Chapter 166 Disputes
Muzuke is Takada Yukino's position in Shiba's family, and is a retainer who maintains the territories of samurai from all over the country.

The shogunate's Ometsu, also known as Daimyo, is a general spy who has the right to investigate daimyos from all over the world.

Now the power of General Ashikaga is not as good as before, and the scope of power of Ometsu has also shrunk to the area around Kyoto, which is no longer the scene of the powerful power at the beginning.

No matter it is Mupay or Daimupay, the person must be a master of swordsmanship.

Specialized in city law and order, ransacking homes and exterminating families, chasing and fleeing rebels, etc., they can be regarded as the violent gang responsible for maintaining stability under the Wu family, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the secret police in ancient times.

After all, these things are not suitable for using military power, and there is no need for long spears, bows and iron cannons.

It is better to use a swordsman who is good at fighting with a commoner sword, which is more suitable for small-scale public security warfare.

Therefore, Mufu is the best way for a swordsman to become an official, and a first-class swordsman like Yagyu Zongyan is not immune to the temptation of secular power.

After all, not everyone can be like a Juggernaut, who can only focus on the way of the sword without seeing power.

The third husband of the hundred lands said again.

"Not only Yagyu Zongyan worked for the Ashikaga family in Kyoto, but his eldest daughter Yagyu Yankatsu also served as an official in the Tsutsui family, and her job was also a job."

Saying that, Katsuki Asajima smiled fiercely, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.

They are all wealthy families from Peking University, and they are all from the Tsutsui family.One family is on the verge of extinction, while the other is thriving, betting on both sides.

The difference in being a human being is really huge.

The corner of Yi Yin's mouth twitched, this Liu Sheng's family was really not simple.Muzuke is a close minister of the lord, and he cannot be responsible unless he is a cronies.

Liu Sheng's housework is also ingenious.The general would never allow his subordinates to step on two boats, but the nun's family was an exception.

The nun and samurai are not part of the shogunate system, do not participate in samurai battles, and live a small life behind closed doors.

At least it was like this before the Miyoshi family broke the samurai tacit agreement.

Therefore, Muko, who became an official nun and samurai family, would not be feared by the general.

The Yagyu family is also a powerful family of Yamato, and it is common sense for the local lords to become officials, so there is nothing to blame.

In this way, her family successfully embarked on two boats, which is of great benefit to the continuation of the family.

The Tsutsui family has always been wary of the traditional samurai family of Peking University.

The Yagyu family, as a powerful family in the Peking University and the Wu family, took the initiative to move closer to the Tsutsui family, willingly served as a tribute, and offered their loyalty, which naturally satisfied the Tsutsui family.

Then suppressing the Shima family and supporting the Yagyu family has become the correct way for the Tsutsui family to control Peking University.

Yiyin looked at Shimao Katsumog with sluggish eyes in pity.

If it weren't for the third grandmaster of Iga Shangren today to break through the connection, the Shima family wouldn't even know how they died.

This family is too loyal.

My family is almost being played to death, and I am still worrying about the survival of Peking University and the Wu family. I really don't know if I am stupid, stupid, or stupid.

Speaking of this, Nizi Shengjiu hesitated for a moment, but said aloud.

"Your Majesty, should you think about it again?"

At this time, the order has not yet been issued, and everything is still within the scope of redemption.

The inside story of Peking University and the samurai family was clearly explained by the San Taifu of Baidi. The Shima family could not control Peking University and the samurai family, so why should the Iga army pay a huge price for this.

This is what San Taifu of Baidi told all these things, and he secretly watched Yiyin to see his decision.

Shimao Katsuki also felt depressed.Today is hard enough, but now that I know these secrets, it is difficult to digest for a while, and my heart is in a mess.

But Yiyin couldn't go back on his word.

He agreed to Dao Shengmeng's request because of system tasks, and now that the task rewards have been given, how can he go back on his word.

Could it be that the system is expected to take back a bit of its charm and act as if nothing happened?That's not necessarily the case.

Based on his in-depth understanding of the system, even if there is no penalty for mission failure, withdrawing the random attribute +1 will not bring back that bit of charm.

Mostly start from other attributes of oneself, when the time comes, it will be painful to death.

Since this is the case, then you must not go back on your word. If a man spit on a nail, there is no reason to take back what he said.

So, he said.

"I, Shiba Yoshiin, do things. I do what I say, and I do what I say. I never miss a word.

You don't have to try to persuade me to go back, think about how to get the Yagyu family to cooperate with us. "

The third husband of Baidi wanted to curse when he heard this.

If you think you are a general, you can't make it, and you can't follow what you say.Knowing that it was a pit, he forced Yi Hezhong to jump into it.

If she hadn't been completely helpless with Yiyin at this time, she might have thrown her face and scolded others.

Nizi Shengjiu also frowned, feeling that Yiyin was too upright and lacked slickness.

On the contrary, Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima who were present had already maxed out the upper limit of their affection for Yoshihiro.

These two concubines are Yili Ji warriors with a string in their hearts. They have always advocated promises and gold, and Yiyin's temper is very suitable for them.

This matter was discussed until midnight, and everyone dispersed to rest for a while.

In the end, he still didn't come up with an effective strategy, so he could only follow Yiyin's wishes and convey the military order.

Dao Shengmeng also felt ashamed, and made up his mind to let the two old Ji warriors in the family take good care of the second sister's child, and he wanted to lead the way for Yiyin.

No matter what the attitude of the Liusheng family is, at least it is not in the interest of the Liusheng family to wreak havoc on Peking University.

That being the case, we can talk.

The next day, the third day that the army entered Yamato.

Yoshihiro and his party follow Katsuo Shima to the Yagyu family village, intending to persuade the Yagyu family to cooperate with Iga's army and fight against the Miyoshi family.

The territory of the Yagyu family is also a village in Beidahe.Her family's prestige is high, and there are many people around her who depend on her family.

It's just that they were raided by the miscellaneous Hezhong, and the villages also formed their own strongholds to defend themselves, and they had no time to care about others.

The location of Liusheng Village is close to the connection between the northern part and the central part of Yamato, on the north bank of a tributary of a river, and the land is fairly fertile.

After crossing the river, not far south is Xingfu Temple. For the time being, the Zahe people are still afraid of the boundlessness of Buddhism and dare not desecrate the holy place.

This benefited Liusheng Village near Xingfu Temple a lot, and temporarily avoided the disaster of military disaster.

In order to have a good talk with the Liusheng family, Yiyin not only did not disband the five teams that gathered last night, but also asked the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands to gather the other five teams nearby.

Outside Liusheng Village, Fujibayashi Xing was explaining information to Yiyin.

As long as the information is not too complicated, the third priest of the hundred places will let Fujibayashi Xing express it.

Although Fujibayashi Anko had many emotions before the war, she still had a general understanding.Now that the fight has started, do your best to do what you can do.

"Yagyu's family governor Zong Yan entered Hanoi with the shogunate army as a general, and Yan Sheng, the young master of Yagyu, was in Tsutsui Castle.

Now the people in power in Liusheng Village are the elder of the Liusheng family, the aunt of Liusheng Zongyan, and four other prostitutes in the village.

There are forty-three people in the family, including seventeen Ji warriors and thirty-five ashigaru. "

After finishing speaking, Fujibayashi Xing bowed her head and returned to the queue.

Yiyin thought silently, it looked like an ordinary Chinese martial arts family.asked.

"Is the army in place?"

The third husband of the hundred lands replied.

"Return to Your Highness, all ten teams have arrived, Ji Wushi is fifty-four, and Ashikaru is ninety-seven."

Yiyin nodded, and with the addition of more than thirty Ji warriors on horseback, it was enough.

Fujibayashi Muku who was on the side couldn't help asking.

"My lord, what if the Liu Sheng family doesn't know how to flatter?
Our army has already begun to rescue the Wu family, and her family does not need to pay attention to our request at all.

Or should we wait until the talks are over before changing course? "

Fujibayashi Skull held back his mouth last night. Since they wanted to negotiate, it was natural to hold on to the conditions.

Why do you have to do things first, and then negotiate with what you did?

Yiyin glanced at her, then at Fujibayashi Xing who was silently nodding in the queue, and sighed involuntarily.

Could it be that the twin girls of the Fujibayashi family sacrificed their IQ to be so cute?
It's no wonder that Fujibayashi Masaho, who looks ordinary, can give birth to this pair of pretty girls who are exactly the same.

He wanted to scold him, but he also felt that Guoxin had caused a lot of harm to the Fujibayashi family these days, so he couldn't bear to scold him again.Reluctantly opened the mouth and said.

"What's the difference between earlier and later? Zahezhong can rape and plunder, but I can't slaughter Liu Sheng's family?

Besides. . "

He glanced at the third husband of Baidi who bowed his head respectfully at the side.

He silently said in his heart, if the Yagyu family doesn't let go, the Yihe people will definitely obey.

(End of this chapter)

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