Chapter 1746
Before Niwa Nagahide had time to recover from his grief and sympathy for Sakuma Nobumori, Oda Nobunaga had already talked about the next topic.

"Mi Wuniang, the battle over Kaga will not stop for a while, and you have to be prepared for military supplies."

Niwa Chohide was taken aback and asked.

"It is said that Lord Katsuie Shibata is progressing very smoothly, he has won the Kaga half country, Kaga has always been unable to resist, and was defeated.

The military supplies I have sent should be sufficient, or is there a change in the Kaga battle? "

Oda Nobunaga shook his head.

"You've done a good job. Katsuya Shibata has no worries about logistics, and taking Kaga Kingdom is just around the corner, so I have some new ideas."

Niwa Nagahide saw Oda Nobunaga in high spirits and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Come on, this master will be in trouble again.

Oda Nobunaga didn't care about Niwa Nagahide's inner complaints and said excitedly.

"Kagai has always been destroyed soon, and the samurai of Noto, Vietnam and China must be in awe of our Oda family's military might.

I have already sent envoys to the Notohatayama family and the Etsuchu Jinbo family, and asked them to cooperate with me in completely eradicating Ichiki who endangered Hokuriku.

When Katsuie Shibata destroys Kaga's Ichiki, I will let her immediately enter Ezhong and take care of Echinaka Ichiku. "

Niwa Nagahide's eyes widened, and he looked at Oda Nobunaga in disbelief, the remaining sleepiness in his mind disappeared.

"Dadian, do you want to open up the Hokuriku Road and reach into the Kanto?"

Oda Nobunaga chuckled.

"The Zhongshan Road is difficult, and the Tōkaidao Road is blocked, but the Hokuriku Road is a good opportunity. In the name of destroying Ichikui, I will invade China, and my Oda family will enter the bridgehead of the Kanto."

Niwa Chohide frowned.

"The countries of Hokuriku have always respectfully served the saint and His Royal Highness Uesugi, and it is related to the Hokuriku trade route. Should we be more cautious and report to the saint first, and then march after communicating?"

Oda Nobunaga shook his hand.

"Try, try first.

Pretend to eliminate the foolishness that has always been the same, and step in first. If you confess to the sage now, if he doesn't allow it, won't you be passive? "

Niwa Chohide's scalp is numb, according to what you mean, if you stretch out your hand without telling the saint, you'll be fine?

"But... It is said that His Royal Highness Uesugi has a strong temper. If we make such an assertion, if there is a backlash, will the saint be in a dilemma?"

Oda Nobunaga snorted.

"Who does Uesugi Kenshin mean? She has benefited a lot from the saint's protection over the years. She should be wiser."

When Niwa Changxiu mentioned Uesugi Kenshin, Oda Nobunaga became even more angry.

The daughter of Takeda Shingen was born in a bad family, so even though she was the eldest daughter, it was difficult for her to inherit the Shiba family.

But Kenshin Uesugi is different. The Nagao family in Fuchu was born in Shimokage, but Kenshin Uesugi has inherited the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and is in charge of the Kanto, which is tantamount to washing his identity.

The Uesugi family in Yamauchi has a noble family character, and the children born to Kenshin Uesugi and Yoshihiko Shiba have priority in inheriting the cause of the saint.

Oda Nobunaga has not even conceived a cub so far. She has always been surly. She is jealous of Uesugi Kenshin having children and raising them in the past two years, but she feels very uncomfortable and threatened.

There is no conflict of interest between the Oda family and the Uesugi family, and Oda Nobunaga wants to find fault, not to mention that there is really a conflict of interest now, so Oda Nobunaga took advantage of the situation and gave a dismount.

Niwa Nagahide may not understand the truth of this, but she does feel that Oda Nobunaga is a little too careless because of the recent success of the war.

The Hokuriku Road trade route is the economic lifeline of the Shiba family, and Shiba Yoshigin insists on protecting Asakura Keiki, on the one hand, it is indeed because of Asakura Sodi's kindness, and on the other hand, it is because of Tsuruga Port.

The three main ports of the Hokuriku Road trade route, Tsuruga Port, Nanao Port, and Naoetsu, together with the Mikoku Minato that Shiba Yoshiin forced to give benefits to Maeda Toshiie, formed a maritime trade network.

Kaga has always blocked the Hokuriku Road. The Shiba family, which was not yet strong at the time, could only find another way and take the sea route. As a result, the cost of the sea route was lower, and a mature maritime logistics network was built.

Oda Nobunaga clearly wanted to move Etsuchu Ichikui, but she named the Notohatayama family and the Etsuchu Jinbo family by name, and she did not treat herself as an outsider at all.

In fact, they are grabbing the right to speak and influence, and want to control the trading system of Nanao Port.

Back then when Etsuchu entered the battle, Shiba Yoshigin finally conquered Kaga, Etsuchu, and Noto, and then redistributed the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and finally subdued each of them.

Ichikui of Kaga Etsuchu was able to get a piece of the pie, and no longer targeted the Hokuriku Road trade route.

The Noto Hatakeyama family controlled Nanao Port, and the Etchujinbo family went south through Nanao Port to the small ports of Fuji Bay on the coast of China to share the quota.

Everyone sits in a row and eats fruits and vegetables. All these years, Nengdeng, Kahe, and the three countries of Vietnam and China are in peace, and everyone is very satisfied.

Now, the big catfish from the Oda family came to Hokuriku, and after preparing to kill Kaga Ichikui, he continued to reach in to muddy the water in Hokuriku.

Not to mention whether the sage will agree, Uesugi Kenshin, who has huge interests in Vietnam, China and Noto, will definitely respond.

Furthermore, Oda Nobunaga is obviously trying to find Uesugi Kenshin bad luck, can Uesugi Kenshin be convinced?
Oda Nobunaga has a surly temper, and Uesugi Kenshin is not a good temper.

The strength of the Uesugi family is not weak, the family status is much higher than that of the Oda family, and the mother is a descendant of the gods, so why should they be soft on the Oda family?

Your Oda family has 300 million shi, which is the most powerful in the world, but my Uesugi family also has a million shi, and Uesugi Kenshin even claims to be the second person in Kanto as the leader of the Kanto.

If Oda Nobunaga slapped him and didn't fight back, Uesugi Kenshin would be laughed at by the Kanto samurai.

Uesugi Kenshin's No. [-] position in the Kanto Office is already in jeopardy, how can he show weakness at this time?The Uesugi family must be tough on the Oda family, and Oda Nobunaga is just looking for trouble.

Niwa Nagahide was hesitating whether to persuade her again, when Oda Nobunaga stopped, looked back at her, and said.

"I've finished what I need to say. It's dawn. You've worked hard all night. Go back and rest early."

Niwa Chohide's heart suffocated.

You bombarded me with one thing and gave me a headache. Now let me go back to sleep. Can I sleep?

But the arm couldn't twist the thigh, Niwa Chohide sighed and had to bow and leave.

Oda Nobunaga watched Niwa Changhide leave dejectedly, his smile gradually faded.

She was informing Niwa Chohide, not seeking Niwa Chohide's opinion.

Oda Nobunaga knew very well that conquering the world and Shiba Yoshigin, this path was what Oda Nobunaga himself longed for, but it was not in the actual interests of the Oda retainers.

Oda Nobunaga could only forcefully push the Oda retainers to serve him and go through this thorny road, instead of expecting the Oda retainers to accept it.

The rising sun is rising in the east. Looking at the rising sun, Oda Nobunaga has firm eyes and full of confidence.

She never doubted that she would succeed because she had never failed except. .Lost to that man.


Settsu Country, Ikeda Castle.

Araki village fled westward in embarrassment and sought shelter from the Maori family.

Tsuneki Ikeda entered Settsu Province with a high profile, and the first thing he did was to kill 36 of Araki Murashige's direct retainers on behalf of Oda Nobunaga.

Then, Ikeda Hengxing occupied Ikeda Castle, acting as the governor of the Ikeda family, acting as an agent of Settsu state affairs, and waiting for Oda Nobunaga to ask the Kyoto shogunate for the guardian of Settsu for her.

In the Fushimi Castle system that the Shiba family and the Oda family cooperated, Mitsuhide Akechi, the person in charge of the Shiba family, now clearly favors the Oda family, so there is no doubt that Hengxing Ikeda has been given the title of guardian of Settsu.

Ikeda Hengxing, as a side branch of Mino Ikeda, joined the famous Settsu Ikeda family. He is naturally high-spirited. He is busy these days interacting with the Settsu samurai family and accepting the kneeling and licking of various local forces.

Outside Ikeda Castle, Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was sent by Oda Nobunaga to assist Ikeda Tsuneaki, also received the latest order from Azuchi Castle.

Inside the tent, Shigeharu Takenaka coughed so hard that Hideyoshi Hashiba outside the tent felt flustered.

Hashiba Hideyoshi didn't dare to neglect, walked into the tent, and looked worriedly at Shigeharu Takenaka who was buried in his papers.

"Takenaka Hime, why is your illness getting worse and worse? Don't worry about these chores for now, and take a good rest."

Takenaka Shigeharu said after saluting Hashiba Hideyoshi who entered.

"Thank you Lord for your concern. This is an old problem for me. I cough when the weather changes. In spring, everything blooms, so it looks a little bit worse. I'm used to it, so it's okay."

Hashiba Hideyoshi sat on the saddle next to Takenaka Shigeharu, held her hand, and said firmly.

"You are used to it, but I am not used to it. You are my military adviser. Your health is related to my career future, not your own private property.

Take care of yourself, this is my order.

This time we return to Beijinjiang, you must go back to Changbin City to recuperate, and I will not take you around again until your health improves. "

Takenaka Shigeharu asked with a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

"Listen to the meaning of the Lord, the latest order from the hall has arrived?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"As you expected, the order given to me by the main hall is to support the Hokuriku Road and go to Kaga to help Shibata Katsuie fight.

Ikeda Hengxing is guarding the Settsu country, cleaning up dissidents, and gaining a firm foothold. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi's tone was a bit melancholy, she had devoted herself to managing Kita Omi in the past few years, and the little family strength she had accumulated was being instructed by Oda Nobunaga to support everywhere, and she had been making wedding dresses for others.

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded and asked.

"What about Shishan?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi said.

"Sakuma Nobumori controls the three and a half samurai families of Owari, Mino, Ise, and Minami-Omi. He serves as the general and conquers Ishiyama Honganji Temple. It must be captured before winter."

Shigeharu Takenaka stared.

"Does the main hall want to attack Sakuma Nobumori?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed, and there was a bit of sadness in his tone.

"Although Nobumori Sakuma is not on good terms with me, he is an old samurai from the Shimowari family after all, with great military exploits and has done a lot for the Oda family.

Even she wants it. .The main hall is becoming more and more domineering now, and cannot tolerate even the slightest noise in the family. "

Takenaka Shigeharu coughed.

"Row against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

The Oda family is just a country bumpkin in Shimoowari. Now sitting on 300 million koku, it seems to be in full swing, but in fact there are many internal troubles.

The main hall has a surly temper, and the samurai under her command come from various countries with different ideas. She knows very well that she cannot twist the retainers into a single rope, and fighting abroad is the best way to resolve internal conflicts.

It is her only choice to promote her own people in the war, get rid of the dissidents in the war, and weaken the centralization of retainers in the war.

I have also heard a little about what Sakuma Nobumori did in Owari. To obstruct the collection of military supplies is to obstruct the strategic plan of the main hall.

With the hall's usual temperament, she is already damned, just to deter internal dissent, make everyone shut up and work hard. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi shook her head, she didn't have time to mourn for Sakuma Nobumori for too long, so let's take care of herself first.

"Takenaka Hime, this time I'm going north to support the Kaga country, passing through Kita Omi, you go back and have a good rest, you don't have to follow."

Takenaka laughed and coughed twice, stroked his chest and sighed.

"I understand that the Lord's cause has not yet been successful, so I cannot die yet. I must take good care of myself and do my best for you.

It's just that I won't accompany you to Kaga this time, so please use my strategy and not stay in Hokuriku for long. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"You want me to find an excuse to fall out with Katsuya Shibata as soon as I arrive in Kaga, and retreat back to Kita Omi, isn't that too risky?

One, I am on good terms with Shibata Katsuya, I am not yet fully fledged, so I will turn against her, will she be targeted in the future?
Two, going north to support Kaga is the order of the main hall. If I turn my face and retreat without authorization, will the main hall seize the reason and cut my authority? "

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

“There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. How can we escape danger and protect ourselves without taking some risks?

You should also understand the strategy of the main hall over the years, that is to constantly relocate retainers and attack foreign enemies.

Victory will strengthen the Oda family.If defeated, the retainer group will be weakened.Strong stems and weak branches are what the hall has been insisting on doing.
Over the years, the leadership of the main hall has become bigger and stronger, and the Oda vassals have been unable to resist the restriction of the main hall, and are forced to become slaves, taking what they give. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled wryly.

"Of course I know, but what can I do if I know? The great trend of the hall has been established, and it is a conspiracy. Even if I know what she is going to do, I am powerless to resist."

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"Since you can't resist, then stay away from her. There is still a limit to the palace's strategy of constantly relocating retainers to attack foreign enemies.

As the saying goes, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.

Centralization has boundaries, and the farther the distance, the more difficult it is to restrain, because the traffic is unfavorable, the news is obscure, it is difficult to understand the real situation in the distance, and it is difficult to manipulate the retainers in the distance.

But whether this matter can be successful or not, the most important thing is to see whether you are willing to give up the 12 stones of Beijinjiang.

The main hall built Antu City, settled in Nanjinjiang, commanded the overall situation remotely, and Beijinjiang was right under the nose of the main hall. If you don't leave, you will never be able to get rid of the control of the main hall. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes.

"I was born as a servant with nothing, why can't I be reluctant? I just want to see if the risk is worth it, and can I get enough rewards?"

(End of this chapter)

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