different warring states of japan

Chapter 1631 The True Political Iron Alliance

That night, Takeda Shingen clung to Yoshihiro like an idiot, as if he wanted to vent all the sorrows and sorrows of the past five years.

Yoshihiro was in pain and joy, and when Takeda Shingen let him go, it was almost dawn, and it was really dawn, a double dawn geographically and psychologically.

After these in-depth exchanges, Yoshihiro's views on Takeda Shingen tended to be more positive, and he became more and more important.

Although Takeda Shingen is a despicable, shameless and omnipotent samurai daimyo, but in the eyes of Yoshinori, her political stance is very reliable.

Physically, Takeda Shingen is obsessed with Yoshigin, and gave birth to his first child, a lovely daughter whom both of them love very much.

Politically, Takeda Shingen can be said to be Yoshigin's most perfect political ally. In a sense, Yoshigin can't even find a second iron alliance like this.

A large part of the reason Yoshigin was unwilling to take the Hokuriku Road to return to Kanto was that he hadn't thought about how he should face Uesugi Kenshin and the daughter she gave him.

The Uesugi family is the most important arm of the Shiba family in Kanto, and Kenshin Uesugi's child is the seed that Yoshihiro gave her on his own initiative out of comprehensive consideration.

Uesugi Kenshin has high hopes for this child, and hopes that his daughter can inherit the Shiba Uesugi family and complete the great cause of the merger of the two families.

The Echigo Samurai Group, as an important supporting force for the Siba family to rule the Kanto, is also happy to see the Shiba Uesugi two merge to unite the world, and everyone follows the chickens and dogs to heaven.

But this matter does not meet Yiyin's political demands.

The Shiba Goddess that Yoshigin wants to establish is not a new regime with a dominant family and a clear lineage. If it turns out to be like that in the end, it will be another copy of the Ashikaga shogunate.

After a few generations, the blood relationship became estranged. In order to compete for the highest power, the various families of the descendants of the gods killed each other. Just imagining this tragic scene made Yiyin shudder.

Absolute power can only produce absolute corruption.

Yoshihiro hoped that his descendants could be twisted into a rope to protect the overall interests of the Siba Goddess Group and rule this island country for a long time.

Therefore, he is considering whether to remove the chair of the supreme ruler. Even if he can't, he must weaken the power of the supreme ruler and make this chair less attractive.

His political demands contradict Uesugi Kenshin's expectations.

According to Uesugi Kenshin's thinking, Echigo's duopolitical power is getting stronger and stronger, enough to use the political platform of the Kanto Chamber to sweep the world.

The descendants of Shiba Uesugi are invaluable, and they will inevitably be the masters of the world in the future, and there is no need to share power with others.

Yoshiyin's other descendants can assist Uesugi to become members of the new ruling class, but the position of supreme ruler must belong to Uesugi.

Coincidentally, Oda Nobunaga thought so too.

Oda Nobunaga can tolerate it for a while, but she works hard to become stronger, aiming to greatly increase her strength after unifying the world, and then step on the feet of other Shiba god-descendant families and enjoy the righteousness alone.

The rest of Ji warriors who have slept with Yiyin have this kind of covetousness more or less. This is the exclusivity of power and the instinct of political animals. Yiyin has no choice but to express his understanding.

If everyone thinks this way, it is doomed that the saddest hurdle of the Sipo Goddess system is actually the internal conflict that was put on the table after the unification of the world.

The strongest fortresses often crumble from within.This is also what Yiyin is most worried about. It is not difficult to unify the world. What is difficult is how to make everyone willing to sit down and share after unification.

Among the many candidate families of God descendants who have skin-to-skin relationship with Yi Yin, only Takeda Shingen's thinking fits Yi Yin best.

Takeda Shingen bears the original sin, and Takeda Yoshinobu is destined to be unable to become the lord of the world as soon as he is born. The reason is very simple, because Takeda Shingen is a strong man who committed crimes.

It is no secret how Takeda Shingen got the Yiyin seeds, it is known to everyone.

Yoshinobu is a soft-hearted man who cherishes his children and does not pursue Takeda Shingen's responsibility. This is already a political mistake that has been criticized by others. Takeda Yoshinobu should stop dreaming of inheriting Yoshiyin's foundation.

Even after Yiyin's death, in order to show his legitimacy, the successor might use the Takeda family to make an example of them, deposing the Takeda lineage as a descendant of gods.

Therefore, Takeda Shingen has always been full of a sense of crisis in his heart. Instead of thinking about the Takeda family, she also has to think about the future for her beloved daughter.

Therefore, Takeda Shingen will be outspoken in front of Yoshinori, insisting that the Takeda family become a part of Shiba Shingen, hoping that the new Shingen system will have a place for Takeda Yoshinobu.

Every family of the descendants of the gods may covet the highest chair, but only the Takeda family knows that they are not qualified to sit on it, and will firmly support Yiyin's political intention to take that chair away.

It's ridiculous to say that Yoshihiro has been running a family business for eight years, surrounded by so many cronies, allies, and licking dogs. In the end, the most reliable partner in politics turned out to be Takeda Shingen, a strong man who raped him.

There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.Takeda Shingen, whose political interests are most consistent with Yoshihiro's, is his most reliable helper.

With this consensus, Yoshihiro was happy to help Takeda Shingen to increase her influence in the Kanto Chamber in order to contain Uesugi Kenshin's political ambitions.


In the early morning, when Takeda Yoshinobu opened his eyes and saw the smiling father in front of him, he jumped into Yoshiyin's arms in surprise.

Yoshiyin held his daughter in his arms, looked at Takeda Shingen who had been lingering all night beside him, and his heart was filled with peace.Under the morning sun of this small lake in the mountains, the picture of a family of three sitting together is warm and happy.

Perhaps, this is Takeda Shingen's strategy, she deliberately chose this place, this scene, to soften Yoshigin's will.

But Yiyin doesn't care about the truth behind it. He is not a cold-blooded emperor who kills and decisively. His wife and children are hot on the kang, which is the life he hopes for.

The atmosphere that Takeda Shingen deliberately created seemed weak and deceitful in the eyes of Ji Wushi in the world of female lords, but Yoshiyin liked it very much.

After breakfast, the two took their children for a walk by the lake.

The child's energy seemed to be endless, and Takeda Yoshinobu played like crazy, making Kosaka Masanobu who was following him ignore the two lords, and followed his little highness closely.

Yiyin smiled and pointed to the two stone benches beside the lake, sat down with Takeda Shingen, and finally had a chance to talk about serious business.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu hopes that I will come forward to welcome back Imagawa Shima, the guardian of Suruga, rebuild the Tokaido trade route, and make Suruga a neutral zone between Tokugawa, Takeda, and Hojo."

Takeda Shingen sneered.

"His Highness Tokugawa really has a good plan. With me in charge of the Suruga country, she can continue to draw the Suruga people closer to her and add to my obstacles.

If I quit the Suruga Kingdom, the Imagawa Clan will really be no match for her. I am afraid that within a few years, everyone in the Suruga Kingdom will only know Tokugawa, not Imagawa. "

Yiyin looked at the child in the distance and asked.

"Then are you willing to quit?"

Takeda Shingen looked at Yoshihiro with watery eyes full of affection.

"The sage wants me to retreat, so I will."

Yiyin was agitated by her eyes, and coughed to cover up his agitation, and said lightly.

"Then go back.

The world has been in chaos for more than a hundred years, and it has come to the time when the long-term must be united. It is impossible for the East China Sea Road to remain in such chaos.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is selfish, but she is right in saying something.Instead of watching passively, it is better for me to lead the Tokaido towards peace and restore the prosperity of the trade routes. "

Takeda Shingen followed Yoshigin's eyes and looked at the child with a gentle expression on his face.

"The total annual logistics volume in Kanto and Kansai is about 500 million kan. As far as I know, the total market volume of the Hokuriku Road business route has exceeded 400 million kan, and the upper limit is not high.

If the world is peaceful and the Tokaido trade route is allowed to return to normal on its own, the interests of the Hokuriku trade route will inevitably be greatly damaged, and the interests of the Shiba family will also be damaged accordingly.

However, if the Shiba family were to rebuild the Tokaido trade route, it would indeed be the best strategy to control the trade routes on both sides of the Hokuriku and East China Sea in the hands of the sage. "

Yoshigin glanced at Takeda Shingen.

"You can think about it, the Suruga Kingdom was taken by you with great difficulty, are you willing to give it up so casually?

There is a shortage of salt fields and commodities in the Koshin Mountains. Without the Suruga Country, you will be back to the old economic situation of mermaid. "

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"If you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up.

The Sipo family's food coupons, stocks, and land are all based on the high profits of monopolizing the business routes, and damage to the business routes means damage to the Sibo family's business.

The Takeda family is now a rattan attached to the Shiba family. As high as the big tree of the Shiba family can be raised, the Takeda family can go as high as it can.

All prosperity, all losses, only the Suruga country, I have nothing to part with. "

Yiyin was silent for a moment, and sighed.

"You are a sensible person. You probably understand the matter of Sibo's food stamps."

Takeda Shingen shook his head.

"Where do I understand it, probably not many martial artists in the world can understand it.

In the Shiba Oda War, the Shiba family voluntarily borne the military expenses of an army of 20 troops with a territory of more than [-] shiba. Who would dare to say that they can understand such an expenditure like splashing water with the economic strength of the Shiba family?
Whether it's me or Tokugawa Ieyasu, we're just blind men feeling the elephant, staring at this corner of the Tōkaidō, thinking about it for ourselves.

But there are a few words, I have to remind you. "

Yiyin nodded.

"You said."

Takeda Shingen said solemnly.

"Food stamps, in the final analysis, are still receipts for food. Even if the Shiba family has the ability to turn decay into magic, it can't change this fundamental.

The reason why everyone is willing to believe in Sibo food stamps is, in the final analysis, because they can be exchanged for food.

The prosperity of trade routes is only temporary, and the real way to make Sibo food coupons trusted for a long time is to focus on food.

The Wu family's most important land is not stupidity, but the history of thousands of years has proved that all things ebb and flow, prosperity and decline, only food is the most precious.

The land can grow food and can produce food, so the samurai family does not so much value the land as they actually value food.

Where there is food, there are people, and there are people who have everything. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"You're right."

Yiyin is actually very clear that finance is just a numbers game, and the final result is to find ways to circulate wealth to where it is needed.

The food stamps of the Shiba family are actually using white paper to pick out food from other people's pockets.No matter how nice it sounds, the island country only produces so much food every year, if I eat more, you will eat less.

The truth in the world is actually the same.The value of credit currency depends on whether it can be exchanged for enough food. In an industrial society, there is also an energy demand.

Credit currency that can be exchanged for food and energy is valuable currency.

Many people like to follow the trumpet and shout, what to go to Eagle yuan, use rabbit coins.

But they have never thought about why many countries still bite the bullet and want to collect Yingyuan knowing that Yingyuan is cheating people.

In fact, everyone's brains are very clear.

Because Yingyuan can really be exchanged for food and energy, although it has to be peeled off from time to time.

But Rabbit Coin can only be exchanged for industrial products. Rabbit itself lacks energy and food, so how can it be provided in large quantities?
A country without industrial products can at best live a little more primitively.But if there is no energy and food, something really big will happen.

Therefore, the time for de-yingyuanization is not yet ripe. Those who shout those slogans should be careful whether they will be taken out of their pockets by others.

The same goes for the Shiba family.

The food stamps were attached to the Hokuriku Road trade route from the beginning, and they negotiated with the samurai families along the route with the share of the trade route, and exchanged them for their surplus food at a fair price, maintaining the credit of the Shiba family's food stamps.

But as Yono Takada played more and more, the bubble of food stamps has actually been rising.

The food that the samurai along the Hokuriku Road trade route was willing to give was not enough to support the digital value of food coupons, stocks, and real estate on the books.

Even if Takata Yono came up with the idea of ​​building earthen deposits, eating out households in troubled times, and eliminating excess food stamps, it would actually be drinking poison to quench thirst, not a long-term solution.

If you want Sibo food stamps to last for a long time, you must go back to the basics, and the fundamental value of food stamps is to be able to exchange for food.

Takeda Shingen said.

"Although the Kanto land has been in troubled times for a hundred years, the water conservancy is in disrepair, and the yield per mu is low, the foundation is good after all.

I have calculated that if we can devote ourselves to the operation, we can get 400 million shi of food in Guanbazhou alone, which is much higher than the current 250 million shi.

If Echigo, Koshin, Tokai, Ou and other places can be brought under control, the territory will be 700 million or even tens of millions, and the future can be expected.

The Shiba family doesn't need to control these lands by themselves, but let the world see that you can get the food the Siba family needs from these lands, sage.

Once this trust is established, Spo food stamps can become a currency more valuable than gold.

Food is as expensive as gold in troubled times, and gold may not be able to trade for food, but Sibo food coupons can really be exchanged for food.

Shiba and Oda joined hands in the truce, and the sage controlled the two channels of the Hokuriku and East China Seas, which cut off the Oda family's hand extending to the Kanto.

If the Kanto can be operated behind closed doors, the value of Sibo food stamps can be stabilized.

Therefore, for the great cause of the sage, the Shiba family must lead the Tōkaidō, and the Suruga country must withdraw, and I will withdraw willingly. "

Yoshihiro looked at Takeda Shingen, and listened to her speak slowly.

Although this samurai daimyo doesn't understand finance, she pointed out the core of the problem from the perspective of simple wealth, which is really not easy.

Yiyin couldn't help sighing.

"you know too much."

Takeda Shingen smiled charmingly.

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. I take my grandson as my teacher, plan a strategy, and always make a clear calculation before going to war. This is my habit.

I am naturally curious about the rapid rise of the Shiba family. Since I am interested, I can certainly ponder it carefully by obtaining information from all parties.

If the sage doesn't like it, I can be so dull and just be the stupid girl you like. "

Yi Yin glared at her.

"Are you stupid? There are no really smart people in this world."

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