The news from all sides made Yiyin feel confident and even a little happy.

Although the sudden rebellion of the Eastern Crowd caught him off guard, in a sense, the Eastern Crowd was also desperate and forced to make the worst choice.

Yoshigin observed from this unexpected situation that the Kwantung general Ashikaga Yoshiji had let go of his ambitions and was no longer obsessed with the dominance of the old Kwantung system.

And the land of Guanbazhou was gradually tamed under the conspiracy of Yiyin.

With the Great Appraisal of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce as the core, create a republican appraisal system for the samurai nobles.

With the Samurai Giri Promotion Association and the Samurai Negotiation Platform as the link, the strategy of supporting the middle and lower classes of Samurai has allowed Yoshiyin's influence to penetrate into the land of Kanto.

Holding high the imperial white flag of Mrs. Hachiman, who has inherited the name of the descendant of the Hanoi Minamoto clan, and who has further embarked on the path of Shinto, Yoshinori is deifying his own image.

In the name of the righteousness of Kanto without war, and the new idea of ​​Shiba's peaceful development as the keynote, the entire land of Kanto is constantly changing, and accepting Shiba's theocracy has become the mainstream attitude.

The extinction of the Eastern people by the Kanto Servant is actually related to the historical factors of the Tobu family itself, and behind it is the long-term political confrontation between the east and west of Kanba Prefecture.

Since the Kamakura Ashikaga family moved from Kamakura to Furukawa, the Kanto General was supported by the samurai families in the eastern part of Kanbashu, and opposed the Ryouesugi family in the west and the Hojo family that rose later.

In other words, the centuries-old turmoil in Guanbazhou was actually a regional confrontation between eastern and western samurai under their respective righteous banners.

At the beginning of the Ashikaga Shogunate, only General Ashikaga had the right to confer the name of Yagataka, that is, the identity of the samurai daimyo, known as Muromachi 21 Yakata in history.

However, with the changes of the times, the Kanto generals who hold the jurisdiction of the ten Kanto countries also have the power to seal the Kanto House.

After the Kwantung generals moved to Furukawa City, they wantonly entrusted the powerful warriors in the eastern part of the eight prefectures of Guandong.

The Yuki family, the Koyama family, the Chiba family, the Satake family, the Nasu family, the Oda family, the Utsunomiya family, and the Minagawa family are the main supporters of the Kanto General.

Among them, the Yuki family and the Chiba family of Xiazong Kingdom, located in the south and the north, are the guardians closest to the general of the Kanto.

The Utsunomiya family of the Shimono country has never been able to overwhelm the Koyama family, resulting in a double guard of the Shimono country, and there are many mountains inside.

The Satake family in Hitachi has seven counties named guardians, but they cannot completely swallow up the Oda family in the south.The Oda family was hostile to the Yuki family again, and was hanged and beaten by the united Satake and Yuki families.

These internal conflicts among the feudal vassals in the eastern part of Guanba Prefecture began with the Kanto house shape assigned by the Kanto generals. Everyone is a descendant of a famous family, and with the status of a samurai daimyo, naturally no one accepts the other.

After Hojo Ujiyasu defeated the Kamakura Ashikaga family and the Ryouesugi family, he took control of Ashikaga Yoshishi, the Kwantung general.

The Yuki family and the Chiba family of the Shimoso Kingdom turned around and joined the Hojo family, becoming the peripheral forces of the Hojo family, and the frontier for the infiltration of the eastern part of Guan Yashu.

The samurai family of the Hitachi country and Shimono country on the northern line, under the representatives of the Satake family and the Utsunomiya family, have been resisting the infiltration and invasion of the Hojo family.

On the Bousou Peninsula on the southern line, the rising Satomi family also fought against the Hojo family on the upper and lower front lines, and even fought a big battle in Kokufu Taijo.

General Kanto was puppeted by the Hojo family, and the collapsed old Kanto system could no longer shelter the eastern samurai family of Kanbashu, so they joined hands to form the Oriental Crowd.

This is the origin of the Dongfang people, and it is also the main reason why the Guandong Servant has always been hostile to the Dongfang people, and would rather give up the reward of the Kinki War, and come back to swallow the Dongfang people.

Whether it is the Kanto management leader represented by Uesugi Kenshin, or the boss of the western part of Kanbashu who was replaced by the Hojo family after killing the two Uesugi families.

In essence, they all represent the interests of the western samurai in Guanbazhou, inheriting and continuing the Hundred Years' War against the eastern and western samurai in Guanbashu.

With Yiyin establishing a new system of Kanto servants, the western samurai family of Guanbazhou has gained an absolute advantage in the Grand Review.

Just enough to swallow the eastern samurai and complete the reunification of Guanbazhou.

Therefore, the Guandong Servant refused to accept the bowing and begging for mercy of the people in the East, and forced the people in the East to unite and launch this rebellion.

Of course, Yiyin was very helpless in this process of forcing the dog to jump over the wall.

But even if he is a saint, he can't stop the trend of the west wind overwhelming the east wind. He can only stand in his own position, follow the trend, and achieve the goal that is most beneficial to him.

Now it seems that the Kanto Office is a mess, messing around.The Eastern Crowd is even more of a mob, and they can't even do the most basic cooperation between the North and South lines.

In Yiyin's view, this confrontation between the East and the West is nothing but a joke.

Fortunately, Yiyin himself has not yet become part of the joke, but with the help of this joke, he perfectly avoided the confrontation of his own women in the Guandong Waiter, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

Yiyin stood on a high place, watching the rebellion of the Eastern crowd with cold eyes.

Now that the rebel army on his side is stable, he has to think about how to fight a good battle so that he can lead the Eastern Raiders of the Kanto Office and complete the annexation of the eastern part of Guanba Prefecture.

And Monk Miaoyin, who was sitting under Yiyin, was anxious and uneasy, having seen the turbulent undercurrents at the bottom.

Although Yiyin claims to be a saint, he is not a real god, how can he be omniscient and omnipotent?

The aftermath of this rebellion will be more violent than he imagined, and will completely change the political structure and ideology of the entire Kanto land.

Yiyin and Monk Miao Yin had a very happy conversation, and after the matter of Monk Miao Yin's family was resolved, they talked about another matter.

"Saint, I heard that Satake Yoshishige led troops southward and besieged Furukawa City. She took the initiative to bypass Yuki City in order to save time.

My son-in-law, Chaojun, you know, recommended himself, begged the sage for permission, and went to Yucheng City to persuade his mother and sister to stick to it.

As long as Yukijo can be nailed to Satake Yoshishige's back, it will be difficult for the army to move quickly. "

Yiyin raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

At this time, Satake Yoshishige hadn't reacted yet, thinking that Yoshigin was trapped in Furukawa City by her.If Chaojun went there rashly, would he have leaked the military situation in advance?
Seeing Yiyin's hesitation, Monk Miaoyin explained.

"The sage doesn't have to worry about leaking secrets to the emperor, he is just a husband and wife, and it is his duty to go home and visit relatives.

The next conclusion is that the city is also a famous family, and it is one of the eight houses in the Kanto. Even if the people from the east intercepted the emperor, they would not embarrass him, let alone think of severely interrogating him.

Chaojun wanted to go back for two reasons.

One is to worry that the Xiacheng family will be bewitched by the bandit army and help the evildoers.

The second is worrying about Oda's rule. . "

Yiyin nodded slightly, understanding what Monk Miaoyin was hesitant to say.

Jinshan Yuliang's family and Shimo concluded that the Shiro family were in-laws, so naturally he didn't want the Yuki family to be confused at this sensitive time and fall to Satake Yoshishige.

Speaking of which, the Satake family and the Yuki family were also allies back then, and they beat Oda Ujiji together, causing Oda Ujiji to lose Oda Castle and run away several times.

Afterwards, the Satake and Yuki families turned against each other because of the rise of the Hojo family, and the Chiba Yuki families of Shimoso Kingdom both joined the Hojo family.

How could the Satake family tolerate the fact that the Hojo family's influence extended to the Hitachi country, so they turned against the Yuki family.

But in the matter of beating Oda Shiji, the two sides still have a good understanding.

The Yuki family and the Oda family have a deep rift, which can be called a feud. No matter how good the relationship between the Satake family and the Yuki family is, the beating of Oda Ujiji will not change at all.

The Oda clan was attacked by forces from the north and the south, lost Oda Castle several times, and regained Oda Castle several times.

Because the local samurai has a solid foundation in the hearts of the people, it has always stood firm, and was ridiculed by the surrounding samurai as the name of the phoenix.

Yi Yin also valued Oda Shiji's popularity among the local people, so he deliberately won over her for promotion, and even gave her the benefit of being a non-permanent director.

Oda Shizhi also lived up to the expectations of his righteousness. This time he ran to report the news regardless of everything, and lost Oda Castle again, which can be regarded as a great contribution to the saint.

With Yiyin's generosity as a person, in the future when all the people in the East are finished, the Oda clan's rewards and benefits will definitely not be less.

It's hard to say the next summary of Chengjia.

They were besieged in Yuki Castle, and they didn't know the real situation outside. If they were bewitched by Satake Yoshishige and joined the national army at 49, wouldn't it be bad luck?
Chaojun is worried that his family members are confused, and even more worried that the Oda clan will make trouble.And Monk Miaoyin considered from the standpoint of Youliang's family, and also hoped that Xiacheng's family could escape this catastrophe.

Jinshan Yuliang's house is on the north bank of the middle reaches of the Tone River, and Ninjo Narita's house is on the south bank.The Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle is on the upper reaches of the Watarase River, and the lower conclusion of the castle house is on the plain between the Watarase River and the Kinu River.

The in-laws of these four families are based on the Yuliang family, and the marriage network of the Yuliang family's two daughters and one son has been used to the extreme.

Then, the diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River is to guide the excessively flooded river water in the lower reaches of the Tone River into the Watarase River and the Kinu River, and then cross the Hitachi country to the east.

The key to changing lanes of this project actually overlaps a lot with Yuliangjia's in-laws network, and can receive a lot of grant assistance and construction benefits from the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

To put it simply, the samurai families in the entire Tone River Basin gave money to help Yuliang's family and its in-laws and allies to do water conservancy projects, and Yuliang's family made a lot of money!
Water control can develop land, expand farmland, take advantage of unique geographical location, and improve political status and local discourse power.

There is no reason for Yuliang's family to abandon Xiasuming Shiro's family. Instead, they want to further unite with the other three families and strive for more benefits on the stage of the Kanto Service Office's big review.

That's why Monk Miao Yin came forward to ask Yiyin to make money, and let Chaojun go back to Yucheng City, and ordered the summarizing Chengjia to see the current situation clearly, and must resolutely fight against the rebels, and don't be confused.

Yiyin thought for a while, he had left Guhe City for eight days, and it would take at least three or five days for Chao Jun to go to Jiecheng City now.

Even if he confides the real situation in the south to the Shiro family, and the Yuki family resells it to Satake Yoshishige, it will take more than [-] days.

Satake Yoshishige wanted to readjust his strategy and go south to find Yoshigami, and it would take at least 25 days.

During this period of time, there were already tens of thousands of troops around Yoshigin, and the Hojo army in Edo Castle on the other side of the Edogawa River echoed him from a distance. Satake Yoshishige was no longer able to threaten Yoshigin.

In fact, in Yoshihime's own calculations, he only fooled Satake Yoshigene under the Furukawa Castle for [-] days. The longer the time, the more this powerful Satake family governor would find something was wrong and he couldn't hide it.

That being the case, although the Yuki family may have leaked the news about letting Chao-kun go to Yuki Castle, it is more likely that the Yuki family will firmly stand on Yoshin's side and fight against Satake Yoshishige to the end.

Yucheng's family is not stupid, and the general trend is obvious. Why does her family want to seek death with the people in the East?
As long as the Yuki family is willing to stick behind Yoshishige Satake, it will be more difficult for Yoshishige Satake to go south.

Even if Satake Yoshishige finds out that Yoshigami is no longer in Furukawa City, it will be difficult for her to go south quickly, and the Yuki family can buy more time for Yoshigami.

Calculated in this way, if Chaojun goes there, there is a small probability that Satake Yoshishige will find out a few days in advance, but there is a high probability that Satake Yoshishige will be delayed by more than ten days.

This one is worth a gamble.

Yiyin thought clearly and said to Monk Miaoyin.

"Chaojun is homesick, let him go back. In times of war, tell her to be careful on the road and bring more guards."

Monk Miaoyin was moved.

"The sage is so merciful, I am grateful."

Yi Yin smiled.

"Heaven and morals are normal, and human nature is normal. You don't have to thank me. If you have nothing else to do, I still have military affairs to attend to."

Monk Miaoyin politely bowed to leave, and Yiyin couldn't help shaking his head watching his leaving figure.

Yiyin wasn't busy, but felt a little restless.

The Youliang family sent a lot of troops this time, and each family immediately mobilized 5000 troops, which can be described as fast and large.

However, there were many troops sent out, and there were many demands to beg for forgiveness, and Monk Miaoyin uttered a sentence, which made Yiyin feel tight in his chest and short of breath.

Those from the Liang family sent [-] troops, and they asked for it one by one. It seemed to be pleading, but could Yiyin refuse?At this moment, he still needs others to work hard, how could he not be comforted?
There are still more than 1 people coming to the land of Dongwu Zang. Who knows how many pleadings are waiting for Yiyin's approval.

Yiyin felt that he was so pitiful. He was praised as a saint on the surface, but in fact he was taken advantage of. He was squeezed by people every day, and he was almost bald.

Being merciful and merciful, these are all reasons for others to run on you.When a saint is open-minded, he can't turn his back on others, isn't he being taken advantage of.

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head, he could only say that he asked for it, and let's have fun while suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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