different warring states of japan

Chapter 1621 Double cycle of internal and external trade

The inner circulation is not enough to support the value of Sipo's food coupons, so what if the Sipo family can monopolize the outer circulation?Is it enough?

Although the land of the island country is barren, this volcanic island is famous as Treasure Island.

There are a lot of gold, silver and copper in the island country, but in the agricultural society, these precious metals that cannot be eaten and drank will only increase the price of goods and cannot be exchanged for a large number of cheap daily necessities.

Originally, the Tomorrow Kanko trade developed by the three-generation general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had already solved this problem, allowing the island country to have a channel to exchange trade goods from the Celestial Dynasty.

It's a pity that the short-sighted Wu family destroyed this hard-won trade channel because of internal fighting, so they had to starve and suffer poverty with gold and silver.

The Celestial Dynasty was the trade center in the agricultural era. Many small countries in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia completed trade exchanges through the Celestial Tribute System.

Even in the far west, the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road were once the most important trade routes in the world.

But now, the Western countries in the period of great voyages are still unable to get rid of their dependence on Eastern trade products. The large amount of silver that Spain and Portugal obtained from the Americas are being quickly siphoned by the Celestial Empire.

China was the overlord of trade in ancient times. Silk, porcelain, and tea are all high-tech products of this era, which sell well all over the world.

Until Britain used some special products to break China's trade deficit, China's position in the world trade network has always been a unique super strength.

The island countries in Northeast Asia have never gotten rid of their trade dependence on China.

After the cut off of the Kanhe trade, the only way for the island country to trade is to buy high-priced Chinese goods from North Korea and Ryukyu, or to obtain them forcibly through smuggling and Japanese rebellion.

Yoshigin persuaded Akechi Mitsuhide to be Daming's dog. His reason was to learn from Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and reopen the Kanhe trade.

But now the Ming Dynasty does not take the barbarians of the island country seriously. The Jiajing Japanese Insurrection that once ravaged the southeast has been basically cleaned up by the generals of the Ming Dynasty headed by Qi Jiguang, so there is no big problem.

In other words, Yiyin has no bargaining chips to make Da Ming look at him more, not to mention the value of being a dog to Da Ming.

Da Ming doesn't accept all cats and dogs. If he wants to be Da Ming's dog, he has to make Da Ming feel the value of his united front.

Yiyin couldn't find a solution for the time being, but Lilu's suggestion made him see another possibility.

The cold wind of winter is raging, but the room is as warm as spring.Following Christina's last high-pitched cry, Yiyin opened his eyes and wiped his sweat.

On his left was Lilu who had surrendered a long time ago, and on his right was Christina who had just let out her last trace of fighting spirit.

And Li Huazuo was sitting motionless by the door, because the weather outside was too cold, Yiyin specially ordered Li Huazuo to stay in the room.

Yiyin stood up and looked to the left and right.

Lilu with blond hair and golden pupils, Christina with red hair and red pupils, and Lihuazuo with silver hair and silver pupils sitting in a corner dazedly, Yiyin had the illusion of traveling to another world.

Looking at Li Huazuo, who looked normal, Yiyin suddenly felt a little pity, if only she had white hair and red pupils, and she would be given a robot called Shiwaluo.

Li Hua played the mouth and said.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you are thinking about something very impolite, saint."

Yiyin's brain twitched, and he said in a persuasive way.

"Xiaozao, come on, say something, help me, Mr. Swallow!"

Li Huazuo looked at Yiyin with cold eyes, as if looking at a fool.

"Although I don't understand what you're talking about, saint, I still feel insulted. It's even more humiliating than when you asked me what mapo tofu rice was last time."

Yiyin coughed and smiled awkwardly.

"Although your Japanese is already very good, but you don't understand the culture of the island country, I was actually making a good-natured joke, really."

Li Huazuo looked at the two beauties from other countries beside Yiyin, and said calmly.

"Next time I see Yukino, I will ask."

Yiyin's face froze.

"Actually, it's not an important matter. It doesn't matter if you don't ask."

Seemingly seeing Yiyin's guilty conscience, Li Huazuo said coldly.

"Tonight is a weekly task, please look forward to it, saint."

Yiyin's face turned even paler, and he even felt his thighs trembling and his lumbar muscles strained.

But even if the words were not speculative, Li Huazuo did not leave.

Because the two Nanman women could not gain the trust of the Tongxin crowd, Li Hua played to watch here. This was the result of Pu Sheng's strong request, and Yi Yin had to agree.

Although Li Huazuo is also from the Southern Barbarians, she is no longer herself, but Xue Nai's shadow warrior. She fought side by side with the Tongxin people in the battle of Yu Wuhu, and gained the trust of the Gamo clan.

The only thing Yiyin can do is to prevent Li Huazuo from blowing the wind outside the door, after all, the weather is getting colder and colder.He really did it out of kindness, not because he likes to be looked at more excitingly.

While Yiyin was talking to Li Huazuo, Lilu, who had recovered her breath, groaned and stood up to look at Li Huazuo.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be such a refreshing thing to be watched by others, it really is too exciting.

Play, or you island people can play. "

Yi Yin pouted.

"Don't think I don't know the reputation of you Dutch people, haha."

Lilu chuckled.

"The sage wronged me, but I am an innocent Dutchman, at least before I met you, I only had two interests: sailing and making money.

But even if I hadn't eaten meat, I'd heard the sailors brag about it.

Saint, you are so strong that you are not like a man, you are almost breaking me.Are you a succubus from hell?It is impossible for a human man to have a physique like yours. "

Yiyin smiled and said nothing.

He has long known that his physique is different from that of the men in the female world, not only the muscles, but also the durability. Even when Ji Wushi is pregnant with his child, he will become as weak as the male world.

Just because of his uniqueness, more and more Ji warriors are willing to admit his extraordinary, his godhead.

So, in a sense, his Bishamonten's divine way came out of nowhere through his own efforts.

Yiyin shook his head, and began to tidy up his clothes on his own. These three Nanman women didn't know how to behave. If it was Warrior Ji who was lucky enough to be there, he would have taken the initiative to lick Yiyin clean and serve him to dress.

Seeing Yiyin like this, Lilu knew that the happy time had passed, and it was time to talk about serious business again.

She covered the exhausted Christina with a quilt and let her rest for a while. She dressed herself first and met Yiyin-kun who was already sitting cross-legged.

Yiyin thought for a while and asked Lilu.

"If the shogunate fully supports you, how sure are you that you can control the Nanban trade?"

Lilu shook her head.

"Saint, it is impossible for us to control the Nanban trade.

Sakai Port is only a port market for the distribution of trade goods within the island country.The port of foreign trade of the island country is Hakata Port in Kitakyushu.

Sakai Port is actually a transfer trade, which distributes the trade products shipped from Hakata Port to Kinki and Kanto.

Because of the poverty of Kyushu, Shikoku and Western countries, the locals could not digest these trade products. In order to pursue greater profits, Hakata Port had to spread to the relatively affluent Kinki through the Seto Inland Sea.

The relationship between Sakai Port and Hakata Port is like the relationship between upstream suppliers and downstream distributors. We cannot control the source, so naturally we cannot control the trade. "

Yiyin's complexion became a little ugly. As his status improved, he cared less and less about the number of wealth, and more about the control of trade.

Lilu's analysis is to pour cold water on Yiyin, and the worse words are yet to come.

"Saint, even if you control Hakata Port, it's useless. Because you can't control North Korea and Ryukyu, they are the source of Chinese goods."

Yiyin was sad.

Lilu is right, even if it controls Bodo Port, Yiyin is still a downstream distributor, because Bodo Port is also downstream in foreign trade.

To control trade, he had to go one step further and conquer Ryukyu and Korea, but that would definitely anger Ming.

Even if North Korea and Ryukyu were captured, Ming would not trade with North Korea and Ryukyu controlled by the island country. This is another Ningbo Japanese invasion that cut off trade channels, meaningless.

Even, because of North Korea's special strategic position, Ming had to send troops to drive away the islanders.

In fact, in another period of history that Yiyin does not know, the islanders have tried to break through.

The ruler of the unified island country, he chose to attack North Korea, using North Korea as a platform, to go to the Celestial Dynasty to gain more benefits, and then was blocked by the Celestial Dynasty in North Korea, wasting money and wasting money, and dragged down alive.

In the end, the ruler was so indebted that even the warriors who returned home could not get any rewards, they had to rely on some loyal ministers and generals to renege on their debts, resulting in the death of their own regime for two generations.

As for the other route, the daimyo of Southern Kyushu is very famous. They conquered Ryukyu, but kept it secret to the outside world. In the name of the Ryukyu royal family, they continued to maintain trade rights with the Celestial Dynasty and ate leftovers.

Although Yiyin didn't know this history, he couldn't choose either of these two routes.

There are two strategies in front of him.

First, copy the old road of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, become a vassal of the Celestial Dynasty in the name of the Japanese king, and reopen the survey and cooperation trade.

But now it seems that this line is immature, and the value of the united front is not enough. The Celestial Dynasty will not take care of itself, and it still needs to wait for the time.

Second, through the smuggling channels opened by the Westerners and Portuguese in the south of the Chinese Dynasty, the Nanban trade was used to realize the transfer trade between the island country and the Chinese Dynasty.

But this route was unstable, and Yiyin could not even control the domestic port of Hakata, let alone the Westerners and Portuguese who came from overseas.

In a short period of time, the Shiba family can use the Southern Barbarian trade to gain a lot of benefits, but in the long run, this roundabout route has too many hidden dangers and is unreliable.

Yiyin looked at Lilu and asked.

"What about your suggestion? You won't amuse me with an unworkable plan, will you?"

Lilu laughed.

"My dear saint, please allow me to address you with such affection.

I see sadness between your brows, and I long to erase that trace of gloom for you.But I want you to understand that the ocean brings endless wealth, but no one has ever been able to control it.

Your rulers in the East always like to control everything, but unlike in the West, our rulers there prefer to invest.

The success of the Westerners and the Portuguese stems from their navigators, who received investment from the royal family and stepped into the sea again and again to seek wealth.

In my hometown, we Dutch people also like to invest, and we can trade anything, even commodities that have not yet been shipped from afar are our bargaining chips. "

Yiyin complained silently in his heart, so the first economic crisis in history happened to you Dutch people, because you are really brave.

Not knowing that Yiyin was slandering her homeland in her heart, Lilu said confidently.

"Although you can't control the visitors from the sea, you have already controlled many territories in the island country. Most of the lords in Kinki and Kanto are your supporters.

Nanban merchants come here, they are eager to trade goods with you and get rich.

Nanman missionaries came here, they were eager to open up the situation and spread the faith of God in the island country.

You have countless chips in hand, even if you put down the pursuit of absolute control, you can still achieve your wish.

And I will be your trade representative to help you strive for the best interests in the negotiation.

I know very well the cost of goods obtained from Guangdong by Westerners bribing local officials of the Celestial Dynasty.

I know very well how much goods the Portuguese can bring in every year in that place called Macau in the Chinese Empire.

We Dutch people travel all over the world. I have traveled the trade route from Southeast Asia to Northeast Asia many times. I know the cost and risk of sea transportation well.

With your support, I can come forward to negotiate with the Portuguese and the Westerners, and get you a large amount of Chinese goods and Nanman goods at a price much lower than that of Ryukyu and North Korea. "

Yiyin shook her head inwardly, Lilu is very smart, but she is still a short-sighted small businessman, she doesn't understand what a ruler like Yiyin is thinking.

If you can't control yourself, then you would rather close the country and not give others a chance to develop and grow. This is the ruler's thinking.

The poor and the weak and the foolish have never been a problem. Losing control is what the ruler fears the most.

But for the time being, Yiyin can accept Lilu's proposition, because Takada Yono's excessive distribution of food coupons is too dangerous.

When the two prospects of Hokuriku Road Commercial Road and Sibo Real Estate can no longer support investors' dreams, the Sibo family needs to draw a new pie for investors to maintain the credit of Sibo food coupons.

Open up the Nanban trade, obtain cheaper Chinese goods, and form an internal and external double cycle of the Hokuriku Road trade route and the Nanban trade. This picture should be able to support the Siba family to unify the world, right?
As for the rest, it is the story of Yoshigin wagging his tail and digging around, learning from Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's old wisdom, and trying to be a dog for the Celestial Dynasty.

Thanks to the reader @帝国战兵 for the leader of the reward. If you are interested, you can come and sit in the qq group. Thank you for your support.

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