different warring states of japan

Chapter 1623 Warning before departure

Before and after Yoshihiro arranged for Kosaka Masanobu to bring Takeda Yoshinobu back to Takeda to visit relatives, Akechi Mitsuhide also returned to Kyoto.

He originally wanted to meet with Akechi Mitsuhide and set off with a few instructions, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of by Akechi Mitsuhide, so he took this opportunity to hold a small tea party.

On the main seat, Yiyin remained calm, while Akechi Mitsuhide watched the tea master perform the wonderful tea ceremony with great interest.

In the last seat, Tianhai of Enli Temple and Chongchuan of Nanchan Temple are solemn in their respective Dharma appearances, and they both have the appearance of Taoist Gaoni.

Before the tea master entered the arena, a debate had already taken place between the two nuns, from the outside world to the secular world, from the ancient scriptures to the present.

Yoshiyin felt a little helpless, and stared at Mitsuhide Akechi with a hippie smile.

When the tea master offered the tea soup, bowed and left, the two nuns were about to start the war again, but Yiyin knocked on the side wall of the tea soup impatiently, he really had heard enough.

"So far, the difference between Mingshen and Quanxian, let's discuss it later."

Shintoism, which is produced in the island country, is a typical panspiritual polytheistic belief. It worships the heaven, earth, plants, animals and even dead spirits. It is known as 800 million gods.

They are called gods, so they must have a god name before they can be sacrificed, which are divided into Mingshen and Quanxian.

Myojin is the appearance of the gods in a clear posture, while Quangen is the appearance of Buddhism as the gods of the island country.

To put it simply, Myojin is the deity, and Quanxian is the incarnation of Buddha and Bodhisattva as the god of the island.

This seemingly trivial difference represents the integration of the island nation's Buddhism and the island nation's Shintoism.

After the three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor's court, Shintoism, which was too deeply involved with the emperor's ministers, was also destroyed by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

Shintoism endorses the divine right of the emperor, and recognizes the identity of the emperor as a descendant of Amaterasu. Shintoism is immortal, and the stain of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s regicide and godlessness is enough to shake the stability of the Ashikaga shogunate.

Therefore, Shinto must die.

Today, Yiyin once again raised the banner of theocracy, and Buddhism replaced Shintoism, and he wanted to endorse his theocracy.

The two nuns seem to be debating the difference between Mingshen and Quanxian in front of Yiyin, but in fact they are competing for the right to interpret the theocracy. It is a belief dispute between the Linji Sect and the Tiantai Sect to win the favor of the ruler of the island country.

Nanzenji worshiped and talked about Myojin, thinking that Bishamonten should be worshiped as a new god alone, and the theocratic power of Goshihiro Yoshigin should be removed.

After all, the deity of Bishamonten is just the king of Buddhism, who looks noble, but in fact he is the guardian deity who wards off evil at the gate of the temple. His essence is similar to that of Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong.

Chongchuan of Nanchan Temple felt that this Buddhist status was too low, and he was not worthy of Yiyin, a noble god in the world, so it was better to change his face and create a main god like Amaterasu.

However, Tenkai of Enryakuji Temple has a different view. From now on, the island country will only have, and will only allow, one god.

It is noble to hold Bishamonten as the main god, but Buddhism has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is no secret that Bishamonten is a well-known king.

Bishamonten should be the manifestation of King Tamon, representing the belief that Buddhism is rooted in the island country. This is a unique theocracy, and it also has special benefits that cannot be replaced by outsiders.

Yiyin sounded funny.

There are two Gaonis in front of me, one is the abbot of the highest temple of Linji Sect, and the other is the abbot of Tiantai Sect who has just ascended to the position. They are both the most powerful nuns in Buddhism.

But now, they are talking about Shintoism in front of themselves.

To put it nicely, the nuns know too well how to change things, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.To put it bluntly, this is a group of bastards who follow their power. As long as the ruler is happy, they can modify the teaching at any time.

Yiyin is not very interested in Myojin or Quanxian, because the samurai group doesn't understand the difference, and warrior Ji cares about status, dignity, and money.

As long as the Shiba family can guarantee the interests of the samurai group, Ji Wushi bows down and shouts that the saint is alive and the gods are blessed, so they don't care about the power of the gods, they don't understand, and they don't care.

As for the interpretation of the doctrinal classics, it is a religious tool used by the rulers to use these poor nuns to fool the common people.

If you don't use the power of the gods, will the sky fall apart?Or put it the other way around, will the sky collapse if you don't use Myojin right now?
In the final analysis, this is Linji Sect and Tiantai Sect competing for the right to speak in religion, and Yiyin does not care about these.

What Yoshihiro is concerned about is how Buddhism views the liberalization of Nanban trade, and the infiltration of Nanban religion into the island country, and whether Buddhist sects will feel dissatisfied with the Shiba family because of this.

What he was concerned about was that if Oda Nobunaga attacked the Ichiko sect, would the Buddhist sects think that the Shiba family had crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and that the name of the Buddhist Dharma protector was not worthy of the name.

Judging from the flattery of the two top Buddhist leaders in front of him, Yiyin realized that he was worrying too much.

Without the restraint of Shintoism, the Buddhist faith has been dominant in the island country for 200 years, and these nuns have long been rotten.

Apart from flattering the rulers and clinging to the powerful, they have no ambition to make progress, and they are just a group of mud that cannot support the wall.

In contrast, while defending against the invasion of the Nanban sect on the front line of Shishan, while promoting Yixiang Yikui in various places and establishing the Buddhist kingdom on the ground, Yixiangzong is simply an anomaly in Buddhism.

As Dharma masters, the past masters of Hongan Temple did not lie down and enjoy themselves, but still struggled to expand their faith. This is so inspiring!
However, Yixiangzong's inspirational road is coming to an end.

Oda Nobunaga has never been a patient person. She is too lazy to deal with complicated religious relations, but she knows how to deal with religious troubles.

Slaughter relieves thousands of worries, no matter how loyal the faith loses the carrier of flesh and blood, it will disappear in smoke.

Kill all the most steadfast believers of Yixiangzong, kill all the nun group at the core of the organization, and kill until Yixiangzong completely disappears, or Yixiangzong bows his head and admits defeat, it's that simple.

Yiyin listened for a long time, but couldn't hear Nanchansi Chongchuan and Yanlisi Tianhai's worries about Nanmanism and their sympathy for Yixiangzong, so he naturally lost interest in continuing to talk nonsense with them.

Yiyin, who was about to leave for Kanto, was very busy and had no time to waste time with these chatty nuns.

After the two nuns respectfully bid farewell, Yi Yin glanced at the smiling Ming Zhi Guangxiu and hummed.

"What are you laughing at? I kindly gave you half a day, but you arranged for these guys to bother me."

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"The saint's words made me sad.

Recently, the sage has made a lot of political handwriting. I thought you would be worried about the dissatisfaction of various Buddhist sects, so I arranged a good show for you to watch, so that you can feel at ease. "

Yi Yin snorted.

"A bunch of mud."

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"If they are not bad enough, then we have to worry. It is the result of the hard work of two generations of shogunate that Buddhist sects can become as bad as they are now.

The Kamakura shogunate has the Kamakura Gozan, and the Ashikaga shogunate has the Kyoto Gozan. Both of them dismantled the Buddhist sects to pieces, failing to form a joint force, and then elected obedient nuns to take care of them.

When you unify the world, new monasteries and teachings will surely appear. They all know it in their hearts, so they naturally want to please you and fight for the position of nun in the future.

As for the Yixiang Sect and the Nanman Sect, they are all the troubles of you, the lord of the world, as long as they are obedient, they are the real smart people. "

Yiyin shook his head helplessly, Akechi Mitsuhide was right.

The Buddhist sect that rulers are most afraid of is the nun system of Yixiangzong, which takes root in the countryside, organizes believers, and forms a fighting force.

And Linji Sect like Tiantai Sect has completely said goodbye to the mud legs in the village.

Relying on the monastery's qualifications to rank seniority, open the door to collect incense money, and the whole person falls into the eyes of money, and the Daoist Gaoni is indeed the ruler's favorite type.

Religion, as long as you stay in the monastery and collect money, and appease the common people to accept their fate and endure hardships, it is the best religion.

Religions such as Yi Xiangzong who went to the countryside to write and read letters to farmers, healed diseases and saved lives, even accompanied farmers to the fields, and organized them to go to monasteries to attend lectures, were the rulers' most feared religion.

Today you dare to go deep into the masses, tomorrow I can't even imagine what you can do, kill, must kill, kill until I have never dared to go to the countryside!

From Yoshihiro himself to the entire samurai group, everyone liked Oda Nobunaga's attack on Ichikozong very much.

Therefore, Yoshigin made concessions to Oda Nobunaga in the two directions of Echizen and Settsu, and the mood of the Kinki samurai was very stable, except for the unlucky Araki Murashige.

Because the Echizen country used to be Kaga Issou Ichikui, and the Settsu country used to be Ishiyama Honganji Temple, both of which were the territory of the Ichiko sect.

Killing all these bandit nuns who are grabbing territory with the samurai family and talking to themselves to engage in the Buddhist kingdom on the ground, no samurai family will have any objection.

Yiyin pulled the corner of his mouth and said.

"Anxin is relieved, but I always feel uncomfortable. The culture of the Wu family is relatively low. Since the fall of Gongqing, the essence of the island nation's culture is in the temple.

When I think of these nuns who represent the culture of the island country, they are all dogs and beasts, and I always feel a little uncomfortable. "

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"Intellectuals, that's the virtue. The backbone is always a minority. Most of the scholars are smart people who know how to judge the situation. If they are not smart, they can't read books.

In fact, there are also Gaoni who are reserved and self-cultivating in the monastery, but these people cannot take up the leadership position of the monastery. They are too principled, how can they fight with their colleagues who have no bottom line? "

Yi Yin nodded.

"I'm paranoid."

After talking about the sect, Yoshihiro looked at Akechi Mitsuhide and warned.

"I should have already set off for Kanto, but I deliberately waited for you to come back before leaving. Do you understand what I mean?"

Akechi Mitsuhide pretended to be surprised.

"The sage loves me and pets me, and he is reluctant to leave without seeing me?"

Yiyin was speechless, he really had nothing to do with this cheeky black-bellied fox.

"Nonsense! I deliberately waited for you to come back, just to warn you, don't do unnecessary things!

When I was in Kanto, you stayed in Kyoto honestly for me, watched Oda Nobunaga for me, and maintained the political achievements of the Fushimi Castle system.

If Oda Nobunaga did something excessive and received complaints from the relevant samurai, the Fushimi Castle system must be responsible for supervision and admonishment, and Oda Nobunaga should not be allowed to act recklessly.

Do you understand? "

After the war, the Shiba and Oda families negotiated in Fushimi Castle. Yoshigin took this opportunity to establish a government office. Oda Nobunaga patted his chest and promised to assist the saint, and there was a Fushimi Castle system that coordinated political positions.

This is Yoshiyin's political tool to limit Oda Nobunaga's messiness, and it needs to play its due role when he leaves.

But if Yoshihiro knew that before Akechi Mitsuhide came back, he had just sent his fake old father to Azuchi Castle as a hostage for Oda Nobunaga.

If Yoshihiro knew that Akechi Mitsuhide had just returned, Hosokawa Fujitaka would have greeted her and asked her to help replace the Kyoto Military Station supervisory authority.

Yiyin will definitely be fidgeting right now, and he is too scared to go to Kanto. What does this shit-stirring stick want to do to him?
But Akechi Mitsuhide would not tell him these things, he just kowtowed respectfully and respectfully.

"Follow the will of the saint."

Yiyin nodded, and took a sip of the tea soup, always feeling a little flustered, but he didn't know where the panic came from.

Just when he was about to think, Akechi Mitsuhide raised his head and smiled charmingly.

"The saint said to give me half a day, there should be half a day left right now?"

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"Change the place again, expel the idlers, and let Gamo's village take care of the periphery? It's too troublesome, forget it."

Akechi Mitsuhide leaned forward, exhaling the fragrance.

"How can we forget it? It's okay if we don't change places."

Yiyin glanced at it, and found that the tea room was located in the courtyard. Although the sliding doors were closed and the stove was lit, the reflection of the paper door could be reflected outside, and was seen by the Tongxin people who were serving.

he frowned.

"Don't make trouble, people will see."

Mingzhi Guangxiu gave a charming smile, got under the table, approached Yiyin, and started to move around on his own.

The tatami mats in this tea room are sunken, which is convenient for the owner to watch the tea ceremony at a head level, so the tea table in the middle is empty, facing Yiyin's legs.

Yiyin's lower body turned cold, his expression froze, he looked around cautiously, and let out a low growl.

"This coquettish fox..."

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