different warring states of japan

Chapter 1620 Pursuit of Higher Dimensions

Under Nokun's arrangement, Akechi Mitsuhide met Oda Nobunaga in Azuchi Castle, resolved the identity of Saito Yoshiryu's lineage against the party, and lifted the shackles of Saito Ryuko, the remnant of the party against the party.

Saito Longxing was still at an ignorant age, completely unaware of what this meant to him, but Nong-kun was crying with joy.

Saito's family had successors, so he let go of his worries and completely entrusted Saito Longxing to Akechi Mitsuhide.

Although Oda Nobunaga no longer shy away from Saito Ryuko, it is inappropriate to put Saito Ryuko in Oda's house after all.

The Owari faction and the Mino faction are two major groups in the Oda retainer group. Among them, the Mino faction is the second and fifth younger sister who abandoned Saito Yoshiryu and took refuge in Oda Nobunaga.

Although in this troubled world, it is common to change families, but if the head family and retainers become colleagues, after all, it is embarrassing for others, especially if this other person is quite powerful, it is even more dangerous.

Nong-kun has now reconciled with Oda Nobunaga, and the power of the Saito family has dissipated, unable to protect Saito Longxing, the only seedling.

Instead of letting Saito Tatsuko come back to the Oda house and be feared by others, or even cause accidents, it is better to let her hang out with Akechi Mitsuhide in Shiba's house.

In the future, if you can make hundreds of thousands of stone Chiyoshi in the Shiba family and continue the name of the Saito family, Nokun will be grateful to Mitsuhide Akechi for the rest of his life.

Nong-kun's mind is the expectation of Akechi Mitsuhide, and the family relationship between the two is tied by Saito Ryuko, how could Akechi Mitsuhide not care about Saito Ryuko?
And Akechi Mitsuhide's cheap father who didn't know where to find it was recognized by Nong-kun because of this, and the fake became real.

Oda Nobunaga was very satisfied with the fact that Akechi Mitsuhide took the initiative to put his old father in Azuchi Castle Town for the elderly, and promised to help take care of him.

The old man tremblingly thanked Oda Nobunaga, and since then he will be able to live a good life without worrying about food and clothing.And Akechi Mitsuhide looked at his old face full of joy, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

This foolish old man is going to die after all, but before he dies, let him live a better life, which can be considered as compensation for him by Akechi Mitsuhide.

A meeting, the host and the guest are full of joy.

Akechi Mitsuhide helped Oda Nobunaga to appease Heli's Nong-kun, and put his father in Azuchi Castle, as if he was a hostage, which made Oda Nobunaga less wary of her.

Oda Nobunaga naturally knew that Shiba's cronies like Akechi Mitsuhide probably didn't know each other privately with Shiba Yoshigin, but Oda Nobunaga didn't want to think too much about it now.

Shiba Yoshigin is about to go to Kanto, and Oda Nobunaga wants to seize this window period and make use of the agreement reached between the two as much as possible to expand his basic market.

Shiba Yoshiyin is not in Kinki, and others dare not care about some of Oda Nobunaga's excessive actions. As long as Akechi Mitsuhide, who is in charge of the Shiba family's foreign affairs, is settled, many things will be easy to handle.

If he wants to be the only close person under the theocracy, Oda Nobunaga has to ensure that his own strength is greater than the combined strength of other competitors, so that Yoshihiro can only focus on wormwood.

Emotions are emotions and politics are politics.

In the face of absolute strength, even if other admirers are unwilling to let go, the Wu family group behind them will hold them back and retreat despite difficulties.

What Oda Nobunaga lacks most now is time. With the end of the Oda Shiba battle, it is already clear that Shiba Yoshigin has taken the Shinto route.

With Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin making proofs in front, many powerful samurai have already set their sights on the title of divine descendant, a bloodline title that is more noble than the samurai family.

In the samurai society obsessed with bloodlines, the bloodlines' family status is far more valuable than the territorial power.Territory can be lost and power can dissipate, but the influence of noble lineage and family status can be long-lasting.

If Oda Nobunaga does not quickly unify the world and become the only one in the world, Shiba Yoshigin, who is not under her control, will be tricked into bed by countless Ji samurai and create more descendants of the god blood.

Whether it is to maintain the stability of the regime in the future, or out of his own simple feelings, Oda Nobunaga can hardly tolerate the development of the situation like this.

After the Battle of Shiba Oda, the defeated Oda Nobunaga has lost the possibility of restricting Shiba Yoshigin. The only thing she can do now is to unify the world as soon as possible and kick out all competitors.

Yoshihiko Shiba is going to Kanto, and he doesn't know how long he will stay. Oda Nobunaga is determined to speed up and speed up, annex more territories, and roll the snowball of conquering the world.

Not only does she want to conquer Kaga Ichikui, Settsu Country, and Ishiyama Honganji Temple, she also wants to expand further, devouring everything with greed.

This requires the assistance of Akechi Mitsuhide to make the forces of the Shiba family staying in Kinki turn a blind eye to the expansion of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga, who was originally eager for quick success, has intensified his efforts, making the weak foundation of the Oda family even more loose.

But Oda Nobunaga didn't care. In her opinion, as long as she was still alive, those Oda retainers who grew rapidly during the expedition were just her own strong eagle dogs.

As long as he is still there, no one will dare to betray him. As for the small hidden danger of the expansion of the retainer's power, it can be slowly dispelled later.

And Oda Nobunaga's mentality is exactly what Akechi Mitsuhide expected.

She will cooperate with Oda Nobunaga's expansion to make Oda's retainers become intractable and centrifugal force will increase greatly, and then choose partners among Oda's retainers to kill Oda Nobunaga.

If Oda Nobunaga does not die, those Oda retainers will always be Oda Nobunaga's dogs, but if Oda Nobunaga dies, many dogs will fantasize about turning over and becoming their masters.

But in the world, how can there be such a good thing?

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.When Oda Nobunaga finishes her expanding career, that's when she'll be damned.

The vassal who betrayed her expected to inherit her position, but forgot that there was a powerful Shiba family beside her.The Shiba family will devour the expansion of the Oda family, and Shiba Yoshigin will use this to achieve greatness.

Akechi Mitsuhide's dream is beautiful, but will reality really be so smooth?And who knows?

When Oda Nobunaga once again ignited his ambition to conquer the world, and when Akechi Mitsuhide was thinking about the conspiracy to secretly seize the world, Yoshigin looked at the world from another perspective.

Yiyin, who came here through time travel, has seen the stars and seas of modern society, and has no interest in dominating this small medieval island.

Even if he really becomes a king and eats white rice, what is there to be happy about?Wouldn't it be better to live in an abandoned house in the future, eating hot pot, blowing the air conditioner and playing Yuanshen at home, wouldn't it be happier?

Holding great power in his hands, holding the constitution of heaven in his mouth, and judging life and death, he seems to be majestic.But back to daily life, all kinds of life inconveniences, intrigues, what's the point besides grassy beauties?
Yiyin has little interest in being the feudal king of this barren island country. Everything he does now is more to protect the people around him, his children, his women, and his subordinates.

Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide thought in their hearts to steal the world by stealth, and the daimyos from all over the world wanted to keep their own one-third of an acre of land, and put a few more mouthfuls of rice in their own bowls.

But Yiyin is different from them. Yiyin has broken away from the vulgar interests of conquest. He is more concerned about safeguarding the overall interests of a class, so as to safeguard the long-term interests of his inner circle.

The samurai world is a violent group led by the shogunate samurai and based on the local Ji samurai, using force to suppress the entire island country and maintain its own political power.

Yiyin can't change this ecology, because he can't raise too many Ji with only this little rice in his hand.

The so-called 66 countries in the world of the island country have a population of 2000 million and a population of 1000 million. The Wu family is about 80 to 100 million, accounting for one-tenth of the population.

The island country is barren, and Yiyin, even with all his strength, cannot change the productivity in this era and change the status quo of low agricultural output.

Moreover, the deep-rooted concept of hierarchy in the island country does not allow him to make earth-shaking changes.If you really want to change the production relationship, the first person to be hanged may be Shibo Yoshihiro.

If you want to protect the people around you and let them live a good life, the easiest and most effective way is to protect the interests of the entire Wu family group and become the spokesperson of the Wu family.

Use the benefits of the entire island country to buy one-tenth of the population of the Samurai group, and then use the Samurai group to rule the pyramid model of the entire island country.

Establishing the Kanto Chamber, maintaining the central shogunate, and building the Shiba establishment, Yoshihiro's idea has never been to conquer, but to establish a united front of Ji Samurai.

Although there are differences in closeness, the Hime Takeshi of Shiba's family has a better life than the other family's Hime Takeshi, and those who are close to Yoshiyin have more benefits than others.

However, in general, Yiyin always puts the overall interests of the Wu family first, prevents internal friction among the Wu family, vigorously engages in territorial production, rebuilds the dignity of the Ji warriors, and restores the vitality of the entire ruling class.

Yiyin always uses appalling remarks such as that there can no longer be internal fighting, that the common people are going to rebel, and that the unification of the world in the future will not be the world of samurai, etc., to PUA the samurai group to create a sense of crisis.

Facts have also proved that his approach is correct.

The world has been in chaos for a hundred years, and the result of the martial arts killing each other is that no one benefits.

Famous families withered, downs and ups rose one after another, and a swarm rose up. No one felt safe.

At this time, a person stood up and called for the Wu family's priority political opinion.Everyone can't beat him, and he gives money and food generously, so of course it is easy to win people's hearts.

Fighting a war is the most expensive thing in the world. If you lose, you will have nothing. The terrible thing is that in this barren island country, you will not get much benefit if you win. Everyone is poor!
The result is a vicious circle, the more you fight, the poorer you become, and the poorer you get, the more you fight.When the Wu family men went out to sell meat for food, Ji Wushi was used as a watchdog by the merchants, and the dignity of the Wu family group was lost.

The situation has become extremely serious, and people of insight all over the world feel that the Wu family group can no longer go on like this, and the time is ripe to unify the world again.

The emergence of Yiyin, and Yiyin's proposition, became Shiba's new thought that came into being, and was recognized and sought after by many samurai.

Peaceful development is the main theme, advocating a community of samurai interests, rebuilding the nobility of samurai, and suppressing the islanders who are ready to move again, gradually becoming the consensus of samurai, is political correctness.

And Yiyin took the Shinto way, made the warrior Ji who was close to him a god woman, made his child a descendant of a god, and established a new relationship among the samurai family.

As long as the god-descendant system can become the cornerstone of the new Samurai society, then the descendants of Yoshigin can become the blood of the ruling class like Genji Heira, the descendant of the former emperor, and will last for a long time.

This is a big game.Oda Nobunaga cares about the people in the world, but Yoshigin doesn't care.The world that Akechi Mitsuhide cares about belongs to Shiba, but Yoshihiro doesn't care.

What Yiyin cares about is to build a new order of feudal and conservative samurai, so that his descendants will always be at the top of the pyramid of the ruling class.

For this reason, he, a decent man from modern society, resolutely embarked on the feudal and decadent Shinto way, suppressed the islanders with violent samurai groups, and wanted to establish a conservative and ignorant theocracy.

In order to do this, he needs a lot of money, enough to subdue the military expenditure of the entire Wu family group, enough to buy the dog food of the entire Wu family group.

Just like the opponent Lima Huizhong, with a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, he turned all Ji warriors into his loyal lackeys.

For this reason, Yoshihiro did not hesitate to indulge Takada Yono, and came up with the Sipo food stamp financial system that made him feel terrified.

Although Takada Yoshino swears that there will be no problems, but Yoshiyin from the future knows that there will be ghosts only if there are no problems!
Every financial crisis in history is a bloody lesson.The most intelligent group of human beings, driven by greedy human nature, repeatedly do the most stupid things in the world.

Yoshino Takada doesn't understand, she is just an ignorant beginner in finance, but Yoshihiro understands very well, he knows that he is walking a dangerous tightrope.

In the logistics market of 500 million commercial routes in Hokuriku Road, Takada Yono continued to dilute the stock value.

The real estate label of the Shiba family territory that has not been affected by war for many years has been raised to a new height by Yono Takada.

Relying on these two assets, Takata Yoshino issued millions of new food stamps, and even further set up a Sibo bank to attract people to deposit food stamps, control the financial tide, and continue to issue additional food stamps.

Yono Takada has used the gameplay on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. If it explodes one day, the sky will be overturned.

Yiyin was shocked to see it, but he couldn't stop it.

Fighting wars requires money, and buying samurai families requires even more money. Most of the Siba food coupons issued by Yono Takada are for charity money, which was squandered by the money.

If you really want to restrict or even cut off Takada Yono's blood vessel, what will Yoshihiko use to complete his great cause of Shinto?
Relying on my body, how many Ji warriors can I buy without getting out of bed for 24 hours?
In the final analysis, Yoshihiro's image of a saint, and the Shiba family's great achievements in Shinto, were all piled up with money and food.

If you have no money, talk to Jill!If you don't have money, who cares about you!

But at this time, a new opportunity appeared in front of Yoshihiro, who could share the financial risk created by Yoshino Takada.

Before and after Yiyin dealt with Ashikaga's return to the public, Lilu and Christina went to Luojing, becoming the first Nanban people recognized by the shogunate since the Nanban trade, and openly entered the shogunate to serve.

While meeting Yiyin, Lilu puts forward her new trade proposition, which arouses Yiyin's heart.

If the commercial network within the island country cannot support the financial system of Sibo food stamps, then coupled with the new capacity of foreign trade, will it be able to offset the danger of excessive food stamps?

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