area, if they dare not respect the saints, they will sooner or later have to eat the iron fist of Shinto.

Behind Yiyin, Pu Sheng's Township hesitated and reminded.

"Saint, there is one more thing mentioned in the document, which makes me a little concerned."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"The Takeda family will send troops to participate in the crusade against the Eastern Crowd, but the chief military officer in the forecast is written by Takeda Yoshinobu, and the second place is His Royal Highness Takeda."

Yiyin stopped, looked towards Gamo's Township, and repeated.

"Takeda Yoshinobu?"

Gamo Shixiang nodded solemnly and said.

"Yes, so I suspect that the Takeda family sent troops this time because they wanted His Highness to be the general."

Yiyin scolded.

"Nonsense! Yixin is only four years old, how could she go to war?
No. .wrong. .I understand that Takeda Shingen wants to personally serve as Yoshinobu's replacement, and earn military rewards for Yoshinobu.

This guy is really cunning! "

Yoshigin immediately understood Gamo's worry, that Takeda Shingen was playing tricks again.

Takeda Shingen has already become a monk at this time, and the only heir is Takeda Yoshinobu, the theoretical adopted daughter, but actually his own daughter.

Originally, the Takeda family would not be able to make much money from this crusade against the Eastern People, because the territory of the Takeda family is in the Three Kingdoms of Kai Shinano and Suruga, which is not bordered by the Eastern People in the eastern part of Guan Yashu.

Sending troops to fight is actually helping the Hojo family and the Uesugi family to fight the world, so the Hojo clan and Uesugi Kenshin are willing to let Takeda Shingen in to disrupt the situation, and be the first bird to attack the East.

But they still miscalculated. Takeda Shingen wanted to enter the Kanto Chamber of Commerce with his head held high, and he also wanted to gain benefits in the war against the Eastern people.

The territories of the Wutian family and the Dongfang people do not border each other. Even if they lay down some land, they will probably not be able to hold it, and it will be slowly eroded by the surrounding warriors.

But if the Takeda family changed their minds, maybe the land that had been laid down could be kept, and that would be under the name of Takeda Yoshinobu.

The Hojo family's goal is the Boso Peninsula, and the Uesugi family's goal is Shisoso's descent to the wild. However, the Hitachi country at the easternmost end of Kan Yashu is a piece of fat that no one borders for the time being.

The Satake family, a powerful vassal of the Hitachi Kingdom, is the hereditary guardian of Hitachi and is the main member of the Eastern People.

Takeda and Satake's two families are both famous Genji families and originated from one ancestor.The Satake family lost its morality, and the Takeda family took over as Hitachi's guardian, which was justified.

Takeda Shingen let Takeda Yoshinobu serve as the nominal general, and he commanded the battle as his daughter's generation, and the land he laid down was Takeda Yoshinobu's military merit reward.

Everyone knows the identity of Takeda Yoshinobu, he is Yoshinobu's son!
No matter how brutal and greedy the Guan Bazhou samurai family is, who dares to touch Yiyin's daughter's territory casually?

Really made Takeda Shingen anxious, she can announce her conversion to Buddha at any time, retire from the world, and hand over the position of family governor to Takeda Yoshinobu.

In the land of Guanbazhou, no one dared to make Yiyin unhappy. Although the samurai there were reckless, they were more traditional, and they believed that Yiyin, who showed miracles in Tsurugaoka Hachiman Palace, was the patron saint of the samurai family.

With this relationship protecting Takeda Yoshinobu, even if the newly established territory is far away from the Kai Kingdom, there is a high probability that the Takeda family will be able to securely eat a large piece of meat.

Takeda Shingen was really good at calculating. He threw Iwamura Castle to Yoshinaga and asked him to fight with Oda Nobunaga. Then he set foot in Guan Yashu and wanted to get back from the Eastern People.

Takeda Shingen really took advantage of all the cheap things in the world.The more Yiyin thought about it, the more angry he became, his mind was full of haste.

It's just that Kosaka Masanobu is not enough to vent his anger. The next time I see Takeda Shingen, I must make her pay the price, and I won't kill her!
Gamo's hometown asked.

"Saint, what should we do about this?"

Yi Yin said angrily.

"What can we do? Do you want Takeda Yoshinobu and Takeda Shingen to sever their mother-daughter relationship?"

Gamo's hometown pondered.

"This is also a way."

Yi Yin glared at her.


Takeda Shingen dared to play like this because he saw through Yoshiyin's soft heart.

Severing the relationship between mother and daughter can indeed stop the Takeda family from using Takeda Yoshinobu to engage in petty tricks, but can Yoshinobu do it?

If he was such a tough and ruthless man, many things would be easy to handle, why would he be manipulated everywhere?

Ji warriors all knew that he was soft-hearted and couldn't deal with his own women and children, so they dared to step on his bottom line one by one.

Yiyin gritted his teeth bitterly, and said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's go with her."

Gamo's Township still wanted to speak, but Yiyin left with his head buried, not wanting to continue this topic.

Takeda Yoshinobu was handed over by Yiyin to the Tongxinzhong Group for protection. Both Gamo and Ii Naomasa regarded the child as the successor of the Tongxinzhong Group, so they disliked Takeda Shingen's behavior very much.

If Takeda Yoshinobu's identity is not pure enough, and he has no ties to the local powerful clan, then the Tongxinzhong Group's acceptance of her will be very embarrassing.

Gamo Clan really hopes that Takeda Yoshinobu and Takeda Shingen will sever their mother-daughter relationship, and then they can cultivate Takeda Yoshinobu as the heir of the Tongxinzhong Group with peace of mind.

It's a pity that, as a father, Yi Yin was unwilling to make such a decision, and Gamo Clan Township could only let it go with a sigh.


Iga Country, outside Ueno Castle.

The autumn harvest is halfway through, and the countryside is busy. I am afraid that I will miss the solar terms and let a year's hard work go to waste.

At this busy time, the two leaders of the Iga Maeda family were silently waiting outside the city.

The sun went west for another moment, and Maeda Masayoshi couldn't help but yawned, and Maeda Toshihisa gave him a hard look.

"You stand up for me!"

Maeda benefit sighed.

"Mother, we've been waiting for nearly an hour, why hasn't Maeda Toshiya arrived yet?"

Maeda Toshihisa glared at his daughter and cursed.

"She is your fourth aunt, how can you call her by her first name?"

Maeda Yoshiki curled his lips, drooped his head, and pretended not to hear.

Maeda Riku had no choice but to take this increasingly stubborn daughter, and said earnestly.

"The sage summoned the Toshi family to go to Luo this time, but the Toshi family did not take the shortcut that could not break through the pass, but deliberately detoured through the Suzuka Pass and passed through the Iga country.

You said, why is this? "

Maeda's interests don't matter.

"I'm too lazy to care what she thinks, mother, the post-war affairs are chaotic, I'm so busy recently, you just come to welcome Maeda Toshiie by yourself, why call me?"

Maeda Riku couldn't help cursing.

"Are you busy? I'm not busy?
You know the things that revolve around the military camp, the summer harvest and autumn harvest of the territory, winter plowing and spring plowing, water conservancy and road construction, which one have you been in charge of?

If you think that I am old and useless, that I am troublesome and troublesome, then I can leave, and you can clean up this mess yourself! "

Seeing that his mother was really angry, Maeda Yili was also frightened, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Mother, that's not what I meant. How dare I despise you. You are the backbone of the Iga Maeda family. It's too late for me to respect and love you."

Maeda Riku snorted, she really had no choice but to sigh with this daughter.

"I know why you don't like the Tori family, it's just because she competed with you for the qualification to join the Shiba family.

But now, the sage swears an oath in front of the battle and steps into the divine way. From then on, the mortal marriage and love have nothing to do with the sage. What hurdles are there between you and the Li family?
You can't write two Maedas in one stroke, we are a family after all.

In this battle of Shiba Zhida, you fought hard in Yuwu Lake, and the Li family also fought hard in the county, and they all made great contributions to the saint.

The sage called Li's family to Luo, and he must have talked about the reward after the war.

We are all of the same clan, and we all serve saints in Sibo's house, both benefit from cooperation, and lose from confrontation, why can't we get closer?

As a recent general, you are indeed high and powerful, but you have offended countless people.

You have a bad temper, and you don't care about the internal affairs of the territory. How can I rest assured about the future of the Iga-Maeda family?
Now that Lijia takes the initiative to detour and cross the border, it must be to communicate with you and help each other.

She has a calm temperament, wisdom and courage, if she is willing to form an offensive and defensive alliance with you, even if I die now, I can close my eyes in peace.

Don't play your temper again, just wait for me, she should be here soon.If you continue to mess around, I will really let go and leave, this Iga Maeda family, you can take care of it yourself! "

Facing his mother's threats, Maeda Yili smacked his lips in displeasure, but he didn't dare to refute any more. If he really annoyed his mother, it would not end well.

While the two were talking, there was already a gust of dust on the official road in the distance, and a group of Ji warriors on horseback came galloping.

(End of this chapter)

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