different warring states of japan

Chapter 1770 Family from the constraint system

Yiyin sighed and said.

"Please come in and talk, Your Highness Mogami. After all, you are a member of the Shiba clan, and this dignity must be given to you after all."

What Mogami Yoshimitsu wants is this opportunity to explain to the saint face to face. Whether he can seize this opportunity depends on what Mogami Yoshimitsu says.

When a middle-aged beautiful woman from Pu Sheng clan came in, kowtowed to her and bowed, Yiyin sighed.

"We have been exchanging letters for several years, and we finally have the opportunity to meet, Your Highness Mogami."

Mogami bowed his head and choked with tears.

"The highest honor in my family, I have betrayed the saint's kindness and righteousness, and I deserve death!"

Yiyin murmured.


The name of a general clan comes from the vassal system. For example, the Umino family, as the general clan of the Shino clan, had the power and status to lead the entire clan in the early days of the samurai system.

The clan system is a martial arts system with a general clan as the core, commanding the entire clan, and emphasizing clan identity.

The word "family" was originally a term used by a general family to refer to the martial arts families and fellow clan members under their command.

After the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, the first shogun Minamoto Yoritomo created the imperial family system. The imperial character is the honorific title of the general. The original meaning of the imperial family is the general's family, the people who unite around the general.

The early form of war in the Wu family was crude. The most primitive method of mobilization was for the lord to ascend high and call, and a Ji warrior would take her seven or eight men and go out with their own dry food to help the lord fight.

The army formed by this kind of mobilization, calling it a mob is just to promote them. It is simply a fight between the villagers. Sometimes they can't even distinguish between themselves and the enemy, and they can only fight indiscriminately.

The early inheritance system of the Wu family also had big problems. It was not the inheritance system of legitimate sons, but that each heir could get a share of the family property equally.

The result of everyone's participation is that the powerful Wu family will be broken into a group of branches of the same clan after a few generations of reproduction, losing centripetal force and declining in power.

The core of the military is organizational power. The early form of warfare of the Wu family was actually fragmented counter-organizational power, which could not form a strong military organization.

This is related to the economic environment at the time, because the early output of the manorial economy was low and there was little exchange of surplus materials. The self-sufficient independence of the manorial system resulted in weak connections between manors.

However, after the Genpei War and the war against the emperor's court, the military needs of the samurai increased, and the Kamakura shogunate gradually formed a new system that was conducive to the rule of the samurai regime, that is, the imperial family system.

The basis of the imperial family system is the collar system.

In order to organize the Hime Samurai warriors to fight, the samurai family gradually formed the Hime Samurai Order with the clan as the core during the Kamakura Shogunate period, which offset the problem of scattered strength caused by the inheritance of family business.

For example, the Ashikaga family is a general family under the shogunate system. If the Kamakura shogunate has something to do, it will come to you. You will lead the whole family and handle affairs for the shogunate.

Shiba, Kira, Hosokawa, and Imagawa under the Ashikaga Ichimen will listen to you in everything. This forms a centripetal force and organizational force. This is the rise of the shogunate system.

As the general leader of the Ashikaga clan, the Ashikaga family was granted the status of a powerful imperial family member by the shogunate to participate in shogunate politics, forming an imperial family system led by the shogun and with the collective efforts of the powerful imperial family members.

Therefore, the foundation of the imperial family system is the consolation system, and the gradual disintegration of the consolation system later ended the imperial family system.

The reason for the collar system is that the early inheritance system of the Wu family was based on the idea that each heir had a share, which divided the family's strength.

In order to gather scattered forces, the only way is to strengthen the clan identity and use the leader system to find the leader of the family, that is, a general leader, who can command the whole clan and strive for common interests.

But as the blood relationship becomes more and more distant, the appeal of clan identity becomes weaker and weaker. In the end, the interests of each family are inconsistent, and no one cares about the orders of a general leader.

The constable system could not solve the problems caused by the inheritance of the Wu family. In order to prevent the decline caused by the fragmentation of the family business, the Wu families abandoned the practice of dividing family property and began to move towards a new family supervision system.

The word "jiadu" first appeared in historical records. The eldest son of a family was called the "jiadu".

During the Kamakura period, the family governor system with the eldest son as the core emerged and gradually became popular among samurai families, eventually replacing the traditional samurai family inheritance method of enfeoffment among the various sons.

The inheritance of family property with the family governor as the core, although most of the family property is handed over to the eldest son, the family property is not owned by the eldest son alone, but is the public property of the Hime Warriors under the family name.In other words, in the past, everyone lived their own lives after dividing the inheritance, but now everyone does not divide the family, but everyone has a share in the company's shares.

As long as the family business exists, everyone will have a share, and cohesion will naturally form. Therefore, the family supervision system has more advantages than the collar system.

The result is that the collar system will perish.Now that the consolation system is extinct, the imperial family system based on the consolation system will naturally be destroyed as well.

In the early days of the Ashikaga shogunate, the imperial family system could still support the situation, but with the spread of the family governor system, it soon became no longer applicable. What followed was the rise of the guardian system that was suitable for the family governor system.

With the demise of the collar system, the Wu family no longer paid attention to any general clan.

When the Shiba clan was wiped out, there was no reaction from Ou's Shiba clan members. Everyone was no longer a family and lived their own lives behind closed doors.

Only the mountain people of the Shiye Tribe in the Jiaxin Mountains would cling to the old rules and regulations, and rob a general family very seriously.

But no matter what, the name and lineage of the Wu family are a kind of status. Although a general family has become a false name, it can still be used to show off when necessary.

Yoshigan had not yet established a foothold in Kanto before, so he wanted help from his fellow tribesmen in the Ou area.

Most of Ou's Shibago relatives have declined, and only the Mogami and Osaki families are left with some strength, and they are both threatened by Date Masamune.

As a result, the two sides hit it off, Yoshigan pretended to be the leader of the family to help their fellow clans overcome difficulties, and the Mogami family and the Osaki family pretended to be of the same clan, helping the Shiba family to support the scene in the Ou area.

Originally everything was fine, but a sudden war between Shiba and Oda ruined everyone's political cooperation in appearance.

The Mogami family and the Osaki family did not want to get involved in the central struggle, and did not respond to the call when the Shiba family needed it most, thus pouring cold water on Yoshigan.

Date Masamune took the opportunity to attack and destroy the Osaki family, and Yoshigan no longer talked about kinship, and just watched with indifference.

The Mogami family was besieged on all sides, and Yoshimitsu Mogami was immediately anxious to death. Now he was kneeling in front of Yoshigami and kept calling himself a family member. He just picked up the tricks of the zodiac system to gain recognition from the clan.

It's not that she's lost her mind, it's because she really can't do it without telling her. What leverage does the Mogami family have now to negotiate terms?Apart from counting on the kindness of the saint and pretending to be pitiful, Mogami Yoshimitsu really had no other way out.

When she called her family, she meant it sincerely. As long as the saint was willing to give Mogami a hand, it would be fine if she lowered her face and called her biological father, let alone calling herself family.

Mogami Yoshimitsu lost all face, licked his face and called his family, Yoshigami felt angry and funny.

If I knew today, why bother.

He sighed and said.

"Get up and talk."

When Mogami Yoshimitsu raised his head, Yoshigan realized that the beautiful woman's features were somewhat similar to Date Masamune's.

He suddenly remembered that Mogami Yoshimitsu's brother married Date Masamune's mother and gave birth to Date Masamune. In this way, Date Masamune was still Mogami Yoshimitsu's biological niece.

As the saying goes, the relationship between these two people is really close.

Date Masamune was so ambitious that the Ou warriors were frightened, and they never stopped slandering her.

She is a cold-blooded mother-killer, banishing her biological father, and humiliating her father's family. To put it bluntly, everyone is afraid of her ambition and ability to unify South Ou.

As for Mogami Yoshimitsu, she is actually a very warm-hearted person who values ​​her family very much.She has a very good relationship with her younger brother, and because of his younger brother, she was reluctant to be cruel to Date Masamune several times.

Just because Mogami Yoshimitsu's warmth was not common in the samurai family, Yoshigami temporarily softened his heart and gave her a chance.

Yiyin's fourth and fifth child is about to enter this world. Facing his increasingly complex family, he still hopes that the world can be a little warmer.

For a samurai family like Mogami Yoshimitsu who cherishes his family members, it is better not to force him to death.In the rotten environment of the Wu family society, this kind of person is really dead, one less person.

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