different warring states of japan

Chapter 1721 The adoptive father paves the way for the adopted son

Chapter 1721 The adoptive father paves the way for the adopted son

For the foster father and son, one dared to give and the other dared to receive, the audience was in an uproar, and Monk Miaoyin was dizzy and unbelievable for a while.

What is the concept of twenty thousand stones?
The total stone height of Ueno country is more than [-] stones, of which the western Ueno area is mountainous, but only [-] stones.

The northern part of the Eastern Ueno land is mountainous, and the middle reaches of the Tone River in the southeast have the most plains, all of which are fertile land, but no matter how large the southeastern plain is, it is only a territory of more than 20 shi.

In the southeast, there are stable bridge collar, Dahu collar, Jinshan collar, Guanlin collar and other sub-collars. Everyone is divided, and the land is actually not big.

Yuliangjia is known as the largest country in Ueno, and the territory under the actual jurisdiction of Yuliang Chengshige is only [-] to [-] koku at most, which is not even up to this figure.

But as soon as Yiyin raised his hand, he made Mr. Kai the city lord, knowing how to do [-] stones, how could he not make the concubine present stunned?The little child became famous in one battle, and was rewarded with [-] shi for his military exploits, which is simply an exaggeration.

And this is not just an ordinary [-] stones, Kai-kun, the city lord's territory is Guansu!

Guansu Castle is near the dividing point between the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River. Guarding the river, the tolls can earn a lot of money, not to mention that there is another important river nearby, the Torase River.

Ancient wars often revolved around water flow, because the cost of water transportation is much lower than that of land transportation, and the cost of war can be greatly reduced by relying on rivers.

Therefore, throughout the ages, controlling waterway transportation hubs is not only economically profitable, but also often the key to the success or failure of wars.

Kansuku City is such an important town, which was originally managed by the Kamakura Ashikaga family's important ministers, but Yoshida was annoyed by a series of behaviors of the Kamakura Ashikaga family's rebellion.

The Kanto general of the Kamakura Ashikaga family ruled the ten kingdoms of the Kanto, and was theoretically the lord of the eight prefectures.

Hojo Ujiyasu attacked the two Uesugi families and supported Ashikaga Yoshishi as the new Kanto General.

As the performer of the Kamakura Ashikaga family, Harusuke Koda is in charge of the etiquette of the samurai family.The Kanto General of the Ashikaga Yoshishi and the Kanto Supervisor of the Hojo Ujiyasu were all assisted by Yoshida Harusuke.

Because of this, Harusuke Kyota got the return of Yasushi Hojo, worshiped Yoshishi Ashikaga, who was controlled by the Hojo family in Odawara Castle, and managed the Furukawa Territory for General Kanto, and actually took it as his own.

After Uesugi Kenshin went south, Hojo Ujiyasu was forced to give up the Kanto management and retreat to the local area.Yoshishi Ashikaga was able to return to Furukawa Castle, but the management of the territory was still in the assistant of Haru Kushita.

Whether it is Hojo Ushiyasu or Uesugi Kenshin, they hope to use the title of Ashikaga Yoshishi, the Kanto general, to stabilize themselves as the Kanto leader and manage the justice of Kanbashu.

But in terms of actual power, they are unwilling to let Ashikaga Yoshishi be contaminated.

Therefore, it was only then that Harusuke Kuda was able to feel like a fish in water, and he was acquiesced to take the general of the Kanto off, and became the de facto ruler of the Furukawa Territory.

Today, Yoshihiro has come from behind and has subdued the Uesugi and Takeda families, and the land of Guanbashu has been ruled by the new system of Kanto servants.

The old Kanto system maintained between the Kwantung generals and the Kwantung leaders has in fact failed.

However, Yoshigin has always been kind in his work. He has never touched Furukawa, the direct leader of General Kanto, and maintained basic respect for the Kamakura Ashikaga family.

This was out of political considerations, he didn't want to look too ugly, so he took it slowly.

Therefore, in the past few years, Harusuke Kuda has enshrined Yoshishi Ashikaga, and still holds the ruling power of the Furukawa Territory in his hands.

But today, Yiyin wants to make a move.

Leaving aside the future of Yoshishi Ashikaga, Harusuke Kota's slick, straddling and perfunctory behavior made Yoshigin unwilling to let Furukawa lead such an important place in the hands of this villain.

On the grounds of military merit and holy favor, conferring Guansu Castle to Kai-kun as a joke is the first step for Yiyin to make changes.

The two most important cities among Tianqing's assistants are Guhe City and Guansu City.

The former is the imperial palace of the generals of Kanto and the center of the core area of ​​Guan Yashu.The latter is the junction of the middle and lower reaches of the Tonegawa waterway, and the diversion of the Edogawa.

On both sides of the Edogawa River, the west bank is the land of Higashi Musashi, and the east bank is the territory of Shimosou Kingdom. Today, the land of Higashi Musashi has been dedicated to the saint by the Hojo family and belongs to the Shiba family.

After this incident of blocking Guansu City, it is impossible for Yoshihiro to allow Haruhito Kushida to control Guansu City, and he can cut off the connection between the Kanto Sibo leaders at any time.

The water transport logistics from Dahuling to the land of East Musashi must be controlled in the hands of Yiyin's trustworthy people.

This is not only for economic benefits, but also for military value. He must find a politically reliable person to take charge, and he must have the strength to live in Guansu City.

Kai-kun is Yoshigin's adoptive son, and he will marry Uesugi Keigoro, Yoshigin's adopted daughter.Yiyin's adopted children are, in a sense, hard-working.

Kai-kun is having a bad time at Narita's house in Ninja Castle. His parents have never been able to give birth to a daughter, so his father was scolded by Narita's retainers.

If Yiyin hadn't accepted Mr. Kai as his adoptive son and found a strong backer, his father would have been forced to reconcile and return to Jinshan City sadly.

As the Liang family climbed to the high branch of the sage, the Narita family has given up the idea of ​​​​dissolving the marriage, but the weakness of the Fanjun without a daughter still makes the situation of Kai-kun and his son in the Narita family difficult.

The situation of Uesugi Jinghu is even worse than that of Kai-kun. She is the youngest daughter of Hojo Ujiyasu, but she has become the adopted daughter of Uesugi Kenshin and has the right to inherit the Uesugi family.

The Hojo family is still sending people to serve her, causing Uesugi's retainers to be very wary of her. Uesugi Kenshin, the adoptive mother, is more wary of her than close to her because of Uesugi Miyuki's birth.

Competing with the descendants of the saints and gods for the inheritance of the Uesugi family, Uesugi Jinghu himself felt scared, repeatedly proved his innocence, and was unwilling to court death.

But the woman is not guilty, she is pregnant with the crime, some things are not what she says she doesn't want, others will believe it, and they will easily let her go.

This pair of unlucky adoptive children are embarrassing existences in their respective families, and the two rely most on the saint.

Because of Yiyin's protection, their position in the family is considered stable.Conversely, Yiyin can also use the relationship behind them to do things.

Yoshigin knows very well that Kai-kun is definitely a reliable member of his own family, but there is no way to manage the territory of [-] stones for the time being.

Because he, a half-baby, doesn't have a reliable Ji warrior group and lacks a management team, he can't live in Guansu City.

But the middle reaches of Tonegawa Samurai Group behind him will definitely help him stabilize this new territory.

Kai-kun is the son of the Ninjo Narita family, and the grandson of the Kinyamajo Yura family. The territories of these two families are based on both banks of the middle reaches of the Tone River.

In addition to the Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle, which occupies Ashikaga Castle and Tatebayashi Castle, the territory is located in the upper reaches of the Watarase River.

The lower summary of Yuki Castle, her family entered the drainage area of ​​the Watarase River after the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River were diverted.

These four families are in-laws with the Yuliang family as the core. As the Yuliang family is highly regarded by the saints and the Tone River diversion project is advancing, they have very large common interests in the Tone River and the Watarase River.

The diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River has entered a tough stage. Every household in Sekiba Prefecture has made repeated gestures on the map, and they all know which places will be watered more and produce more fertile fields after the diversion.

One of the biggest beneficiaries is the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, Watarase River, and the drainage area of ​​the Kinu River.

After the drainage, the flooding of the Tone River has been reduced, and the extra muddy land and reed marshes are extremely fertile, which is the best fertile land.

The extra water from the Watarase River and the Kinugawa River can irrigate more fields along the way, digging all the way to the Hitachi country to go to sea, and there are not many people who profit along the way.

Guansu City is the key area where the Tone River is diverted, not to mention the demolition fees of the diverted villages, the benefits of water transportation and logistics alone are endless.

At this critical moment, Yoshigin took the initiative to entrust the city of Kansu to Kai-kun, that is, to the samurai group headed by Yura, Narita, Nagao, and Yuki.

Yoshigin wanted to pry Furukawa's leader and infiltrate his influence into Shimosou, but he was unwilling to come forward. Dealing with the Kanto General of the Kamakura Ashikaga family was indeed a bit politically sensitive.

But as long as the benefits are big enough, others are willing to do the work for Yiyin and bear the infamy.

Guhe City is the residence of the Kwantung General, and it has too much symbolic meaning, Yiyin will not move it easily.But Guansu City is different, Guansu City is the territory of the Tian family.

Harusuke Kuda was greedy for the money of the people in the East, invited the saint to Furukawa, and was almost succeeded by Yoshishige Satake's surprise attack. She was guilty.

Although Yiyin had already promised her, as long as she could fool Satake Yoshishige into Guhe City for ten days, she would forgive her sins.

But Satake Yoshinori found out something was wrong in five days. He repaired the plank road, secretly went to Chencang, and raided and took away the Guansu City of Yoshida Harusuke, cutting off the southward passage of the rebel army, which almost caused a catastrophe.

Harusuke Kuoda failed to pay off her meritorious deeds, the sage punished her with a small punishment, took away a piece of her territory, and granted it to the minister who had made meritorious service in this battle, Harusuke Kuoda could only admit that she was unlucky, and had nothing to say.

The mid-stream Wu family group headed by the Liang family won Guansu City and entered the Xiazong Kingdom, so they will naturally gain Longwangshu and further infiltrate.

This is what Yoshihiro wanted, and his influence would gradually control Furukawa's core area of ​​Guan Bazhou with the infiltration of Yuliang's family.

Mr. Jia Fei is ignorant, he only knows that he has suddenly become the lord of twenty thousand stones, and the prosperity of the holy favor has made the Guandong Wu family startle.

However, some of the old, treacherous and cunning people present already felt that under the seemingly rash entrustment of the saint, there were some other strategic intentions hidden.

The rotation of the old and new Kanto systems has finally come to the stage where the cards are turned and the cards are revealed. The general of the Kanto, as the nominal master of the eight states, has the last dignity, and I don’t know how long it can last.

After all, the Ashikaga family in Kamakura is the old owner of the Kanto, and the benefits have been reduced. On the contrary, Yoshihiro is worried that Yura Narushige will not dare to do anything.

The [-] stones in Guansu City are not too much, or not too much, which is enough to tempt Yuliang Chengfan, but not to make her overly inflated.

Guansu Castle is under the name of Kai-kun, and when this adopted son grows up and can take charge of his own affairs, he may not be willing to continue to be manipulated by the good Narita family. This is another trump card in Yiyin's hand.

Yoshigin looked at Kai-kun with a smile.

The road, foster father has paved for you, in the future it will be a dragon or a worm, it depends on your own ability.

(End of this chapter)

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