different warring states of japan

Chapter 1747 Hashiba Hideyoshi Chooses the West Country

Chapter 1747 Hashiba Hideyoshi Chooses the West Country

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

“The risks are high, and the returns are naturally high.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep.There is only a thin line between the North River and the South River. The main hall is always watching you and guarding against you. If you want to grow and develop, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Therefore, we are going to the Western Kingdom, far away from the eyes of the main hall, so that we can slowly accumulate the strength of your own family. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi asked.

"Why West Country? Can't you go to Kanto through the Hokuriku Road?"

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"Hokuriku is not a good choice for three reasons.

First, the sage would not allow the Oda family to reach into the Kanto. No matter if the Shiba family came out on their own or through the strong resistance of the Kanto vassal, it would be difficult for the Oda family to infiltrate.

Secondly, even if the Oda family gnaws a corner in Kanto, it will still be the protruding part of the power boundary of the Shiba Oda family. They will be watched by the masters of both sides at all times, which is worse than your situation in Kitaomi.

Again, you should know better than me who Shibata Katsuya is. She has too much sense of a small group, and she can't even buy and surrender the power given by the hall, let alone cooperate with you who is an outsider.

When you go to Hokuriku to develop, the Kanto samurai are not happy, the eyes of the sage and the hall are focused, and the Shibata Katsuya is unwilling to share the benefits with you, so what are you going there for? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi shook his head. From this point of view, the development of the Hokuriku Road is indeed a piece of tasteless, meaningless.

The biggest difference between Hashiba Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie is that Hashiba Hideyoshi is very good at life.

Whether it was Masakatsu Hoshiga or Shigeharu Takenaka, Hideyoshi could digest the power Oda Nobunaga sent to Hideyoshi Hashiba and turn them into his confidants and arms.

What about Shibata Katsuie?Sticking to the small circle of the old samurai family of Shimoo Zhang, Xiao Shantou is too conscious, and the power sent to her by Oda Nobunaga has been used for many years, but in the end she is still loyal to Oda Nobunaga.

On the contrary, Shiba's retainers like Maeda Toshiie, because they were born in Shimoowari, used to work under Shibata Katsuie's command, but they can get Shibata Katsuie's care.

If there is no distinction between friend and foe, inside or outside, then even if Shibata Katsuie can fight again, what's the use?She's just a reckless woman, nothing to worry about.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is good at uniting his troops and making friends. He can always make many friends and few enemies.

Comparing the two, although Shibata Katsuya's 40 shi is higher than Hashiba Hideyoshi's 12 shi, Hashiba Hideyoshi's political methods are more powerful.

Hashiba Hideyoshi touched his chin and asked.

"The Western Country is not something I can go to if I want to, and the Hokurikudo is not something I can not go to if I don't want to. My wealth and life are all in the hall, so what can I do?"

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

“So, you make mistakes and then you have to pay for them.

Although the 12 stones in Beijinjiang are good, they are given and taken by the main hall. They are not your own things, and it is not a pity to lose them.

There is always a price to be paid for diving out of the abyss and flying all over the world.As long as you can change to the opportunity of conquest of the Western Kingdom and run out of the sight of the main hall, you will have real development.

Now, there is a best opportunity.

Settsu surrendered without a fight, and Kaga was unstoppable, already making the main hall feel a little complacent.

The main hall forced Sakuma Nobumori to capture Shishan for half a year. What is the difference between this and forcing her to die?Since ancient times, how can there be any reason to punish one's own important ministers and generals in wartime? Isn't this causing panic?
However, this is a great time for you.

The main hall wanted to kill Sakuma Nobumori, an important minister, to scare the monkeys and to intimidate the retainers.

Sakuma Nobumori is a hero in the family comparable to Lin Xiuzhen. She was designed and punished by the palace in such a way, and the retainers will inevitably feel sad.

Now, Sakuma Nobumori's expedition is a certainty, her fate has been decided and cannot be changed.

If at this time, there is another incident about you, will the hall still punish you severely? "

Hideyoshi Hashiba's eyes lit up.

"You mean, the palace will show mercy to me? But with her uncompromising character, will she really let me go?"

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

“Killing chickens to scare monkeys may be useful, but killing two in a row may be counterproductive.

Last time, the hall made an example to others.

Lin Xiuzhen and Ando Mamoru seemed to be expelled together, but Ando Mamoru secretly informed Saito Yoshiryu, the evidence of the crime was conclusive, and severely punishing her, the Mino Samurai also felt that it was reasonable.

This time, the hall repeated the old trick.

Sakuma Nobumori can be compared to Lin Xiuzhen, but you are not Ando Moriju. You have made great contributions to the Oda family. You have made many friends over the years and gained the sincere friendship of many people.

Shibata Katsuie is self-important, except for Shimowari's old samurai family, there are not many people in Oda's family who like her. Mino, Omi, and Ise's retainers generally don't get close to her.

There is a dispute between you and her, no matter who is right and who is wrong, everyone must be on your side emotionally.

If the main hall punishes you severely, coupled with the chain reaction of the Sakuma Nobumori incident, it is likely to lead to failure to deter the retainers, and instead lead to a lot of resentment, too much is too late.

The hall needs the retainers to be obedient and act according to their own wishes.But there must be a degree of toughness. Blindly being tough to the end will backfire. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought about it and said worriedly.

"Military affairs are different from government affairs. Disobedience to military orders is a serious crime. Even if everyone sympathizes with me, I'm afraid no one will dare to stand up and speak for me.

If I don't do it right, I might lose everything. The palace doesn't even give me a chance, so how can they expect to send me to the Western Kingdom to atone for my sins? "

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"For things like war, if you win, it makes sense to say anything, but if you lose, it doesn't make sense to say that you broke the sky.

If you had a dispute with Katsuie Shibata, and if it was because of her wrong decision that the Oda Army was defeated, then your disobedience order is justified, and everyone will naturally intercede for you.

The main hall has always only looked at the results when doing things. She values ​​your talent and enterprising spirit, so naturally she will not give up on you easily.

You are a talent that she cultivated by herself. It is not easy to find another capable person if you are easily abandoned.

The main hall is ambitious, and when it comes to employing people, it is not the time to burn donkeys and burn bridges. She has the patience to tolerate your mistakes, and can also encourage you to achieve greater success. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded and asked.

"You think that Shibata Katsuya will lose a big game in Kaga country and let me pass the test, but this is impossible, right?
Kaga has always been frightened out of his wits, and Qili Laizhou, who is guarding Kanazawa's Gobo, dare not attack at all. Shibata Katsuie has already won the Kaga half country, and it is only a matter of time before he sweeps the entire territory. "

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

"Of course Shibata Katsuie won't lose against Qiri Raizhou, but she will lose against the greed of the main hall.

There are clouds in the sky, and you have to look forward to Shu.

The main hall just took Setjin, and is about to attack Shishan.Guess if she wins Kaga, does she want to get Etchu Noto again? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi said in astonishment.

"Impossible. Vietnam, Noto and China are loyal to the saint. The main hall has bowed its head to recognize the Fushimi Castle system. If it is willing to unite with the Shiba family to unify the world, it will not easily rub against the Shiba family."

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

"May I ask the lord, can the Shiba family ascend to the land of Shiba, who has a stone of land in Etchu? Is there a pledge of allegiance from the local samurai?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi was taken aback, shook his head and said.

"I don't know that."

Takenaka Shigeharu said solemnly.

"I carefully reviewed the relevant information about the Saint and His Highness Uesugi's participation in Echu, and found some interesting details about the ownership.

The war in Vietnam was carried out in the name of His Highness Uesugi's Kanto Governor. The peace agreement signed after the war was also subject to His Highness Uesugi's signature.

When the sage first arrived in Kanto at that time, it was with the help of the Echigo Group of the Uesugi family to leverage his strength. When he was in Echchu, he was called an envoy of the shogunate and called for peace among all parties.

That is to say, the agreement to endorse the security of Vietnam, China and Noto was signed and signed by His Royal Highness Uesugi as a guarantee in the name of the Kanto governor.

Although everyone knows that the saint is the real planner behind the Vietnam-China Noto peace agreement, but it does not exist in black and white.

Therefore, if the main hall really wants to pretend to be confused and pretend to be confused, it will not violate the cooperation agreement of the Fushimi City system if it makes a move between Vietnam and China.

His Highness Uesugi, who publicly endorsed the two countries, is naturally not afraid of the main hall. She will definitely make a move to try the reaction of the saint.

Therefore, Shibata Katsuie's military front will never stop in Kaga country, she will definitely cross the line. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"Even if what you said is true, Shibata Katsuie may not necessarily lose."

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"Katsuie Shibata will definitely lose.

If you think about it carefully, which of the three main passages in Kanto Kinki, Tokaido, Hokuriku, and Nakasendo, is not controlled by the power of the saint?

The sage is integrating the samurai family in Kanto, and wants to unify the Kanto under the name of the Kanto Servant. In the heart of the sage, the land of Kanto is already the private property of the Sibo family. Can he allow the hall to reach out?

Even if the Sage is unable to let the Shiba Army and the Oda Army directly confront each other due to the Fushimi Castle system, he can still send troops through His Highness Uesugi.

Shibata Katsuie is a reckless woman who is unfamiliar with the place in Hokurikudo. His Highness Uesugi is backed by a saint and has the right time, place and people. How can Shibata Katsuie win?
The only difference is that losing looks better, or losing ugly.

Therefore, as soon as you arrive in Kaga Country, you must deny any cross-border decision made by Shibata Katsuie and refuse to give in even an inch, even if you return to Kitaomi without authorization.

The order given by the main hall to Katsuie Shibata must not clearly write the strategy of Etchu Noto, because the main hall has to pretend to be confused and cannot tear himself apart with the saint.

Shibata Katsuya must cover up, break through the border in other names, and break into the territory of Vietnam, China and Noto.

Therefore, the matter of crossing the boundary can only be made by Shibata Katsuie, and you have quarreled with her and returned to Shibei Omi. Although there is a mistake, as long as she loses, you are not unforgivable.

You said earlier that if you offend Shibata Katsuie, it will be difficult to get along with the Oda family in the future.

But if you think about it carefully, you have 12 koku in Kita Omi, and Shibata Katsuya has 40 koku in Echizen, and your two territories are next to each other.

The relationship between you is good. Is this what the main hall likes to see?
You can only turn against Shibata Katsuie and return to Kita Omi to accept the punishment at the main hall. After Shibata Katsuie defeats Hokuriku Road, you can open up relationships and ask for mercy.

Such an approach is the most reassuring for the hall.

After the Settsu Stone Mountain is captured, the main hall will turn its attention to the four countries in the West. If you recommend yourself, the main hall should give you a second chance.

She can't just break Sakuma Shinmori with her front foot, and then kill you with her back foot?The retainer Tuantu died and the fox was sad, but it was not conducive to the expansion of the hall.

But in this way, the 12 shi in Beijinjiang must not be kept.

Going to the west country is like entering the sea, the future is boundless, whether it is a dragon or a worm, it is not yet known.

It's up to you to make this decision yourself. As a staff member, I don't dare to make the decision for you. "

Takenaka Shigeharu said he didn't dare, but Hashiba Hideyoshi knew very well in his heart that once he flinched, Takenaka Shigeharu would be disappointed, and he would lose the sincere assistance of this famous military adviser.

This Takenaka Shigeharu does not seek money or profit, but only seeks to become famous and become the number one military division in the world, in order to avenge the humiliation of being humiliated by Oda Nobunaga when he defected to Oda in disgrace.

Takenaka Shigeharu wants to prove himself, and he does not hesitate to do his best for Hashiba Hideyoshi, but why does Hashiba Hideyoshi not have his own desire?

If she hesitated and stopped here, she would never have the chance to catch up with Shiba Yiyin.

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes were filled with heat, he held Takenaka Shigeharu's hand tightly and said resolutely.

"Takenaka Hime doesn't need to test me, I can tell you right now, I choose Xiguo!"

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled slightly, bowed deeply and said.

"I knew that the Lord would not let me down."

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly. The monarch and his ministers get to know each other, and their hearts are connected, which is rare since ancient times.

As the territory of influence is getting bigger and bigger, the marginal effect of Oda Nobunaga's iron fist centralization is gradually becoming prominent.

Whether it is the tradition of consensus among the samurai family or the fragmented geographical features of the island country, it is difficult to support Oda Nobunaga's arbitrary actions over the huge territory.

The faster the development of the Oda family, the weaker the control of Oda Nobunaga, but she did not compromise, but chose to kill chickens and monkeys again to deter the officials.

Under the huge power of Oda Nobunaga that no one seems to dare to disobey, the inside of the Oda family has gradually changed.

(End of this chapter)

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