different warring states of japan

Chapter 1594 Two Maeda Team Up

Chapter 1594

Iga Ueno Castle, where His Excellency the castle guard lives.

When the lights came on, the three princesses of Maeda were seated separately. This was a family feast for Maeda Toshi's family.

Maeda Toshiie glanced at the smiling elder sister Maeda Toshihisa, then at the indifferent elder sister and adoptive daughter Maeda Yili, and said with a calm smile.

"I didn't expect there to be a large city of this size in the Iga Basin. Congratulations for the prosperity of the Iga Maeda family."

Maeda Toshiie took up the wine glass and drank it down, Maeda Toshihisa picked up the wine glass to greet him, and did not forget to sneak a glance at his daughter, Maeda Toshiya could only reluctantly finish the glass of wine.

Maeda Riku laughed.

"Li's family came from a long way, and the journey was hard.

Rest in the residence hall today, you are all from your own family, don't see outsiders, I have prepared everything for you, don't refuse. "

Maeda Toshiie nodded.

"Of course my family won't see outsiders, it's all up to my sister's arrangement.

When I came out this time, I made a detour to Huangzi City to have a look. Eight years later, it was still the same as when we left, as if it was the next day. "

Maeda Riku said concerned.

"Is mother still in good health? Did the Shiba Oda battle affect mother?"

The Maeda family in Huangzi City is also the old samurai family of Shimowari.Since the two daughters of Maeda Toshihisa and Maeda Toshika divided the family property and went their separate ways, Maeda Toshishang, the family governor, can only be forced to provide for the elderly.

Not to mention that the Maeda Iehime samurai regiment and the contacts of relatives and friends in Huangzi City were divided into two by the two daughters, and each took them to Iga Country and Mino Country for development.

Even if the strength of the Maeda family in Huangzi City is still there, it is impossible for Oda Nobunaga to allow another Maeda family under his command to have a close relationship with the Shiba family.

The decline of the Maeda family in Huangzi City is a matter of reason.But this matter is indeed that Maeda Toshihisa and the two daughters of Maeda Toshika cheated on their mother together. Maeda Toshihisa still feels a little guilty.

In the Battle of Shiba Oda, the Ryomaeda family made great contributions.

Maeda Yili served as the general of the past few, and he fought against the Oda army on the frontal battlefield of Yuwu Lake.Maeda Toshiie led troops south from Gujo-gun, threatening the Oda family's most important Gifu city in Mino country.

The Oda family suffered a great loss because of this, and Maeda Toshihisa was really worried about whether his mother, Maeda Toshishang, would be angered by Oda Nobunaga.

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"Elder Sister, don't worry, although my mother is not used by the Oda family, no one dares to bully her.

The Shiba Oda battle is still unclear, who will suppress the old governor of Maeda in Huangzi City at this juncture?
When the war subsided, the Shiba family was even better, and no one dared to disrespect his mother. Instead, some people came to please her and often came to seek friendship.

When I went back this time, my mother was not angry but happy, and she took the initiative to tell me about you, she missed you very much, let me bring you a message, and go home often when she has time.

My mother didn't care about what happened back then, but now that she is old, she only cares that everything will go well for us.

The Oda family is unwilling to use the Maeda family in Huangzicheng. Many juniors have no future when they grow up. My mother also hopes that I can support the younger generation. "

Maeda Riku laughed.

"It's good that my mother is in good health, and I will definitely go back to see her when I have time.

The clansmen in Huangzi City are all our own children, so of course we have to support them, and you and I will discuss and discuss it later, and we are familiar with it, and we will divide the mother's family property again. "

Maeda Toshihisa and Maeda Toshiie's two sisters were talking and laughing, but Maeda Toshiya was immersed in drinking and eating, and did not participate.

Maeda Toshiie looked at Maeda Toshiie and said.

"Maeda's family is prosperous, and my mother is actually very happy in her heart. Those unpleasant things back then have long been forgotten.

It's just that the old people back then didn't expect that the most promising warrior Ji of our Maeda family would be a benefit.

Knowing and doing 1 stones, he can be called a great name, and he ranks near the top generals, with a high position and weight. "

Most of the important officials of the Shiba family have Shigao from the Shiba Institute, but this is not the place of knowledge.

Speaking of which, the one with the greatest knowledge and practice is Maeda Yili, who knows and acts [-] shi.Maeda Toshiie Zhixing only has five thousand stones, which is not up to the standard of Wanshi daimyo.

Seeing that Maeda Toshiie's words turned to him after all, Maeda Toshiie said with a smile on his face.

"Don't dare to be, I can't afford to be the first Zhang Sibo to be praised by the acting officer."

Maeda Toshihisa frowned, and was about to reprimand his daughter, but was stopped by Maeda Toshiya.

Maeda Toshiie said softly.

"It's been eight years, and it's another late autumn.

I remember that it was also late autumn, you were wearing a bright red bathrobe, hiding in a tree and throwing persimmons at beautiful men passing by, and finally stained the saint's clothes. "

Hearing this, Maeda Toshihisa stared at his daughter, making Maeda Yiyi feel guilty, and interrupted.

"Old things, why bring them up?"

Maeda Toshiie showed a gentle smile.

"At that time, the benefits still liked me very much, and they always stayed in my hut and refused to go home. Even the saints came to me, and you led them through the door."

Maeda Yoshiki's face darkened.

"Maeda Toshiie-sama, what's the point of you mentioning those past events now?"

Maeda Toshie sighed.

"I know, you have two major hatreds for me.

First, His Royal Highness Oda used military merits as an excuse to establish me as the heir of the Maeda family in Huangzi City, depriving the eldest sister of her status. "

Maeda Toshihisa shook his head.

"I don't blame you for this. I did something wrong myself. I followed Oda Nobuyuki to fight against His Royal Highness Oda."

Maeda benefit sneered.

"How can you blame your mother for this?

It's obviously Maeda Toshishang's two ends, betting on both ends, and sent you to Oda Nobuyuki's side! "

Maeda Toshihisa scolded.

"Shut up! How can you call grandma by her first name!"

Maeda Yoshiki gritted his teeth and remained silent.

In fact, she was born as a concubine of the Takigawa family, the adopted daughter of Maeda Toshihisa, not the blood of the Maeda family in Huangzicheng.

Although the Wu family valued the family's name and neglected the blood, it was also rewarding.

Maeda Yoshihisa was born in the Shu branch of Takigawa, and his parents passed away early, so he couldn't do any good to the Maeda family in Huangzicheng, so why would Maeda Toshishang care about her?
When Maeda Toshihisa was deprived of the inheritance rights of the Maeda family in Huangzicheng by Oda Nobunaga, Maeda Toshishang only dared to be obedient, and Maeda benefit became even more angry, and became more and more alienated from the Maeda family in Huangzicheng.

Even Maeda Toshiie, the fourth aunt who was once admired by Maeda Toshiie, also became a villain who took away his mother's inheritance rights.

Maeda Toshiie shook his head, stopped the elder sister who wanted to scold Maeda Masari again, and continued.

"Li Yi, you and I are named aunt and nephew, but we are actually about the same age, we grew up together, and we love each other like sisters.

Judging from the results, I finally left under the command of the Oda family and the Maeda family in Huangzi City, and did not take away the eldest sister's position as the heir. You shouldn't hate me. "

Maeda profit snorted coldly, but did not speak.Maeda Toshiie sighed and continued.

"So, the reason you really alienate me is another hatred, for the saint."

Maeda Masayoshi glanced at his mother Maeda Toshihisa who was full of anger, and answered with a straight face.

"Whatever you say."

Maeda Toshie sighed.

"Men and women love, it's human nature, so many good sisters draw their swords to each other for a man, how can it be an exception when it comes to you and me.

I also admit that I did have the idea of ​​suppressing you before, and that was to compete for the eligibility to join Spoel.

But now, the sage has set foot on the way of God, and the dispute over marriage has disappeared. What hurdles are there between you and me?

The two major hatreds no longer exist, so why do you still look at me, aren't you afraid of hurting elder sister's heart?

You should be very clear that the eldest sister is much more traditional than the two of us, and she is the one who really hopes that the Maeda family business will continue and prosper.

You and I are fighting for the saint, how many things have you done to break her heart in the past eight years?You and I are not responsible Ji warriors.You and I are both bad. "

Maeda benefited from the words, so he interrupted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I know that what you said is reasonable, I can't say no to you, anyway, my daughter is unfilial.

There are only three of us here, you don't need to drag yourself into the water just to belittle me. "

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"I won't mention the past. But in the future, there must be a plan.

Now that the marriage dispute no longer exists, why can't the two Maeda families unite and safeguard the common interests of our family?
The Nishiko faction of Yamanaka Niko's party, the Sakai Port faction of Yono Takada and Yukino Takada, they can unite, why can't we? "

Maeda Toshiya's words made Maeda Toshihisa excited and heartbroken, and nodded repeatedly.

But Maeda Toshiie crossed his arms in front of his chest, subconsciously still resisting the olive branch offered by Maeda Toshiie.

Maeda Toshiie was actually mentally prepared for Maeda's cold reaction.

Don't look at Maeda Yoshikashi as a military leader in recent years in Siba, but she may be the most educated person among the important ministers of the Shiba family. She knows waka, ape art, poetry, tea making, and chess.

The arrogance of this cultured person is engraved in Maeda Yoshiki's bones. She also restrained herself in front of Shiba Yoshiyin and never looked down on others.

With her personality, if it wasn't for the accidental prosperity in Shibo's house, it would be more likely that she would be unrestrained, abandon all restraints sooner or later, and run to become a wonder seeker.

Maeda Toshihisa is a traditional samurai. The theory of Maeda Toshiya's family business can convince Maeda Toshihisa, but the effect on Maeda's interest is very poor.

However, Maeda Toshiie also didn't want to force Maeda Yili to bow his head through Maeda Toshihisa's mother-daughter relationship. A twisted melon is not sweet, let alone a twisted alliance?
Maeda Toshiie hopes that the two Maedas will join forces, which is a solid alliance without hidden dangers, rather than Maeda's unwillingness to be forced to nod and resentment.

Therefore, in order to make Maeda Yili agree willingly, Maeda Toshiie prepared a trump card, which is enough to make Maeda Yili's heart beat.

Maeda Toshiie said.

"When a saint steps on the way of God, the glory of the descendant of God will surely spread across the earth.

You and I are all close relatives who have followed the saint all the way. The saint understands our admiration for him, so naturally he will not treat you and me lightly, and rain will inevitably fall.

If you and I are lucky enough to give birth to a descendant of God, I think your daughter can be called Maeda Yoshitoshi, and my daughter can be called Maeda Yoshika.

Interest, what do you think? "

Maeda Mashiki shrank his pupils and asked seriously.

"Is this true?"

Maeda Toshiie stretched out his right hand and said solemnly.

"You and I can swear by high-fiving, and the eldest sister will be a witness for us. If my Maeda Toshiie repents and breaks his promise, he will die with thousands of arrows."

Maeda Riku quickly explained.

"It's enough to meet with high-fives, don't mention any poisonous oaths, we are all a family, why bother to make such a fuss."

Maeda Yoshie resolutely high-fived Maeda Toshiie and said.

"I believe in you. From then on, the two Maeda families share weal and woe and advance and retreat together."

Maeda Toshiie repeated in a deep voice.

"We share weal and woe, advance and retreat together."

When Maeda Toshiie mentioned the names of the future of the two heirs, he actually admitted that Maeda Toshihisa was the descendant of the Maeda family, and he was willing to become a descendant of the Maeda family.

Shiba Yoshiyin and Maeda benefit, and Maeda Toshiie has a child, so he must imitate Takeda Yoshinobu's precedent and bestow the Shiba family's common characters.

The status of a saint is high, and the meaning of the Siba family must be first, but the latter word has a profound meaning.

The common character of the Maeda family is Li, Maeda Toshisho, Maeda Toshihisa, Maeda Toshiie, and Maeda benefit, all of which are descended from the same strain.

Maeda Toshiie said that his child will be called Maeda Yoshie from now on, and Maeda Yoshie's child will be called Maeda Yoshitoshi.

The implied meaning of this sentence is that the Maeda Toshi family took the initiative to strip off the Maeda family's Tongzili, willingly relegating themselves to the status of a commoner, and in disguise recognized the status of the Maeda benefit as a descendant.

Back then, Oda Nobunaga asked Maeda Toshiie to replace Maeda Toshihisa as the heir of the Maeda family in Huangzi City. This was a thorn in Maeda's heart.

Because Maeda Yili is an adopted daughter, Maeda Toshihisa has been procrastinating not to get married for her sake, and is criticized at home, which makes Maeda Yili feel deeply guilty towards his mother.

So when Maeda Toshihisa was deprived of his inheritance rights, there was no voice of opposition from the Maeda family in Huangzi City. In the final analysis, there were also reasons why Maeda Toshihisa refused to marry and have a daughter.

Now that the Maeda Toshiie has backed down, who in the Maeda family in Huangzi City has the right to compete with Maeda's interests?
Maeda Yili was naturally happy. After many years of hatred, he finally regained his mother's status as a direct descendant of his own line, making those former snobs have to bow their heads.

Today's Maeda interests are not the concubine Takigawa who had nothing at the time. With the tradition of the samurai family valuing family names over bloodlines, the Maeda family in Huangzi City will definitely not reject the general of the Shiba family.

Maeda benefit cooperates with Maeda Toshiie, mother Maeda Toshihisa's status as a descendant can be regained, and it can also help mother realize the wish of prospering the Maeda family, why not Maeda benefit?

Most importantly, things are really different today.

Because Yoshihiro Shiba embarked on the Shinto way, the marriage dispute has been falsified, and there is really no need for the aunt and nephew to continue to alienate and let outsiders take advantage.

After the high-five, Maeda Toshie's complexion was obviously better. She raised her glass with a smile and said to Maeda Toshiie.

"Fourth aunt, let's not get drunk tonight."

Maeda Toshiie nodded with a smile and picked up the wine glass.

Maeda Toshihisa glared at his daughter, feeling a little disgusted at Maeda's arrogant and condescending appearance.

You were still coldly calling Maeda Toshiie-sama, but now you are calling your fourth aunt affectionately. Sure enough, you changed your face after giving benefits. Do you claim to be a cultural person?

Bah, shameless.
(End of this chapter)

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