different warring states of japan

Chapter 1765 The Dream of Ashio Copper Mountain

Ina Chuji, who was named by Yoshigan, was stunned for a moment, bowed and said.

"I have something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not. This idea is a bit fanciful, I'm afraid it will stain the ears of the saints and make the magnanimous people laugh."

Yiyin laughed.

"On top of the review, speak freely. If you can't say this, then you don't dare to say it. What's the point of calling it a review? It's better to change it to a talk.

Inaki can speak her mind without any scruples. "

Ina Chuji bowed again and then spoke slowly.

"I have been studying water conservancy diversion strategies for the past three years. I have traveled throughout the Tone River, Wataryase River, and Kinugawa River to conduct on-site inspections of geographical features so that I can consider the best strategy based on local conditions."

Yiyin nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work Inaki."

Ina Chuji said respectfully.

"I don't dare to be praised by a saint, I am just loyal to my duty.

The upper reaches of the Watarase River are located in the Ashio Mountains. I went to the source to investigate the geographical features, and accidentally discovered sporadic copper ore in the stream, which was of high quality. "

Yiyin nodded.

"This is not surprising. There have long been rumors of copper mines in the Ashio Mountains. Sano Territory has opened a mine. It now belongs to the Uesugi territory, and the Uesugi family supervises the mining."

Ina Chuji shook his head.

"The saint has misunderstood. I am not talking about the small mines in the corners of the mountain like Sano Ling, but the real large open-pit mines.

After I picked up copper ore in the mountains, I decided to lead a survey team deep into the mountains, and I found a huge ore deposit exposed in the Ashio Mountains. The ore was shallow and easy to mine.

I issued a hush-hush order to the survey team at that time. After recording the location in the mountain, I withdrew. I originally wanted to report to you, but you returned to Kanto this time. .I was very busy, so I was delayed. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly, he was not busy, a rebellion broke out, and two pregnant women appeared. He himself was dizzy, and his subordinates were also cautious.

He thought for a while and asked.

"Inaji seems to be looking forward to this newly discovered copper mine. There is no need to hide it. What do you think? Tell me openly and honestly."

Ina Chuji bowed deeply and said solemnly.

"I am originally a wanderer from Sanhe, with little martial arts and no knowledge of military strategy. I only know some geography of mountains and rivers, which I use for water conservancy construction.

After being expelled by Mikawa, I had lost all hope. I never expected that I would be valued by a saint, take charge of the water conservancy affairs in Guandong, and show what I had learned in my life.

The diversion of the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River is a huge project unique in the history of the island nation. Once successful, it will surely benefit millions of people.

I can also follow the achievements of the saints, use this project to go down in history, and die without regrets.

Although this project is of great merit, the planning that lasts for decades requires astronomical numbers of people and money, and it is really not optimistic to rely solely on loans to maintain it.

The more I did it, the more frightened I became. I was afraid of wasting the saint’s money and food, and failing to live up to the saint’s expectations. I couldn’t sleep day and night.

I visited the Ashio Mountains a few years ago and saw the endless open-pit copper deposits. I already had some thoughts, and I asked the sage to allow me to indulge in my imagination. "

Yiyin laughed.

"Do you want to mine this copper mine and use it to fund water conservancy projects?"

Ina Chuji shook his head.

"More than that, I also want to use this mineral deposit to open another way of making money for the Kanto Palace.

Although I don't know much about internal affairs and military strategy, I still have a lot of experience and some confidence in geological exploration, water conservancy construction and other chores.

According to the results of my personal investigation, the exposed mineral veins are the power of the earth dragon. If there are more than one mineral veins, the entire mountain is likely to be made of copper.

There is no owner of the treasure in the mountain. Since it was discovered by my Si Bo family, it naturally belongs to the Si Bo family.

I sincerely request the sage to send troops to occupy the Ashio Copper Mountain and mine the mountain to mint money. If it is as rich as I expect, this Copper Mountain will not only be able to meet the needs of water conservancy construction, but also become your cornucopia. "

Yiyin took a breath and repeated.

"Create mountains and mint money?"

Ina Chuji bowed.

"Hi! Since the Emperor's court cast the Qianyuan Tongbao, the island country has not seen new official money for 600 years.

The ore from Ashio Copper Mountain has excellent texture and low mining costs, making it very suitable for casting high-quality copper coins.

Although Kanto lacks relevant craftsmanship, business in Sakai Port is booming, so we can buy craftsmanship at a high price and invite masters to come over.

As long as high-quality copper coins can be produced, Ashio Copper Mountain can become a cornucopia of saints and continuously provide new funds for saints. "

Yiyin nodded, really tempted.

Contrary to what most people think, island countries actually did not lack metals during the agricultural era. They just lacked impurity-free ores from the industrial era.

On this volcanic island, earthquakes continue, and the earth dragon turns over. The result is disasters everywhere, and the metal veins in the ground continue to be squeezed to the surface.

Gold, silver, copper, and even pig iron that can be seen everywhere can be said to be all over the island country, but due to the nature of the volcanic island, most of them are impure ores.What the island country really lacks is refining technology. Because of its backward technology, gold has become the easiest metal currency to cast, followed by silver.

Because the chemical properties of gold and silver are stable and easy to purify, there are too many impurities in the copper-iron ore, which requires a relatively high-level process. Island countries cannot do it well and the cost is very high.

The final result is that it is better to buy than to make.

It would be a loss to cast copper coins yourself, so it would be better to import them directly from the mainland, where the import cost would be lower.

In fact, China also lacks copper mines, and high-quality copper mines are difficult to mine in Yunnan.

Moreover, because of the outstanding craftsmanship and exquisite copper coins of the Celestial Dynasty, neighboring countries loved to use the copper coins of the Celestial Dynasty. As a result, the Celestial Empire did not have enough copper coins of its own and suffered from insufficient circulation, so it has always strictly prohibited the outflow of copper coins.

However, the Chinese tea, silk, porcelain, cotton and other commodities were all ancient high-tech products, and foreign trade was in short supply.

The throughput of internal and external circulation is large, and only the sporadic copper coins flowing out through trade and smuggling are enough for the internal transactions of the barren island country.

Therefore, after the emperor's court minted Qianyuan Tongbao for the last time in the tenth century, official money was cut off.

The internal circulation of the island country is mainly copper coins of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and the current mainstream copper coins are Yongle Tongbao.

The copper coins produced privately in the island country have too many impurities due to poor technology or deliberate greed, and can only be reduced to bad money with very low value.

People in the island nation like Celestial copper coins such as Yongle Tongbao, so in Sakai Port, ferrying money has even become a profitable trade item.

Within the island nation, gold was cheap and copper was precious. Merchants in Sakai Port exported gold and silver to China, and even directly exported copper ore. In exchange for China's copper coins, they made a lot of money.

Imai Munehisa, under Takada Yono, made his fortune through this and became one of the top three businessmen in Sakai Port.

Because the refining technology is backward, if the islanders want to cast high-quality copper coins themselves, they can only find high-quality copper mines.

However, although there is no shortage of minerals in earthquakes and eruptions on volcanic islands, various mineral impurities are mixed together. Except for ores with stable chemical properties such as gold and silver, it is difficult to refine copper and iron.

It is easy to find copper ore, but it is not easy to find high-quality copper ore that can be directly minted into money.

If a high-quality mineral vein could be found and the most skilled craftsmen available in the island country could be hired from Sakai Port, it might actually be possible to succeed.

Moreover, judging from Ina Chuji's confident look, it seemed that what she had found was not just a vein of minerals, but a mountain of copper.

Yiyin couldn't help but wonder, is the whole mountain made of copper?is it possible?Does such an exaggerated mineral deposit really exist in the world?
He didn't know that in this barren island country, not only the individuals were perverted, but the mines were also perverted.

The Sado Gold Mountain, Iwami Silver Mountain, and Ashio Copper Mountain are all super mines of such high quality that they impress the world, so the island country is called Treasure Island.

Yoshihiro thought that if Ashio Copper Mountain could really cast high-quality copper coins, it would be more useful than gold and silver.

Because the Sibo family has no shortage of large-denomination currencies such as gold and silver, the minimum denomination of Sibo's food stamps is one stone, which is a large-denomination currency.

On the contrary, copper coins, the most widely circulated small-denomination currency used by people for daily consumption, are actually in great demand.

Regardless of this small copper coin, it has been tormenting the Chinese economy.

The lack of copper coins in circulation led to deflation. All dynasties had suffered, and this was why they had official policies that strictly prohibited the outflow of copper coins.

As long as the Sibo family's copper coins can be minted and the quality of the copper coins is guaranteed, a sufficient supply of copper coins will soon bring a large amount of cash flow to Yiyin!
Because the market demand for copper coins is far greater than that of gold and silver currencies, copper coins are used every moment in daily life.

So as long as high-quality copper coins can be minted, they can be put directly into the market. Isn't this a money printing machine and a treasure trove?
Yiyin said in a deep voice.

"Ina Chuji, this year's water conservancy project is temporarily suspended, so don't be idle. I accept your order to be a coin minter and be fully responsible for the Ashio Copper Mountain.

Over at Sakai Port, I will order Takada Yono to fully support you and find the best craftsmen to come to Kanto to cooperate with your work.

Big bear shows up!Great possession of Chang'an! "

"Hi!" x2
"Start-up capital, mining miners, logistical support, whatever Ina Tadashi wants, whatever you give, must be fully supported, do you understand?"

"Hi!" x2
Yoshigan finally looked at Ina Chuji with a smile and joked.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do in the water conservancy project this year. Inaji can't just take her salary and do nothing, right?
Just let go and concentrate on developing the Ashio Copper Mountain. If you need money, give money and people.

I'll give you a year to try out your idea.Regardless of success or failure, I don't blame you.

Just think of it as a daydream or a daydream of yours and my kings and ministers. I don’t dare to think too beautifully or take it too seriously. "

Ina Chuji kowtowed to the ground and accepted the order with excitement on his face.

The saint's trust was as heavy as a stone. At this moment, her heart was full of enthusiasm, and she secretly made up her mind to achieve results and never let the saint down.

The diversion project of the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River is a great opportunity for a water conservancy expert like Ina Chuji that she could never ask for in her life. She is lucky to be able to show off what she has learned in her life.

No one knows better than Ina Chuji how much food such a large project will consume. It is an astronomical figure.

In order to complete his brainchild and leave his name in history, Ina Chuji also worked hard.

Mining the copper mountain, casting copper coins, and building a cornucopia, this serious financial plan, she actually said it directly in front of Yiyin without discussing it with anyone.

In a strict environment like the Wu family society with zero error tolerance, if something changes or something goes wrong in the future, she has to bear all the responsibility alone.

Yiyin also knew this, so he joked with her, saying that they were having fun together to relieve her stress, and to absolve her of responsibility if things were not harmonious in the future.

Your kindness is as great as the sea, your love and trust are so great. Apart from crying with gratitude and vowing to achieve results, how else can Ina Tadaji repay him?

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