From a political point of view, Yiyin is an unqualified monarch, too indecisive and too emotional.

If he is a Celestial Emperor, it will be a disaster for the entire dynasty, because the power of the Celestial Emperor is very concentrated, much higher than the Lord of the World in the island country.

Since ancient times, there has been divine power, monarchy, and phase power.

From the beginning of the Xia and Shang Dynasties, there was a theory of the destiny of being ordered by the sky in the heaven and earth.In the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu proposed a systematic divine grant of monarchy, which established the supremacy of monarchy.

The major events of the country lie in sacrifice and Rong.Sacrificing ancestors and going out to war are the king's power, and the monarchy and theocracy have been integrated into one in the land of the celestial dynasty.

The power of the prime minister represents the power to govern the land. Simply put, it is the power of taxation.

For thousands of years, the power of the celestial court has been continuously weakened, gradually bowing to the monarchy, and finally reduced to a vassal of the monarchy, kneeling to play notes, completely losing the equal status of sitting and discussing Taoism in ancient times.

The geographical feature of the Celestial Dynasty is that the power of the North China Plain and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Plain is too strong. If the central government controls this core area, it will have the absolute strength to crush the surrounding areas.

Coupled with the centralized power and organizational arrangements required to manage the floods of the Yellow River, the Chinese Dynasty has long had the characteristics of a civilization that concentrates on major tasks.

The monopoly of the monarchy seems to be a gradual development for thousands of years, but perhaps from the very beginning, the characteristics of the mother of the Yellow River have determined that the Chinese civilization is destined to embark on this path.

This is the inheritance of civilization brought about by geographical features, not based on personal thoughts.

In the celestial land with many disasters and disasters, the people have fought against the sky, the earth and the people for 5000 years, bursting out the brilliant Chinese civilization.

The concentration of monarchy is the choice of civilization.It is a characteristic of civilization to concentrate efforts on accomplishing great things.

If you encounter a wise emperor who restrains himself and restores rituals, the Celestial Dynasty can often explode with jaw-dropping power in a short period of time and dominate all orders in East Asia.

But if you meet ordinary people like Yiyin who don't distinguish between public and private, and are easily influenced by emotions, it will be an extremely bad situation.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. If you don't have the ability, don't carry the big pot. The person who carries the burden must be the king of the kings. Most people don't have that ability.

The misfortune of the Celestial Dynasty is that in the supreme monarchy handed down by blood, if an ordinary person like Yiyin with soft ears is born, he will be easily influenced by the people around him and fall into internal friction.

To solve this problem, we can only use a more scientific selection method, get rid of the defects of blood inheritance, and move towards a more advanced road to the king.

As the saying goes, the emperor takes turns to do it, and come to my house tomorrow.The centralized system of Mingzhu is very good, as long as it does not allow people to do it for 20 or [-] years, it will be even better.

Yiyin's luck is that the land he will rule is an island country.

On this barren volcanic island, the rising mountains divide the plain into fragments, and the geographical features are not conducive to the centralization of power. Since ancient times, the power of theocracy, monarchy, and prime ministers have not been centralized.

As the ruler, the emperor was deprived of the monarchy by the relatives of the Fujiwara family early on, leaving only the majesty of theocracy with very little real power.

The Fujiwara family's Shiguan politics did not persist for many years, and the power of the monarchy controlled by Guanbai was gradually eroded by the emerging samurai group.

The great general who conquered the barbarians, the pillar of the Wu family, opened his teeth, and he was no match for the theocracy and monarchy. He barely used violence to gain the power to govern the world. He could only be regarded as a weak power who could barely pay taxes.

When the three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu turned his mind, he simply slaughtered the emperor's court, broke the foundation of theocracy and monarchy, and removed political hidden dangers.

But the rule of the Ashikaga shogunate is still not justified.

General Ashikaga claims to be the king of Japan, a vassal of the Ming Dynasty, and internally, he is the pillar of the samurai family and the leader of the samurai group.

After 200 years of tinkering, the only thing worthy of praise is the use of balanced means to maintain the aristocratic republic, the samurai alliance, and barely retain the political power.

It is difficult for the shogunate to centralize power, and to give guardianship to military leaders in various places is actually to divide the tax collection power of the prime minister in exchange for everyone's support for him.

Saying that the samurai regime is a military government does not violate peace at all.The power to collect taxes is maintained by violence, lacking the underlying logic of theocracy and monarchy over the people of the land.

To explain it in the words of the Celestial Dynasty, it is the lack of legal system, lack of political justice, inability to gather the ideological consensus of the whole nation, and inability to implement rule with the smallest political cost.

The samurai group only used one-tenth of the population of the island country to enslave the remaining 90.00% in a form of violence to maintain their own samurai regime.

The shogun is the nominal leader, the samurai family is the head of the big army, the powerful local samurai is the head of the small army, and the village chief servants are the grassroots troops stationed in the village. Taxes are collected with knives.

Knife collection is not a metaphor, it is a fact.

The Wu family went to the countryside to collect taxes, which was no different from mopping up. When the followers went there, there were fewer people, and they were beaten to death in the village, and they found a place to bury them.

Ceremony collapsed and music collapsed are not enough to describe the chaos at the grassroots level. It can only be said that everyone is used to it.

In this divided and chaotic land, Yi Yin, as the leader of the new generation of super army, does not have much power.

His shortcomings of soft ears and being easily affected by pillow wind are actually very small.

In the final analysis, even if he shows a tough attitude and strictly enforces the law, the people below will weigh the pros and cons, obediently obey and violate the law, and if it cannot be implemented, it cannot be implemented. There is no way.

Therefore, his daily method is to talk.

Talk about the interests of the outside world, talk about the body with the inside, if you really can't go on, you will be beaten first, and then continue to talk after the beating is over.

It seems that Yiyin, the great leader, is aggrieved, but compared to the Celestial Dynasty's mouth-to-mouth constitution, there are also advantages and disadvantages.

If the power is not great enough, the responsibility is not great. This is the political advantage of the aristocratic republic.

Just like when Yoshihiro was being held in the arms of Takeda Shingen with a child, he was overwhelmed with tenderness and sweetness, and promised the benefits of rapid expansion of the Takeda family.

But if Takeda Shingen can't handle the fellow villagers in the Kanto Chamber of Commerce's big review, she still won't be able to do anything.

Mutual checks and balances, mutual compromise, and finally reaching a consensus is not a kind of political stability.

Yiyin's political tolerance, voluntary relinquishment of power, and the establishment of a martial arts appraisal system are in line with the political characteristics of the island country, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

What he is doing is to re-establish theocracy and re-establish the island nation's orthodoxy that was cut off by the three-generation general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

If Yiyin succeeds, his legal system can rule this land for many, many years at the lowest political cost.

The people under theocracy are numb and pathetic, but the cost of the ruler is very low.

Yiyin never thought of unlocking the wisdom of the people, developing productivity, and making this a prosperous, bright pearl, civilized and harmonious new communist island country.

He doesn't care whether the islanders will suffer in the future.As long as his children and grandchildren can dominate the islanders, then everything he is doing now is worthwhile.

In fact, Yiyin knew very well in his heart that Takeda Shingen took too many benefits from himself by using his children.

But he really doesn't care, all he gives is credit, and if Takeda Shingen wants to get the benefits, he has to fight it by himself.

As for the Takeda family eating too much, will other powerful warriors have any ideas. .If you have the ability, you will live too!
Kenshin Uesugi has already given birth, and Yoshihiro has given many chances to Shima Katsumo and Yamanaka Yukimori, so blame me for not giving birth?
As long as you pay close attention to giving birth, and blow the pillow wind after giving birth, I will accept everything. Anyway, the whole world knows that I am a man without opinions, and I don’t want to see my baby suffer.

As for outsiders who are not convinced, if you are not convinced, come and kill me!

The reason why people are willing to listen to Yiyin's words is not because he is handsome, but because he is really good at fighting. If you can't beat him, you can only listen to him.

After staying with Takeda Shingen for a few days, Yoshigin set off on the road again, heading down the Fuji Five Lakes to Mount Hakone.


Mount Ashigara and Mount Hakone are located in the west of Sagami, a natural danger on the Tokaido.

Odawara Castle, which is backed by the mountains, claims to be invincible, and even the Kwantung Allied Forces led by Shiba Yoshigin and Uesugi Kenshin were blocked outside the city.

Back then, Hojo's first Ise woman used some disgraceful means to take down Odawara Castle. After four generations of the Hojo family's management, it became even more impenetrable.

Today at the castle tower of Odawara Castle, Hojo Ujimasa looked embarrassed.

The old woman who prostrated herself before her was Daodaosi Shengchang, who had a high prestige in the family.

This old man is the only surviving three-generation veteran of the Hojo family. He is also the Kawagoe Jodai who guards the Musashi Kingdom.

Daodaoji Shengchang came today to make an unreasonable request on behalf of the Hojo retainer group, which made the Hojo clan very uncomfortable.

Hojo Shizheng said.

"Do you want me to go to Mount Hakone to welcome the sage back to Kanto, and...and what will happen to him in the hot springs of Mount Hakone?"

Dao Temple Sheng Chang said solemnly.

"His Highness Takeda used the child as a guide to detain the saint and stay in the hot springs in the mountains for a few days. I think he has gained a lot.

His Highness is young and beautiful, more attractive than His Highness Takeda.My Hojo family has run Kanto for four generations, and the roots are deep, and the background is not comparable to the Takeda family with internal and external troubles.

The saint's return from Tōkaidō this time is an opportunity for Your Highness, and it is also an opportunity for my Hojo family, so don't miss it.

The crusade against the Eastern Crowd is already imminent, and the attitude of a saint is really important for us to attack the Boso Peninsula across the sea.

If we can't get the support of the sage, even if we can defeat the Satomie family, the ownership of the Boso Peninsula's land is still pending, and we can't feel at ease.

If Your Highness, your relationship with the saint can go further, and even leave a descendant of the gods, the Hojo family business will be stable and long-lasting. "

Hojo Shizheng frowned and did not speak.

Her love for Yoshihiro Shiba has always been hidden in her heart, and she has never revealed it to others.Even if a few people guess it, they won't talk too much.

Back then, Hojo Ujiyasu saw his daughter's thoughts, so he hoped that his daughter would get married soon, but was rejected by the Hojo clan government, and died of depression.

The Hojo vassal group didn't know the connection, but they had no confidence in Hojo Ujimasa, the new governor who had made a huge mistake in the Sano Collaboration War and almost caused the Hojo family business to perish.

The Hojo Clan has little power in the family, and is deeply constrained by the retainers, but she really did not expect that the retainers would ask her to have an affair with Shiba Yoshiyin.

Speaking of admiration, the Hojo clan naturally adores Shibo Yoshigin, hoping to have something happen with him.But the girl's first love is covered with a utilitarian color by the haze of politics, and the taste is not good.

Not to mention, the Hojo retainer group used the Hojo clan as a tool to compete for the blood of the gods, which humiliated the Hojo clan's self-esteem.

What made the Hojo Clan even more annoying was that the old women of the retainer regiment were actually envious of that bastard Takeda Shingen, and wanted to imitate himself and do some hot spring sex.

Who is Takeda Shingen?A shameless person who forcibly possesses a saint, snatches seeds, and gives birth to an illegitimate daughter!
The Hojo vassals, whose minds are full of utilitarian thoughts, actually wanted that bastard from the Hojo clan to seduce the saint in the hot spring.

How could Hojo Ujimasa, the first love girl who loves Shiba Yoshigin, accept this!A good romance movie turned into an action romance movie in an instant, isn't the span a bit too big!

Seeing the reluctance on the face of the Hojo clan, Daodaoji Shengchang sighed.

"Your Highness, it's not that the old minister is frivolous and rude, it's just that the situation is stronger than others, and we don't allow us to hesitate.

One year has passed, and my non-permanent directorship is about to be resigned. Although the proposal to crusade against the Eastern Crowd will be passed next year, all parties are still wrangling in the deliberations in order to compete for dominance.

Our Hojo family bears the original sin in the Kanto Chamber. In the Great Review and the Standing Council, we cannot gain the upper hand.

If we want to take down the Satomi family of the Boso Peninsula and swallow this benefit, we must have the support of the saints.

Your Highness, this matter is that the veteran made things difficult for you, but for the future of the Hojo family, you must have something to do with the saint, Your Highness! "

Hojo sighed.

It's funny to say that among the samurai families in Kanto, the one who fears Shiba Yoshiyin the most and respects Shiba Yoshiyin the most may be the former rebel of the Hojo family.

Shiba Yoshigin led the joint battle in Sano, and almost killed all the senior officials of the Hojo family's warlords, and beat the Hojo clan's government to the point where they couldn't hold their heads up. He is still suffering from the aftereffects of the defeat in that battle.

The samurai fear power but not morality. Even if the Hojo retainer group is killed by Shiba Yoshihiro and everyone wears mourning, it is still the Hojo retainer group who fear the saint Shiba Yoshigin the most.

Before Yasushi Hojo's death, he managed to take advantage of Kenshin Uesugi's aggressive advances in Shimosoguo to win a round, but he was exhausted.

In her will, it is clearly stated that the Hojo family cannot be an enemy of Yoshigin Shiba.

The Hojo retainers deeply believed that the Hojo family gave up their goal of dominating the Kanto these years and actively integrated into the Kanto servants. The biggest reason was the fear of Yoshiyin Shiba.

Originally, the Hojo family had been completely resigned, but Shiba Yoshihiro took to the Shinto, which gave the Hojo family a glimmer of hope to rejuvenate.

Takeda Shingen, a strong man who commits crimes, can take advantage of the sage's soft heart towards children, domineering, and get along well.

The Hojo family has a profound heritage. If the Hojo clan can get the seeds of the saints and give birth to the descendants of the saints, how can the Hojo clan be worse than the Takeda clan?
How bold people are, how productive the land is, once this thinking is opened, the sea and the sky will be brighter in an instant.

Worship because of reverence.Because of worship, so desire.

The Hojo vassal group in Kanto who feared Shiba Yoshiyin the most, they now have only one request for the Hojo clan, the house governor.

That's sloppy!Quickly find a way to climb onto the saint's bed!

Daidaoji Shengchang was very angry. If she could be 60 years younger, she would take Hojo Ujimasa to Hakone Mountain and personally help the family supervisor push his ass.

What is there to hesitate about such a good thing?The utilitarian old woman had no idea what the Hojo clan was thinking.

The Hojo Clan smiled wryly and was thrown to Shiba Yoshigin's bed by his retainers. The poor pink girl's feelings were instantly splashed with bright red faith, and his heart became twisted to death.

But she, the weak family governor, couldn't handle the retainer group after all, and she had to go if she had to go, so there was nothing she could do about it.

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