different warring states of japan

Chapter 1615 Don't Forget Loyalty and Glory

Chapter 1615 Don't Forget Loyalty and Glory
On this day, something big happened in Kyoto.

The sage, who always showed his benevolent face, suddenly became furious, sent troops to surround the castle town, captured all the people of Kamemaru house, and sent them to the bank of the Kamo River to behead them for public display.

The red-eyed Ashikaga went back to the concubines, begged the sage for permission, and killed people by himself.

Not only the family of the boss Kamemaru suffered, but also the servants and odd jobs of the commercial house, and even the dog guarding the house at the door, were all dragged to Kamogawa by angry Ashikaga Huizhong and killed.

Blood was sprinkled all over the river beach, and the corpse was exposed for three days to serve as an example to everyone else, scaring the townspeople into silence, and Kyoto was once again shrouded in violence by the samurai.

Those businessmen who had been sheltered by Shiba's family for several years and lived a peaceful life suddenly remembered that it was still a chaotic world where people killed people without blinking an eye.

So, it was easy for the Shiba family to ask for IOUs from various soil warehouses.

The merchants became very cooperative, and took the initiative to sort out all the IOUs of the Ashikaga crowd and hand them over to Shiba Tongxin who came to trade.

Although the culprit, Boss Kamemaru, has already killed the whole family, but since the incident has become a big one, it is not so easy to calm down.

The merchants refused to accept the money, and Naomasa Ii, who led the team, insisted on stuffing the money over. This is the grace of the saints to the Ashikaga congregation, and there is no need for merchants to pretend to be good people.

The businessmen who took the money were like holding a hot potato. They were so frightened that they went to their backstage bosses for advice.

The whole capital was jumping up and down, and everyone was frightened by Shiba Yoshigin's sudden iron fist.

A dilapidated courtyard in Ashikaga Huishu Town.

There were more than a dozen Ji warriors sitting cross-legged in the room. The room was in disrepair for a long time, and there was some air leakage. Even though the hole was blocked with wooden boards, the cold wind kept rushing in from the gap.

But at this time, the Ji warriors in the room were all excited, they didn't feel the slightest chill at all, and they were discussing enthusiastically.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor, which attracted everyone's attention. A warrior Ji opened the door and walked in with a happy expression on his face.

"My dear concubine, the sage asked Shiba Military Station to send salt, cloth, and materials for repairing the house.

On the other side of the Shiba mansion, a brazier was lit at the gate, and our IOUs were thrown in and burned as soon as they were collected from the castle town.

Burn as much as you get back. I heard that this is the meaning of the sage, so that all people in Kyoto can see clearly that our account has been settled.

Ningagawa's own lord, she took all the vassals who stayed in Beijing to go to the saint's seat to plead guilty, and the stewards of the earthen warehouses of each family knelt on the ground in the courtyard. "

Hearing the good news, all Ji warriors couldn't sit still any longer, and they all shouted the saint onboard.

They killed someone in Kamogawa just now, and their blood is still hot. At this moment, their chests are full of gratitude to Yoshihiro Shiba.

Dacao stood up heavily and shouted.

"Zhu Ji! I don't think we need to continue discussing! Starting today, the Ashikaga Hui will follow the example of a saint!"

A warrior Ji stood up and retorted.

"Ridiculous! Big Grass Girl, don't forget our identities.

We are the Mahuizhong formed by General Yoshimitsu. Before each of us entered the Ashikaga Huizhong, we swore an oath with the glory of the family!
The Ashikaga family will always be loyal to the Ashikaga family, and to the descendants of the Hanoi Genji, until death!

Da Cao Ji, have you forgotten your oath! "

Dacao Gaozhong stared at Warrior Ji coldly. Today's review was a spontaneous discussion among the prestigious core Warrior Ji among the Ashikaga congregation.

After being abandoned by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, a poor public party, where will the Ashikaga congregation go.

After being greatly favored by Shibo Yoshiin, Dacao Gaozhong spoke to persuade everyone to follow Shibo Yoshiin's example and serve the saint. Zhu Ji was quite moved.

Based on the martial arts principle of honoring the public and rewarding the public, Dacao's statement is not wrong, and it has been recognized by Daji warriors.

Sibo Yiyin bestowed the title of Shibo Martyr, five hundred Sibo weaving benefits, and six stones of brown rice annuity, enough to feed Ji Wushi's family and save them from hunger and cold.

It stands to reason that these Ji warriors eat the meals of the Shiba family, so they should naturally work for the Shiba family, but there are still some noises in the deliberations.

Because the Ashikaga Huis are not ordinary Ji warriors, they are different.

At that time, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu formed the Ashikaga Huizhong, who carefully selected outstanding concubine daughters from the branches of various famous families, and gave these elite Ji warriors a way out.

The earliest samurai tradition was to distribute territories to all descendants.But as a result of doing so, a powerful Ji warrior family quickly declined after just two or three generations.

The blood relationship of several generations is very close, and warrior Ji can still be united.But as long as there are more than three generations and the family relationship is alienated, it will be difficult to form a joint force.

Therefore, before and after the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the traditions of the samurai gradually changed, and began to move from a loose blood relationship of a general to a closer family.

In the Kamakura period, the house governor would divide the family business into several shares and hand them over to his descendants.And in the Muromachi generation, the family governor will leave most of the family business to the eldest daughter, and the rest of the concubines need to find their own way out.

The time for Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to form Ashikaga Huizhong was in this period of change in the samurai family supervision system, giving the wandering concubines a way to go.

By recruiting talented concubine offspring from various famous families, she helped these capable but unwilling elite Ji warriors seize the family business, making these people the die-hard loyalists of the Ashikaga family.

As a result, the Ashikaga family became the real master of the world, and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu also relied on the support of the Ashikaga Hui to become the only Ashikaga general with power over the world.

To this day, the main body of the Ashikaga family is still a famous family. Most of the Miao characters of Hime Samurai come from Matsuda, Isshiki, Daocao and other high-level samurai who have served the Ashikaga family for generations.

Therefore, the sense of honor of the Ashikaga congregation is stronger than that of the general samurai families who have long since collapsed.

They are descendants of a famous family, and they joined the Ashikaga Huizhong, a group of Hime warriors with a glorious past. Even if they live in a difficult life, they still look down on the rural Hime warriors who don't understand the dignity and inferiority.

Warrior Ji, who is accusing the high grass, is an old-fashioned conservative warrior.

She is very grateful for Shiba Yoshigin's gift, but as a diehard Ashikaga family, the Ashikaga family can only be loyal to General Ashikaga, and she cannot agree with the high-handed suggestion.

Dacao Gaozhong said coldly.

"Yu Chuan Ji, we have wasted too much time, I don't want to continue arguing with you, let us vote, those who are willing to serve as saints, please stand up."

Yu Chuan stared, and found that all Ji warriors stood up without hesitation, and he was already isolated.

Ashikaga Huizhong and these people have been heartbroken by Ashikaga Yoshiaki in the past two years.

This winter, there was a rare heavy snowfall in Kyoto. Many people’s houses were crushed by the heavy snow, and their husbands and children were hungry and shivering in the cold wind.

This bastard Ashikaga Yoshiaki hasn't been paid for two years, and now he runs with ease, completely ignoring the difficult situation of Ashikaga Huizhong and these people.

No matter how much glory and kindness there was, the cold heart of Ashikaga Huizhong could not feel it at all.

Dacao Gaozhong almost knelt in front of the humble old woman, Boss Kamemaru, the feeling of being humiliated by the merchant was unforgettable and unforgettable for life.

Shibo Yiyin gave her food, gave her dignity, and gave her back all the glory she lost, so she was naturally willing to be Shibo Yiyin's dog.

Moreover, there are good reasons for the high grass, which can persuade everyone to change course.

Seeing that he had become a loner, Tang Chuan scolded angrily.

"Bageya Road! Don't forget the kindness of the generals of the past, and don't forget that you are the glorious Ashikaga Hui!"

Big Grass said loudly.

"Of course we haven't forgotten! We are the glorious Ashikaga Huis, the eagle dogs of General Ashikaga's family, and the lackeys of Genji's sect!
The sage is the widow of the former General Yoshiki, a noble Genji elder, and the Shiba family is the Ashikaga bloodline!
General Nishikari, the Ashikaga Hui and I obeyed the orders of the bereaved son Sho and the elder Genji, what's wrong!
Instead, you, Yukawa Hime, think about the husband and children at home, they are still hungry!
The sage just sent us Lumi, and there are still salt, cloth, and building materials bestowed by the sage outside the door!
You tell me what we should do! "

Tang Chuan was speechless, she gritted her teeth and said harshly.

"Anyway, I won't agree!

You guys don't want to coerce everyone, represent everyone!I will go to each family to explain to everyone and win their support for me! "

The words were not speculative, Tang Chuan let out a muffled snort, turned around and walked out.Dacao Gao's heavy eyes showed killing intent, and he resolutely pulled out his knife.

Tang Chuan's footsteps stopped, and she looked at the half-cut blood blade on her chest in disbelief, as if she wanted to say something, but her lungs were pierced, and blood flowed from her open mouth, making her unable to speak.

She struggled to draw the knife, but her arms were firmly held by Ji Wushi who stepped forward from left to right.

Yu Chuan's eyes widened, and she fell slowly to the ground, unable to believe until her death that the colleagues of the Ashikaga group would attack her from behind regardless of honor.

Shaking the knife to remove the blood stains, Dacao Gaozhong put the knife back into the sheath with a heavy complexion. She lowered her body and closed the eyes of Tang Chuan, who was dying with the palm of her hand.

"Go with peace of mind, your husband and children, we will take good care of them.

They will no longer starve for your stubbornness, nor suffer for your stupidity. "

Dacao stood up tall, looked around, and said.

"Zhu Ji, please follow me to gather my colleagues and go to Siba's mansion together to present the Kodachi to the saint!"


(End of this chapter)

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