Chapter 1616
In the main hall of Shiba Mansion, Ninagawa knelt carefully in front of the Giginza.

"Saint, the minister is convicted."

Yiyin looked down at her and asked.

"Boss Ninagawa, you are quite old, and the weather is freezing up quickly, don't let your body get cold.

If you want to say that this crime is still on me.I beheaded Kamemaru's family without telling you, I was impulsive, I'm sorry.

Listen to her, she is your earth warehouse steward? "

Ningagawa who originally wanted to straighten up, but when he heard the second part of Yoshiyin's words, his complexion turned pale and he was sweating profusely. He quickly knelt down and kowtowed hard.

"The minister is guilty!"

Yiyin looked coldly at Ningagawa's mother and those ministers kneeling behind her. The few people present were more noble, and there were more people kneeling outside in the inner court.

Sitting next to him were Takamasa Hatakeyama, Fujitaka Hosokawa and other top shogunate officials, waiting with bated breath, not daring to intercede for Ninagawa.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Ninagawa-sama, you're doing well.

There are five hundred Ji warriors with high martial arts skills, noble backgrounds, grief and indignation, suffering from hunger and cold, and heavily in debt.

How can you stand it?How come you don't know how to be afraid?Yes, yes, something happened to the shogunate, and I, who was wronged, took the blame, so what do you need to be afraid of?

But, I'm afraid!

The Shiba family's garrison in the capital can't gather five hundred samurai warriors, you dare to drive Ashikaga back to the corner, what should you do if there is a riot?
Those are Ji warriors who are proficient in battle, not peasants who can't even hold a knife well!

Have you lived your life with dogs?Do you know that if their anger is ignited, the entire Kyoto can be burned to ashes! "

Yiyin was really angry.

He originally thought that Ashikaga's return to the crowd was due to lack of clothing and food, but seeing their plight with his own eyes, he realized that he thought too much about the shogunate group.

These vassals headed by Ninagawa, they are a group of greedy and reckless idiots!

Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not send a grain of rice or a penny to the Ashikaga congregation for two years, and the castle town dokura controlled by the shogunate group made the Ashikaga congregation owe a debt.

The weather this year is colder than usual. The rare first winter snow has crushed the houses of many Ashikaga Muslims, leaving them starving and cold.

Yiyin even saw with his own eyes that a businessman dared to speak nonsense in front of him, insulting the descendant of a famous family with family honor, just because that idiot businessman was a lackey of Ninagawa's family.

Those Ji warriors in Ashikaga, they have no money, no food, no shelter, no dignity, nothing!Both physically and mentally, they are on the verge of collapse!
Yoshigin's own Shiba mansion is not far from the town where the Ashikaga congregation lives. He can't even imagine that he sleeps on top of the powder keg every day.

If it weren't for the fact that Ashikaga Hui could not bear it anymore and begged Hatakeyama Takamasa to speak to Yoshiyin, Yoshiyin might have to face a riot in Kyoto that happened around him.

Even more frightening, it would be even more frightening if the riot happened when he had already left Kyoto for Kanto and couldn't make it back.

Yiyin knew that the Muchen Group was corrupt and greedy, but he really didn't expect that this group of people didn't even have basic common sense.

The ruler can take everything from the ruled, but at least there must be a glimmer of hope, otherwise all orders may collapse at any moment.

Yiyin has always been polite to Ninagawa, but today, he really can't be polite.

He was afraid that if he continued to be polite, this group of idiots would cause even bigger troubles in the future, and he really couldn't handle it!

Ningagawa was lying on the ground trembling, she had never seen Yiyin speak so harshly to her, and at this moment she was both afraid and regretful.

Speaking of which, she still felt that she was a little wronged. Rome was not built in a day, and the plight of the Ashikaga Muslims was not created in a day.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is a pauper, and ever since he annoyed Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga, he has lost all his financial resources.

After Sakamoto Castle was taken away by the Oda family, the last supply ground for the Ashikaga congregation was gone, so they could only live in poverty in Kyoto.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki couldn't get the money, and Niki Yoshimasa, the commander of the Mahui, also ran away. The Ashikaga Hui could only borrow money in the castle town of Kyoto to survive.

In the beginning, it was actually okay, each family has some family background, and the soil warehouse controlled by the Muchen Group is also doing business honestly, and everyone lives in peace.

However, as Ashikaga Yoshiaki was hit again and again, his prestige was declining day by day, and Ashikaga Huizhong borrowed more and more, and gradually became a phoenix in the eyes of Kyoto people.

When Ashikaga Yoshiaki ran away, the Ashikaga Hui people became bereaved dogs, and even the merchants in the castle town dared to rely on the shogunate group and pretend to be arrogant to them.

Merchants and townspeople are short-sighted. They don't know how much damage these guys with knives will cause if they really erupt.

They only know that once nobles become pariahs, which can refresh their self-esteem, this is the malice from the lower classes.

Dacao Gaozhong's experience is not an exception, but it is impossible for these turbulent undercurrents to reach the ears of a big boss like Ninagawa.

Ninagawa only knew that the Ashikaga congregation was still borrowing money, and they were borrowing more and more, and they had already reached the point where they could not pay back.What worries her is collecting the bills, but she doesn't know that the volcano is about to erupt.

This may be the one blindfolded as the old saying goes, Ninagawa Kishi, a fool under the lamp, became the target of Yoshihiro's vent at this time.

Ninagawa was wronged, but she couldn't say anything.Is she going to tell Yiyin that I can't control the Muchen Group, and I don't know what happened in the castle town of Kyoto.

This will not work!

Once Yoshigin thought that Ninagawa could not control the vassals and the situation in Kyoto, he would find another person to manage the vassals and manage the affairs of Kyoto.

Ninagawa would lose her power in Kyoto when she died, which would really kill the Ninagawa family.

So no matter how wronged, Ninagawa must swallow this dead mouse.

She would rather be a stupid and bad leader of the vassals than let Yi Yin think that she can't control the overall situation and has been deceived and emptied.

Just when Yoshigin scolded Ninagawa himself, Naomasa Ii walked in and bowed deeply to Yoshiyin.

"Saint, all the IOUs have been withdrawn, and the fire outside the mansion has been burned."

Yiyin nodded and asked.

"Are you sure you took it all back?"

Ii Naomasa sneered.

"All the earth storehouse stewards in the castle town are kneeling outside the mansion, and I have settled the accounts with them face to face.

All the arrears of Ashikaga Huizhong have been disbursed from your private treasury, and all the warehouse stewards have received food stamps, signed and pledged, and settled the accounts. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Good job."

Although Yiyin doesn't like to talk about money, and he doesn't even know how much money he has in his private treasury, it doesn't mean he can't come up with money.

Shiba's concentric crowd followed him around, and the one-hearted secretariat was the central organization of the Siba family, which had stored a large amount of food coupons for emergencies.

To put it bluntly, as long as Yiyin needs it, Takada Yono can print a large amount of food coupons to enrich his private treasury at any time.For Yiyin, wealth has changed from an actual number to an abstract concept.

As long as the Shiba family's financial system does not collapse, he can have as many food stamps as he wants.As long as people in the world still recognize the purchasing power of Sipo's food stamps, his food stamps can be used as money.

There are 500 Ashikaga Muslims. In two years, they have borrowed more than [-] koku per person in the earth warehouse in the castle town of Kyoto, which adds up to more than [-] koku.

Naomasa Ii took a stack of food stamps directly, and the family went to the earth warehouse to settle the accounts. According to the food stamps and grain exchange ratio of the day, all accounts were settled.

In fact, the merchants in Dokura have already peed in their crotch pants because of the beheading of Boss Kamemaru's family in Kamogawa, and they don't want to collect money at all.

But the problem is that collecting the debts and burning the IOUs is itself a political drama for Yiyin to be kind to the people of Lima. How could he allow the merchants not to collect money?

There are some favors that cannot be meddled by businessmen. Yiyin does not spend money to buy IOUs. Who would dare to presume to be such a good person?
Who dares to go beyond Yiyin to give grace to Lima and return to the public?Are you trying to rebel?
Naomasa Ii took back the IOUs smoothly, and burned them all outside Shiba's mansion, and the Dokura steward knelt down again.

With such a huge momentum, the Ashikaga Hui crowd must have noticed it.

After regaining their dignity and igniting hope, they should have been stabilized for the time being, and Yiyin also heaved a sigh of relief.

The next question is how to punish the shogunate group.

To be honest, Yiyin was quite disgusted this time, but it is unrealistic to ask him to slap the shogunate group to death.

Shogunate political triangle, Ashikaga shogun, shogunate group, local power faction.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki ran to the Mori family's territory to set up another center, and Yoshigin, as the boss of the local power faction, guarded the headquarters of the Kyoto Shogunate.

At this moment, it is the critical moment for both sides of the world's martial arts to wait and see the situation and see the respective quality of the two shogunate.

If Yoshihiro severely punishes the shogunate group, it will push the shogunate group to Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

The mountain city's national stone is 23 stone high, and with the dots of shogunate territories in surrounding countries, the total is 40 million stone.

These idiots have been entrenched for 200 years. Whether it is Kyoto or the surrounding areas of Yamashiro Kingdom, they are all intertwined. If they really want to uproot the shogunate group, violent turmoil will inevitably occur.

Moreover, such a violent political earthquake will also be used by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, making the world's samurai even more hesitant about which of the two centers is orthodox.

Yiyin was a little confused.

If he strikes too hard, it will not be conducive to political unity.But if you hold it high and let it go low, you're afraid that these idiots will forget about the pain when their scars are healed, and they will give themselves a bigger job next time.

Just as he was hesitating, Gamo Shigo hurried into the main hall and bowed to him.

Yi Yin frowned.

"What happened again?

Didn't I tell you to gather salt, cloth, and building materials from the military depot, and send them to the Ashikaga congregation first? Why did you come back so soon? "

Gamo Shixiang said with a serious face.

"Saint, the Ashikaga congregation has gathered hundreds of people, and they are rushing to Shiba's mansion.

And they are still calling for comrades in arms, and the number of people gathered is increasing. I fear that eventually hundreds of people, or even 500 people, will come. "

Yiyin's heart skipped a beat, he stared fiercely and looked up at his own Ninagawa, who was so frightened that Ninagawa quickly knelt down obediently.

He said solemnly.

"What are they trying to do? Complaints, or... revenge?"

Gamo Shixiang shook his head.

"I asked a few people who took the lead, and they said they were going to call the Mahui crowd to present you with the Kodachi."

Yi Yin's face relaxed, and he smiled.

"Nonsense! Ashikaga Hui is the general's bodyguard, what kind of katana are you offering me?

You go and tell them to disband the team immediately and go back to collect the salt, cloth, and building materials needed at home.

The next winter snow may come at any time, it is important to take care of your family and stop messing around! "

What Yiyin is most afraid of is that the Ashikaga Hui will take advantage of this wind of anti-Qing and reckoning, and the backlog of anger will explode, demanding that the shogunate group be held accountable, or beheaded for revenge.

Fortunately, they are still reasonable, they only know how to repay favors but not revenge, so it will be easy to handle.

It is impossible for Yi Yin to accept the small sword they offered. This is a traditional loyalty ceremony of the samurai family. Once he accepts it, he recognizes the relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

At that time, the Kanto samurai family completed the succession ceremony of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu in Uesugi Kenshin and became the governor of Kanto, and collectively offered a small sword to her once.

In the Kanto system, the Guanling of the Kanto is the second-in-command after the General of the Kanto, and Kenshin Uesugi accepted the small sword that was offered as a due.

But Yiyin's situation is different.

Although he is a survivor of the previous generation and claims to be the elder of Genji, he is not Ashikaga general after all.

No matter how bad Ashikaga Yoshiaki is, Yoshigin still needs to maintain his perfect image of a sage of the samurai family, and not mess up the ruler and ministers.

Turning the direct descendants of General Ashikaga into his own subjects, who is the king?Who is the minister?This place cannot be washed.

Yiyin needs to appease the Ashilima Hui people and win over these people, but he cannot establish a relationship with them as a monarch and minister, leaving a political stain that is easily criticized by outsiders.

Facing the furious Ashikaga congregation, Yoshigin could not directly respond to their enthusiasm, let alone provoke them and let them down.

Yiyin's only feasible strategy is to talk more about family and responsibilities, and remind them of their own burdens, lest these Ji warriors get too hot-headed and refuse to listen to others' persuasion.

Women who have a family, a job, a husband and children are the best to deal with. As long as their weaknesses are mentioned, they will not be afraid of being impulsive like a carefree girl.

Therefore, a normal society will inevitably lead people to marry and have children. Marriage is not necessarily a good thing for individuals, but it is the cornerstone of stability for the entire society.

Gamo's hometown bowed and left, explaining Yoshihiko's request to Ashikaga Hui.

Yiyin waited anxiously for her reply, hoping that this matter would not continue.

(End of this chapter)

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