different warring states of japan

Chapter 1764 The Saint Worried About Money

Chapter 1764 The Saint Worried About Money

The rebellion of the Eastern People lasted only 30 days before it was put down by Yiyin.

In this short period of time, the rebels in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River emptied the warehouses along the way, including the commercial stores of the administrative office and the water conservancy warehouse of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association.

From the Amashi area in the middle reaches to the Edo area in the lower reaches, and around the waterway that stretches for more than 200 kilometers, the warehouses related to the Kanto Palace are empty, and the food and materials consumed are worth more than 50 guan.

In short, Yiyin only fought for 20 days and burned 50 yuan of money and food!
From the preparation to the completion of the Saba-Oda War, Yiyin spent 400 million koku in food stamps in two years, which is equivalent to 200 million koku in military expenditure.

The Battle of Shimoso lasted only 20 days, and it eliminated a quarter of the military expenditures equivalent to the Shiba-Oda War. Yoshigan is now so distressed that he wants to vomit blood.

The rebels, like locusts, took away everything they could move, even the shelves where food was placed, and took them away, leaving only an empty warehouse.

If a mouse falls into a rice vat, it won't chew off the walls of the vat, right?But the rebels could do it. If the guards of the warehouse hadn't stopped them, they would have even torn down the four walls and roof of the warehouse and taken them away.

But even if he knew that what the rebels were doing was ridiculous, Yiyin couldn't say much.

There is no greater achievement than rescuing the enemy. The people in the East suddenly rebelled. Yiyin raised his voice and shouted, and the scenery from all directions came to help. This is of extraordinary political significance.

This unprecedented appeal is comparable to that of Minamoto Yoritomo, the first shogun of Hachiman Tainiang, Minamoto Yoritomo, and his political gains were huge.

The Kanto samurai family was shocked. They have sincerely begun to regard Yiyin as the new generation of Kanto leader and the pillar of the samurai family.

Therefore, even if 50 yuan was robbed in the name of gathering justice, Yiyin could only smile with tears and thank the righteous people everywhere for their righteous deeds.

He rubbed his eye point to relieve the soreness of his eyes and nose, fearing that he would not be able to hold back the tears.

50 yuan, that’s all money, money!
After relaxing his mood, Yiyin asked slowly.

"The warehouses in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River are empty. Oh Bear-hime, Ohzo-hime, what are your follow-up plans?"

Da Xiong Chao Xiu and Da Zang Changan looked at each other. Da Zang Changan showed respect for his senior and shrank slightly, so Da Xiong Chao Xiu bowed and spoke first.

"There is not much of a problem at the execution office. The expansion of trade routes to the eight states has already exceeded expectations. The supply of supplies in the relevant merchant town warehouses can be slowly filled according to the situation in Naoetsu.

Regarding this part of the expenditure beyond the budget, Mr. Naoe Keetsuna of the Uesugi family has negotiated with me. The Uesugi family is willing to claim half of it, which will be jointly borne by Naoe Jinguan Office.

It is said that this was what His Highness Uesugi specifically instructed Naoe Keizuna before his expedition to Kaga. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"Your Highness Uesugi...hey..."

Even though Uesugi Kenshin is very irritable and doesn't give Yoshigage face many times, she still cares about Yoshigan's affairs deep in her heart.

The Naoe Jinkan Office is a joint venture between the Shiba family and the Uesugi family. The Uesugi family is willing to take the initiative to bear half of the expenses for the office. That is at least [-] yuan in additional expenses, which will be included in the year-end dividends.

One hundred thousand dollars in dividends is not a small figure for a boss like Kenshin Uesugi. She has a big family and a big business, but she has so many people to support, and no amount of food is enough to cover her expenses.

The dividends are less, the retainers are dissatisfied, and they are in a weird mood all day long, and Uesugi Kenshin will also be blamed.

Uesugi Kenshin knew that this was very troublesome, but she still silently accepted the loss and took the initiative to shoulder half of it. She really had nothing to say to Yoshihiro.

With the help of the Uesugi family, Okuma Chaohide of the execution office was indeed much more relaxed. The other half of [-] gu was still affordable for the execution station with abundant financial resources.

It's nothing more than a large provision. As long as Bank of America does not care about the decrease in income this year, Daxiong Chaoxiu does not need to be responsible to others and needs no more explanations.

After Da Xiong Chao Xiu finished speaking, he looked at Dazang Changan, who bowed with a solemn expression.

"Sage, most of the water conservancy projects of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association have been concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River in the past three years, and most of the related materials are stored in warehouses along the way.

During this opening of the warehouse, at least 30 pounds of supplies were taken away. I have ordered the person in charge of the warehouse to replenish the warehouse with reserve funds.

If all goes well, 30 yuan of supplies will be available by the end of this year.

However, this year's water conservancy projects can only be patched up, and large-scale implementation must be postponed until next year. "

Yi Yin nodded.

The diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River involves Ueno, Shimono, Musashi, Shimoso, and Hitachi. This is a huge diversion project.

Diverting the excess water from the Tone River to the Watarase River and the Kinugawa River, and opening up a new waterway through Toriku Province and reaching the Pacific Ocean in the east cannot be completed in a short time.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Celestial Dynasty, which centralized power for construction, this was not a large-scale water conservancy project, but in the feudal and scattered Wu family society, such a large-scale water conservancy construction was the first time in thousands of years.

Dayu of the Celestial Dynasty controlled the floods and consolidated the power of various tribes, and Dayu's daughter was able to establish the Xia Dynasty.

The island country's water control project in Sika can also turn the diversion project in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River into a systematic project that uses manpower to change the world and consolidate the local power of the eight states.

Such a large water conservancy project involves millions of people in five countries. It will take at least 30 to [-] years to achieve results. Even if it begins to take shape, it will take ten years.

In the past three years, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association has only renovated water conservancy projects in the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, and has not really taken action on the Watarase River and Kinugawa River.

On the one hand, some achievements need to be made so that local military families can taste the benefits of water conservancy.Only when the village's yield per mu increases and the ignorant and short-sighted village women see the results, will they be willing to support such a large-scale water conservancy project and continue to carry it out for a long time.

On the other hand, such a large project also requires cultivating a group of specialized water conservancy talents, planning a mature plan, and raising sufficient materials.

Originally, these things have been initially put in place. Starting this year, the diversion project of the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River will enter a critical period and the diversion plan will be truly implemented.

For this big project, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association even formulated a huge loan plan to borrow 2000 million koku from Kamakura Gozan within ten years.

But the current situation cannot be solved this year.

Yoshigan glanced at Ina Chuji who was next to Ozo Changan. She was a water conservancy expert and the chief designer of the diversion project for the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River.

"Inaki, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."

When Ina Chuji saw Yoshigage talking to him with a shameful expression, he was suddenly excited and quickly kowtowed to the ground.

"I don't dare!
The saint bears the hope of all people in the world and has the ambition to save the common people. Compared with your safety, mere water conservancy is nothing.

Furthermore, the Tonegawa water conservancy project is a century-old project and there is no rush. I now have another year to survey the geography and plan carefully. The effect of the subsequent construction may be better. "

Although Ina Chuji is engaged in technical work, his mind is not rigid and he knows how to work and behave.

Dazang Changan cooperated well with her, one made money and the other worked, and they got along very happily.

After Yiyin finished asking, he sighed deeply.

"With all the concubines sharing my worries, my urgent needs have been solved, but I still feel uneasy.

Naoetsu's business income was not enough to cover the entire Kanba Prefecture, so the Samurai Giri Promotion Association could only continue to borrow money from Kamakura Gozan to promote construction.

Funds for water conservancy projects are already stretched thin, and now we have to add loans for counterpart assistance. Even if the nuns like those at Kamakura Gozan have gold and silver, we still have to consider the pressure of repayment.

The water conservancy project has entered a critical period. It is a question whether the new land and new per-acre yield increased by water conservancy can cover the loan interest.

In addition, natural disasters and man-made disasters must also be taken into consideration. Everything never goes as planned in this world. If there is a famine or war, how can we ensure that there will be no problem with the repayment ability?
This rebellion by the people of the East is a warning.The decrease in yield per mu and the increase in loans due to the war must be calculated clearly. "

Zhu Jishan at the scene shouted for the saints, and they were sincerely convinced, but Yiyin didn't like to hear this.

I want money, and I want a lot of money!If singing praises can make money, I can do it myself, why do you need to do it for me?
Kamakura Gozan's money and food are not so easy to borrow. From the mutual benefit at the beginning, it has become a unilateral appeal now, and in the end it may become a embarrassment to others.

The clearer the trend of the Shiba family's restoration of the world, the more generous Kamakura Gozan's attitude towards borrowing money becomes. This generosity is actually also pressure.

Not all Buddhist sects take the lower-level route like the Yixiang Sect and rush to the top. Older sects such as the Tendai Sect, Shingon Sect, and Rinzai Sect take the upper-level route, and they also have thousands of years of accumulated experience.

He can conquer the world immediately, but he cannot rule the world.If the regime is to be stable, those in power must learn to use less swords and guns and pick up pens and inks to make calculations.

Swords and guns are the foundation for maintaining political power, pen and ink are tools for purifying thoughts, and abacus is the material for the normal operation of political power.

Ever since Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third generation shogunate of the Ashikaga shogunate, massacred the Emperor's court and uprooted Shintoism, the cultural source of the island country has been controlled by the Buddhist sect.

The wealth accumulated by the major sects over hundreds of thousands of years is also an important financial support for the new regime to stabilize the economy.

Since Yiyin used Kamakura Gozan's money, he naturally had to accept this sentiment.

Kamakura Gozan’s unlimited financial support also increases its own security in the new regime, which can be described as a win-win situation.

But everything is too much, and once the money and food are borrowed too much, it is easy to be manipulated.

When that time comes, either Yiyin will pick up the knife and renege on the debt, or he will compromise and give the temple more benefits in exchange.

No matter which choice is made in the end, it is not a vibrant new dynasty and is not conducive to long-term stability.

Therefore, Yiyin wants to control the scale of borrowing and try to rely on the Wu family's own internal circulation instead of relying on sect blood transfusions to maintain daily operations.

But although his idea is good, the reality is cruel.

The Sibo family's stall was so big that the Kanto Waiting House was created from scratch. It only took five or six years, so there was no confidence in internal circulation.

Relying on the business profits from the Hokuriku Road trade route and relying on the unlimited loans from Kamakura Gozan were the two best financial tools he could find, with quick results, low interest rates, and few hidden dangers.

Yiyin is not satisfied yet and is looking for better alternatives. Isn't this embarrassing people?

What else can Daxiong Chaoxiu and Dazang Changan do besides shouting at each other and pretending to be stupid?
They can't help the leader solve the problem, but they still insist on asking the question according to the leader's ideas. Isn't this adding to the leader's heart?

If you can't solve the problem, what are you talking about?Learn to shut up!
On the other hand, Ina Chuji was thoughtful and looked up at Yoshigan cautiously, which made Yoshigan's heart move.

"Inaki, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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