different warring states of japan

Chapter 1758: Smooth-talking and playing both sides

Hashiba Hideyoshi is actively looking for countermeasures to resolve Shibata Katsuie's ill will towards him.

She thought that Maeda Toshiie's secret report was at least a neutral attitude, but in fact Maeda Toshiie was already confessing the matter to Shibata Katsuie.

Great Holy Temple City.

Shibata Katsuie looked at Maeda Toshiie in front of him, his face was ashen and his eyes were complicated.

"Li Jia, you and I have known each other for many years. I ask myself if I am worthy of you. Why did you do this? Do you want to trap me to death?"

Maeda Toshiie bowed slightly.

"Master Shibata misunderstood, if I really want to put you in a desperate situation, why should I come here and tell you frankly now.

Yes, I did send a message to Hideyoshi Hashiba, but I did it all for your consideration. "

Shibata Katsuie sneered.

"for me?
You clearly know why I want to deceive the monkey, but you still want to tip her off secretly. Is this just for my consideration?
Li Jia, my life is hanging by a thread now, half of my feet are already in the air, and I may fall into the abyss at any time.

It’s okay if you don’t help me, but you also want to stop my plan. Whose side are you on? "

Maeda Toshiie's heart was clear, Hashiba Shibata didn't stand with anyone, she only stood with Shiba.

Reporting military information to Hashiba Hideyoshi was a risky move. If Shibata Katsuie learned of this later, the long-standing friendship between Maeda Toshiie and Shibata Katsuie would be severed.

Shibata Katsuie is a typical soldier. She hates traitors the most. She doesn't know how to play tricks on others.

Once Maeda Toshiie breaks up with Shibata Katsuie, it will be difficult for her to maintain her good-natured appearance in the Oda family in the future.

Therefore, Maeda Toshiie must confess and be forgiven by Shibata Katsuie, she said.

"Master Shibata, do you think your desperate attempt to survive after the defeat can really ensure that you survive this disaster safely as you wish?"

Shibata Katsuie had a cold face.

"The matter has come to this, there is only one chance."

Maeda Toshie sighed.

"The plan you arranged temporarily in the chaos of defeat has many flaws. Even I can understand your intention at the first time, let alone the always wise palace?

What is the character of the main hall?You and I both know very well that she has always been suspicious by nature, and she will always retaliate.

Even if the main hall was deceived for a moment in anger and really dealt with Hideyoshi Hashiba severely, when she reacted, she would definitely know that she was being used by you.

She can't bear this tone, you will completely lose her trust, and you will be settled by Qiu Hou one day in the future.

Ando Mamoru had an affair with Saito Yoshiryu. The main palace clearly had the evidence, but he just tolerated Ando Mamoru for several years and waited until necessary to punish him.

Even if you are lucky enough to succeed this time, will you have to live in fear of being liquidated by the palace day and night? "

Shibata Katsuie remained silent.

When Maeda Toshiie used this rhetoric against Hashiba Hideyoshi, Hashiba Hideyoshi would definitely be fine. That monkey was born to be an excellent politician, so he would not be framed by some fearful questioning of his heart day and night.

But Shibata Katsuie is different. This leader of the Oda family's military commander faction is still too traditional and too upright.

Framing her colleagues and deceiving her family governor, things that ruined the family business, were indeed unbearable stains for a soldier like her.

Maeda Toshiie knew Shibata Katsuie's character very well, so he dared to confess face to face. Spreading things out and explaining things clearly was the best way to communicate with this type of soldier.

Shibata Katsuie was silent for a long time and said dejectedly.

"I know you're right, but I have no choice."

Maeda Toshiie scoffed.

"Who said you had no choice? Who was the alarmist in front of you and planned this trick for you that was so clumsy that I could see through it at a glance?

Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. His Highness Uesugi is known as the Dragon of Echigo. Since inheriting the family business, he has never failed in field battles and his military reputation is formidable.

Even the main hall didn't expect His Highness Uesugi to cross the border and make a surprise attack. Why should you blame yourself too much?
Let me say something disrespectful, even if the main palace comes to the front line in this battle, she can't do better than you.

You retreated immediately, risking casualties to force the Tetori River crossing, and gather the remaining troops to defend Daishoji Castle, so that Uesugi Kenshin's undeclared war did not destroy the Oda family's layout in Hokurikudo.

You have experienced it, but you also deserve credit! "

Shibata Katsuie smiled bitterly.

"Lijia, you can comfort people, and every word you say speaks to my heart.

It's just that the battlefield is judged by victory and defeat. If you lose, you lose. The main hall may not be willing to listen to my explanation when it is furious.

My life has been rough.

He was a fierce general in the Oda family when he was the ancestor. He accompanied his ancestors in the battle against Mikawa and Mino. There were victories and defeats, ups and downs.

After my ancestor passed away, I chose the wrong team again and followed Oda Nobuyuki in rebellion, bearing the tainted original sin.

The main hall has indeed reused me over the years, but I know very well that I am not her direct descendant. If I make a wrong step, Lin Xiuzhen will be my fate.

I dare not make a mistake because I am not qualified to make a mistake.This defeat is one of the most serious defeats since the Oda family's external expansion. I really don't dare to bet on the wisdom of the main hall, so let me go.

I'm almost 40 years old. If I get fucked off by the main hall this time, I really don't have the confidence to get up and start over again.

Lijia, you have to sympathize with my difficulties. "

Maeda Toshiie said with emotion.

"Of course I know how difficult it is for you, sir. You care about your fellow villagers in Paoze, and I will always remember the care you have given me over the years.

That’s why I held the Saba family’s crest high in Tetori River’s hand to cut you off, and then I advised you to stop at the brink.

The main hall hates others deceiving her the most, especially a general like you who is in charge of the Hokuriku and controls a country must not commit such a taboo of deceiving the emperor.

Making a temporary arrangement and putting all the responsibilities on Hideyoshi Hashiba, it seems that you can avoid punishment, but there are many people in the army who have many eyes, can you really make it seamless?

You don't dare to bet on the magnanimity of the main hall, so how can you dare to bet that the main hall will not find out the truth afterwards? "

Shibata Katsuie covered his forehead and said dejectedly.

"Maybe you're right, but I'm really confused. I just want to wait for a while."

Maeda Toshiie said solemnly.

"This time I not only sent news to Hideyoshi Hashiba, but also sent letters to Azuchi Castle and Fushimi Castle.

The main hall of Azuchi Castle and Akechi Mitsuhide of Fushimi Castle already knew the true situation on the front line.

The anger of the main hall is reasonable, but it is because the main hall irritated His Highness Uesugi that Uesugi Highness would fight undeclared and launch a surprise attack, resulting in the tragic defeat of Tetori River.

Nowadays, it no longer matters who is right or wrong. The most important thing is that this battle cannot continue.

Therefore, I informed Akechi Mitsuhide that I wanted to use the negotiation mechanism of Fushimi Castle to mediate the conflict between the Oda and Uesugi families.

Only doing so can help you weather the storm. "Shibata Katsuie frowned.

"I'm a little confused, please ask the Li family to explain in more detail."

Maeda Toshiie said.

“The Oda family’s mobilization strength is more than 300 million koku, and the Uesugi family, together with Etchu Noto’s various forces, can’t mobilize more than one million koku.

If the main hall really wants to break up and start a war, the Uesugi family will not be able to withstand the full attack of the Oda family, and the situation in the Hokuriku war will inevitably turn around.

But this was something Akechi Mitsuhide didn't want to see, because the task assigned by the sage to Akechi Mitsuhide was to coordinate the position of the Oda family through the Fushimi Castle system and jointly conquer the world.

The Uesugi family belongs to the power of the Shiba family in Kanto. The war between the Oda and Uesugi families is to consume their own strength to unify the world, and the wise will not take it.

Therefore, Mitsuhide Akechi had the obligation to mediate the conflict in Hokuriku and persuade the main hall to stop.

Because it was the main hall that provoked the trouble this time, although His Highness Uesugi's counterattack was excessive, the main hall stopped first so that the two sides could negotiate peace. "

The more Shibata Katsuie listened, the more confused he became.

"Does the Li family think that a truce would be good for me?"

Maeda Toshie sighed.

"Think about it, if the main hall wants to completely convince His Highness Uesugi, it will have to use all the power of the Oda family's 300 million koku.

Regardless of whether she comes in person or sends other important ministers, the future of Hokuriku Road will not be decided by you.

If you want to keep your current position, you must first ensure that you are the No. 1 member of the Oda family in Hokuriku. Only in this way will the main hall not reduce your authority for the sake of stability.

In other words, as long as this war continues, you will be the biggest victim.

New troops gathered in the Hokuriku to start the war. They would make military exploits, so where would they find their reward hall?Of course it was in the hands of you, the sinner! "

Shibata Katsuie suddenly realized.

"You are right. If we mobilize with all our strength, the Great Hall will definitely go to the front line to take command. I, the guilty minister, will have no chance to securely hold the position of power in the Hokuriku."

Maeda Toshiie continued.

"The Oda family cannot mobilize all their strength to start a war, and the Uesugi family must also be careful that they are dazzled by Tetori River's victory and start fighting again.

I have applied to Akechi Mitsuhide, authorizing me to represent the Fushimi Castle system to urge the Uesugi family to cease the war and not to use weapons again.

I sent an envoy to rush to Kyoto day and night, and Akechi Mitsuhide's authorization letter should be on his way back by now.

Please Shibata-sama, please hold on in Daishoji Castle for a few more days. Once the authorization letter arrives, I will immediately go to His Highness Uesugi's camp to force them to stop.

In addition, I will do my best to have the Uesugi Allied Forces withdraw from the entire territory of Kaga Country and sell Kaga Ichikui.

His Highness Uesugi continued the undeclared war and protected Kaga, who was guilty of such crimes. This matter must be dealt with in a reasonable and reasonable manner so that the main hall can step down with dignity.

Shibata-sama, as long as I can persuade the Uesugi coalition forces to withdraw from Kaga country, your Kaga expedition will only be a small setback and not lost.

The main hall will be patiently waiting for you to capture the entire territory of Kaga and make the most of your achievements. "

Shibata Katsuie became energetic and couldn't help but stepped forward to hold Maeda Toshiie's hand and said sincerely.

"If I can survive this disaster safely, I will never forget what the Li family has done for me. You and I are like sisters, and I will share the wealth with you."

Maeda Toshiie smiled and nodded. She seemed to have a deep sisterly affection, and she couldn't help but feel ecstatic in her heart.

As early as when Hashiba Hideyoshi was impatient and wanted to retreat, Maeda Toshiie had some idea of ​​Hashiba Hideyoshi's different aspirations.

Today, Shibata Katsuie's fear of Oda Nobunaga far exceeds his respect. In a sense, he no longer has the same heart as Oda Nobunaga.

The important ministers of the Oda family would rather get close to Shiba retainers like Maeda Toshiie than be honest with Oda Nobunaga. The future of the Oda family is probably not optimistic.

Having these chips in his hand made Maeda Toshiie feel warmer.


Antu City, residence.

Oda Nobunaga put down the document in his hand, looked at Akechi Mitsuhide who was rushing from Fushimi Castle, and sneered.

"Are you here to put in a good word for Hideyoshi Shibata? Or have Shibata and Hideyoshi both come to you as lobbyists? These two idiots, do they really think that I am blind and deaf, that I can't see or hear anything?

There are as many sources of information as there are eyes, ears, and mouths in the army. It is not the Oda family's turn to cover up my sight with one hand.

The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Haha, do they think the island country is a celestial dynasty?There is no end to the distance, and the king has no choice but to listen to the nonsense from far away. "

Akechi Mitsuhide touched the sweat on his head, shook off the dust from his body, and sighed.

"I negotiated the maritime blockade with Takata Harano and Hosokawa Fujitaka at Sakai Port to ensure that the Maori family's ships cannot transport supplies to Ishiyama.

I had just returned to Fushimi Castle when an urgent letter from Maeda Toshiie-sama of Kaga Province arrived on my desk. Before I could read it carefully, Hashiba Hideyoshi had already come to Fushimi Castle in person to ask for an audience.

Even if His Majesty Oda wanted to complain about me being nosy, he would help me by giving him a glass of water and a piece of cloth to wipe his face.

I am innocent. Don't direct your anger at me. Mr. Hideyoshi Hashiba is kneeling outside the door. You can call her in at any time and hit or scold her as you wish. "

Seeing Mitsuhide Akechi, the always elegant diplomat, now acting like a rogue, this contrast made even the angry Oda Nobunaga burst out laughing and scolding.

"So you can also play rogue? Come here, give Mr. Akechi some tea and a towel."

Don't hit the smiling person. Akechi Mitsuhide has been busy in order to conquer Settsu Stone Mountain for the Oda army. Oda Nobunaga knows very well how many resources and connections she has mobilized.

The disastrous defeat of Echizen Oda's army at Tetori River had nothing to do with Akechi Mitsuhide. Even if Oda Nobunaga was angry and resentful, he could still distinguish the priorities.

Oda Nobunaga was reluctant to throw away such a useful tool to Akechi Mitsuhide, so there was no need to frown upon her and be alienated from her.

After Mitsuhide Akechi finished wiping his face and drinking tea, Oda Nobunaga tapped the military intelligence dispatch on the table with his finger and asked.

"What do you think about this matter?"

Akechi Mitsuhide complained with a wry smile.

"What do I think?
You sent people to test Vietnam, China and Noto, but you didn’t ask me what I thought.His Highness Uesugi joined forces with various families to counterattack and raid, and did not ask me what I thought.

When I see the whole story clearly, the situation in Hokuriku has been corrupted. How do you want me to see it? "

Oda Nobunaga smiled awkwardly.

As thick-skinned as Oda Nobunaga, he was too embarrassed to refute Mitsuhide Akechi, so he could only look at her with a resentful look on her face and keep complaining.

Oda Nobunaga himself gave his face to be beaten, and now he was really beaten, and the beating was so severe and harsh that Oda Nobunaga's little heart couldn't stand it. Who can blame him?
Shaking his head, Oda Nobunaga said.

"Then I won't ask you what you think. I'll ask you, if I want to mobilize all my strength and personally go out to fight Hokuriku to teach Uesugi Kenshin a profound lesson, will you support it?"

Oda Nobunaga's eyes were like two sharp knives piercing Akechi Mitsuhide to see how she would answer this time with her eloquent tongue.

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