different warring states of japan

Chapter 1628 Tokugawa Ieyasu's conspiracy

Reopen the Tokaido trade route?
Yoshigin narrowed his eyes, looked at Tokugawa Ieyasu with a sincere face, and began to think.

The Shiba family started from the northern land road trade route, relying on this cornucopia to win over samurai along the way, resulting in a very strong wealth effect and a very stable political alliance.

The rise of the Hokuriku Road trade route was not the result of Yoshihiro's foresight, but a coincidence that followed the current situation.

What is the current situation?

Oda Nobunaga killed Imagawa Yoshimoto in a surprise attack in Ozazama, and the whole army of important ministers who followed Imagawa Yoshimoto was wiped out, which led to the collapse of the Imagawa family's rule in Suruga, Enjiang, and Mikawa Three Kingdoms.

Imagawa Yoshimoto is an excellent samurai daimyo. She unified the three wealthy Tokaido territories, Suruga, Enjiang, and Mikawa militarily.

Politically, she reached a three-family alliance with the Takeda family and the Hojo family, which eased the military pressure behind her and allowed her to conquer the Nobi Plain with all her strength.

Economically, she actively explored the trade routes of the East China Sea, and her Junfu City became the hub of the trade routes of the East China Sea, gathering a lot of wealth.

Imagawa Yoshimoto reformed the law internally and actively conquered externally. It seems that he has the strength to replace the Hosokawa family and become the most powerful branch of the Ashikaga family. He may be the head of the new generation of the shogunate.

But just when the Imagawa family was thriving and thriving, Yoshimoto Imagawa died unexpectedly in the barrel, and he also died with the powerful samurai family of Mikawa, Tone, and Suruga who were close to the Imagawa family.

The traditional samurai rule is the feudal structure of monarchs and ministers, overlapping, and the attachment of the bottom to the upper is to rely on the powerful samurai in the middle to connect the loyalty relationship between the upper and lower.

The death of Yoshimoto Imagawa, the wise lord, has already affected the family business of Imagawa.The important ministers who accompanied her from all over the place were finished together, which was tantamount to tearing down the cornerstone of the Imagawa family's rule.

Takeda Shingen and Tokugawa Ieyasu were able to regard the Imagawa family as nothing, quickly win over the local samurai family, and expel the Imagawa family.

It is also because most of the powerful samurai loyal to the Imagawa family died in Ozazama.

Tracing back to the source, the Imagawa family was actually defeated by Oda Nobunaga, and Takeda Shingen and Tokugawa Ieyasu just picked peaches along the way.

The Imagawa family's rule collapsed, not to mention the political and military aspects, but the economic environment had the greatest impact.

The stability of the Tokaido trade route was based on Imagawa Yoshimoto's alliance with the Takeda family and the Hojo family, which stabilized the political situation of the Tokaido.

Without a stable political situation, there will be no stable Tokaido trade routes, and it will be impossible to establish a long-term effective economic environment.

In particular, Takeda Shingen launched the Suruga invasion and forcibly captured the Suruga country. In the process, the Kai people who were blinded by the colorful world burned, killed and looted the Suruga country.

At that time, Takeda Shingen was giving birth in Suruga Castle, and she didn't even have the strength to manage the castle town of Suruga Castle, let alone the entire Suruga Kingdom?

When Takeda Shingen regained his breath, he was almost fainted by Kai's anger, and the wealth accumulated in Sunfu City for many years was burned, and it was difficult to recover.

Over the years, Takeda Shingen tried his best to restore Suruga's economy, but with little success.

Salt fields, fishing grounds, and cultivated land are easy to restore, but cities, seaports, and commerce are completely closed, and it is difficult to restore their previous grandeur.

The Suruga country is generally high in stone, mainly relying on its unique commercial location to form a strong economic position, but under the rule of the Takeda family, this advantage has been destroyed.

Merchants are not stupid, you can burn their shops and rob their caravans, but you can only kill them once, and they will never come again.

It is easy to lose trust, but it is difficult to build trust, especially commercial credit, which cannot be achieved overnight.

Coupled with the confrontation between Tokugawa, Takeda, and Hojo in Tokaido, it is far from a good political and business environment where Yoshimoto Imagawa sits in the town, where everyone gives face and sits and eats fruit and fruit.

In fact, even if the Tōkaidao was chaotic, the trade route would not have weakened so quickly.

Because the logistics trade in the Kanto and Kansai is always needed, the war will only increase the logistics cost, and it will not directly cut off the logistics. After all, there are a lot of commercial interests, and there are always merchants.

But around the time Imakawa Yoshimoto was hacked to death, Yoshigin followed Uesugi Kenshin from Hokuriku Road back to Echigo Kingdom, and began to establish the Hokuriku Road trade route system.

It's like when everyone is scolding a certain place for barbecues, the merchants in a certain place say hello, don't come here, bastard, and then find that ZB is popular.

From ancient times to the present, the main passages in Kanto and Kansai are divided into three, Zhongsen Road, Hokuriku Road, and Tokai Road.

Among them, the Zhongshan Road has the least commercial value, the mountain road is rugged, and the logistics cost is too high.

The disadvantage of Hokuriku is that the Sea of ​​Japan is too cold, the sea breeze blows ashore in winter, and the coastline is blocked by the Shinano Mountains, which makes Hokuriku extremely cold in winter, and heavy snow blocks roads to affect traffic.

From a geographical point of view, the logistics channel with the most favorable natural conditions is the Tokaido trade route.

The coastline of Tokaido is actually located southerly than Hokuriku, and the sea breeze in the Pacific Ocean is not as harsh as the Sea of ​​Japan, so the Tokaido trade route theoretically has no winter break.

Moreover, the Tokaido connects the wealthy Nobi Plain and the Kanto Plain, and its commercial value is higher than that of the poor Hokuriku.

Therefore, if it is in a peaceful era, the Zhongshan Road and the Hokuriku Road are tied together, and they cannot beat the Tokaido. The Tokaido is the core channel for logistics in Kanto and Kansai.

The prosperity of the Hokuriku Road trade route was entirely based on the war in the Tokaido.

In order to open up the Hokuriku Road trade route, Takada Yono fought with caravans traveling on the Tokaido in Sakai Port, and spent money to lure the caravans to take the Hokuriku Road.

Fortunately, the Tōkaidao was full of wars and dangers along the way, and even the dogs would not leave, let alone the timid and fearful caravans.

The Hokuriku Road trade route started with 30 kan at the beginning, and it took five or six years to achieve almost 500 million kan of all logistics in Kanto and Kansai.

But now, Tokugawa Ieyasu made a generous statement in front of Yoshiyin, hoping that Yoshiyin would help stabilize the situation in Tokaido and reopen the trade in Tokaido.

The economic interests of the Shiba family are all in the Hokuriku Road trade route, and reopening the Tokaido trade, isn't this just ruining his own job?How could Yiyin agree?
Yoshigin looked at Tokugawa Ieyasu and thought she was really interesting.

First, he gave himself a plan that was not good for the Takeda family and the Hojo family, but only beneficial to the Tokugawa family. Now he proposes to re-open the Tokaido trade route, which is tantamount to competing with the Hokuriku trade route.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's proposals became outrageous one by one, and Yoshihiro didn't even bother to talk.

Compared with uprising silver, Tokugawa Ieyasu knows better what she means, because she stays in Tōkaidō all year round, thinking deeper and longer.

"Saint, with your mercy in mind, the world will eventually be peaceful.

It is impossible for the Tōkaidō to remain in chaos forever, and it is impossible for the Hokuriku Province to eat alone all the time. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, it is better to take the initiative to arrange, which is beneficial to the Hokuriku Road trade route and the Shiba family. "

Yiyin's eyes flashed brightly, and he nodded.

"What do you think, tell me specifically."

Tokugawa Ieyasu said respectfully.

"The Shiba family's development of the Hokuriku Road trade route has amazed the foreign ministers, and the foreign ministers have also exchanged Siba food stamps, bought Hokuriku Road trade route stocks, and even sent retainers to Kinki Siba to claim a piece of land.

I have great admiration for the economic development of the Shiba family. Kinki Shiba is like a paradise, a paradise outside the troubled times, which makes foreign ministers envious.

However, the Hokuriku Road is inherently deficient, not to mention that the Ichigo sect originated in Hokuriku, and the Ichigoku has been raging for a long time, with far-reaching influence, which is not conducive to land business.

Even if His Highness Oda can completely eradicate the influence of Kaga Etsuchu, the snowstorm in Hokuriku is still a difficult problem.

There was Bohai trade in the early days, and the earliest ports along the Hokuriku Road can be traced back thousands of years, but so far they have not been able to expand, because of the wind and snow.

But Tokaido is different. The winter in Tokaido is warmer than in Hokuriku, which does not hinder business.

Whether by land or by sea, the Tokaido is easier to travel than the Hokuriku Road, and there are two rich lands, the Nobi Plain and the Kanto Plain, to digest commodities.

Coupled with the continuous excellent port network of Ise Bay, Mikawa Bay, and Izu Bay, the conditions of Tokaido are much better than those of Hokuriku.

I dare to assert that once the world is peaceful and Hokuriku and Tokaido stand on the same starting line, the Hokuriku trade route will inevitably weaken, and the Tokaido trade route will definitely revitalize.

If the Shiba family can't take precautions, then the food stamps, stocks, and commercial credit established on the Hokuriku Road commercial road may be severely impacted.

At that time, wouldn't the saint be embarrassed? "

Tokugawa Ieyasu glanced at Yoshigin, but didn't say any more.Yoshigin nodded slowly, knowing what Tokugawa Ieyasu was taboo and didn't say.

Yoshihiro did not expect that Tokugawa Ieyasu would be so patient and personally experienced the financial system of food stamps, stocks, and real estate.

Although the samurai daimyo in the middle ages was ignorant of finance, through her intelligence, she had already discovered the hidden danger of the Shiba family relying heavily on the Hokuriku Road trade route economically.

The Hokuriku trade route is very important, but if the prosperity of the Hokuriku trade route and the political ideas of Giyin diverge, how should Giyin choose?
Tokugawa Ieyasu's meaning is very clear. Under the same conditions, the Hokuriku Road trade route cannot compete with the Tokai Road trade route. Therefore, if Yoshihiro wants to protect the Hokuriku Road trade route, he can only let the Tokai Road go into chaos.

However, Yoshiyin's political philosophy and the new ideas of Shiba that he advocates have always been to stop internal friction, develop peacefully, and rebuild the order of the samurai world.

If he shouted peace, but secretly kept stirring up turmoil in the Tokaido for the benefit of the Hokuriku Road trade route, wouldn't he be a fool?
Certain shameless countries can say one thing and do another, and for their own benefit, they wish to plunge the whole world into turmoil.

But Yiyin can't do that!
His political foundation is Shinto, and theocracy can slowly decay, but the gods themselves must be glorious and righteous, and they are expected by all.

In other words, peaceful development is the political promise Yiyin, the god of this world, made to the world's warriors. If he wants to maintain his godhood, he must implement his holy words and unswervingly promote peace.

Bishamonten is the protector of Buddhism and the patron saint of the samurai family. He came to the world to save the suffering people in troubled times and bring peace to this island country again.

This political foundation is unshakable. Although the economic benefits of the Hokuriku Road trade route are great, they are worthless in front of the peaceful political wealth.

Yi Yin sighed.

Tokugawa Ieyasu has a far-reaching vision. She has seen through her choice a long time ago, so she proposed two plans here, allowing the Imagawa clan to return to the Suruga Kingdom and re-opening the Tokaido trade route.

If the Hokuriku trade route is doomed to decline, the best choice is for the Shiba family to lead the process and replace the Hokuriku trade route with the Tokaido trade route to safeguard the economic interests of the Shiba family.

Tokugawa Ieyasu has already helped Yoshihiro to come up with a specific plan with high feasibility.

Let the Takeda family and the Hojo family withdraw from the Suruga country, and Yoshigin himself will lead the political plan for the return of the Imagawa clan to the Suruga Castle, so that the Suruga Castle, the core of the Tokaido trade route, can be re-operated.

The re-opening of the Tokaido trade route must be under the guidance of the Shiba family. Yoshihiro believes that Takada Yono has a way to copy the gameplay of the Hokuriku trade route to the Tokaido trade route.

As long as both Hokuriku and Tokaido are under the control of the Shiba family, the economic interests of the Siba family can be maintained even if the meat is rotten in the pot.

Tokugawa Ieyasu proposed these two plans, which have two advantages.

On the one hand, she is sure that her influence on the Suruga people is higher than that of the Takeda family and the Hojo family, and she can gain great benefits from the reopening of the Tokaido trade route.

On the other hand, she wants to be the second Asakura Keiji.

Asakura Keiki's Tsuruga County is an important fulcrum of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the status of Tsuruga Port is irreplaceable. She is the key figure of Yoshihiro Death Insurance.

Once the Tokaido trade route is reopened, Junfu Castle will be the new Tsuruga Port and the core of the Tokaido trade route.

Ima Chuan is really just a puppet, she can't control the factory.

The Takeda family went to Hitachi, and the Hojo family went to the Boso Peninsula. Even if they got the land, it was only the beginning. It would take time to digest the new territory, and their attention to the Tokaido would decline.

Ieyasu Tokugawa, who occupies the three rivers and distant rivers and has great influence on the Suruga country, will become an important figure on the Tokaido trade route, and will escort the operation of the trade route for a long time.

To sum up, once Tokugawa Ieyasu reopens the Tokaido trade route according to Tokugawa Ieyasu's idea, her political value will be different.

At that time, Yoshigin would never allow Oda Nobunaga to swallow up the Tokugawa family, turning Tokugawa Ieyasu into a subordinate and a retainer.

The surrender of the Tokugawa family to the Oda family means that the Tokaido trade route is controlled by Oda Nobunaga, which is the bottom line Yoshigin cannot tolerate.

The strength of the Shiba family is different from that of ordinary samurai families. From the very beginning, they were not simply established on the ground, and many relationships relied on economic bonds.

But now, Yiyin's power is based on theocracy.

To put it simply, Yiyin doesn't care if others take away a few pieces of his territory, since Sibo Territory itself is not big anyway.His power is more manifested in other ways.

For example, the binding of economic interests, emotional PUA, the bonus of the shogunate's name, and the blessing of theocracy gave him the right to arbitrate similar to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

He is invincible, he does things fairly, and everyone is willing to listen and obey. This is power.

Although the power from personal prestige cannot be transferred to future generations, the Yiyinji Thief must prepare to use the descendants of the gods to unite the most powerful samurai group in the world and rule the land with theocracy.

Once the god-descendant group takes shape, no matter it is strength or status, it will be an overwhelming force, from body control to spirit, so that the samurai can only obey obediently and be the dogs of the Shiba family for generations.

Therefore, Yiyin seldom cares about the gains and losses of the land, and there are only two things he is most taboo about.

One, someone challenged his theocracy.

Second, the economic dominance of trade routes was taken away.

Theocracy is a political tool used by the Shiba family to rule the island country for a long time, and it cannot be weakened by provocation.The right to rule commercial routes is an important guarantee for Yiyin to maintain its current power, and it must be firmly grasped.

These two points, one represents the future, and the other represents the present, grasping with both hands, both hands must be strong.

Therefore, once Yoshihiro decides to rebuild the Tokaido trade route according to Tokugawa Ieyasu's plan, then the independence of Tokugawa Ieyasu must be guaranteed, and Oda Nobunaga cannot be allowed to swallow the Tokugawa family.

This is Tokugawa Ieyasu's conspiracy.

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