different warring states of japan

Chapter 1750 The violent Echigo dragon

Uesugi Kenshin sending troops to Echichu was the best solution to deal with the current situation for three reasons.

First, Uesugi Kenshin had no choice but to pinch his nose and agree to hold a temporary grand council in Edo Castle, otherwise he would be giving others a handle to sow feelings between himself and the saint.

But she doesn’t want to show weakness, so she will never attend this impromptu review that will embarrass herself. So there must be a justifiable reason before she can refuse to attend the meeting, right?

The Oda family crossed the border to peek into Kanto, and the Uesugi family sent troops to refuse. This was to safeguard the common interests of all the samurai families in the Kanto Palace.

Under the geographical exclusion of Kanto and Kansai who dislike each other, the Kanto samurai must support and sympathize with Uesugi Kenshin.

After the rebellion of the people in the East, the initiative of no war in Kanto has become politically correct, and no one in the Kanto imperial family dares to violate it.

Uesugi Kenshin deliberately violated the ban and sent troops to cross the country, which was to show his unique and special political status and to intimidate all the Kantō shrines.

Secondly, the chief priest of the Ezhong Jinbo family is about to die. Her daughter is incompetent and cannot keep the family business, so she has to leave it to Uesugi Kenshin. This is a great opportunity for the Uesugi family to annex Ezhong.

Back then, the Sage was the guarantor, and the Uesugi family and the Jimbo family joined hands to form an alliance. They attacked from the east and west, killed the Shiina family, and divided her family's territory.

This time, the Chief Divine Protector revealed that he was not going to live long and begged Uesugi Kenshin to send troops to rescue him. In fact, he was turning his stomach to show his willingness to surrender to the Uesugi family.

Oda Nobunaga's domineering and anti-traditional face has been thoroughly seen by martial arts families all over the world.

The chief god would rather choose Uesugi Kenshin than Oda Nobunaga. He would give Yue China to Uesugi Kenshin to ensure the safety of his daughter and family business.

The Etchu Jinbo family decisively chose to join the Uesugi family. Etchu had always believed that this time it would be a disaster, and they could not be restrained. Their political status would be much softer, and the Uesugi family would make a lot of profits.

Vietnam has a stone height of 38 koku, as well as prosperous trade in Fuji Bay, and is one of the key territories that connects the Hokuriku Road. Uesugi Kenshin cannot find any reason to refuse, so he will definitely send troops to devour it.

Third, the Oda family was too deceitful, and Kenshin Uesugi was famous as a teacher.

Although the Etsuchu campaign was led by a saint, it was Uesugi Kenshin who finally sat down to negotiate, signed as a guarantee, and reached a multi-party agreement.

Oda Nobunaga directly sent troops to attack Kaga, and directly issued orders to the forces of Vietnam, China, and Noto. This was to pull up Uesugi Kenshin's collar and slap Uesugi Kenshin in the face.

If Uesugi Kenshin hesitates at this time, no one will take her seriously from now on.But if she fights hard enough and wins well enough, it becomes a good opportunity to show off her power.

Kaga, Noto, and all the forces from the three countries of Vietnam and China have been frightened by the Oda army's front. Whoever can protect them at this time is their biological mother.

Uesugi Kenshin sent troops at this time to take on the responsibility that he had signed and signed. All the forces in the three countries of Hokuriku must be happy and agree to the Uesugi family's request.

The right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people were all on Uesugi Kenshin's side, so of course she had to give it a go.

Uesugi Kenshin is not a capable person when it comes to conspiracy and political tactics.But in a field battle with open swords and guns, Uesugi Kenshin really wasn't afraid of anyone, except her child's father.

Uesugi Kenshin has been feeling very depressed recently.

She couldn't handle the political entertainment activities of smiling with hidden swords and talking sweetly with swords, but when she heard the news of the invasion of the Oda army, she suddenly became energetic.

Who is afraid of real swords and guns? What the hell!
Uesugi Kenshin's hand gently stroking his daughter's hair suddenly stopped, and he looked at Honjo Mino with murderous eyes, and said coldly.

"Most of the military forces that were originally prepared to support the country have been mobilized?"

"Hey, because the war in the lower country has subsided quickly, everyone is dismobilizing and disbanding their troops."

"Don't, since you've already mobilized, don't disband them all, just follow me to Yuezhong."

Honjo Sano looked at Uesugi Kenshin, who was smiling but with no smile in his eyes, and swallowed subconsciously.

Uesugi Kenshin said slowly.

"Transfer the troops of Kakizaki Kageie in the upper echelon, the Saito Chonobu branch of the central etsuki, and the Kagenobu Uesugi headquarters of the Nagao Ichimen to assemble in the territory of the central etsuki.

Jiang Jinggang was transferred to be in charge of the logistics depot, and he was responsible for the supply of food, grass and military needs without any loss.

In addition, Kawada Nagauchi, the leader of the Tiaonumata leader, is under his command, and the people of the Omi faction know and travel all over China. They must be worried about it, and they are eager to return home, right? "

Honjo Minoru kept sucking in the cold air.

Kakizaki Keie, Saito Asanobu, Naoe Keizuna, Uesugi Keishin, Kawada Nagauchi. .The Hatamoto Naomi clan, the Genedai family clan, the Nagao clan, and the newly promoted Omi clan. .

Uesugi Kenshin sent out all his elite troops this time. Except for not using Kasugayama Castle's Takata Plains garrison force, he almost pulled out all the most capable samurai from the Uesugi family.

Honjo Mino's mind was in chaos, but Uesugi Kenshin continued to talk.

"I will send someone to reply to the saint. I agree to hold the temporary grand council in Edo Castle. But I will not attend the meeting because I have more important things to do.

The Oda family provoked without reason, crossed the border and threatened the peace of the Three Kingdoms in Hokuriku.

Back then, I signed an agreement for the powers of the Three Kingdoms as a guarantor as the leader of the Kanto, and today I am obliged to send troops to protect the safety of the Three Kingdoms!
This time I go out to the battlefield not for selfish desires, but for the sake of righteousness!Make the decision for the Three Kingdoms of Hokuriku and speak out for the Kanto samurai family. Kanto is not Kinki, and it is not the Oda family’s turn to do whatever they want here!

Honjo Sano! "


"You are responsible for guarding Kasugayama Castle. Miyuki will leave it to you. You should also keep an eye on Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu's studies."

"Hi!" Honjo Minoru kowtowed to the ground, with a wry smile on his face where Uesugi Kenshin couldn't see him.

I spent a long time talking, but in the end, Uesugi Kenshin still couldn't trust Uesugi Jinghu and Uesugi Jingsheng.

Uesugi Kenshin didn't care whether Uesugi Kagetora and Uesugi Kagekatsu were wronged or not, she only cared about whether her daughter lived a happy and carefree life.

she said again.

"To Etchu's shrine chief, Noto's Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, to Etchu Ichishu's Zuisenji mysticism, Katsukoji's Sangen, and Kaga's Nanari Yorishu.

I will set off on Qingqi in three days, the Uesugi Army will enter Etsuchu on the [-]th, and on the [-]th, I will be able to mobilize all parties who can ascend the Etsuchu Kaga Three Kingdoms, and follow me to face the Oda Army!Don’t wait until the time comes! "

Honjo Sano heard an ominous premonition in his heart when he heard Nanali Noorishu's name.

"Your Highness, you want to enter Kaga Kingdom to protect Qili Laizhou, and take the initiative to start a war with the Oda Army?"

"What? Can't you?"

"This...that...isn't it because the Oda army is provoking a border provocation...does it want to invade Vietnam and China?"

Benzhuang smiled bitterly.

The Oda family promised to cross the border, but how did it turn into Uesugi Kenshin to invade Kaga country?How could something that was originally aggrieved suddenly turn into an active provocation?

Uesugi Kenshin sneered.

"What? She, Oda Nobunaga, is only allowed to pretend to be ignorant, and I, Uesugi Kenshin, are not allowed to be unreasonable?
Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, and Sun Tzu's Art of War is not only Takeda Shingen's reading?Can't I use it?

Oda Nobunaga thought that the initiative was in her hands. After taking over Kaga Country, she could cross the border whenever she wanted.

Who does she think she is?She is only allowed to take the initiative to attack, while others can only wait to be beaten?I just want to enter Kaga Country and catch Shibata Katsuie off guard!
The Hokurikudo Peace Agreement of that year was also signed by Kaga Ichikui. As a guarantor, the scope of the guarantee naturally included Kaga Country.

I may or may not recognize the tacit understanding between the saint and Oda Nobunaga on how to deal with Kaga.

Oda Nobunaga doesn't take me seriously, so I don't have to be polite to her anymore. Why not go into Kaga country and beat the Oda army everywhere? "

Benzhuang really shook his head.

It's chaos, it's complete chaos. If the Uesugi army joins forces with Kaga, Noto, and all the forces from the three countries of Vietnam and China to besiege Shibata Katsuie, Shibata Katsuie will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Shibata Katsuie only had the mobilization force of Echizen Province's 40 koku in hand, and with the support of the Oda family, the army's full strength would not exceed [-].

But what about Uesugi Kenshin?

The Uesugi family sent out all the best, and the mobilized army directly entered Yuezhong. There were tens of thousands of troops, and they were all powerful.

In addition, the Kaga national stone is 35 high, the Noto national stone is 21 high, and the Etsuchu national stone is 38 high, with a total mobilization force of more than 80 koku.

Even if the local samurai do not mobilize in a timely manner, they have always been struggling with fighting strength, but the foreign enemy is in front of them, and they are united, and they have to fight desperately for themselves, at least they can pull out 3 to [-] horses.

With the elite Uesugi army and the outlying army of other brands, there will always be 4 horses, right?Shibata Katsuya has less than [-] people, the number is at a disadvantage, and they have to face the sudden attack of Uesugi Kenshin, who will lose if she does not lose?

Uesugi Kenshin was determined to teach the Oda family a profound lesson this time and unite to expand his influence in Hokuriku.

In addition, I also want to show those people in the Guandong Palace, don’t play any tricks with me, if you make me angry, I will lead my troops to surprise you!

Honjo Mino didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Uesugi Kenshin was really cornered and he just pulled out the knife and struck hard.

After thinking about it, Honjo Minoru tried to persuade.

"Your Highness, regarding crossing the border to Kaga Country to attack the Shibata Katsuie, should we talk to the saint first to avoid any misunderstanding?"

Uesugi Kenshin looked at Honjo Mino without saying a word until he saw Honjo Mino lowering his head, and then he couldn't help but chuckle, and the laughter was full of sorrow and indignation.

"Himjo-hime, guess what, Oda Nobunaga issued orders to the two countries of Vietnam and China without permission, with the intention of crossing the border to attack the Vietnam and China Ichiko clan. Did she get angry with the saint in advance?"

"This... should not happen. If His Highness Oda informed her in advance, the saint would definitely not allow her to act so randomly."

"now it's right.

Since she didn't report it, why should I report it?As the governor of the famous Yamauchi Uesugi family, and as the leader of Kanto, am I not as good as Oda Nobunaga, who was born as an Oda commoner?

He is a house slave!How dare you deceive me!
No one can despise me, Kenshin Uesugi, and no one can take away what belongs to my daughter, no one!
If anyone wants to give it a try, then take a sword and talk to me, whether it is Takeda Hojo or Oda Nobunaga, I will give them a satisfactory answer! "

Uesugi Kenshin was always holding Miyuki. Her voice was not high-pitched, but calm and powerful.Her calm tone was like the calm before the storm, which was chilling.

Benzhuang Zhennai fell deeply to the ground and no longer dared to say anything.

Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

How long has it been since Kenshin Uesugi felt so wild and free?Who is Oda Nobunaga? Either defeat me or get out of here!

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