different warring states of japan

Chapter 1597 Jill can't handle it

Chapter 1597 Jill can't handle it

Maeda Toshiie's circle of friends in Owari is deeply entrenched, and even Oda Nobunaga feels helpless.

Now that she has received financial support from Yoshihiro, she has more bargaining chips, so she will naturally use them to buy off the Oda vassal group of the Echizen Kingdom, and maintain and deepen her personal connections.

Maeda Toshiie thought about it and said.

"Saint, Shibata Katsuya was entrusted by His Royal Highness Oda to the seven counties of Echizen Kingdom, with a stone height of 40, sitting in one side.

Based on my understanding of His Highness Oda, her rewards have always been a hot hand. The more Katsuie Shibata gets, the heavier the task will be. Don't expect to live a leisurely life in Echizen Kingdom.

The Oda family and the Ichiko clan are already in conflict, and one must fall between the two.

After the Shiba Oda two negotiated, Shibata Katsuya took back the entire Fukui Plain, and he would inevitably undertake the task of conquering the Kaga country for the Oda family.

The Kaga Buddha Kingdom is the biggest achievement of Ishiyama Honganji Temple since the launch of Yixiang Yikui, and Yixiangzong will definitely not let it go, and will do its best to keep this hard-won Buddhist land.

The two sides must have had a series of fierce battles in Hokuriku. Although Shibata Katsuya has a 40 koku territory as a backing, it is also financially stretched.

I entrusted Ono County of Echizen Kingdom, which is equivalent to taking away a county from Shibata Katsuie.

Even if Shibata Katsuie knew that I was not responsible for the distribution of the enfeoffment, she would inevitably resent me for occupying her territory. After all, it is a land of [-] to [-] shi. "

Yiyin thought about it.

"Do you want to use the materials collected from the Three Kingdoms to make friends with Katsuya Shibata? To relieve her financial pressure caused by the war against the Hokuriku Road Ichikomune?"

Maeda Toshie laughed.

"More than that, I also hope to continue to maintain Owari Shiba's special status as the leader of Oda Shin in Shiba."

Yiyin narrowed his eyes, and said, somewhat confused.

"You talk about it in detail."

Maeda Toshiie said.

"Katsuie Shibata was originally the number one general of the Oda family, and had great influence in the Owari samurai family. This time, he entrusted 40 koku to the seven counties of the Echizen Kingdom, and his power is even greater. He can be called the No. 1 under Oda's command.

Even if His Royal Highness Oda married the Lord of the City and listed Katsuya Shibata as one of Oda's disciples, he would still be afraid.

Therefore, His Royal Highness Oda arranged for Katsuya Shibata two people to help him, namely Sasa Naruma and Buba Mitsuji.

Narumasa Sasao is from the Owari samurai family and was born in the mother-in-law of His Highness Oda, so he won the trust of His Highness Oda.

Among the surrendered Nishi Mino samurai, Fuba Mitsuji is the person most favored by His Highness Nobuo Oda, and his trust in her is also higher than that of the Mino trio.

Katsuya Shibata is an old samurai from the Owari family, Narumasa Sasao is a close confidant of his mother, and Mitsuji Fubuha is a surrender of Nishi Mino. The positions of the three are difficult to agree with. This is His Royal Highness Oda's method.

As for me, I happen to have a pretty good relationship with these three people. "

Yi Yin couldn't help laughing.

Maeda Toshiie is a real social cow, he can make friends wherever he goes, he is kind and kind, and his reputation is well-known.

She is an old subordinate of Katsuya Shibata and has a very good relationship with Katsuya Shibata.

She used to be the writer of Oda Nobunaga's mother Yizhong, and was naturally close to Sasa Narumasa who was born in mother Yizhong.

She is also the friendliest of the Owari samurai family to the Mino samurai. She was even accepted by the local samurai as their own because the territory was entrusted to the Mino country.

Maeda Toshiie, the Hime samurai in Spoppy, just blended in the circle of the Oda Hime samurai group like a fish in water.

Her harmonious relationship with all parties even exceeds the mutual trust between the various factions of the Oda Retainers.

Yiyin laughed.

"What? You still want to be a bridge between them?"

Maeda Toshiie shook his head.

"Bridges can't be talked about, but they can help spread the word and connect people.

They are one master and two assistants, so it is inevitable that they are wary of each other, and there are conflicts of interests.But I am an outsider and have no direct conflict of interest with them.

With your permission, Sage, I hope that as the local lord of the Echizen Kingdom, I can obey the orders of the lord Katsuie Shibata.

Of course, the premise is that the interests of the Shiba family cannot be hindered. "

Yi Yin asked.

"What good does it do?"

Maeda Toshiie replied.

"There are three benefits.

First, the North Army Corps is the strongest force in the Oda family.

Echizen's internal turmoil and foreign invasion caused several tosses, and the local samurai withered. The Ji samurai regiment that now controls the area is the old Owari samurai brought by Shibata Katsuya.

If I can maintain a close relationship with them, His Highness Oda's idea of ​​kicking me out of the circle of the Oda family will not be realized.

Second, although you are willing to retain the right of passage of Jiutoulongchuan and the control of the Three Kingdoms for me.

But the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake. After all, Katsuya Shibata is the samurai daimyo who controls the area specifically. The smooth water transportation and bulk cargo at the port are all indispensable for the assistance and support of Katsuya Shibata.

I cooperate with her, I have the goods, she has the way, everyone makes money together, this is a win-win situation.

Third, there will inevitably be a fierce battle between the Oda family and the Ichiko sect in Hokuriku. As Shiba's retainer, my territory is at the forefront of the confrontation between the two sides, and it is easy for the saint to be in a dilemma.

If you can continue to maintain the special status of the Owari Shiba collar and integrate into the Echizen system of the Oda family, you can extract the Shiba family from this troublesome vortex, so as not to cause embarrassment.

After all, I was entrusted to Ono County by His Highness Oda, and Ono County was one of the seven counties of Shibata Katsuie Echizen Kingdom.

It is not inappropriate to say that I am Yori, who was assigned to Shibata Katsuie by His Highness Oda, and that I am similar in status to Sasa Narumasa and Buha Mitsuji.

It is nothing more than maintaining the special position of the Owari Shiba Territory as the territory of Shiba's vassal Oda. "

Yiyin thought for a while, then nodded.


Maeda Toshie laughed.

"Actually, there is an added benefit.

I heard that this post-war reward in Sibo, whether it was the Allied Forces in recent years or the Allied Forces in the Kwantung Region, they all gave up land rewards and only took money and food rewards.

Owari Shiba was granted [-] koku in the prefecture, and he was granted [-] to [-] koku in Ono County. The territory has more than doubled.

But if the change of title was not a post-war reward, but the redistribution of the Oda family's territory, outsiders would have nothing to say.

As long as my land of knowledge and practice does not increase, but only increases the number of Sibo materials, others will not dare to slander the sage for favoring the Owari Shiba collar and rewarding the land alone. "

Hearing this, Yiyin couldn't help sighing.

"Lijia thought of me so thoroughly, I am really ashamed.

You have made countless contributions in these years, but the land of knowledge and practice is only five thousand stones, it is really hard to match your achievements. "

Maeda Toshiie said emotionally.

"I understand in my heart how the saint treats me. How can those things outside of me be measured? All I ask and wish is to secure the benefits of the Yueqian kingdom for the saint.

After several twists and turns in the Echizen Kingdom, the foundation of the Asakura family has already been eradicated.

Once upon a time, Asakura's family had two powerful armies.

One is Tsuruga, who escaped the destruction of the Asakura family because they followed Asakura Keiji.

The two belonged to the Ono people, but they were not as lucky as the Dunhe people. They suffered a lot in the war. After the leader Chao Cang Jingjing died, all the Ji warriors fled back to Ono County, scattered in various villages.

When I go to Ono County this time, I will try my best to pull this strong army back together, so that the Ono people can become useful eagle dogs under the command of the saint. "

Yiyin laughed.

"You do things, I don't worry, try your best to let go and do it."

Maeda Toshiie bowed deeply, and Yoshigin's smile froze suddenly.

He thought about what Maeda Toshiie said just now, and found that the power of Owari Shiba seemed to have swelled too much this time when Ono County was entrusted.

Maeda Toshiie was able to control the mountain people and ensure that the interests of the mountains were not lost, and with the help of the ports of the Three Kingdoms, he obtained a large amount of cheap materials and greatly increased his economic strength.

She uses her friendly relationship with Shibata Katsuya and others to open the way with money and food, and she will definitely be able to quickly integrate into the Oda Samurai Group of Echizen Kingdom.

Coupled with the support of the powerful Ono people in Ono County, the military strength has been improved to a higher level.

Yoshigin suddenly realized that he seemed to have given too much, and suddenly Maeda Toshiie was pulled up, becoming the only powerful faction in Shiba's family.

Thinking of this, Yoshihiro couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but seeing Maeda Toshiie looking up at him affectionately, he couldn't say anything to make up for it.

In the end, Yiyin could only bite the bullet and say.

"The wind is cold and the dew is heavy. Don't go down the mountain today. Let's spend the night here."

Maeda Toshiie's eyes were both surprised and happy, a little unbelievable.

"Saint, what do you mean, let me live in this house tonight?"

Yiyin pulled her over, hugged her in his arms, and whispered in her ear.

"Then would you like to?"

Maeda Toshiie's eyes were blurred, he hugged Yiyin tightly and never let go, naturally he was very willing.

Yiyin was hugged by her, leaning his head on her shoulder, and showing a helpless wry smile where she couldn't see.

Since he gave too much and was too embarrassed to take it back, he could only use his best body to buy it off, so as to improve Maeda Toshiie's loyalty.

It would be even better if she could conceive a child tonight and tie Maeda Toshiie completely.


After the night passed, Maeda Toshiie left early to avoid being too conspicuous about the overnight stay.

After a night of exhaustion, Yoshigi, who was unwilling to get up, touched the bed and smelled the pillows. The temperature and body fragrance of Maeda Toshiie still lingered here.

He couldn't help but sigh.

Even Maeda Toshiie, who has been obsessed with himself for eight years and is willing to part with a ruthless person like Oda Nobunaga for himself, is no longer pure as before.

Thinking about it, the Ji warriors who once loved themselves deeply now have a warrior group behind them to support them. How can it be possible to expect them to have no desires, no desires, no fights, no grabs?
No desire, no pursuit, only the emotion of pure love exists only in the imagination of human beings.

In reality, people will die if they don't eat.If you don't fight or grab, you will be stepped on by others, and your children and grandchildren will not be able to stand up.

Putting Yiyin in their position, Yiyin will fight and fight, this is human nature.

For thousands of years, no matter how technology develops and progresses, human beings have been repeating the lessons of history, because human nature has never changed.

Maeda Toshiie has done a good job, she at least made it clear to let Yiyin know how much benefit she has taken from her, and she did not try to deceive Yiyin.

See how Takeda Shingen did it again?The whole thing regards Yiyin as a blame man, and the Wutian family takes advantage of it, and Yiyin will take the blame.

Relying on Yiyin's love for Takeda Yoshinobu's daughter, he took this advantage to the extreme.

Thinking of this, Yoshihiro's anger started to rise again after venting all night, wishing he could go to Kosaka Masanobu now and treat her like Takeda Shingen's shadow warrior, to vent out.

Yiyin was thinking about something on his mind, when he saw Li Huazuo silently appearing in front of him, staring at him from a close distance, he was also startled.

"What's wrong? What are you doing?"

Li Huazuo looked at Yiyin expressionlessly and said.

"Saint, last night was once a week."

A few drops of sweat instantly appeared on Yiyin's forehead, and he was palpitated and sweating coldly.

Maeda Toshiie has been dissatisfied for a long time, and this night has been like a wolf like a tiger, and now there is really no drop of Yiyin.

Li Huazuo glanced at Yiyin's pale complexion, and said calmly.

"I'll be back tonight."

After speaking, she turned around and went out.

Yiyin lay slumped on the bed, looked at the beams and sighed, and the desire to vent to Masanobu Kosaka that had been ignited just now was extinguished in an instant.

The fake shadow warrior hasn't gone to look for it yet, but the real shadow warrior has come to the door himself. He is gone, so what to do tonight.

After being decadent for a while, Yiyin shouted.

"Come on."

The two surnames of Desong Guisong entered the door cautiously, bowing to Yiyin.

Yi Yin said.

"I'm hungry, serve me to wash and eat."

"Hi." x2
The two little lolitas got busy as soon as they entered and exited, Yiyin could still feel their hands and feet were cold, it seemed that they had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

A little pity welled up in Yiyin's heart, and he asked softly.

"Have you been waiting outside the door for a long time?
The weather is cold, so put on more clothes, you won't be able to catch a cold and get sick. "

Desong was kneeling in front of Yiyin at this time, straightening the hem of his coat, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Saint for your concern. In fact, my two sisters didn't wait for long. It was Master Gamo who asked us to come here just now. It was really hard work for her to stay up all night on guard."

Yiyin's face froze, and his smile became a little unnatural.

I and my foreign ministers had a lot of troubles, and Gamo's hometown had always been watching the wind outside, so as not to be disturbed rashly.

Last night's stay at Maeda Toshiya was Yoshihiro's temporary idea, and he didn't communicate with Gamo's village in advance.This close minister who loves him so much has been listening outside the corner all night, maybe he feels aggrieved.

Yiyin was a little guilty and asked Xiang Desong.

"Where are the people from Gamo's village?"

Desong laughed.

"After asking us to come over, Master Gamo Clan went to rest. Did the sage want to call her in?"

Yiyin quickly shook his head and said.

"No, let her rest well."

Yi Yin was thinking about how to make up for the hard work of Gamo's hometown, and the most important thing was to appease the resentment she might have.

Or, just call her over to bed tonight?Make her happy?
But Lihuazuo's cold face floated before Yiyin's eyes, and he couldn't help having a kidney ache when he remembered that little Yinmao had to come over tonight to complete the unfinished task of last night.

Sighing, Yiyin was so depressed that he thought that if only he could have more Jills, he would hate less when the mink is in use.

Who said the harem is cool?Do you understand that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry?
Desong looked up at Yiyin and asked.

"The saint sighed several times just now, is it because I didn't do well enough?"

Yi Yin smiled and shook his head.

"It's nothing to do with you, you're doing well, I'm just a little hungry."

Desong laughed.

"Sage, wait a moment, Guisong has already gone to the dining room to pick up your breakfast, and will be right back."

Yiyin looked down at Tokusong's innocent and delicate face, and suddenly remembered that Gamo's village used to smile innocently like her.

He couldn't help thinking about the days when Tokumatsu Kamematsu grew up, no, it was Naomasa Ii who came first, and there was no chaos.

Yiyin shook his head, thinking that he was really an animal, thinking about all kinds of messes all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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