Chapter 1718

As soon as the Hojo Clan was pregnant with a divine descendant, the retainer group headed by Hojo Genan trembled. Behind the seemingly helpless attitude towards the governor was the secret joy of the Hojo retainer group.

The core of feudal rule is blood relationship, and blood relationship is an important link in the distribution of power.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qu Wo replaced Yi in Jin State, replacing Da Zong with Xiao Zong. Since then, Jin Dukes of all dynasties have strictly guarded their offices.

The political consequence of doing so is that the Zhao, Wei and Han families are divided into Jin.It was obviously the most powerful country in the Spring and Autumn Period, but the Jin Kingdom disappeared in such a way, which is really amazing.

After the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Celestial Dynasty gradually stepped out of feudalism, and finally formed a unique unified dynasty.

Especially after the Tang Dynasty, the unique selection formed by the imperial examination was the source of the modern civil servant system in various countries around the world, completely changing history.

In a sense, with the assistance of the imperial examination system, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty has been less dependent on the royal blood relatives.

But island countries are different.

Although the island country was deeply influenced by the Chinese culture, the scattered geographical features of the small plains on the island are more similar to the feudal features of Western Europe, and blood relatives are still an important part of feudal rule.

In the history of the samurai regime, there was a political ecology similar to that of Jin, and that was during the period of the Kamakura shogunate.

The problem in the state of Jin is that Xiaozong replaced Dazong, and the Duke of Jin did not trust the government, so he relied heavily on the ministers to govern, which led to the ministers becoming the masters.

After the Gongqing took office, because the office had been weakened, the Dukes of Jin in all dynasties had no reliable blood relatives to check and balance the Gongqing, and were gradually replaced by the Gongqing. Finally, the three Gongqings of Zhao, Wei and Han divided up the state of Jin.

The problem of the Kamakura shogunate is simpler, that is, the first general Minamoto Yoritomo did not believe his blood relatives and eradicated his sisters.

The Kamakura shogunate implemented a royal family system similar to the co-governance of the nobles, and the powerful royal family discussed affairs together and assisted the general in governing.

As the Shogun's family withered, the power of the powerful royal family rose sharply, and finally the power of the shogunate fell into the hands of the powerful royal family headed by the Hojo family, resulting in the extinction of Minamoto Yoritomo.

The Ashikaga shogunate learned the lessons of the Kamakura shogunate, and used the Ashikaga family as its wings to guard Kyoto and maintain the rule of the Ashikaga shogunate.

Although the blood relatives also have the desire to seize power, they have survived stumbling for 200 years. After all, it is better than being usurped by outsiders.

Today's saints have made it clear that chariots and horses will replace Ashikaga Tianxia.

He combined with powerful daimyos of various families to give birth to the descendants of gods, which is politically analogous to the role of the Ashikaga Oyakata in defending the Shiba regime.

Just because Shiba Yoshiyin was a man, the piling machine used by the Shiba regime during its founding period could drive the foundation more violently and penetrate deeper.

The rise of the Ashikaga family relied on the assistance of blood relatives, but they have been separated from each other for many years. In fact, the relationship between their interests is not close enough, so they can only be regarded as the leader of the Minamoto Samurai Alliance.

But Yiyin is different, as long as he gives up the man's restraint and reputation, he can take advantage of the man's physical advantages and spread quickly.

Give birth to a son with a powerful samurai daimyo, use blood to connect the god-descendant family, and then use religious forms to strengthen the relationship of interests between each other.

In the eyes of the samurai, Shiba Yoshiyin is really a political genius, but it's a pity that Qingben is a beautiful woman, but he can't be a duck, and the future historical evaluation will inevitably include the word "slut".

For the sake of inheriting the family business, it is rare to see him endure humiliation to such an extent in a thousand years, Shiba Yoshiyin is worthy of being a peerless man.

Under the ideological environment of this feudal society, when the Hojo family has the blood of Shiba Yoshiyin, the whole world suddenly becomes enlightened, and there is no need to worry about anything.

From now on, the Hojo family is no longer an outsider who evaded the Kanto generals, killed two Uesugi families, pretended to be Hojo Miao, and bore countless infamy.

It is the undisputed top famous family in Kanto that can be on an equal footing with the Yamauchi Uesugi family inherited by Uesugi Kenshin and the Kai Takeda family inherited by Takeda Shingen.

The transition period between chaos and peace is the best time for anti-thieves to wash their hands and become powerful.

Under the Ashikaga shogunate system, the Uesugi family in Yamauchi and the Takeda family in Kai are the tears of the old era, which will soon be swept into the dustbin of history.

In the new era in the future, the blood of the three Shiba Yoshigins, the Uesugi, the Takeda, and the Hojo, are the nobles among the nobles, and the Hojo family will naturally not be inferior.

Hojo Huanan and Daodaoji Shengchang shouted that it was not easy for their ancestors to start a business. They seemed dissatisfied with the reality in front of them and were heartbroken, as if the Hojo family could not be the overlord of the Kanto because they were sorry for their ancestors.

But that's all talk of integrity. In fact, they know it better than anyone else. As far as the background of the Hojo family, who started as a rebel, they can secretly enjoy themselves if they can wash their hands and go ashore. How can it be so easy to be the overlord of the Kanto?
People, you must recognize your own situation and know how to be content.


The two old women in Beitiao were talking in secret outside the south gate of the city, while Yi Yin was watching the flooded city wall from the west wall, sighing endlessly.

He led Kai-kun to stand by the wall, behind him Kamo clan, Oda clan, Miaoyin monk and others stood respectfully.

Yi Yin sighed.

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the loyal ministers see the tough. When I saw this dangerous wall today, I realized how difficult it was for you to defend it in the past eleven days."

Kai-kun laughed.

"Father's calculation was wrong. Since the day before yesterday, the enemy army had stopped attacking the city, and yesterday they retreated in a hurry to the north. They only defended for nine days with all their battles and calculations."

Yoshigin glanced at Kai-kun and cursed with a smile.

"You speak too sincerely, beware of being resented by the soldiers under your command. You defended the isolated city for eleven days and suffered day and night. In the end, you forcibly cut off two days. You lost the reward for military merits. Can you make up for it?"

Kai-kun rubbed his head and laughed.

"What the adoptive father taught is that after fighting for so long, we can't let people shed blood and tears. I also ask the adoptive father to forget my abruptness. The eleventh day is the eleventh day."

Yoshigin likes Kai-kun's open-minded personality, which is similar to the man in his previous life.If he learns how cute men in this world stick out their tongues, Yiyin will be disgusted.

Seeing Kai-kun's heroic appearance, Yoshigin became more and more happy, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Having a child should be like Mr. Kai, Master Miaoyin, the Yuliang family is blessed."

At this moment, Monk Miao Yin was benevolent and kind-hearted, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, there was no vicious viciousness when he was defending the city.

He clasped his hands together and said respectfully.

"Thanks to the great blessing of the sage, Kai-kun has indeed grown a lot after joining your disciples."

At this moment, a concentric group of people from a distance ran to Gamo's village and whispered something in their ears.

Kamo Shigo stepped forward and bowed.

"Saint, Shimakatsumo-sama has arrived."

Yi Yin smiled.

"She is impatient, she probably brought a few people with her, and rushed here.

All right, let's go back to the residence hall to discuss matters, and send someone to the south of the city to inform the adults of the Beitiao Army to come to the military discussion together. "


Yoshigin and Kai-kun talked and laughed and walked in front, Gamo Ujigo deliberately lagged behind, pulled Naomasa Ii, and asked in a low voice.

"What's going on with you today, you look absent-minded."

Ii Naomasa forced a smile.

"Did you notice it when we first met?"

Gamo Shigo gave her a blank look.

"As for your bad temper, who can't see it? What? You made the saint angry again?"

Ii Naomasa was not in a good mood.

"How dare I, I was just taught a lesson by the saint.

Before Yoshishige Satake came to Taicheng, the capital of the country, to plead guilty, the sage treated her with courtesy.

As soon as I thought of the madness of this person who set off a rebellion and destroyed the dikes and flooded the fields, I couldn't get angry. I contradicted Satake Yoshige with a few words, and was severely taught by the saint. "

Gamo's Township laughed.

"You deserve it.

No matter how despicable Satake Yoshishige is, he is also from a famous Genji family and holds 40 koku in his hand. You are a young warrior Ji, what right do you have to condemn her?
That is to say, the sage has always favored you, so it's fine to scold you a few words, but in other names, it would be light to ask you to apologize by harakiri.

You are not satisfied yet, you still have the nerve to complain in front of me, you really don't know what to do. "

Ii Naomasa pouted.

"I naturally know how the saint treats me, and I can't repay him enough to work for the saint in this life.

I'm just worried that in this troubled world, black and white are upside down. It's really unreasonable that a person like Satake Yoshishige can get away with it. I really can't swallow this breath. "

Gamo's eyebrows twitched.

"Satake Yoshishige has escaped responsibility for the crime? How do you say that?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Ii Naomasa said in a low voice.

"Satake Yoshishige came up with an idea for the saint to help the sage, to check and balance the greedy people in the Kanto Office.

The sage promised her to change to Yuzhou after she was done, and the lintel of 40 Shijiage did not fall. "

Pu Sheng's face was serious, but seeing the crowd had gone far away, it was too late to ask, so he said.

"Let's get down to business first, and you can talk to me about what's going on in the evening."

Naomasa Ii nodded, and the two quickly followed the team and went to the residence hall together.

(End of this chapter)

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