different warring states of japan

Chapter 1598 A new chapter is about to open

Chapter 1598 A new chapter is about to open
Only Yiyin knows how hard it is to use Jill as a ruling tool.

Fortunately, there is a 16-year-old plug-in aura to help out, otherwise such abusive ruling tools will inevitably die young and leave a mess.

Yiyin's power is expanding, and the Ji warrior regiments on various hilltops under his command are also gradually growing, and it has become a trend that cannot be lost.

Yiyin can't take care of it, and he doesn't want to take care of it. At the top of every mountain, his women sit in the manor, and the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. He is reluctant to cut them off.

The only thing he can do is to stabilize his theocracy, and use theocracy to reduce dimensions and attack governance, so as to ensure that his supreme position will not be shaken.

Starting from this point, Yi Yin's subconscious began to long for the fourth daughter, the fifth daughter, and more daughters to appear.

Now when he sees Niu, he just wants to fuck.

It is best for every mountain leader Ji Wushi to give birth to a daughter for himself, so as to completely stabilize the current political situation.

Some people have daughters and some don't, which only creates a political imbalance that benefits ambitious people like Shingen Takeda.

If everyone has a gun, it will not be chaotic. .No, everyone has a daughter, so the situation will not be chaotic.

Moreover, only when enough descendants of the gods are born, can the new theocracy spread to all directions and occupy the ruling power of the entire island country.

Just as Emperor Saga 800 years ago chose to send the emperor's heirs to various places, Minamoto Heira's descendants have spread all over the island since then.

Up to now, the entire samurai class has claimed to be descendants of Genpei and courtiers, ruling this island country.

Yoshihiro wants the Shiba Goddess to become the eternal master of this island country. The best way is to work hard. There are more people and more power.


In early winter, the second round of negotiations between Shiba and Oda finally reached an agreement, and the border issue that had been delayed for four to five months was resolved, and the two families officially entered a new stage of joint progress.

Shiba Yoshigin met almost all of Oda Nobunaga's requirements. Most of the Oda territory occupied by the Shiba family during the war was returned, and Suzuka Seki was also returned to the Oda family.

The Shiba family only reserved the right of asylum for Kita Omi Takashima County, Echizen Tsuruga County, and Mino Country Iwamura Castle.

In addition, Owari Shiba Territory's territory in Kami-gun, Mino County was changed again, and moved to Ono County, Echizen Country. The stone height increased to [-] koku, and the port of Mikuni Minato was also incorporated into Owari Shiba Territory.

The Oda family also guaranteed that Owari Shiba retains the right of passage for the Kuzuryu River waterway from Mikuni to Ono County, and will not be disturbed.

Of course, the [-] stones of the Shibaowari River Village, the ancestral home of the Shiba Clan, remains unchanged, and the name of Owari Shiba, which was led by Owari Shiba, is still used.

This change of seal belongs to the internal territory transfer of the Oda family, and is not included in the post-war rewards of the Shiba family.The concept of Owari Shibaling as the outer domain of the Oda family continues to be used.

Maeda Toshiie suggested that Owari Shiba lead this soft thorn to continue to stick in Oda's house, and this strategy was approved by Yoshihiro.

Oda Nobunaga also hopes to reserve a political window with a demonstrative effect for the future confluence of Genpei.

With the acquiescence of the lords of both sides, the uniqueness of the Owari Shiba Territory as the Oda territory of Shiba's vassals was thus preserved.

As for Shibata Katsuie, the lord of the seven Echizen counties, although he regretted that he did not have the jurisdiction over Tsuruga County, the eighth county of Echizen Kingdom, he was already overjoyed to retain the right to guide Ono County.

Maeda Toshiie, as an old subordinate of Shibata Katsuie, offered her a big gift.

Mikuni Minato actually obtained the share of the Hokuriku Road trade route from the Shiba family, becoming another logistics center after the three major ports, a bulk cargo center, and can be called the fourth largest port.

Maeda Toshiie personally went to Shibata Katsuie's Shinjo Castle, not only willing to accept the leadership of the Echizen Lord, but also willing to share the economic interests of the Mikuni Minato with the Oda Hime warrior group of the Echizen Kingdom.

Maeda Toshiya was originally an old samurai family in Owari, and this time he came to join the management of Echizen Kingdom with a big gift package, and naturally received a warm welcome.

Whether it's Shibata Katsuie's faction, or Sasa Naruma, no one wants to have trouble with God of Fortune, let alone Maeda Toshiie, a well-known good old man.

Everyone laughed and accepted Maeda Toshiie's big gift package, and together they ignored Oda Nobunaga's warning to beware of Maeda Toshiie.

Since then, the Echizen Kingdom has formed a new situation in which Shibata Katsuie is the leader, Maeda Toshiie, Sasa becomes the government, Mitsuji Fubuha is the assistant, and there is one master and three assistants.

And Maeda Toshiie also successfully mixed into the Oda family's samurai group in Echizen Kingdom, and became a government with Sasa, Busha Mitsuji and called the Fuchu three people.

Oda Nobunaga silently paid attention to this, and could only express his helplessness.

Under the good political situation where the Shiba and Oda families joined forces, Oda Nobunaga could not use drastic means to repel Maeda Toshiie.

She could only tolerate Maeda Toshika's chicken thief's approach, and let Owari Shiba's soft thorn continue to stick in the core of the Oda family, and she couldn't pull it out.

To the surprise of all the samurai families in the world, the Shiba family gave almost all concessions in this negotiation, except that the Oda family promised not to intervene in the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the Siba family gave up most of the land obtained in the war.

Just when everyone was wondering why Shiba Yoshigin, as the winner, made such a concession, news came from the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga will personally go to Fushimi Castle, the gateway to Kyoto, to sign and pledge, acknowledging the results of the negotiations between Shiba and Oda.

In addition, Oda Nobunaga will meet in Fushimi Castle and worship the reincarnation of Bishamonten, the patron saint of the samurai who walks in the world, the saint Shibo Yoshigin.

The Oda family is willing to become the sharp sword in the hands of Bishamonten and fight for the peace of the samurai world.

As soon as the news came out, all the samurai daimyo who were concerned about this matter came to their senses. The Shiba and Oda families had already reached an agreement, and they wanted to join forces to bring peace to the world.

Although the Shiba family withdrew from the occupied Oda family territory, Shiba Yoshigin was recognized by the theocratic authority of Oda Nobunaga, the rebellious name.

So far, Shiba Yoshigin, who has already had a great influence in Kanto in recent days, has the support of 300 million koku super daimyo Oda Nobunaga.

With the unanimous praise and praise of the major Buddhist sects such as Tiantai Sect, Shingon Sect, Linji Sect, and Yixiang Sect, Shiba Yoshigin has already stood on the altar and become an undisputed god in the world.

From this moment on, Shiba Yoshigin has transcended the constraints of the samurai family's superiority system, and has achieved a higher level of divinity than Hanoi Genji's descendant family.

The embryonic form of Siba's theocracy has emerged, and Shiba and Oda's gesture of sweeping the world together has made the knowledgeable local samurai daimyo start to tremble.

At the same time, Ashikaga Yoshiaki had to continue to bite the bullet and head west after another encounter at Hatano's house in Tanba country.

Finally, she received welcome and preferential treatment from the Mori family, and was placed in Tomo, Bingo country.

Tomo used to be the starting point for one generation of shogun Ashikaga Takaji to return to Kyoto. The tenth generation of shogun Ashikaga Yoshisai went into exile, and it was here that he was supported by the Ouchi family, the overlord of the Western Kingdom, and was able to return to Kyoto.

It is self-evident that the Mori family placed Ashikaga Yoshiaki in Tomo. The Mori family, the overlord of the Western Kingdom, wanted to fight with the Shiba Oda family.

As soon as Ashikaga Yoshiaki re-opened the government, her Tomo shogunate received offerings from the Shimadzu family from Kyushu, the main family from Tsushima Island, etc., and the west samurai daimyo.

It can be seen from this that it is not only the Mori family who are wary of the Shiba Oda two joining forces, but also the daimyos in the entire Western Kyushu.

It was at this time that the Shiba and Oda families reconciled, and the Western Kyushu daimyo used the banner of Ashikaga Yoshiaki to resist the general trend of winter.

Oda Nobunaga went to Luo from Azuchi Castle, and met Shiba Yoshigin at Fushimi Castle.

A new chapter has already begun.

(End of this chapter)

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