different warring states of japan

Chapter 1632 The Story of a Soft-hearted Daddy

Leading the return of Tōkaidō to peace, cutting off the hand of the Oda family extending to Kanto.

Takeda Shingen pointed out the key point in one sentence, with extraordinary strategic vision.

Not to mention whether Siba's food coupons are linked to the two commercial routes of the Hokuriku and East Seas, or to the rich heritage of the Kanto land, the strategy of the Siba family is ultimately to turn Kanto into their own private land.

The Shiba and Oda families each raised an army of [-] and fought a big battle. In the end, they found that no one could overwhelm the other. If they really wanted to fight to the death, both sides would suffer.

As a result, Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga immediately changed their attitudes and joined hands.But the cooperation between the two is not intimate, and the mutual respect between the strong is based on strength.

If one day, the strength of the Oda family is far stronger than that of the Shiba family, Oda Nobunaga will definitely turn his face and deny anyone, and force Yoshigin to go back to the wormwood, and let her do it alone.

On the contrary, as long as Yoshigin can maintain his strength, Oda Nobunaga will be one of his many lovers, and he will be called the saint board under him.

The relationship between Shiba and Oda is that cooperation is greater than competition, and competition implies confrontation. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

Yoshigin tried to draw a circle for Oda Nobunaga, restrict her development, and achieve his own theocracy.

Oda Nobunaga is also running against the righteous bank, trying to expand his power, and wants to turn against customers.

Since Tokugawa Ieyasu wanted to escape the fate of being annexed by Oda Nobunaga with selfish intentions, he proposed to Yoshihiro the strategy of restoring peace in the Tokaido and reopening trade routes, Yoshihiro was very supportive in his heart.

First, win over Tokugawa Ieyasu and weaken Oda Nobunaga's sphere of influence.

Second, rebuild the Tokaido trade route, cut off the hidden dangers of the Hokuriku trade route, and take precautions.

Third, close the two gates of Hokuriku and Donghai to prevent the Oda family from expanding to Kanto.

These three levels of strategic intentions are actually progressive and complementary, and are very feasible.

Takeda Shingen probably guessed Tokugawa Ieyasu's thoughts a long time ago, so when Yoshigin asked the Takeda family to withdraw from the Suruga Kingdom, he agreed.

In fact, Shingen Takeda knew very well that he could not refuse Yoshigin's request. The future of the Takeda family must be attached to the Shiba family. For the sake of the family business and his daughter, he could only fully support it.

And the more resolute and resolute Takeda Shingen's supportive attitude, the more qualified he is to raise conditions, imploring Yoshihiro to compensate the Takeda family for their losses from other aspects.

Takeda Shingen said sadly.

"What kind of smart am I?

I tried my best to conquer the Suruga country, but because I was weak after giving birth, I couldn't restrain the violence of the Kai people, so the castle town of Sufu was looted.

In the past few years, the Suruga people and I have become more and more at odds with each other, and I can only raise the butcher's knife to restrain them.

This time I left the Suruga country, I thought that the people of Suruga must be very happy, and from now on they can justifiably regard me as a bandit, and never have any contact with each other.

Life in the Koshin Mountains is difficult, there is a lack of daily necessities such as salt and cloth, and the relationship between Kai and Shinano is not good. I am exhausted just trying to balance their emotions.

For the great cause of a saint, I will unconditionally obey your will and withdraw from the Suruga country.

I just pity my Yoshinobu child, the Takeda family is a mess, and I can still hold it steady when I am alive. After I close my eyes, I don't know if she can hold my position firmly. "

Yiyin sighed and said helplessly.

"Okay, don't act miserable in front of me. Yixin is your child as well as mine, so naturally I won't let her suffer.

In the hands of the Takeda family, Suruga Kingdom is a piece of dead land.The people in Kai are looting, businessmen can't trust the Takeda family, and the slow economic recovery of the Suruga Kingdom in your hands these years is proof.

The Tokugawa and Hojo families are very afraid of you. As long as you are still in the Suruga country, they would rather let this land rot and the Tōkaidō business wither, than give you a chance to grow.

The Imagawa Clan really returned to the Suruga Kingdom and regained the guardianship, but she was in name only, and even if Junfu City regained its prosperity and became the hub of the Tokaido trade route, it had nothing to do with the Imagawa family.

The daily necessities needed by the two countries of Kai and Shinano can naturally be purchased from the Suruga country. The Tokaido trade route controlled by the Shiba family will never force the Takeda family to take risks due to lack of food and clothing.

In addition, in the name of Yoshinobu, I will give the Takeda family a share of my own money every year to subsidize the prices of grain, salt, cloth, ironware and other materials, and import them into the Koshin Mountains at a discount. "

Takeda Shingen seemed to want to say something, but Yoshigin waved his hand to stop him.

"Don't talk, don't use your lack of imagination to think about how much Yixin's personal money will be, whether it is a drop in the bucket.

For the sake of righteousness, I spent 200 million guan in military expenses to fight against Oda Nobunaga, and after the war, I spent 200 million kan to reward meritorious ministers and appease people's hearts.

Jiaxin Mountain is a barren land with hundreds of thousands of stones. Is it estimated that your annual tax revenue is only tens of thousands?Get it in your hand and spend it before warming it up, right?
I guarantee that Yoshinobu's personal money is enough to make Takeda's retainers feel grateful to her. I just hope that you, a mother, will not be jealous, but you will not allow your child to be more prestigious than you. "

Yiyin's sentence was short of putting the words poor b, don't talk, on his face.

Takeda Shingen was so smart that he almost figured out the cards of the Shiba family.

Yiyin is very satisfied with the high quality of his woman and ally, she can be his good helper both in bed and off the bed.

But the more this happened, the more Yoshigin wanted to make Takeda Shingen understand one thing.

You are a dragon, you have to be coiled here.You are a tiger, and you will lie down with me.No matter how smart you are, it's only a dish for me.

Because I'm really rich, so much money that I don't need to discuss strategies with you, and if I spend money, all of your subordinates will turn around and be willing to be a dog to me.

Takeda Shingen sighed.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king, and the power of the saint is so powerful that I should be trembling. I will never dare to embarrass the saint by hiding his ambition like Kenshin Uesugi."

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

I was beating Takeda Shingen, but she pulled it to Uesugi Kenshin's body.Takeda Shingen obviously guessed that Yoshihiro made a detour to the East China Sea, and he was worried about something in his heart.

This woman is too smart, it's really not a good thing.

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's good that you understand. I just want to put the ugly words up front, lest you act carelessly and make it difficult for me in the future."

Takeda Shingen sighed.

"How dare I not be cautious, I am a bad woman who forcibly possesses a saint, and the world knows how many warriors are pointing at me behind my back.

For the future of Yixin, I am cautious and dare not take another wrong step. "

While Takeda Shingen was feeling melancholy, Yoshinobu's Sahuan finally ran back and ran towards Yoshiyin.

Yiyin stood up and hugged his daughter with both hands, and the father and daughter were laughing and chatting together.

Then he hugged Yoshinobu, kissed his daughter on the cheek, and looked at Takeda Shingen.

"Yi Xin has already registered in Tongxin, there is always a deadline for visiting relatives, remember to let her return to the team next spring.

Gamo Shigo and Ii Naomasa left a lot of homework for her, so don't delay the child's studies. "

A gleam of joy flashed in Takeda Shingen's eyes, knowing that Yoshinori's words were reassuring himself.

The Tongxinzhong Group is the central organization of the Shiba family. Gamo Chou and Ii Naomasa are the top and second leaders of the Tongxinzhong, and the future is bright.

Yiyin mentioned them at this time because he wanted to tell Takeda Shingen that Takeda Yoshinobu had already signed up with Tongxinzhong, and that he and the top leaders of the Tongxinzhong Group had a sense of fellowship, a teacher-student relationship.

The future Takeda Yoshinobu is not rootless, the only way out is the Takeda family, and Tongxinzhong Group is also an option.

In addition, Yoshigin hesitated holding the child, and then said to Takeda Shingen.

"I am very kind to the Dongfang people, and I have given them preferential treatment. I invite them to join the Great Review of the Guandong Chamberlain and share the power and status with them.

But when I uphold righteousness, the people of the East failed me.

Satake Yoshishige didn't know the righteousness, he didn't respect the shogunate, and he didn't know how to repent, and he didn't make a letter of pleading guilty.It is intolerable that the Satake family inherits the guardianship of Hitachi, but ignores the shogunate's kindness.

Since the Takeda family is of the same clan as the Satake family, they should serve the shogunate to fight against injustice.You wrote a letter earlier to ask you to take Yixin as the general and lead the army on your own, and I agreed. "

Takeda Shingen was overjoyed when he heard that, and kowtowed to the ground to thank him.

"Foreign ministers would like to follow the will of the sage, and the Takeda family should go all out to fight for the righteousness of the samurai family and share the worries of the sage."

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

Conquering the Eastern Crowds was already the consensus of the Kanto Servant, but Takeda Shingen just joined the Kanto Servant's Great Review, and wanted to eat the big fat of the Satake family, and Yoshihiro had been hesitant about this.

Because, Hitachi is not an ordinary place.

Hitachi is located in the eastern part of the Kanto Plain, east of the Bagou Mountains, bordering the sea and including lakes, with fertile land and 54 stones high.

Since ancient times, Hitachi has been the bridgehead of the Kanto Plains crusade against the Ou region.Going north is the four counties of Aizu, the gateway to Ou.Going south is the Xiazong platform in the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain.

Whether allowing Takeda Shingen to occupy such a wealthy and strategically important place will fuel her ambitions and cause trouble in the future, Yoshihiro has always been undecided.

But this time, Takeda Shingen hooked Yiyin to the small lake in the mountain, softened his will with the warmth of women and children, and finally made Yoshiyin relented.

With Yoshiyin's nod, the Takeda family's occupation of Hitachi is a sure thing.

Both the Takeda family and the Satake family were born in Kawachi Genji, belonging to Minamoto Yoshimitsu.

The Wu family has a tradition of fighting against the same clan since ancient times. It is not because of the benevolence and righteousness of the superiors that they sent the same clan to replace them.

It is because the emperor's court and the shogunate of the samurai have weak control over the local area. Forcible replacements can easily trigger strong resistance from fellow villagers and the same party, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Using the Ji warrior group of the same clan to crusade is also a reassurance for the local martial arts, indicating that the central government has no intention of cleaning up the dish, and it is only targeting individuals, not the whole.

Takeda Shingen wanted to swallow the Hitachi guardian of the Satake family, but she herself had been discredited for a long time, and her dark history was too thick to win the trust of others.

Therefore, Takeda Yoshinobu borrowed the name of Takeda Yoshinobu as the general, and set off for his daughter.

Her reputation as the Daughter of Tosipo can reduce resistance, whether it is to disintegrate local resistance or replace Hitachi as the guardian.

At this moment, with Yoshigin's acquiescence, Takeda Shingen's crusade against the Satake family has a little more expectation.

It was Uesugi, Takeda, and Hojo who joined forces to crusade against the Eastern Crowd. Whether it is military strength or daimyo ability, they are all crushing strengths, and they are sure to win from the very beginning.

Takeda Shingen was not afraid of fighting, but he was afraid of being plotted politically. He was afraid that he would win the war and lose his land in the end.

Now that the sage has personally endorsed it, this layer of worry is gone, how could she not be ecstatic.

Yoshinobu held Yoshinobu in his arms, and Yoshinobu struggled desperately, stretching out his hands to the kneeling Takeda Shingen, yelling.

"Mom, mom...hug!"

Yi Yin sighed.

"Get up, this is not a government hall discussion, so there is no need to be polite.

This child, I took good care of you and raised you for two years. When I saw my mother, I forgot about my father.Forget it, let's hug it. "

Takeda Yoshinobu got up, took the child, kissed him twice, smiling like a flower.

She knew in her heart that today she was able to exchange a tasteless Suruga country for such great benefits, in fact, it was Takeda Yoshinobu who made great contributions.

Although the sage fought fiercely and had great skills, he was very weak when facing his women and children, and was too easy to be taken advantage of by others.

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