different warring states of japan

Chapter 1759 Nobunaga is anxious and she is anxious

Chapter 1759 Nobunaga is anxious and she is anxious
Akechi Mitsuhide was silent, and Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"Why don't you dare to speak? The saint can beat me once, but can't he beat me a second time?
Judging from how secretive you are, the Fushimi Castle system is under your control, which really disgraces the saint. "

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed.

"The saint's divine martial arts are naturally invincible in the world. But the saint has a kind heart and cannot bear to see the blood flowing and the lives lost.

Isn't one Saba-Oda battle enough?Why would His Highness Oda bother to embarrass me, a little person who works for the saint and you? "

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"Am I the one embarrassing the saint now? It's Uesugi Kenshin who's crossing the border and making a surprise attack, and it's her who's stirring up trouble!
If I just let it go, what will the world's samurai family think of my Oda family?The most powerful vassal in the world with 300 million shi, which makes people dare not say a word after being beaten, wouldn't I become the laughing stock of the people in the world!
Don't talk to me about anything else. Uesugi Kenshin violated my boundaries for no reason. I just want to ask you whether you support my reasonable counterattack?

The Shiba family could only choose one between the Fushimi Castle system and the Echigo duopoly. "

Oda Nobunaga is clearly unreasonable.

She grabbed Uesugi Kenshin as an excuse to strike first, regardless of the fact that she had sent envoys to threaten the forces of Vietnam, China and Noto. She was wrong to bite Uesugi Kenshin to death, and it was reasonable for her to fight back.

Echigo's dual-headed politics protected the Kanto shrine system, and the unlimited support of the Uesugi family was an important prerequisite for Yoshihiro Shiba to gain a firm foothold in Kanto.

Now that the Kanto shrine system has matured, Echigo's dual-headed politics is no longer important. However, with Yoshigami Ishiba's benevolent character, it is impossible to burn bridges and destroy one's own character.

Oda Nobunaga seized on the Fushimi Castle system that Shiba and Oda cooperated with, and forced the Shiba family to choose between Oda and Uesugi, which was a political hooliganism.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't want to agree, even if she really wanted to agree, she didn't have the right to make the decision.

At this moment, Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know that Yoshigan Shiba's urgent message was about to arrive at Fushimi Castle, and the content was to ask Akechi Mitsuhide to help Uesugi Kenshin wipe the butt of this unauthorized war.

Yoshigan Shiba didn't know that Uesugi Kenshin was playing an undeclared war, but even if he knew, he couldn't abandon the Echigo duopolies in order to appease Oda Nobunaga's anger.

At this point, Akechi Mitsuhide understands the mentality of her saint very well. She cannot be intimidated by Oda Nobunaga and control her.

Since Akechi Mitsuhide dared to come, he was naturally somewhat sure that Oda Nobunaga could stop, she said.

“I heard that His Highness Oda has mobilized Owari, Mino, Ise, and Minami-Omi, with Sakuma Nobumori as the general, and asked her to capture Ishiyama Honganji Temple within half a year.

It would take at least three months for Sakuma Nobumori to pull the people from three and a half countries to Stone Mountain.

Then, she would have to use the remaining three months to capture Omotoyama, which was run by the fourth generation of Honganji Buddhist masters. This would be quite difficult. "

Oda Nobunaga chuckled.

"What, you want to teach me how to do something?"

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed.

"The foreign minister doesn't dare, the foreign minister just feels sorry for you.

It has always been a source of disaster, and the decree of Ishiyama Honganji Temple is the source of disaster.

You want to conquer the Ichigo clan and conquer Ishiyama Honganji Temple. Although the saint doesn't say it, people avoid Kanto. In fact, this is a kind of support.

Hokurikudo has always been plagued by scabies, and the root of the disease is still in Ishiyama.

If His Highness Oda had to give up the Ishiyama Strategy for some minor unpleasantness in Hokuriku Road, this would be putting the cart before the horse, and a wise man would not take it.

Furthermore, your dislike of Sakuma Nobumori is already known to everyone, and the purpose of the Stone Mountain Strategy is obvious.

The great plan of sacrificing Sakuma Nobumori and capturing Ishiyama may cause serious trouble in the future if it changes due to the situation of the Hokuriku War.

In addition, if you want to go out to Hokuriku in person, you must first hold Shibata and Hashiba accountable for their faults before you can legitimately go to war in person.

One Sakuma Nobumori has already become a scourge. If two adults, Shibata and Hashiba, are added to the group, the Oda retainers group will be in turmoil and the rear will be unstable. "

There was a big problem with the Kaga strategy. In fact, this was beyond Oda Nobunaga's expectation and disrupted her strategic plan.

Not to mention anything else, just mobilizing the centaurs of the Three Kingdoms to attack Shishan and whether to continue the layout of first praising and then killing Sakuma Nobumori is a problem.

Akechi Mitsuhide was deeply involved in the Settsu Stone Mountain Strategy and was very aware of Oda Nobunaga’s current situation. If she really wanted to go to Hokuriku to seek bad luck for Uesugi Kenshin, she would have to stop the Stone Mountain Strategy.

But if the Stone Mountain strategy is stopped, will Sakuma Nobumori still take care of it?If the Hokuriku revenge begins again, should Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi be held accountable for their faults?
These three people are all important ministers of the Oda family, not cats and dogs on the roadside who can move whenever they want and stay still if they don't.

Sakuma Nobumori is one of Oda Nobunaga's old team, Shibata Katsuie is the leader of the samurai faction, and Hashiba Hideyoshi is a new grassroots representative.

If Oda Nobunaga concentrated his efforts on one of them, he would be sure of success.

But if the three of them did it together, the Oda retainers group would immediately panic. Seeing the retainer raising his knife and slashing at each hilltop, who could be sure that the knife would not hit his head?

Oda Nobunaga has a surly temper and is difficult to serve. In recent years, he has deliberately suppressed the retainers group and various PUAs, which have made the retainers even more afraid.

Her method of training her retainers is clever, but it is not omnipotent. Once the fear crosses the line, it will trigger a backlash from the retainers, and Oda Nobunaga himself cannot control it.

The moment Sakuma Nobumori was appointed as the general, everyone knew that Oda Nobunaga wanted to punish her. Now she would fight for the family business, and if she lost, she would get out of the house without hurting her family.

But if Sakuma Nobumori is given a break because of the Hokuriku incident, will Sakuma Nobumori's psychology change?

Oda Nobunaga always did his best to punish people and never gave others a chance to bite back, so she would not leave Sakuma Nobumori as a hidden danger.

Akechi Mitsuhide explained Oda Nobunaga's difficulties in a few words.

Oda Nobunaga smiled instead of anger.

"Are you threatening me?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"Foreign ministers don't dare. You know my thoughts. I have always hoped that Shiba and Oda would join forces and restore peace and order to the world.

I just want to remind you that food has to be eaten one bite at a time and things have to be done step by step. You have to make a choice, right?
You can't solve the problem by scaring me. I'm just an errand boy in the Shiba family. Even if you force me to death, I don't have the authority to make a choice for the saint and abandon the Uesugi family.

You might as well think more realistically so that I can help you. "

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"When Hokuriku is defeated, I will lose all face. If I don't fight back, the martial arts in the world will despise me.

I have no way out, how can I be practical? "

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"Your Highness Uesugi's undeclared war is unreasonable. I have sent an authorization letter to Maeda Toshiie, and she has sent an envoy to the Uesugi Allied Forces to request the Uesugi Allied Forces to withdraw from Kaga territory.

As long as the Uesugi coalition withdraws from Kaga, Kaga will still be the territory of the Oda family. Add in the Settsu Stone Mountain you will capture this year, and the territory of the Oda family will reach 400 million stones.

There are 66 countries in the world, and the stone height is only 2000 million. The martial arts in the world are not blind. Who dares to look down upon you, who has 400 million stones and occupies one-fifth of the world's stone height? "

Oda Nobunaga snorted coldly.

"The words are so eloquent that my heart is moved. If Uesugi Kenshin is wise and takes the initiative to withdraw from Kaga, I can consider not arguing with her.

Before winter, Sakuma Nobumori could not capture Ishiyama. I will go there myself and capture Ishiyama this winter.

If Uesugi Kenshin still refuses to give in by then, then next spring I will personally conquer Hokuriku without giving anyone any face. "

Oda Nobunaga finally showed her trump card. She never thought of delaying the Ishiyama strategy for the sake of Hokuriku.

The arrival of Akechi Mitsuhide only gave her a step down so that she could calmly rearrange the layout.

Oda Nobunaga will win Ishiyama this year, and at the same time, put pressure on Uesugi Kenshin through the Fushimi Castle system.If Uesugi Kenshin stubbornly refused to listen to the advice, it would mean that he was not giving face to Shiba Yoshigan. Oda Nobunaga would be polite first and then attack, and Shiba Yoshigan would have nothing to say.

Furthermore, Oda Nobunaga first dealt with Sakuma Nobumori, and then he was able to suppress the inside of the Oda family without giving the retainers a chance to jump up and cause chaos.

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded slightly and asked.

"Hideyoshi Hashiba is still kneeling outside the door, do you see?"

Oda Nobunaga sneered and ordered the people around him.

"Get that stupid monkey in here!"

Soon, Hashiba Hideyoshi was brought indoors and kowtowed to the ground.

Oda Nobunaga looked at her from a distance and said disgustedly.

"As for a person, his job will be as big as his ability. Go away! Go back to Changbin City and shut yourself up and think about your mistakes!"

Hashiba Hideyoshi stood up and bowed deeply again, then hurriedly exited the room, and immediately set off back to his own Nagahama Castle, shutting himself up and thinking about his mistakes.

From the beginning to the end, Hashiba Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide never looked at each other, or even turned their heads toward each other.

Although the Shiba and Oda families are now working together, who knows what kind of cooperation Oda Nobunaga has in mind?

If she suddenly breaks out in her surly temper and sees the two retainers get close to each other, wouldn't Hashiba Hideyoshi be in trouble again?

When Hashiba Hideyoshi is having bad luck, it is always wise to be cautious.

In fact, Oda Nobunaga was very satisfied with Hashiba Hideyoshi's use of this tool, and he had no intention of discarding it yet.

The minor conflicts between Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi in Hokuriku were not a big deal in the eyes of Oda Nobunaga.

It's not a bad thing if his important ministers are at odds with each other, but it's a bad thing if they work together.

Just like Maeda Toshiie blended in like a fish in water among Oda's retainers, and had a harmonious relationship with all parties, which even made Oda Nobunaga fearful.

What Oda Nobunaga needs is a group of easy-to-use tools. She doesn’t need them to have too many ideas, and she doesn’t need them to work together.

Therefore, the feud between Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi will not affect Hashiba Hideyoshi's future.

But where to put Hideyoshi Hideyoshi and continue to use it, Oda Nobunaga was a little hesitant, because there are really not many strategic directions in which the Oda family can attack now.

Based on Oda Nobunaga's thoughts, she certainly hoped that the Oda family would blossom and expand in all directions, but things in the world were not as she wished, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Without the support of the saint Yoshigan Shiba, Oda Nobunaga would have strategically attacked the Takeda family on Tokaido and the Uesugi family on Hokuriku Road.

As for the Tiger of Kai and the Dragon of Echigo, what the Oda family fought were elite divisions, and those who conquered were the heroes of the samurai family.

The retainers of the Oda family spread out in all directions and established legions, allowing them to fight as if they were raising gu. Oda Nobunaga sat at the center and was in charge of rewards and punishments, rewarding wins and punishing losses.

But the existence of Shiba Yoshigan made Oda Nobunaga's strategy of spreading military power all over the world restricted, making it difficult to fully let go.

The Shiba Oda family had already fought for the daughter of the Takeda family of Tokaido.Nowadays, Hokuriku Uesugi Kenshin's fierce attitude makes Oda Nobunaga even more reluctant to quit.

Oda Nobunaga behaved violently in front of Akechi Mitsuhide, but in fact she had already made a choice in her mind.

The East China Sea and Hokuriku cannot be connected, so the Oda family can only temporarily stop looking at Kanto and focus all their attention on Shikoku, Saikoku, and Kyushu to the west of the island country.

Of course, Oda Nobunaga must get Kaga Country, otherwise she will not be able to live up to her reputation, and the world's martial arts will laugh at her for bullying the weak and shying away from the strong, which will affect her prestige.

Regardless of whether Uesugi Kenshin listens to persuasion or acts arrogantly, Oda Nobunaga will take back Kaga Country.But the Oda family's expansion into Hokuriku could only stop at Kaga Country.

Oda Nobunaga shook his head, feeling a little frustrated.

She can be fierce and domineering, but in order to maintain the hard-won Fushimi Castle system, she will stop when enough is enough.

The alliance between the Shiba and Oda families was conducive to the rapid expansion of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga had already tasted the benefits of the Settsu Stone Mountain Strategy, and naturally he was not willing to cause any further unpleasantness with Yoshigoshi Shiba because of the strong bones of Hokuriku.

As long as Uesugi Kenshin is willing to give up Kaga, Oda Nobunaga can endure the humiliation of Tetori River first.

Besides, in Oda Nobunaga's heart, there are more important things than Hokuriku, which require the cooperation of Shiba Yoshigan.

Looking at the respectful Akechi Mitsuhide, Oda Nobunaga's voice was a little erratic.

"In the Battle of Tetori River, the Saint will definitely react in Kanto, and he will guide the negotiation mechanism of Fushimi Castle and mediate for the Oda-Uesugi family.

I don’t know how he will instruct you, and how you plan to persuade Uesugi Kenshin.

But in my case, there is another prerequisite, you must make the saint agree.Otherwise, I would not have made any agreement with Uesugi Kenshin. "

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed solemnly.

"Your Majesty Oda, please speak."

"He has been in Kanto for a while, so he should come back soon, right?"

Akechi Mitsuhide raised his head in shock and looked at Oda Nobunaga.

Shiba Yiyin went to Kanto in the winter, and now it has just passed the spring plowing. It is not even half a year, right?Is this a long time?Oda Nobunaga was too busy to urge him to come back?

Oda Nobunaga had a sullen face, gritted his teeth, and said slowly.

"I heard that the saint is having a happy event. Shima Katsuki and Hojo Ushimasa are both pregnant?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his eyebrows. She had just learned this news from the confidentiality team, and Oda Nobunaga actually knew it too?
It seems that the Oda family has established some intelligence network in Kanto, and gossip spreads quite quickly.

Akechi Mitsuhide remained silent, while Oda Nobunaga snorted again.

"If the saint does not return to Kinki and does not come to Azuchi Castle to bridge the differences in Hokuriku, Uesugi Kenshin and I will have nothing to talk about."

Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help but curl his lips.

Is it because Oda Nobunaga wanted the saint to come to Azuchi Castle to talk about Hokuriku? .

Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin already had a daughter, and Hojo Ushimasa and Shimakatsu Takeo had to have a baby again. Oda Nobunaga was anxious, she was anxious.

Counting his age, Oda Nobunaga was almost thirty, about the same age as Shima Katsuruo.

Yoshigan Shiba is far away in Kanto, and Nobunaga Oda is in Azuchi Castle. It's useless no matter how anxious he is. She lacks raw materials!

Therefore, the most important thing in Oda Nobunaga's heart right now is to get Yoshihiro Shiba to come back as soon as possible. Any Hokuriku issues can be discussed later.

As long as Sibo Yiyin is willing to talk about it in the future, anything can be said easily.

Without the seed of Yoshigami Shiba, even if Oda Nobunaga had great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the aspirations of heaven and earth, he would be just a mirror, making a wedding dress for others.

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide dazed and silent, Oda Nobunaga was inevitably a little annoyed and said coldly.

"Is it okay?"

Akechi Mitsuhide came back to his senses, put a professional smile on his face, bowed and agreed repeatedly, just like a handyman in some special industry.

"No problem, no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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