different warring states of japan

Chapter 1757 Hideyoshi Hashiba wants to save himself

After Maeda Toshiie left, Hashiba Hideyoshi packed his packages overnight and retreated back to Kitaomi early the next morning.

She was afraid that Shibata Katsuie would regret it, so she hurried and took her time along the way. The three-hundred-mile journey included a lot of mountain roads. She actually brought her troops back to Changbin Castle in only fifteen days.

The army had just passed through the mountain pass of Hokuriku Street and entered the plains. There was a queue on the roadside with the Hashiba family crest erected and waiting silently.

When Hashiba Hideyoshi arrived at the front and saw Takenaka Shigeharu in the queue, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

She stepped forward on horseback, exchanged a few words with the left-behind retainers who came to greet him, and then pulled Takenaka Shigeharu along to whisper.

"Hime Takenaka, I didn't ask you to take a good rest, why did you come here?"

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled bitterly.

"Shibata Katsuie was defeated."

Hashiba Hideyoshi was shocked.

"Defeated? So soon? It has only been fifteen days since I broke camp and withdrew the troops, and she was defeated?"

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

“Not only did we fail, but we failed miserably.

Ten days ago, the Kanto Governor His Highness Uesugi personally led his cavalry into Kaga territory, crossed the Asano River, got behind Shibata Katsuie's army that besieged Kanazawa Gobo, and raided the logistics station Matsuno Castle.

Matsuno Castle fell with a bang, and the deployment of the Echizen Oda Army in Kaga Kingdom was cut off.

Shibata Katsuie was shocked and withdrew his troops overnight, but His Highness Uesugi harassed her on her way back and set fire to Komatsu Village, Honori Village, Adoga and other places. The military morale was turbulent and morale was low.

Finally, when Shibata Katsuie forcibly crossed the Tetori River, His Highness Uesugi suddenly launched a surprise attack and killed fourteen generals. All the Echizen Oda Army units fled, causing each other to trample on each other.

If Maeda Toshiie hadn't made a prompt decision and cut off the Shiba family's crest personally, Shibata Katsuie would have almost died on the banks of the Tetori River.

Shibata Katsuie brought 1 horses to besiege Oyama. More than a thousand people were killed in battle alone, and there were countless injuries. The Echizen Oda Army was almost collapsed.

Uesugi's main force, together with Noto's Vietnamese and Chinese mobilization forces, more than 3 troops have entered Kaga country, and the troops are heading south, approaching the Daishoji River.

The morale of the Echizen Oda Army was unstable. Shibata Katsuie did not dare to withdraw from Daishoji Castle and threatened to coexist with the Daishoji River defense line. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi kept gasping for breath. She never expected that just fifteen days after she left Kaga Country, the situation in Kaga's war would change drastically.

Shibata Katsuie was defeated miserably at Tetori River, and she really had no way out.

Although the Daishoji River area is within the territory of Kaga Province, it has been in the hands of Echizen since it was captured by Asakura Sodi.

The Oda family pacified the Echizen Kingdom twice, and also took the Daishoji River into their hands. This was not part of the Kaga strategy, but the Oda family's own territory.

Shibata Katsuie's strategy for defeating Kaga is already guilty.If we lose the Daishengji River again, we will be derelict in protecting the land, and we will lose our skin even if we die.

Lin Xiuzhen could still draw lessons from the past. Even if Shibata Katsuie married the city king and became a member of the Oda clan, she would not dare to bet on whether Oda Nobunaga would turn his back on him and become heartless.

With no choice, she could only defend the city of the Great Holy Temple. The city was still alive but the people were destroyed.

Hideyoshi Hashiba asked subconsciously as his forehead became confused.

"I didn't get any news from the front line all the way back. Where did you get such detailed military information from behind?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said calmly.

"Shibata Katsuie has sent an urgent report to Azuchi Castle to ask for instructions from the main hall, but she did not know about the Hashiba family, nor did she send an urgent envoy to ask you to return to the army to support the front line.

However, Maeda Toshiie sent someone to Nagahama Castle to inform you of the latest military situation so that you can prepare early. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was stunned for a moment, then shouted.

"No! Shibata Katsuie wants to harm me!"

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded gloomily, she had the same idea as Hashiba Hideyoshi.

The original strategy of Hideyoshi Hideyoshi and Shigeharu Takenaka was to refuse Shibata Katsuie's command on the front line, and wait until Shibata Katsuie failed when he tested Echu, which showed Hideyoshi's foresight.

Even if Oda Nobunaga becomes angry afterwards, Hideyoshi Hashiba's friends from all walks of life will help him and he will take some risks, hoping that in the end he will be punished with a small punishment and a big warning will be given, and he will turn to the West for development.

But the changes in the war exceeded everyone's expectations.

Whether it was Oda Nobunaga's temptation or Shiba Yoshigan's back-up plan, both of them thought that Uesugi Kenshin's intervention would counterattack after the Oda army entered Ezhong and attacked Ezhong Ichikuzon.

No one thought that Kenshin Uesugi would actually stir up trouble and go straight into Kaga Country to defeat the Shibata Katsuie.

Shibata Katsuie now has only more than 1 remnants left. Facing the more than 3 Uesugi coalition forces with high morale, the Daishoji River defense line is in danger.

Takenaka Shigeharu miscalculated, and the Oda family failed too quickly and too miserably.

As soon as Oda Nobunaga grabbed Uesugi Kenshin by the collar and wanted to humiliate Uesugi Kenshin with a few slaps, Uesugi Kenshin kicked him to the ground and stamped on his face like crazy.

When things have reached this point, no one can bear the responsibility for the defeat.

What kind of character is Oda Nobunaga?I usually feel like I'm at a disadvantage even if I don't take advantage!
This time she was kicked hard by Uesugi Kenshin, and she was so embarrassed in front of the two samurai families in Kinki and Kanto. Could she not be mad?

It is not yet known how Oda Nobunaga will organize his army to fight again and deal with Uesugi Kenshin.But now, someone must stand up and take responsibility for the Tetori River fiasco and bear the wrath of Oda Nobunaga.

Shibata Katsuie was responsible for commanding the Echizen Army to conquer Kaga Country. In theory, she should be the first person responsible for this defeat.

Although she is a member of the Oda clan, the most powerful general in Oda, and has a high position, she cannot bear this big pot.

According to Oda Nobunaga's character, if Shibata Katsuie is held accountable, he will probably fight to the end. No one knows whether there will be a chance to get up again in the future.

In order to maintain his power and position, Shibata Katsuie, a warrior known for his bravery, also began to play political tricks at the critical moment of life and death in order to escape from guilt.

There were many retainers who ate with Shibata Katsuie, and there was no shortage of talented people. I don’t know who gave Shibata Katsuie the bad idea, but she actually wanted to put all the blame on Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Hashiba Hideyoshi only left the front line for fifteen days, and the front line was turned upside down.

The Daishoji River defense line was in danger, and the military situation was raging. But Shibata Katsuie had time to report to Oda Nobunaga of Azuchi Castle for help, so why did he forget to send one to Hashiba Hideyoshi who was marching on the Hokuriku Road?
The Hashiba Army did not experience the disastrous defeat of Kaga, and the distance was so close that they could return to support at any time and participate in defending the Daishoji River defense line.

Shibata Katsuie, a veteran general, turned a blind eye to the approaching reinforcements, and even hid the frontline military information from Hashiba Hideyoshi. This was very abnormal.

If Maeda Toshiie on the front hadn't secretly sent Hideyoshi a piece of military information, and Hideyoshi sat stupidly in Nagahama Castle waiting for punishment, Oda Nobunaga might have peeled off her monkey skin.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became, and he gritted his teeth.

"This bastard Katsuie Shibata, she was arrogant and was attacked by the enemy, but she wants me to take the blame, she is really unworthy of a woman!

If the seniors of the Li family hadn't sent someone to inform me, I might have died in peace this time. "

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head and sighed.

"We wanted to use Shibata Katsuie to complete the strategy of turning to the West, and we deliberately sold her a flaw, so we can't blame her for taking this flaw to the extreme.

It's my fault for not thinking well that put you in danger, my lord.

As soon as you withdrew from the front line, the Echizen Army was attacked by His Highness Uesugi and was completely defeated.You marched in Vietnam, paying no attention to the tragic situation on the front line, and did not return to support the army.

If Shibata Katsuie intends to set up a trap, I'm afraid the main hall will be so angry that he won't have time to listen to your explanation. You will have to bear the blame if you don't want to.

Even if the main hall wakes up afterwards, the deal is already done, and she will never be able to help you clear up your grievances or slap her own mouth. "

The more Hashiba Hideyoshi listened, the more panicked he became, and he hated Shibata Katsuie even more. But the matter was already here, and the most important thing was how to escape now, and Shibata Katsuie's conspiracy must not succeed.

She grabbed Takenaka Shigeharu's hand and said sincerely.

"It's useless to blame you for blaming me now. I agree with this matter. Naturally, I don't blame Takenaka Hime for offering advice. No one thought that His Highness Uesugi would be so ferocious. I only hate Shibata Katsuie, a despicable villain. As the president The general did not dare to take responsibility and used conspiracy to harm me.

Please ask Takenaka Hime to teach me, what should I do now? "

Takenaka Shigeharu said solemnly.

"Before the Lord comes back, I have thought about it again and again. The most important thing for you now is to hold on to these two people. If they are willing to help you, you can hope to save the day."

"Which two people?"

"Maeda Toshiie, Akechi Mitsuhide."

Hashiba Hideyoshi asked thoughtfully.

"The plan will come out?"

"Maeda Toshiie's name is Shiba Shigeomi. When he was in the Oda camp, he was just walking on a single-plank bridge. If he was not careful, he would fall into the water.

Akechi Mitsuhide is a foreign service officer in Spo and the helmsman of the Fushimi Castle system. He is responsible for coordinating the relationship between the Spo and Oda families.

This conflict in Hokuriku seems to be a dispute between the Oda family and the Uesugi family, but in fact the key lies with the Shiba family.

Guandong is the Saint's Guandong. If the main hall wants to reach out, it is not in line with the Saint's wishes.

His Highness Uesugi dared to charge into Kaga without any scruples, catching Shibata Katsuie off guard because he was sure that the saint would not side with the Oda family.

However, for his own purposes, His Highness Uesugi beat Shibata Katsuie so badly that the Oda family was disgraced and the main hall would not let it go. This was not in line with the wishes of the saint.

The sage hopes that the Shiba family will take sole control of Kanto, and also hopes that the Oda family will focus on the west and bring the Western Kingdom, Shikoku, and Kyushu under the rule of the Fushimi Castle system.

No matter how the world is divided after the Shiba family and the Oda family cooperate to conquer the west, it is in the interests of the Shiba family at this stage that the Oda family conquers the west.

If the main hall is angered by His Highness Uesugi and mobilizes troops to fight again, the Oda-Uesugi family will fight fiercely in Hokuriku Road. No matter which side has the upper hand in the end, it will consume the power of the Shiba family to unify the world.

Because the Uesugi family and the Oda family were the driving force behind the Shiba family's expansion in Kanto and Kansai, the sage definitely did not want the war on Hokuriku to continue.

The wish of the saint is the wish of Maeda Toshiie and Akechi Mitsuhide.

As the bridge between the Shiba Oda family, the two of them will definitely mediate to calm the war between the Oda family and the Uesugi family.

The Sibo family also has enough bargaining chips to make the main hall bear this tone.

If you can get the help of Maeda Toshiie and Akechi Mitsuhide and help you speak a few words of justice during their mediation, then with the wisdom of the main hall, you will naturally understand Shibata Katsuie's sinister intentions.

Even if you are punished later, you and Shibata Katsuie will each play [-] big games. You will not be allowed to shoulder all the responsibilities alone, and you will not be injured because of this, and you will never be able to succeed. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded fiercely. Her strength was to be humane and worldly. With a little guidance from Takenaka Shigeharu, she understood what she should do.

"What Takenaka-hime said makes sense.

Toshiie-senpai is a kind person. She must have seen through Shibata Katsuie's intention to harm me, so she secretly sent someone to report to me.

Since she was willing to tip off the news to me, she would naturally defend me in the main hall.

Senior Toshi is one of the frontline generals, and he is fair, so the palace will believe her words.As long as she is impartial and answers truthfully, she has done me a great favor.

After I returned to the city, I immediately wrote to Toshiya-senpai to thank her for sending someone to report the message. I, Hideyoshi Hashiba, will definitely be grateful for her kindness in the future. "

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and nodded. Hideyoshi Hashiba really knows how to be a good person, but just a false promise that he will be grateful in the future can hold Maeda Toshiie back.

Maeda Toshiie took the risk of offending Shibata Katsuie and specially reported the news to Hashiba Hideyoshi. Naturally, he wanted to sell a huge favor.

Hashiba Hideyoshi accepted this favor. If Maeda Toshiie didn't want his investment to go to waste, he would have to pull Hashiba Hideyoshi out again.

There will be a big thank you in the future. The key lies in the word "future". If Hideyoshi Hashiba cannot pass this hurdle, there will be no future. Maeda Toshiie's favor will be sold for nothing.

Therefore, Hashiba Hideyoshi made it clear in just a few words that she accepted this favor, but if Maeda Toshiie wanted to thank her again in the future, he had to help her get through this first.

Hideyoshi Hashiba gave just one word and didn't give any benefit at all. He asked Maeda Toshiie to help for a future promise. It was really easy to calculate and he was so understanding of people and the world.

With such a master with perfect communication skills, Takenaka Shigeharu saved a lot of effort.

Takenaka Shigeharu said softly.

"Also, it's Mitsuhide Akechi."

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Takenaka-hime, there are rumors that Akechi Mitsuhide is obedient to the main hall and is called Shiba's retainer, but in reality he is an Oda hawk dog.

But I can't always see through this person. Do you think Akechi Mitsuhide is really helping the main hall? "

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

“There is a cloud in the sky, haste makes waste.

Akechi Mitsuhide showed his courtesy and helped the Oda family expand rapidly, fearing that he would be either a traitor or a thief. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"I think so.

So I prepared to express my anger towards Shibata Katsuie in front of her, even with a hint of disappointment towards the main hall.

Akechi Mitsuhide would be happy to see the discord in the Oda family, right? "

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"Too much is not enough, so please keep it in check, so that the best effect can be achieved."

Hashiba Hideyoshi laughed.

“When it comes to dealing with people, you have to have confidence in me.

When Kanazaki retreated, Akechi Mitsuhide wrote a letter for me, asking Asakura Keiki to protect me in Tsuruga Port and saved my life.

I will go to Fushimi Castle and ask for help. Mitsuhide Akechi has saved me once, and I believe she won’t mind saving me a second time. "

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded.

Human nature is actually very counter-intuitive. You think that if you treat people well, they will be grateful, but this is not the case.

People may be used to your efforts and take them for granted. They may even be angry because you are unwilling to continue to pay.

Don't think that there are very few such white-eyed wolves. In fact, this is the embodiment of human nature. If you get used to it, you will think that you should have it. If you lose it, you will naturally feel angry.

And if you have helped someone once, it is easy to help them again.

Because you have paid for the other party and left a sunk cost on the other party, you will expect future returns, and the probability of being willing to make another move will increase.

Mitsuhide Akechi saved Hideyoshi Hashiba once and was his savior.

Hideyoshi Hashiba begged her to come to the door and ask her to save him one more time, but Akechi Mitsuhide was unlikely to refuse her.

Because the two life-saving graces will make Mitsuhide Akechi look forward to more profits in the future, but if Hideyoshi Hashiba dies, the previous life-saving grace will not be repaid.

After Hashiba Hideyoshi thought carefully, he sent a letter to Maeda Toshiie, who was close to him, and then personally came to ask Mitsuhide Akechi for help.

This superb ability to cultivate human feelings is the foundation of Hideyoshi Hashiba.

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