different warring states of japan

Chapter 1749 Uesugi Kenshin can’t bear it anymore

Chapter 1749 Uesugi Kenshin can’t bear it anymore

Echigo Kingdom, Imperial Pavilion.

Uesugi Kenshin, who just came back from Shimosoko, was laughing and playing with his daughter Miyuki, not willing to let go.

It has been almost two years since her daughter was born, and she has never been away from her daughter for more than one meal. This time they have been separated for dozens of days, and it feels like not seeing her for one day is like three autumns.

Therefore, as soon as this person came back, he hugged his daughter and refused to let her go before he had time to wash his face.

Smelling the scent of his daughter's milk, Uesugi Kenshin's mood gradually calmed down, and he couldn't help but kiss the child's face and touch her little head, and then spoke to Honjo Mino with a smile.

"I've been away for the past few days, and my wife has been working hard at home."

Honjo Minoru bowed and dared not say anything. Her relationship with Uesugi Kenshin was half master and half minister, so she kept saying some things in her head, but she still said them.

"It's not hard on me. Your Highnesses Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu did."

Uesugi Kenshin smiled slightly and asked knowingly.

"What? The academic work that I have given them is so heavy, can they not cope with it?"

Knowing that Uesugi Kenshin was teasing, Honjo Minoru shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The two young highnesses are extremely intelligent, so naturally they will not be troubled by their studies.

It's just that before His Highness left, he told them to take care of the younger sister. They dared not slack off, were cautious, served day and night, and were a little anxious.

Let's just talk about the meal. His Highness Uesugi Jinghu will have a bite first, and His Highness Uesugi Jingsheng will have another.

By the time Young Highness Miyuki put it in her mouth, the rice soup was already cold, causing His Highness to pout and cry heartbrokenly. The two Young Highnesses were in a hurry and couldn't coax her away. "

Uesugi Kenshin laughed loudly, she knew that Honjo Minoru wanted to help Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu talk.

Kenshin Uesugi was in a bad mood these days. He had invited the two girls here to take out his anger on them, but he didn't expect to frighten the children like this.

One mouthful and one mouthful for each other, as if they were afraid that Uesugi Miyuki would be poisoned to death, and the two of them would be killed together with their families.

But it's hard to say whether they are really scared, or are they acting deliberately to show Uesugi Kenshin.

The children are all grown up and have their own little thoughts. Uesugi Kenshin has never understood people's hearts, and she doesn't care.

Uesugi Kenshin only cares about his Miyuki now. Whether Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu are acting or sincere, Uesugi Kenshin only needs them to behave and not threaten his Miyuki.

Whether it's true or false, it doesn't matter.

Honjo Minoru saw that Uesugi Kenshin refused to comment and seemed to be in a good mood, so he added.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi Kagetora recently expelled a retainer and asked another retainer to commit seppuku. Both of them are from the Hojo family and are usually careful and thoughtful Hime warriors.

His Highness Uesugi Jingsheng also distanced himself from the Nagao family members, kept a distance from those in Joetsu Chuetsu, and studied behind closed doors. "

Uesugi Kenshin nodded.

"Both of them are good children, Princess Benzhuang. Am I being too harsh on them?"

Honjo Sano quickly shook his head.

"No, absolutely not. Your Highness strictly teaches the two young Highnesses and carefully cultivates them to become talents. It is all for their own good.

They also understand this truth, so they will burst into tears of gratitude and use their loyalty to repay you and His Highness. "

Uesugi Kenshin nodded.

"The truth is good, but I always feel that you talk too much today."

Honjo Minoru smiled awkwardly and couldn't answer it.

He had to take care of Uesugi Kenshin's love for his daughter, but also excused the two Young Highnesses, and also ensured not to get himself involved, how tangled.

No, Uesugi Ken knew it all in his heart, and even teased her for thinking too much. It was too difficult for her.

There is nothing wrong with Uesugi Kenshin beating the two young highnesses to protect his daughter's sole status.

The Uesugi retainers have reached an agreement and are happy to see Uesugi Miyuki inherit the family business and make the Uesugi family a descendant of Shiba Kami.

The inheritance rights of Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu are actually gone, and Uesugi Miyuki is the unique heir.

However, the direct ministers who follow the two Young Highnesses may not have wishful thinking. Uesugi Kenshin wants to take precautions and put some pressure on the two Young Highnesses. This is of course no problem.

But everything is too much, and Kenshin Uesugi went too far in frightening him, scaring the two young princes to the point of pissing themselves. This is not conducive to the stability of the family.

Uesugi Kagetora was entrusted to Honjo Sano to teach him, and he got close to Joetsu's direct ministers and a group of warriors from Hatamoto, as well as foreign aid from the Hojo family.

Uesugi Jingsheng was born in the Nagao family, Koshi, Ueda, and even Fuchu. These three Nagao relatives were naturally close to her.

Without the presence of Uesugi Miyuki, there would have been a fight between the Naoomi clan represented by Uesugi Kagetora and the Nagao clan represented by Uesugi Kagekatsu to inherit the Uesugi family business.

But now the situation has changed drastically. The Naoomi clan and the Nagao clan support Uesugi Miyuki's succession.

Even if a small group of bad elements make trouble, the threat of Uesugi Kenshin is enough to make the two young highnesses cut it themselves, there is no need to scare them again and again.

If it really scares people into taking risks, then why bother?
Out of this consideration, Honjo Shino would bite the bullet and give a few words of advice.

Of course, if Uesugi Kenshin doesn't listen, Honjo Mino will keep his mouth shut and won't get himself into trouble.

The mother who protects the calf can't be reasonable, and Ben Zhuang really doesn't want to get burned.

Glancing at Honjo Mino who fell silent, Uesugi Kenshin smiled and said.

"Call the two of them here later. I care about their studies and will give them a few words of comfort.

It is a good thing to love your sister, but there is no need to be cautious all the time, as if you are a slave, and let outsiders see the joke.

They are older sisters, as long as they are good older sisters, they will definitely have a place in the future of the Uesugi family. "

This village is actually lying on the ground and kowtow.

"Your Highness is wise."

Uesugi Kenshin chuckled and hugged his daughter tightly.

"Yingming doesn't dare to be a nun. It's just a nun who rings the clock for a day. Before the Uesugi family business is in Miyuki's hands, I will always protect it for her.

I am going on a long trip in a few days, so I will leave Miyuki and my family to you again. "

Benzhuang Shinai raised his head and said in surprise. "Your Highness is going out again? Where are you going? Didn't it say that Sheng will return to the Imperial Palace soon to hold a temporary review of the Guandong Palace?

This time we are discussing the issues of counterpart assistance and return review from the Eastern People, which are of great importance. Is it inconvenient for you to travel far away at this time? "

Uesugi Kenshin took out two letters from his arms and threw them in front of Honjo Mino.

"Your news is delayed, this temporary review may not be held in the palace.

Here are two letters, one from Edo Castle, which is from the sage testing me to see if I can accept the temporary grand council held in Edo Castle.

His Highness Hojo Umasa and Lord Shimakatsu Takeo were both pregnant, so it was inconvenient for them to travel long distances and cross the Echigo Mountains to attend the meeting, but they were both important participants in this meeting.

Therefore, the saint hopes that this temporary review will be held in Edo Castle.

Another letter came from Yue Zhong, the divine guardian of Changzhi. She was very ill and seemed to be dying. Her daughter was incompetent and could not control the people of Yue Zhong.

In the name of exterminating Ichikui, the Oda family asked the Noto Hatakeyama family to cooperate with the Etsuchu Jinbo family, and the Oda Army under Shibata Katsuya's troops would enter the country to attack Etsuchu Ichikui.

The chief priest was seriously ill and couldn't cope with it. She wept and asked me for help, hoping that I could take care of her daughter and maintain peace in Vietnam.

Well, everyone bullied me. They really thought that I lost my temper after giving birth to a daughter and could be humiliated by others. "

Uesugi Kenshin smiled, but the murderous look in his eyes could no longer be concealed, overflowing.

Honjo Sano knew that Uesugi Kenshin was really angry. In his early years, Uesugi Kenshin killed people without blinking an eye, suppressed the Echigo Kingdom, and shot statues to stop them from crying.

It's just that in recent years, the Echigo samurai group's strategy has gradually followed Yoshigan Shiba's ideas and gradually become more gentle, rarely using violence to solve problems.

Coupled with the fact that Uesugi Kenshin gave birth to a child and raised a child, and stayed in Kasuga Mountain City for more than two years without moving, the samurai all over the world almost forgot how fast and ruthless her knife is.

But this time, Uesugi Kenshin was really pushed.

Originally, she was still hesitating whether to go to Yuezhong to fight against the Oda family's invasion at the critical juncture of the temporary grand meeting of the Kanto Palace.

There is no need to choose now. Both sides are pushing people too hard, not taking her seriously, and forcing her to use her best method to get angry.

At the beginning, the saint decided to hold an impromptu review in the palace, but this time he sent a letter suddenly, he must have been bewitched.

Since the land of Higashi Musashi changed hands between the Hojo Shiba family, the Hojo family has been making public announcements, hoping to move the government office of the Kanto Imperial Palace from the Echigo Imperial Palace to Edo Castle.

After all, the main body of the current Kanto Servant, the Ji Warrior Group, has become the Guan Bazhou Samurai.

Then, if the government office is located in Guanbazhou, it will be more convenient and faster, whether it is holding a major review or the daily handling of government affairs by the standing council.

However, the Imperial Government Office is not only a historical factor, but also a political symbol, a symbol of Echigo's dual politics.

The Hojo family harbored selfish motives and wanted to strip Uesugi Kenshin of his political status as the second-ranking figure in the Kanto Palace.

Because Sibo Yiyin has always insisted on the independent operation of the big review and is not very involved in daily work.

Therefore, the strength of Uesugi Kenshin, the number two figure, obviously goes against the equal consensus of the Grand Council. Out of political interests, the Hojo family certainly wants to downplay Uesugi Kenshin's unique political status.

The transfer of the government office of the Kanto Palace to Edo Castle clearly separated the originally blurry boundaries between the Echigo duopolity and the politics of the Kanto Palace.

Uesugi Kenshin's strong position in the Grand Council has declined, which is in the political interest of all United Front members. The Hojo family is willing to be the leader, and everyone is naturally happy to hear it.

The real resistance to moving the government hall actually came from Sibo Yiyin. This saint has always been more willing to do less than to do more, and is unwilling to add new political conflicts.

Of course Yoshigan Shiba understands the little thoughts of the Hojo family, but he also knows that if he nods, Kenshin Uesugi's bad temper will definitely explode, so he has been suppressing the move of the government office and not agreeing to it.

Only this time, Uesugi Kenshin didn't know what means Edo Castle used to soften the saint's attitude, so he got this letter of inquiry from the saint.

Perhaps Shiba Yiyin's original intention was simply to change the location of the temporary grand council, and future formal meetings would still be held in the Imperial Palace.

But as long as this hole is opened, there will be a second time if there is the first time.

The Echigo Imperial Palace is far away from the core area of ​​​​Kan Hachishu. Every time there is a meeting, most of the United Front members have to climb over the Echigo Mountains and travel across mountains and rivers to reach Echigo Kingdom.

Not to mention the hard work along the way, even in terms of time, it was a waste of time and delayed a lot of things at home.

The location of Edo Castle is convenient, and the sea, water, and land routes extend in all directions, so that everyone can taste the sweetness of convenient transportation, and they will definitely hope to move the government office to Edo Castle.

This momentum is like boiling a frog in warm water, and sooner or later it cannot be stopped.

Kenshin Uesugi guessed that the suggestion to temporarily change places was probably a result of the cooperation between subordinates of Hojo Ushimasa and Shimakatsu Takeo.

The Hojo family has long wanted to strip the Uesugi family of its unique position in the Grand Council, but the Shima family wants to run Edo Castle as its own base.

The Hojo family proposed, and the Shima family definitely supported it. The East Musashi land was in ruins and waiting for redevelopment. Shima Shengmu moved the capital to Edo Castle, and everyone knew his determination to focus on the development of Edo Castle.

The Hojo family stretched out their hands to push, and the Shima family was extremely happy. If the government office of the Kanto Palace was placed in Edo City, it would be difficult for Edo City not to develop.

It is inevitable for the two families to join forces to cause trouble. The only difference lies in whether Hojo Ujimasa and Shimakatsu Takeo are personally involved in it.

These two big-bellied women are now the sage's favorites, and they are just a temporary meeting place. The sage has no reason to refuse.

Ujimasa Hojo is an advocate of counterpart loan assistance, and Takeshi Shimakatsu is a permanent member of the Standing Council. If the two of them do not attend the temporary review, the meeting will not be held.

However, if these two pregnant women were allowed to travel long distances to the Imperial Palace for a meeting, no one could guarantee that it would be safe if they crossed mountains and mountains.

Therefore, as long as you use this reason to squeeze the saint, the saint will definitely agree to change the location.

What made Uesugi Kenshin most angry was not that these two little bitches used their bellies as weapons to force the saint to compromise, but that he couldn't refuse the saint's letter of negotiation for a temporary change of location.

If Uesugi Kenshin refuses, she just doesn't understand the general situation.

The two pregnant women are related to the spread of Sibo's descendants and the solid foundation of Sibo's divine power.

If Uesugi Kenshin was determined not to agree, if something went wrong between the two pregnant women on the road, how could the saint hate her to death?
Kenshin Uesugi gave birth to his child in Kasugayama Castle, but Yoshigan Shiba didn't worry at all about suffering during the pregnancy.

Now seeing other people doing things with their stomachs and forcing the Uesugi family to bow their heads, Kenshin Uesugi is of course very angry and can hardly restrain himself.

In order to show political unity, Uesugi Kenshin should not only agree, but also generously attend the meeting, and personally visit Edo Castle to participate in the meeting. This is the inevitable choice of a mature politician.

It is a pity that Uesugi Kenshin has never been a mature politician.

Therefore, the people behind the show at Edo Castle had ulterior motives. They were just waiting to see Uesugi Kenshin get angry and lose the favor and favor of the saint.

Uesugi Kenshin, who was originally hesitant about delaying the big review and delaying the dispatch of troops to Echu, was now aroused.

Naturally, she didn't have to hesitate anymore, she simply sent her troops to Yuezhong to do something to the Oda family.

(End of this chapter)

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