different warring states of japan

Chapter 1745 Sakuma Nobumori is over

Oda Nobunaga waved his hand and took out the territory of nearly 20 koku, the master of the two countries. He seemed generous and heroic.

But the layers of calculations behind this made Niwa Nagahide more and more frightened the more he thought about it.

As expected, after talking about the rewards of the two, Oda Nobunaga said again.

"The Settsu Raiders won without a fight, and Hengxing Ikeda needs to be stationed in Settsu to stabilize the place.

But the conquest of Ishiyama Honganji cannot be delayed. I intend to let Sakuma Nobumori be the general who will conquer Ishiyama. What do you think? "

Niwa Chohide smiled wryly, what do I think?Can I kneel down and watch?

In fact, Oda Nobunaga was very clear about the growing dissatisfaction in his family and his unwillingness to continue working hard for the Oda family.

On the front foot, Oda Nobunaga and Niwa Changhide said, I know that it is not easy for you, and many people are behind their backs.

On the back foot, she slipped out the person with the most yin and yang eccentricity, and assumed the role of the general who attacked Shishan.

To say that Oda Nobunaga didn't do it on purpose, Niwa Changhide absolutely doesn't believe it.

Both Lin Xiuzhen and Sakuma Nobumori are veteran generals of the Oda family, the old samurai of the Shimowari family.

Although Oda Nobunaga said that he was eclectic and talented, most of the Oda vassals were still traditional samurai.

The Oda family rose in Shimoowari, and the old samurai families in the four counties of Shimoowari have done the most meritorious deeds, have the highest status, and have the greatest power.

The words of complaints from the old samurai family of Shimoo Zhang are also the most harmful to the pioneering and enterprising of the Oda family.

During the civil war in the Oda family, Lin Xiuzhen, the elder of the family, was the most important supporter of Oda Nobuyuki. Oda Nobuyuki was defeated and was hacked to death by Oda Nobunaga in public. Lin Xiuzhen was so frightened that she knelt down and surrendered.

In the early days, Oda Nobunaga was not as strong as he is now, so he forgave Lin Xiuzhen and ensured the internal unity of the Oda family.

After the Oda family conquered Owari and Mino, Lin Xiuzhen complained many times that everyone had worked so hard for so many years, why they couldn't enjoy more.

As a result, she was settled by Oda Nobunaga's new and old accounts, deprived of her ownership position, and expelled from the Oda family.

Lin Xiuzhen's expulsion had a much greater deterrent effect on the Oda retainers than Ando Mamoru.

Because Lin Xiuzhen was the elder of the Oda family, she was once in charge of writing.Mamoru Ando was just one of the three people from Mino, a young man who opportunistically joined the Oda family.

The political significance of the two is completely different.

Lin Xiuzhen's expulsion was the starting point for Oda Nobunaga to establish a strong dictatorship.

From then on, no voice in Oda's family dared to make a direct remonstrance, and the council became Oda Nobunaga's voice, and it can be said that no one would refuse to obey his words.

Sakuma Nobumori's qualifications are not as old as Lin Xiuzhen, but she is also a core figure of the old samurai family of Shimowari and belongs to the pro-Oda Nobunaga faction.

When Oda Nobunaga succeeded to the throne, his younger sister Oda Nobuyuki intended to rebel. Lin Xiuzhen and Shibata Katsuie were both Oda Nobunaga's supporters. Oda Nobunaga's situation was very difficult.

Sakuma Morishige and Sakuma Nobumori, two sisters of the same clan, abandoned Oda Nobuyuki and chose to switch to Oda Nobunaga, which relieved the pressure on Oda Nobunaga.

After that, Sakuma Nobunaga died in battle with Okehazama. Oda Nobunaga thought of his loyalty and placed more emphasis on Sakuma Nobumori.

Among the old samurai family of Shimobari, Nobumori Sakuma and Katsuya Shibata are not far behind in status, and their prestige is also very high.

When Lin Xiuzhen was there, Sakuma Nobumori was eccentric with her, feeling that she had done a lot of hard work, and pointed fingers at the many innovations of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga expelled Lin Xiuzhen and showed some mercy to Sakuma Nobumori, which frightened the veteran and finally calmed down for a while.

Now, the Oda family is more powerful, but the old samurai family of Shimozhang did not get much benefit, and the biggest piece of fat was taken away by Katsuya Shibata.

Marry the Lord of the city, become the lord of the country, and guard the 40 koku of the Echizen Kingdom. Nobumori Sakuma is jealous, and the stink of yin and yang has begun again.

The core territory of the Oda family is in the Nobi Plains, and the collection of military supplies is also focused here. The local Owari Mino samurai has a great influence.

Niwa Nagahide was responsible for raising military supplies, but Sakuma Nobumori became angry. Many people took the opportunity to complain and complained about the lack of supplies, which made Niwa Nagahide very embarrassed.

Niwa Nagahide himself is the old samurai of Shimo Zhang, and Sakuma Nobumori is also a pro-Oda Nobunaga faction. Speaking of which, the relationship between the two parties is not bad.

If he kept a straight face and kept things business-like, Sakuma Nobumori would definitely be reprimanded by Oda Nobunaga, but if Niwa Nagahide did not unite with his fellow villagers, he would also be alienated by them.

Therefore, Niwa Naghide did not mention this matter, and he secretly resolved it with Sakuma Nobumori, but who knew that Oda Nobunaga knew about this matter through some channels.

Niwa Chohide remained silent, while Oda Nobunaga scolded with a smile.

"You are too kind, that's why Shimoowari bastards dare to step on your head. If it's Shibata Katsuie, see if they dare to step on their noses.

Nobumori Sakuma. .Hehe, it doesn't take much effort to see people carrying water, right?Alright, then let her not be idle, and let her take the lead in attacking Shishan.

On the Settsu side, let Hashiba Hideyoshi lead the headquarters to withdraw, return to Kita Omi, and go north to Echizen Country to support Shibata Katsuya in the attack on Kaga Country.

Ikeda Hengxing's troops guard Settsu, stabilize the place, and do not participate in the Stone Mountain Raiders
Sakuma Nobumori led Owari, Mino, Ise, Minami Omi and half of the military forces of the Three Kingdoms, and the samurai from all over the country mobilized with all their strength to support her as the general.

I handed over the old bottom of the entire Oda family to her. If she can't break down the rocky mountain before winter, hey, what's the use of this kind of waste. "

Niwa Nagahide felt cold all over his body, and his mind was filled with only seven words, Sakuma Nobumori was about to finish.

In fact, Oda Nobunaga had long been dissatisfied with Sakuma Nobumori.

In the early years, Nobumori Sakuma was quite capable in handling affairs, and made a lot of military exploits. Only the power in the Oda family could compete with the Shibata Katsu family.

However, when Takeda Shingen went to Los Angeles, Oda Nobunaga sent Sakuma Nobumori to support Tokugawa Ieyasu. As a result, Sakuma Nobumori wanted to preserve his strength and retreated without authorization, which made Tokugawa Ieyasu miserable.

Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated Mikatahara and was forced to retreat to Hamamatsu Castle to defend. Takeda Shingen spread rumors all over the world, mocking Tokugawa Ieyasu for being so scared that he shit his pants, and Tokugawa Ieyasu was so angry that he bit his teeth.

Takeda Shangluo, almost defeated the Tokugawa family, and stabbed the Oda family's core site, Nobi Plains, with a single knife.

Although Takeda Shingen retreated afterwards, Oda Nobunaga was also shocked. In addition, Tokugawa Ieyasu filed a complaint, and Sakuma Nobumori scolded him severely and left him idle for a long time.

This time, Sakuma Nobumori prevented Niwa Nagahide from raising military supplies, and he had already stepped on Oda Nobunaga's bottom line.

Oda Nobunaga sharpened his knife, preparing to catch another fat chicken from the old samurai's house in Shimoo Zhang after Lin Xiuzhen, and kill the chicken again to make everyone sober.

Sakuma Xinsheng thought that she was hiding behind to make trouble, no one could touch her without any evidence.

But when has Oda Nobunaga ever been reasonable in his actions?She simply ordered the general herself and asked Sakuma Nobumori to attack Shishan.

Don't you like to make trouble, then you come to be the general, I see if you can make trouble for yourself.

Niwa Changhide knew very well that Oda Nobunaga was ready to attack Sakuma Nobumori, and Sakuma Nobumori could not escape this disaster.

Although Ishiyama Honganji gradually fell into isolation because of Akechi Mitsuhide's various strategies, but after all, it is the head of the Ichiko sect, so it is not a good place to fight.

Honganji Temple was burned twice, and the Buddhist master learned from the pain, and finally moved Dabenshan to Shishan.

On the one hand, it guarded the door for Kinki Buddhism, crucified the Nanban religion that came ashore from Sakai Port, and got the support of Kinki Buddhism in religion, politics, economy and other aspects.

On the other hand, Ishiyama is a group of fragmented fortresses divided into countless small islands by rivers. Fanatic believers in countless small villages around it protect the main mountain of Honganji Temple.

It is impossible to threaten the safety of Honganji Temple unless all the surrounding areas are cleaned up.

Honganji seems not to be in danger, how could she surrender?Is it difficult for a nun to accept the death of a few believers?I'm afraid that if you look like a master, you won't even blink, and believers will die casually.

It will take a long time to pull out the periphery, attack the rocky mountains, and make an emergency landing.

But Oda Nobunaga only gave him until winter, half a year. How could Sakuma Nobumori have time?Even if we start mobilizing the territory now, by the time the army reaches Shishan, it will be gone in two or three months.

Sakuma Nobumori fought tooth and nail, so he pulled out some small villages on the periphery and put enough pressure on Ishiyama. This would be good for Oda Nobunaga to surrender Xian Rushangren, but it could not save Sakuma Nobumori himself.

The military order is like a mountain, and half a year is half a year. If you can't beat it, you are incompetent. Sakuma Nobumori was severely punished because he couldn't complete the military order. In the end, it was Lin Xiuzhen's fate.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Sakuma Nobumori was possessed by the military god, and he killed Ishiyama Honganji within three months after pulling up the team, leaving Oda Nobunaga with nothing to say.

But how likely is that?
Oda Nobunaga said that all the centaurs of the Three Kingdoms were handed over to Sakuma Nobumori, as if he was full of trust and expectations for this veteran.

But in fact, Sakuma Nobumori can't command most of the troops at all.

The Three Kingdoms and a half samurai families include Kami-Owari, Shimo-Owari, Higashi-Mino, Nishi-Mino, Minami-Ise, Kita-Ise, and Minami-Omi.

I have to name a lot of names. If I really want to convince these grass-headed kings and local snakes to obey, I can only have the absolute support of Oda Nobunaga.

Does Sakuma Nobumori have this support?

Shibata Katsuie attacked Kaga with Shimoowari's old sisters, and Nishimino's most obedient vassal Fusa Mitsuji as his assistant.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was sent to support Shibata Katsuie, is a rising star in Shimoowari. The word Hashiba in his name comes from Niwa Nagahide and Shibata Katsuie, which means that he will not forget the kindness of his predecessors.

Oda Nobunaga sent people to help. It was all calculated and he was not fooling around.

But Sakuma Nobumori's side has only been in half a year. A group of chaotic samurai from all over the world did not give a chance to integrate at all, and it was clear that they wanted to mess around.

The samurai families from all over the Three Kingdoms and a half are all human beings. When the big guys understand that Oda Nobunaga wants to engage in Sakuma Nobumori, who is willing to fight for Sakuma Nobumori?
To waste one's own life in vain, and to offend the main hall, and to help the people the main hall hates to improve their records, who has such a problem in their brains?

Therefore, Niwa Nagahide is 100% sure that Sakuma Nobumori is finished and cannot be saved.

Looking at Oda Nobunaga walking in front, Niwa Nagahide felt a shudder in his heart.

Nobumori Sakuma is one of the most important ministers of the Oda family, and he has made great contributions to the prosperity of the family business. He is comparable to Katsuie Shibata and is a daimyo who controls 10,000+ stones.

Such an important minister's life or death, blessing or disaster, all depended on Oda Nobunaga's thoughts.

Thinking of Oda Nobunaga's increasingly violent and domineering temperament, Niwa Changhide's uneasiness and powerlessness became more and more intense.

There is a saying in heaven that if a king treats his ministers like dirt, then his ministers will regard him as a bandit.

Where will the big ship of the Oda family be taken by Nobunaga Oda? Will this seemingly invincible ship capsize in the blink of an eye, as if it never appeared.

A talented peerless overlord like Oda Nobunaga, she shouldn't be Ji Wushi, she shouldn't even appear in this era.

Because the small quagmire of the Wu family society simply cannot tolerate such a proud daughter of heaven who intends to talk about the constitution of heaven.

The appearance of Oda Nobunaga in this era is her own misfortune and the suffering of all Hime warriors. The two are incompatible and unbearable.

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