different warring states of japan

Chapter 1676 Monk Miaoyin's fear and self-help

Xiaojincheng was in chaos at the moment, Yiyin sent a concentric crowd to report, and Xiaojin was overjoyed to welcome Master Wang.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the small gold crowd, Yoshihiro did not let down his vigilance, and asked the rebels in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River to speed up to cross the river, while bypassing the small gold city and going south, directly heading for Sagamidai.

At this moment, in the Furukawa Territory in the north, Furukawa Castle has been surrounded by the northern line of the East led by Satake Yoshishige, but Sekisu Castle is still out of the matter.

Guansu Castle is located at the node where the Tone River diverts from the Edo River. With the help of the Kantian family, the rebel army and military supplies in the middle reaches of the Tone River continued to flow through the water here to go to the downstream Yiyin.

And the villages on the west bank of Edogawa in the lower reaches were not idle either. Looking at the Edogawa basin from a bird's eye view, countless military supplies crossed from Edogawa to the east like ants moving their houses, and gathered at Sagamidai.

Counting from the time when Guhe City left the city, only eight days later, 1000 men and horses under Yi Yin's command had already assembled, and nearly [-] men and horses were coming soon afterwards.

After completely controlling the military situation in the rear, Yiyin finally let go of his guard against Xiao Jinzhong, and put all his energy on integrating the resources of the rebel army, preparing to attack the enemy army that besieged the national capital Taicheng in the south.

Bozou Jihiro, headed by Satomi Yoshihiro, and the southern army of Dongfang People, they have not found the rebel army gathering at Sagamidai, and they are still trying to force them to surrender to the Chiba family in the capital city of Dai.

Sagami Terrace, Yiyin Main Array.

Yiyin looked at the elderly monk Miaoyin with a lot of emotion.

"Why are you here, old man? Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and show the seat to the old man."

Yiyin scolded the left and right, brought a Maza to Monk Miao Yin, and sat on his lower head.

Monk Miaoyin thanked him a thousand times, and said solemnly after sitting down.

"The sage has a call, how dare my brotherhood be negligent, and we should gather together and send troops."

The reasoning is the same, but Yiyin wrote letters to the Wu family men of the brotherhood to let them blow pillows and urge mothers, wives and daughters to send troops, and did not expect these men to kill people themselves.

Seeing the bitterness on Monk Miaoyin's face, Yiyin said in a deep voice.

"Master Miaoyin and I have been friends for many years, this time he personally led troops to help me, this friendship is unforgettable to my bones.

By the way, I heard that Uesugi Kenshin has written to Jinshan Castle, finalizing the marriage between Uesugi Kagetora and Kai-kun, so I will congratulate you first. "

Monk Miaoyin said excitedly.

"I can't repay the kindness of the saint. Mr. Kai and his father are among the rebels who came to fight, and they want to repay the kindness of the saint."

Yi Yin frowned.

"Why did you bring the child?"

Monk Miaoyin was ashamed.

"As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized, but in front of saints, I tear off this old face and dare not hide it.

My husband can be regarded as a generation of talents, who knows that the family is unfortunate, the tiger bitch and the dog daughter, the two daughters are not up to date, and the daily small things are considered to be thoughtful, but when it comes to big things, he is completely confused!

My husband went to the Imperial Palace to participate in the big review. After your letter arrived in Jinshan City, those two bastard daughters and the Narita family's daughter-in-law led a group of retainers to discuss for a day, but they couldn't come up with a letter of approval.

As a husband and Taoist family, I can't control the military and state affairs of their Ji warriors, but I know that without saints, there would be no Yuliang family, so what is there to talk about!Just send troops!

My husband was not there, so I didn't bother to care about the stupidity of those two unworthy daughters, so I called the men in the collar to help out.

The men of the Kanto samurai family like me are not powerless weaklings, they can also ride horses, draw bows and carry guns into battle!The same can kill someone for a saint!

Fortunately, those little brats still had a conscience, so they immediately mobilized with others, and finally gathered 5000 people to come, and at the disposal of the saint, I have the face to sit down in front of you. "

Monk Miaoyin took the initiative to confess in front of Yiyin, because he knew that he couldn't hide it.

After this battle is over, the Guandong Waiter will inevitably start a new round of internal strife.

The performance of each family in this event of gathering righteousness and loyalty to the emperor will definitely become a bargaining chip for future credit, or a handle to be inferior to others.

Instead of letting people find out and catch the unbearable behavior of the young girls of the Yuliang family, it is better to be honest in front of the saint.

The children of Yuliang's family are mediocre and incompetent, hesitant when things happen, but Yuliang Chengfan and his wife are loyal to the saint and have no second thoughts.

Monk Miao Yin came here this time, seeing the different practices of the villages along the way, he knew that sooner or later something big would happen.

The Guandong Servant wants to unify the eastern part of the eight prefectures and swallow up the people in the east.It is also necessary to unify the thinking internally, completely eliminate the influence of the old Kanto system, and truly rule the land of Guanbazhou.

Before, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association treated the charities in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River equally, but after this incident, they must be divided into three, six, and nine classes.

The villages of the righteous will naturally eat more and get more, and the villages that are hesitant and backward will definitely reduce their aid.

Unrighteous villages, don’t use any reason to send troops after spring plowing to make excuses. For the sake of the saint, you don’t want to eat a few mouthfuls of food, or starve to death. How dare you call yourself a loyal minister?
Monk Miaoyin did some calculations, and about a quarter of the villages along the route had not been mobilized yet, and they were all busy with spring plowing, and they would mobilize after preparing for spring plowing.

Their seemingly stable approach is destined to become unrighteous.

These villages are looking for death, and Monk Miao Yin has seen the bloody disaster on them.

The entire middle and lower reaches of the Tone River are connected together. This year, who will delay spring plowing to reduce production, and who will continue spring plowing as usual, and conflicts will inevitably arise.

Economic issues affect the direction of policy. In this world, there is no reason why the righteous go hungry and the unrighteous eat and drink. This provides an essential element of righteousness for the subsequent political liquidation.

Moreover, even if it is not for food, the conflict between the righteous village and the unrighteous village will gradually become more and more intense, and it is difficult to avoid.

The reason is simple, that is water control.

Dayu's flood control achieved the unification of the Xia Dynasty. Since then, the Celestial Dynasty has formed the idea of ​​​​great unification of concentrating its forces on major tasks.

Since ancient times, water conservancy projects have been integrated projects, and there is no practice of stopping at one point and stopping at one point.The diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River is a big project that will benefit thousands of years.

Ina Chuji of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association has prepared a planning map and timetable for the entire diversion project. Everyone should follow it, but there are variables between righteous villages and unrighteous villages.

Waterways will not be repaired just because your village is unjust, and the overall water conservancy can't bypass unjust villages for a while.

The grassroots samurai in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River have only two choices, either to stop the diversion project and continue to suffer from poverty for generations, or to let the unrighteous village enjoy charity assistance and participate in governance.

Why!Righteousness and unrighteousness have the same treatment, who is willing to be loyal to the saint in the future!
The integrity of the water conservancy project will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of Yicun. This is like pouring gasoline on dry wood. It only takes one spark to start a prairie fire.

Incomplete loyalty is tantamount to complete disloyalty.

The Guandong Servant needs to clean up the grassroots villages that are not loyal enough. The Yi Village needs the food from the Unyielding Village to make up for this year's gap, and it needs to seize the land of the Unyielding Village to complete the overall water control project.

Up and down concentric, hit it off.

Monk Miaoyin is mature and well-informed. She is sure that there will be a tragic liquidation in the middle and lower reaches of Tone River. This is the inevitable result that is in line with the interests of all righteous warriors.

And in this great reckoning, if you want to stand still, you can only rely on the righteousness recognized by the saints.

That's why Monk Miaoyin exposed his family's ugliness regardless of everything, and must obtain the understanding of the saint in advance, so as not to leave future troubles.

Yiyin didn't know the fear in Monk Miao Yin's heart, let alone the far-reaching impact his action of summoning the rebel army would have.

He just laughed dumbfounded, patted Monk Miao Yin's hand, and said in relief.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't be a cow and horse with them. The truth of this statement is simple, but how many parents can be ruthless?
I am also a person with children. I understand your worries and pain.

No matter how good-for-nothing and ignorant your daughter is, she is also your own flesh and blood. Seeing them make foolish mistakes must be very painful for you, right? "

Monk Miaoyin sighed.

"The sage is holy."

Yiyin laughed.

"Actually, it's good to be mediocre and timid.

The world has been in chaos for a hundred years, and ambitious people emerge in endlessly, so what good has it brought?
You and I work hard to turn this chaotic world around and make the world peaceful, so that future generations can live a peaceful life.

Talented people lament that they were born at the wrong time and wish they could not show their talents.But for most ordinary people, being born in a peaceful age is the greatest happiness. "

Monk Miao Yin's eyes were slightly red, he choked up and nodded.

"The sage has a compassionate heart, which is not as good as mine."

Yi Yin shook his head.

"Okay, don't worry about your children anymore.

I know about your family's affairs. Although those two children are a little confused, they are not bad-hearted, and they are more than conservative.With the foundation laid by your elders, their junior Xiao Gui Cao Sui is also pretty good.

The Yura family of Jinshan Castle and the Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle are both famous families in the Kanto region, with great righteousness in their hearts, and His Highness Uesugi and I value them very much.

The world will be peaceful in the future, and I will never forget the friendship of Yuliang's family. I will take care of your children. You don't have to worry too much, it's fine. "

Monk Miaoyin quickly knelt down, kowtowed to the ground, and said sincerely.

"If a good family can be treated differently by a sage, even if I die at this moment, I will die with peace in my eyes. I will have no regrets in this life."

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