different warring states of japan

Chapter 1624 The Temptation of Changing the Sun God

Chapter 1624 The Temptation of Changing the Sun God

In the end, Yiyin still couldn't stop the black-bellied fox from getting angry, and passively accepted a service.

As Yiyin's Shinto path gradually became clear, the actions of Ji warriors became more and more active.

Originally trapped in the love of ethics and morality, in the temptation of the huge benefits of the descendants of the gods, there is no deterrent force to hinder the action.

Not only Warrior Ji himself is very impulsive, but even the Wu family group behind Warrior Ji is also very supportive of his leader's anger. Getting seeds from the current gods is related to the political future of the entire group.

Those who have the blood of the gods are the descendants of the gods in the temple, and those who do not have the blood of the gods are the servants who will always bow their heads. The validity period may even be as long as hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of years.

In the face of huge political interests, all ethics and morality have become irrelevant.You don't want to show off, some people are vying to show off, bad coins eliminate good coins, and finally everyone becomes a show coin.

This is a second chance for thousands of years in this bloodline and birth-heavy island nation.

If you want to change the lineage and turn the lowly species into the noble species, the last chance to go back to 700 years ago was when the heir of the emperor, Minamoto Heira, descended to the place.

Aristocratic families from all over the country rushed to marry Minamoto Heira, taking this opportunity to change their species, improve their status, and improve their ownership of the land under their names.

This time the opportunity is bigger than last time, and it is a one-step process, which is beyond words.

Going to bed with a god is another kind of story. This kind of fairytale-like plot is really rare. Who wants to miss it?
The target of this replanting is not as many people as Genji Heira last time, but only Yiyin, the living god, a single seedling.

Conscience of heaven and earth, even if this single seedling does not go to the ground every day, how many seeds can it produce?What's more, he was so busy that he ran on both ends of Kinki Kanto.

All the martial arts groups can't grab it, who will be polite and humble?Taking clothes off without seeing each other is already the greatest respect Ji Warrior has for the living gods.

Not only could Yiyin not refuse the hunger and thirst shown by the Wu family group, but he had to actively encourage it in order to complete his plan for descendants of the gods.

All in all, he sacrificed a lot and his waist was tired.

After stabilizing the political situation in Kyoto, Yoshihiro set off again to Kanto.

As soon as the second winter snow had passed, Yiyin set off on horseback with his concentric group. Taking advantage of the intermission between the wind and snow, they passed through the country of Jinjiang and could not pass through the customs.

Tokaido faces the Pacific Ocean. Compared with the Sea of ​​Japan in Hokuriku, the ocean currents on this side are much warmer, and the road will not be blocked by winter snow, making it difficult to travel.

After receiving the order, the daimyos along the way actively provided supplies for Yiyin's trip, which made the journey smooth.

Yoshigin just left the Kyoto Basin from Sakamoto Town, passed through the grass and entered the Minami Omi Plain, and welcomed Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga personally accompanied Yoshigin to walk for a while, holding banquets every day and staying in bed every night, and refused to miss a day.

At the same time, powerful samurai from Omi came to visit the saint one after another along the way, and close samurai such as Kamo Kenhide and Hashiba Hideyoshi were given the privilege of being accompanied by them for a while.

It wasn't until he was close to breaking through that Oda Nobunaga took Yoshihiro's hand and bid farewell.

"I will send you off for thousands of miles, but I will have to say goodbye. The saint is going to Kanto, and I don't know when he will see his face again."

Oda Nobunaga's dejected gesture is not only out of sincere admiration, but also a political performance show for the Omi samurai who followed him around.

The Shiba and Oda families join forces and are about to kick off the curtain of calming the world.

The more intimate Oda Nobunaga's acting is, the more she can take advantage of the fear of the Kinki samurai family and act recklessly after Yoshigin leaves.

What the Oda family lacked was not the power to conquer, but the deterrent power that made the samurai in the conquered place despair.

Only when the local warriors feel that no one can help them, will they truly surrender, and stop doing any tricks where they are in Cao Ying and their hearts are in Han.

The banner of righteousness of Yoshihiro can be used by others to oppose Oda Nobunaga, and Oda Nobunaga can also be used to suppress others, it depends on who has the higher political means.

Yi Yin didn't care about this.

What he cares most about is his status as the supreme arbiter, followed by the establishment of a united and effective divine-descendant ruling system, and the rest are all subsections.

Oda Nobunaga rushes to have sex with himself every day, that is, he wants to rely on the blood of the gods to enhance his influence. In Yoshihiro's view, Oda Nobunaga belongs to his own people who can unite.

To put it simply, as long as there is a samurai daimyo who is willing to give birth to a child for him, and use the child's blood relationship to establish secular rule, they all belong to Yiyin's own people who are willing to unite.

His theocracy requires such a greedy secular ruler, the Samurai Sun God united front, as long as his own people don't beat his own people, the meat will eventually rot in the cauldron of the descendants of the gods, and the righteousness and money will not be lost.

Oda Nobunaga and Yoshigin were saying farewell in front, while the rest of Ji Takeshi waited silently in the distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gamo Hyun-soo and Gamo's mother and daughter got along well for a few days.

Seeing that the once immature prostitute has grown into the leader of the Shiba Tongxin Group, and is quite accomplished in dealing with people, Kamo Hyun-hide is full of gratitude to Yiyin.

When parting, Pusheng Xianxiu took her daughter to the side and exhorted.

"The saint's kindness to my family is as great as a mountain. My daughter serves the saint carefully and must not disappoint the saint."

Gamo Shixiang nodded.

"Mother, don't worry, I will reflect on it every day."

Gamo Kenhide glanced at Oda Nobunaga in the distance, and said in a low voice.

"When you come back to Kinki next time, I will pass on the position of family governor to you."

Pusheng's hometown was surprised.

"My mother is in her prime, why did she say that? I am busy with my affairs now, and I don't have time to go home and take care of the family business."

Pu Sheng Xianxiu said happily.

"Of course I don't want to ruin my good future in Tongxinzhong and go home to waste my time. I just hope that you will be the supervisor of this family, and I will take care of everything in the family for you."

Pu Sheng looked at his mother puzzled, and Pu Sheng Xianxiu sighed.

"Since the destruction of the Liujiao family, I have devoted myself to coordinating the relationship between Minami Omi for His Highness Oda, but how did the Oda family repay me?
First, Shibata Katsuya and those Owari sects raised their butcher knives in Minami Omi, causing panic among the people.This time when Shiba Oda started the war, His Highness Oda didn't trust me, so he asked me to go home to recuperate.

The Oda family has always been on guard against me. If you hadn't had a high status in the Tongxin group and were favored by saints, the Gamo family would have fallen to the butcher's knife a long time ago.

Hino Castle is an important town in Minami, backed by the Suzuka Mountains, and guarding the gateway of Koka County. It is one of the junctions of the plains and mountains.

I thought that as long as my Kamao family was loyal to His Highness Oda, at least the family business would be safe.

Looking at it now, there are many hills inside the Oda family, and there are many hidden dangers. His Highness Oda's trust in me is also limited, and he is definitely not a master.

That being the case, why should the Gamo family continue to be burdened by the Shiba Oda family? I might as well pass on the name of the family governor to you to show that my family is fully in favor of the Shiba family.

Even if there is internal turmoil in the Oda family and Minami Omi rises in the future, for the sake of the Shiba family, others will have to weigh it carefully if they want to attack Hino Castle. "

Kamo Shigo looked at Oda Nobunaga who was talking and laughing in the distance, and asked.

"Is mother so pessimistic about the future of the Oda family?"

Pu Sheng Xianxiu sighed.

"The fire is cooking the oil, the flowers are blooming, who knows how long it will last, since His Highness Oda doesn't trust me, why should I worry about the Oda family.

Sage is a kind man, and with you, a favored retainer of Shiba, in the Gamo family, there is no reason to gamble on the future on the dangerous ship of the Oda family.

Get off the boat early and feel at ease, even if the Oda family really skyrockets in the future, we don't have to be jealous, this wealth is too hot to touch, and the wise will not take it. "

Gamo Shixiang nodded and said.

"I will obey my mother's arrangement."

From the perspective of the Gamo family, the Gamo family should have given up their thoughts of sitting on the fence long ago and thrown themselves into the warm embrace of the Shiba family.

But because the family business is supported by her mother, she has little influence in the family.Mother is willing to find her way back, and of course she will fully support it.

It is indeed good that the Gamo family went back to be a famous family governor and gradually took over the family business, making the Gamo family's Hino Castle an important support point for the Shiba family in Minami Omi.

But this matter, Kamo's township still thinks shallowly.

The reason Kaso Hyun-hide finally decided to entrust the family business to his daughter and completely invest in the Shiba family was that Kaso Hyun-hide found out that his daughter was no longer a young girl.

Gamo Clan Township was entrusted to Shiba Yiyin as a surname when she was less than ten years old. She has been loyal and loyal all these years. Her thoughts on treating saints are not as simple as the general friendship between monarchs and ministers.

Kamo Hyun-hide has known for a long time that her daughter has a deep-rooted affection for Shiba Yoshiyin, and she has also been troubled by this matter.

After all, Kamo Shigo is her legitimate daughter, who shoulders the heavy responsibility of inheriting the family business, so she can't have a crush on Shiba Yoshiyin and stay away from marriage all her life, right?

But as Yoshihiko Shiba embarked on the Shinto way and was regarded as a living god descended from a sage, Kenhide Gamo's mind changed completely.

If the daughter can really climb into the saint's bed, the future of the Gamo family is limitless.

And the daughter did not disappoint Kamo Hyun-soo, when Kaso Hyun-soo found out that her daughter was no longer a chick, she was very pleasantly surprised.

Given Gamo's obsession with the sage, it is impossible for her to find another man outside, and she must have had some profound and simple things with the sage.

Kamo Kenhide's speculation is not unfounded, because the Concentric Group is too important in Shiba's family, similar to the central organization.

As the head of the concentric group, the chief of the secretariat, the importance of Gamo's hometown, the sage must also see it in his eyes.

Gamo's township sits in such an important position, there is no reason for the sage not to make her his own completely, how can outsiders use it with peace of mind?

Gamo Hyun-soo was very excited when he thought that Gaso's hometown might be pregnant with the seeds of a saint.

At this time, the Gamo family is still a subsidiary of the Oda family, and Kamao Kenhide already has a higher pursuit.

Once a descendant of a god is born in Gamo's village, she and Oda Nobunaga are sisters who live on the same temple.Even though there is a disparity in strength between the two families, His Highness Oda is not qualified to be the head of the Gamo family.

Gamo Hyun-soo looks forward to being able to conceive a god-seed when Gamo's family returns, and the Gaso family will soar into the sky from then on, becoming a god-descendant family.

After all, the Gamo family is young, not as old and cunning as Gamo Kenhide, and was fooled into it by a few words, thinking that his mother was disheartened by the Oda family, so he changed course and joined the Shiba family.

At this time, Pu Sheng Xianxiu's eyes skipped over her daughter's belly from time to time, and her heart was full of anticipation.


Not far from Gamo's mother and daughter, Hashiba Hideyoshi on the other side is also watching Oda Nobunaga and Shiba Yoshigin bid farewell, with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

Suddenly, there was a violent coughing sound from her side, she turned her head to look, it was Shigeharu Takenaka who was pale and thinner day by day.

"Takenaka Hime, your condition hasn't improved yet, so you shouldn't come out this time to see you off and blow the cold wind again."

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"Don't worry, my lord. I won't be able to die for a while. Shiba and Oda's two families have joined forces. I don't want to take a closer look at the two lords. I really don't feel relieved."

Hearing Takenaka Shigeharu's unlucky words, Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned slightly, but finally sighed.

"You, it's because you are too serious that your body will get worse and worse. What you need now is to rest and rest, don't rush it for a while."

Looking at Oda Nobunaga in the distance, Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

"Don't worry, we don't have much time to stay in Jinjiang."

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes.

"how do I say this?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"The main hall seems to be more urgent than before, and the Oda family is about to start expanding rapidly.

Lord Katsuie Shibata attacked the country of Kaga in the Echizen country, and Lord Tsuneko Ikeda was about to attack the country of Settsu. The Hashiba family would definitely be asked to lead troops to help in the battle.

The Echizen Corps is strong, and Hashiba's family is mostly going to Settsu to help in the war. Once Settsu is captured, the Hashiba family will not be far away from Omi. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"You mean the hall will change my title?"

Takenaka Shigeharu panted twice and said.

"The hall will definitely relocate all the powerful retainers to ensure that they have an absolute advantage in their hands, enough to suppress the expanding retainers.

Whether it's Shibata, Ikeda, Niwa, or you, all important officials must leave the core territory of the Oda family.

The two countries of Owari Mino have been digested by the main hall, and Kitabata Shinbo of Ise country is a member of Oda's sect. His retainers and powers are dispatched by the main hall, and Ise country is equivalent to the direct leader of the main hall.

Now, the main hall has moved the residence city to Nanjiang Antucheng, and the next step is to digest the north and south Jinjiang.

Most likely, the Yuchai family's territory in Beijinjiang could not be kept.Once the Settsu Kingdom is captured, you should be relocated and continue to be re-sealed to the front. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled wryly.

"I have worked so hard to stabilize Beijinjiang. The main hall will come to pick peaches soon, so I am a little unwilling."

Takenaka Shigeharu turned pale, coughed, and smiled.

"Who would be willing? Isn't Shibata Katsuie's wealthy territory in Dongmino also changed to Echizen Kingdom by the main hall?

The mind of the main hall is to keep moving the retainer territory to the front line, forcing the retainer to work hard on the front line and dare not slack off.

Everyone knew in their hearts that winning the battle was nothing more than helping the main hall to stabilize the new leader, waiting to be picked peaches and continue to move out.If you lose, you will be punished, and the accumulation over the years will be wiped out, leaving you with nothing.

The original feudal rules of guarding the soil of the Wu family were all broken by the hall, and everyone was half-starved wild dogs, who only fed the ambition of one person in the hall.

But who dares to resist the hall?The core territory of the Oda family is getting bigger and bigger, and the strength of the main hall is getting stronger and stronger. Everyone will only fear her more than before. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi said something in a low voice.

"And want her dead more than ever."

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded with a smile.

"That's right, as the Oda family's territory grows larger, the Oda retainers will be more and more eager to die in the hall.

Only in this way can the Oda family return to the tradition of the samurai family, and this big cake may be shared by the retainers.

The better the development of the Oda family, the more everyone wants the hall to die, which is really ironic. "

(End of this chapter)

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