different warring states of japan

Chapter 167 Negotiations

Chapter 167 Negotiations
Only then did Fujibayashi Muku remember that the Shiba Gozen in front of him was a ruthless person who was punished for his family's disrespect because of Kuroda Hime.

Cold sweat dripped from his back in fright, he bowed and didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Yiyin shook his head, not bothering about this pair of silly roe deer.

Negotiations, in the final analysis, depend on strength.As long as the strength is sufficient, there is a guarantee.Insufficient strength, even if the negotiation is successful, it is still trembling for fear that the other party will turn around and tear it up.

Nizi Shengjiu and Baidi Santaifu persuade Yiyin because they feel that the benefits of saving the Wu family are not as great as the original extermination of Zahezhong.

As for whether the Yagyu family will cooperate?It was just an excuse they used to remonstrate, no one thought that the Liusheng family would really be ignorant of flattery.

After all, the knife is harder than the neck.The Iga army has no opponents in central Nara, how dare the Yagyu family not cooperate?Seeking extermination?

The guardian system of the shogunate.With the guardian as the core, the direct ministers as the branches, and the genealogy retainers as the branches and leaves, it grows stronger.

The direct ministers reproduced the family and became the genealogical retainers.So there is a steady stream of Ji warriors in the family, providing support for the grassroots of this system.

Retainers with knowledge and practice will also set up their own direct ministers, their own genealogical generation retainers.Such layers of decentralization can exercise the right to rule the territory.

Although a large number of decentralization of autonomy has greatly increased the danger of going down, but the extremely low cost of governance is especially suitable for this poor and barren land.

There is no organization for the local servants, and the leader of the alliance is just a leader elected by a group of people to keep warm and benefit.

Even if some samurai have been leaders for generations, it is just a kind of herd effect, driven by inertia.

Therefore, high-level warriors never worry about the servants of the Chinese, because the rule of the guardian system cannot be overthrown by the unorganized Chinese.

Even if Yingjie can expel the lord through Yikui for a while among the Chinese people, they will be a mess sooner or later without an organizational system, which will not affect the overall situation.

No matter how stretched the system is, it is much stronger than the most elite individuals. Unless the guardian system collapses by itself, the enemy of the shogunate will never be a servant of the people of the country.

Only an organized interest group can fight another interest group, and the same is true for the ruling group.

Except for the immature Fujibayashi twin girls present, no one else was worried that the Yagyu family would dare to resist Shiba Yoshigin, who had the righteousness of the shogunate.

Yiyin is tired.This Iga army seems to have him as the core, but in fact it has its own ghosts and is difficult to control.

When Yoshihiro sighed, Shimao Katsuo had already negotiated with Yagyu's family in the village.

This negotiation was initiated by her.After all, the army is violent outside, and if they disagree with each other, they will massacre the village and the family.

Although, she already had wariness and disgust towards what the Yagyu family did.But everyone is trying to survive, and each seeks a way out, so as not to completely tear his face.

Liu Sheng's family now has great appeal in Peking University and the Wu family, and she is wholeheartedly planning for Peking University and the Wu family to survive this calamity.Persuading the Yagyu family to cooperate with the Iga army is the best choice.

Yagyu's house is on the edge of Yamato in the north, and some tragedies in the north are still unknown.

Dao Shengmeng was so sincere that he explained the situation one by one, and the last one bowed deeply and said.

"The Yagyu family's prestige is second to none among northern samurai families.

I also hope that the elders will uphold the righteousness and assist Sibo Yuqian to call on various families to expel these miscellaneous evil parties. "

After hearing her finish, the Liusheng family couldn't help frowning.

Dao Shengmeng is a man of righteousness, and his mind is full of thoughts of restoring peace to Peking University and the Wu family.

But the member of the Yagyu family is old and stingy, and she only thinks about her own gains and losses. In fact, she is not willing to cooperate with Shiba Yoshiyin.

From the perspective of the overall situation, Ashikaga Miyoshi fought fiercely to snatch the ruling power of the shogunate in the next few years.

Now the two are clashing in various places, and the situation is weird and unpredictable, so it is really not suitable to stand in a team.

If Yagyu's family were to suffer from a military disaster, it would naturally be inevitable, and he had no choice but to side with Shiba Yoshihiro.

But before Liu Sheng's family was impacted by the congregation, her attitude became ambiguous.

Now that Shiba Yoshigin has ordered to assist the northern samurai to expel the miscellaneous people, his own safety is guaranteed.

At this time, keeping silent and watching with cold eyes is the best policy.It is not yet known whether this Yamato country will win with ten rivers and one victory, or Shiboyi Yin will win.

Sending charcoal in the nick of time is certainly a good way to speculate, but the Yagyu family already has Yagyu Munegen serving as the general in the Ashikaga family, so why take any more risks, just to add another bargaining chip.

In case the ten rivers are saved and things are done, come back and settle accounts after autumn.The foundation of Liu Sheng's family is here, and there is no way to escape. Isn't it a big loss.

Therefore, she didn't want to stand in line, she just wanted to be perfunctory.

"The island-sama said so.

It's a pity that neither my family supervisor nor the young master are at home. How can I, an old woman, be qualified to make such an important matter.

After the family governor or the young master returns home, he must give Shiba Yuzen an answer. "

The Liusheng family always pretended to be foolish, but Dao Shengmeng rushed to Tianlinggai in anger and sneered.

"Yagyu Zongyan fought with the general in Hanoi, and Yagyu Yansheng worked as a watchmaker at Tsutsui's house. The Yagyu family really has both sides, so it's a good plan.

It's a pity that I have been an official in the Tsutsui family for many years, and I didn't know that Yan Shengji was also working for the Tsutsui family. This secret spy is really deep enough. "

The plan of the Yagyu family was clear to Shimakatsu when he turned his head.

Although she is upright, she is not stupid.In the past, there were no news channels, and some things could only be guessed without evidence.

With the intelligence endorsement of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands, there is no reason why he does not understand.

Before refraining from having an attack, it was for the overall consideration of the northern martial arts.

At this time, seeing that the Liusheng family only cared about their own family and ignored the lives of the northern Wu family, they finally couldn't help tearing their faces.

To put it bluntly, if the Shimao family has been reduced to this day, is there no Yagyu family behind them to help?

The leader of the northern samurai family, the Shima family, hehe, the Yagyu family, can kill without blood.

The atmosphere froze for a while, and the Liusheng family members stared and were about to refute.I saw one of the warriors from the Liusheng family walking out, and said.

"Master Dao is right. The northern samurai family is united in the same spirit. Now that the miscellaneous congregation is raging on our land, the Liusheng family should help."

The old man of the Yagyu family almost didn't come up in a breath, and looked angrily.

As the elder of the family, she is dealing with external affairs.Who dares to interrupt, there are no rules.

Dao Shengmeng was also an accident. Looking at it with fixed eyes, he was a pretty girlish warrior Ji with red lips and white teeth.

"Yagyu Somo, shut up and go back!"

Liu Sheng's family is old and angry, the old man runs the house, and he hates the younger generation to interrupt and disobey.

But Yagyu Somo is not afraid either.She is the fifth daughter of Yanagi Zongyan. She has been praised by Zongyan since she was a child, and she is the most outstanding among the sisters.

Although he was only served in the first spring, his prestige was not low among the juniors in the family, and he was not afraid of the anger of the Liu Sheng family.

Contradicting his words this time is also a helpless move.

The family members are quite smart, but they are really old and confused.If she doesn't stand up, the Liusheng family will inevitably be wiped out today.

(End of this chapter)

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