different warring states of japan

Chapter 1629 Serve him for life and life

Unlike Oda Nobunaga, Yoshigin never pursues absolute control.

There are too many important things in the world, this is also important, and that is also important, if you want to pursue absolute control because of the importance, he will not be able to handle a hundred of them, and his energy is limited.

The re-opening of the Tokaido trade route has huge benefits, but it cannot replace the Hokuriku trade route for a while.Moreover, Tokugawa Ieyasu couldn't eat by herself, she was at most an errand runner, earning some hard money.

If Yoshihiro wants to find another candidate and entrust it to others, what is the difference from entrusting it to Ieyasu Tokugawa?Shiba's retainers and related allies, which one is selfless and which one is sincere and reliable?
Maybe, my own people are not as good as Tokugawa Ieyasu, an outsider, at least the relationship is business-to-business, so it is convenient to turn faces and settle accounts.

The most important land of the samurai family, Takeda Shingen and Hojo Ujimasa will go to Kanto to have a big meal, and the attention to Tokaido will decrease, but this does not mean that they will not take a share in the Tokaido trade route.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is actually a coolie who takes the lead and takes the blame. She wants to start the Tokaido trade route, so Yoshihiro will let her do it.

Well done, Shiba's family eats meat, Shiba's allies drink soup, and the Tokugawa family is responsible for licking the plates. As for the worry of being turned into a customer by Tokugawa Ieyasu, that does not exist.

The upper reaches of the Tokaido trade route are Sakai Port, and the lower reaches are the Kanto Plains. They are all controlled by the Shiba family and related allies.

Even if Tokugawa Ieyasu has other ideas and wants to take advantage of the Tokaido trade route, Yoshigin can also exert political and military pressure through the Takeda family and the Hojo family to make her sober.

In fact, there is no need for major political and military moves, it is just Takada Yono's means of economic scheduling. It is impossible for Tokugawa Ieyasu, the second party, to stand up. She has no upper and lower resource channels.

After all, Tokugawa Ieyasu never thought of taking advantage of the Shiba family, let alone harboring evil intentions.

She suggested reopening the Tokaido, the economic interests are secondary, and the most important thing is to keep her independence and not become a subsidiary of the Oda family.

The cooperation between Yoshihiro and Tokugawa Ieyasu is actually Tokugawa Ieyasu secretly turning from an ally of Oda to an ally of both Shiba Oda.

I'm a weak chicken, brothers and sisters, you guys are awesome, but don't think about swallowing me up, otherwise Tōkaidao will become chaotic and no one will be able to get cheap.

Stabilizing the political value of Tokaido is the amulet Tokugawa Ieyasu found for himself, to find a balance between the Shiba family and the Oda family.

For Tokugawa Ieyasu's careful thinking, Yoshihiro of course supports it.

If Yoshigin can control the two commercial routes of Tokaido and Hokuriku, it is tantamount to closing the door to the Kanto for Oda Nobunaga.

The sphere of influence of the Oda family is at most as far as the Echizen Kaga Ryogoku in Hokuriku, and the Mikawa Enjiang Ryogoku in Tokaido, so it is difficult to continue eastward.

No matter how Oda Nobunaga tosses, her influence cannot cross the Tokaido and Hokuriku to reach the Kanto, then she can only go to Kansai, and die with those Western daimyos who do not accept theocracy.

And the Kanto side will become Yiyin's private land, allowing him to slowly devour and digest it, and run his own theocracy base.

Originally, Kanto was more conservative and poorer than Kinki Kansai, and it was most suitable for Yoshiyin, the rich incarnation of Bishamonten, to develop theocracy.

Therefore, Yiyin will not lose money by re-opening this business on Donghai Road Commercial Road.Of course he was happy to watch Tokugawa Ieyasu jumping left and right, supporting the Tokugawa family's independent efforts.


Tokugawa Ieyasu's plan, Yoshihiro finally nodded in approval.After that, Yiyin still needs to do some mediation.

Yiyin only needs to grasp the general direction, and how to re-open up the business route is naturally planned by his subordinates and implemented step by step.

But before that, Yoshigin needs to convince the Takeda family and the Hojo family, because the Takeda family wants to withdraw from the Suruga country, and the Hojo family wants to hand over Imagawa Shima.

In fact, Yoshigin turned the Suruga country into a neutral commercial center, and the Shiba family was behind the manipulation to lead the re-opening of the Tokaido trade route.

The Imagawa family is really just the guardian of Suruga in name, and the Tokugawa, Takeda, and Hojo families will theoretically never interfere in Suruga's affairs.

Of course, this is only theory.

In Suruga, the Takeda family has a great influence on Fuji County, which is close to the Kai country, and the Takeda family has a deep relationship with the Hojo family.

Tokugawa Ieyasu even secretly smuggled and did business with the Suruga people, desperately trying to win over the Suruga people.

Even if the three families supported the Imagawa clan's return to the country to retake the guardianship of Suruga, the Suruga country would become a buffer zone between the three families.

But in fact, of the 15 koku of land in Suruga, it is estimated that none of it belongs to the Imagawa Clan.

But Yiyin doesn't care.

He doesn't care about the land, he just needs Masaru Imagawa to sit in Sumpu Castle, so that the Shiba family can logically control the commercial hub and core city of the Tokaido.

It's only 15 shi. In the eyes of Yono Takada, who is taking the financial route, it is estimated that a group of beggars are scrambling for leftovers. She doesn't even bother to look at it.

The essence of finance is to allow wealth to circulate and then flow to where it should go.

What is the place to go?Of course it was in the Shiba family's pocket.

The specific method is to draw cakes.

In the case of the saturation of the Hokuriku Road business road, drawing a new cake on the Tokaido Road business road will help the Shiba family to re-issue the license and have another big meal.

As for Tokaido and Hokuriku, both belong to the Kanto Kansai logistics corridor, the construction of Tokaido is to weaken the economic contradiction of Hokuriku, don't ask.

The question is, we have to focus on the future, the new blue ocean is in front of us, let us embrace new opportunities, and don't look back at outdated Internet celebrities.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was full of expectations, and accompanied Yoshihiro across three rivers and two countries, sending Yoshihiro to the border before saying goodbye.

When Yoshigin arrived in Suruga, he thought Takeda Shingen would be as attentive as Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Who knew that this Kai tigress didn't play cards according to common sense, but just sent Kosaka Masanobu to ask Yoshigin to go to Kai country for a talk.

Looking at the embarrassed Kosaka Masanobu, Yoshigin snorted and said.

"Since His Highness Takeda is busy, I won't bother you much, and just go directly to Sagami Country."

Kosaka Masanobu saw Yoshigin's serious face, his heart was beating wildly, he leaned forward and said in a low voice.

"Saint, Yixin said he missed you."

The corner of Yoshigin's mouth twitched, this Takeda Shingen is really not a thing, he used the child as a bait, and insisted on making Yoshigin go back to Kai by detour, how could Yoshigin let her succeed!
But under Kosaka Masanobu's pleading eyes, Yoshigin really couldn't say anything decisive to the number one beauty of the Takeda family, after all, she was also his own woman.

"Hey, then go and see the child, Takeda Shingen, where is she now?"

Kosaka Masanobu was overjoyed, looked at Yoshiyin with affection in his eyes, and said in a low voice.

"Saint, there are many hot springs in Mount Fuji, and the hot springs in Yoshida are particularly good. My Highness is taking His Royal Highness to soak in the hot springs there.

In winter, the Kai mountain area is cold and freezing. His Royal Highness is used to staying in the Kyoto Basin, and cannot stand the bitter cold in the mountains, so in Yoshida, he does not want to leave the hot spring and go south, but he misses the saint.

Therefore, His Royal Highness will go beyond his duty and implore the sage to go to Yoshida to gather with His Royal Highness. "

Yiyin snorted coldly.

"You don't need to explain to her, I don't know what's on her mind?"

The Kanto families seem to be united in the Kanto Chamber of Commerce, but in fact they have their own ghosts in private.

In particular, Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin gave birth to heirs successively, and they became the blood of the gods first, and they took their daughter's self-respect and overwhelmed the princesses politically.

Takeda Shingen just entered the Kanto Chamberlain's Great Review, and she is a latecomer. She needs some background bonuses to elevate her status.

Yiyin crosses the Tungkaido and heads to the Kanto, just when Wanji is paying attention, martial artists from all over the way rush to see the accompanying saint, and feel honored.

Big guys like Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu accompanied them all the way to the border with a respectful attitude.

Takeda Shingen did the opposite, huddled in the hot springs of Kai country to enjoy, but asked Yoshigin to brave the cold wind to detour to the foot of Mount Fuji to visit her and the child.

Comparing the performance of Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu, Takeda Shingen is not self-promotion, what is it?
She was sure that Yiyin cared about the child Takeda Yoshinobu and was a soft-hearted man, so she dared to manipulate the saint so unscrupulously.

If it were someone from the world who was determined to kill and kill, this disrespect to the gods alone would be enough to make the Takeda family pay a heavy price.

But the result now is that Takeda Shingen knows Yoshinobu too well. Relying on this matter has strengthened the political capital of the Takeda family and made each family look up to Takeda Yoshinobu.

Of course Yiyin understood Takeda Shingen's intentions, but he was reluctant to let his child suffer, so he could only be manipulated by Takeda Shingen once.

If he really ignored Takeda Shingen's invitation, he would leave Suruga country and go to Kanto.Every family will look down on Takeda Yoshinobu because of this, which is not a good thing for their daughter.

No matter how noisy Takeda Shingen is, in the final analysis, he is working for his daughter. Everything in the Takeda family belongs to his daughter in the future.

Therefore, when Takeda Shingen played this little trick, and sent Kosaka Masanobu, a woman from Yoshinobu, to lower her posture and beg for mercy, please enter the urn, Yoshigin had no choice but to pinch her nose and let her succeed.

Yoshigin glanced at Masanobu Kosaka, who was so grateful, and sighed.

"How is it? Does your stomach respond?"

Kosaka Masanobu shook his head sadly.

During her days in the capital, she received a lot of grace from the gods, but she never got pregnant.

"Maybe, I'm not so lucky."

Yoshigin didn't know how to comfort Kosaka Masanobu, thinking of Yuigahama Yui's hit, he didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Kosaka Masanobu could see it, she smiled.

"That's fine, after working hard, it's good to give up.

When I am old and fading, I will adopt a daughter from the same clan and inherit the family business. From then on, the descendants who will serve His Royal Highness for generations are also the descendants who have served the saints for generations. "

Kosaka Masanobu was full of affection, and said love words that would remain unchanged for a hundred generations.Yiyin shook his head, took her hand and said.

"What's the rush, I'm not dead yet, we'll try slowly later, the days are still long.

Don't talk about the future, these days you are by my side, leading me to Yoshida, I should naturally give you benefits. "

Kosaka Masanobu blushed when he heard this, but he was reluctant to break free from Yoshigin's hand, bowed his head and acquiesced.

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