different warring states of japan

Chapter 1771 A beautiful woman like a fox and a tiger

Chapter 1771 A beautiful woman like a fox and a tiger
The commodity economy of the island country is in a state of active Kansai and closed Kanto.

Kitakyushu Hakata Port drives the Shimonoseki economy of foreign trade, and the Sakai Port and Kyoto front lines are busy with commerce. As a result of economic prosperity, Kansai people are more open-minded and practical.

However, in the land of Kanto, especially the bitterly cold Ou region, commerce is underdeveloped, and many places still have a self-sufficient old manor economy.

Survival is not easy, and there is no room for trial and error. Naturally, the local martial arts families follow the rules and live their lives in the old way.

Therefore, the Kanto samurai family is conservative and traditional, while the Kinki samurai family is flexible and flexible. The difference between the two is very big, which makes Kanto and Kansai look down on each other.

The islanders originally had social characteristics of being united and xenophobic, and there were conflicts in the east and west of the eight states, not to mention the even greater differences between Kanto and Kansai.

From the perspective of the Kansai samurai, it is a very foolish behavior for the Kanto samurai to cling to the same old traditions.

However, the economic base determines the superstructure. In the eyes of the Kanto warriors who retained more of the characteristics of the manorial economy, the active commodity economy in Kansai led to a disorder of social hierarchy, which was simply inappropriate.

The poorer the place, the more conservative it is. In remote areas such as the Ou Mountains and the Koshishin Mountains, some characteristics of the restrictive collar system still remain.

Although Mogami Yoshimitsu has the intention of taking advantage of the saint, under the growing trend of the Shiba family, her respect for the general family is actually somewhat sincere.

It's just that fate has played a trick on people. Mogami Yoshimitsu's repeated hesitations and unlucky coincidences consumed the saint's little trust and put the Mogami family into the current embarrassing situation.

But don't look at Mogami Yoshimitsu's cowardice at this moment, but in Ou, she is also known as a strong person, and she uses all kinds of tricks to play tricks.

But whether it was Date Masamune or Mogami Yoshimitsu, when they came to the saint's throne, they had to cross their arms if they were dragons, and they had to lie down if they were tigers. The difference in strength did not allow them to play tricks in front of Yoshigami, so they had to be honest.

Yoshigami's high evaluation of Mogami Yoshimitsu is not unreasonable. Compared with Date Masamune, who is an aggressive young man, Mogami Yoshimitsu is as cunning as a fox and as fierce as a tiger. He is indeed a hero of Ou.

The Mogami family is a branch of the Shiba branch. Its heyday was in the middle of the Ashikaga shogunate. Later, it spread out and branched out, with relatives taking root in various places and establishing their own families.

After the Date family gained connections with the shogunate, the Mogami family gradually declined.

In order to resist the invasion from the Date family, the local samurai families of Murakami County and Mogami County formed an alliance and held together for warmth, and they were called the Mogami Hachijo.

The most powerful samurai among the Mogami Hakka are from the branch of the Mogami family, so they chose to support the Mogami family in the fight between the Mogami family and the Date family.

Subsequently, civil strife in the Date family, the overlord of Ou, spread to all parts of Ou, and the Date family declined for a time.

The Ou region was like a small Warring States Period, with each family fighting against each other based on the prefecture. It was chaotic and the rise and fall was common.

When it came to Mogami Yoshimitsu's generation, her younger brother married into the Date family, and she herself married the son of the Osaki family, but this did not prevent the three families from fighting.

Mogami Yoshimitsu is the eldest daughter. When she inherited the family business, both the Date family and Mogami Yoshimitsu supported the Mogami family's second daughter to succeed to the throne, which led to civil strife in the Mogami family.

Through peace negotiations, marriages, assassinations, raids, etc., Mogami Yoshimitsu destroyed the Mogami Hachiru and surrendered them. His methods were extremely cunning and cruel.

Yiyin didn't dare to be fooled by her current submissive appearance, knowing that she was a powerful person.

Speaking of which, Date Masamune was a sickly beauty with the temperament of Lin Daiyu, and Mogami Yoshimitsu was also a gentle and virtuous beautiful woman like Li Wan.

But if you are fooled by their appearance and really think of them as gentle people, you will suffer a big loss.

The Date family and the Mogami family have been getting better and better in the Ou area over the years. With such a huge territory, you can't just pretend to be pitiful and cry, right?They don't show mercy when they kill, they don't even blink an eye.

Yoshigami stared at Mogami Yoshimitsu's face, thinking about his own thoughts, which made Mogami Yoshimitsu feel uneasy and panicked.

Edo Castle was holding a temporary grand council, and at the cusp of this storm, she went to the vestibule where the saint was stationed and knelt down to beg for an audience. If one were to carefully consider it, it was indeed suspected of forcing her into the palace.

The blood connection between the Shiba family and the Mogami family dates back hundreds of years. Mogami Yoshimitsu clings to this relationship, and it is indeed easy to make people annoying.

If she hadn't misjudged the trend of the center several times, she would have been in such a dilemma that she was acting rogue now.

Speaking of which, no matter how powerful the Ou samurai were and they were able to prosper locally, they were always a little confused about things other than Ou. Date Masamune was like this, and Mogami Yoshimitsu was like this too.On the contrary, the successive governors of the Date family have been sending people to pay tribute to the shogunate to find out the news. They are always on the right side of the line, and each generation has accumulated the unique heritage of the Date family in the Ou area.

Yoshigami kept staring at Mogami Yoshimitsu. Not only Mogami Yoshimitsu felt uncomfortable, but the Kamao clan who brought her in was also a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that the saint has fallen in love with this beautiful Oyu woman?
Thinking of this, the Hamo clan couldn't help coughing, which brought back Yiyin's thoughts.

Yiyin came back to his senses, looked at the two women with unnatural expressions in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Mogami-hime came from Mogami County to Edo Castle. It was a long journey, thank you for your hard work."

"Foreign ministers don't dare. Participating in the Grand Review is an honor for us and other United Front members. How can it be so hard?"

Yiyin touched his temples.

He had given the status of the United Front to the Mogami Family Governor and the Osaki Family Governor long ago, but these two families were far away in Ou, and they believed that they were far away from the emperor, and they never participated in the major deliberations of the Kanto Palace.

This time, Mogami Yoshimitsu came to Edo Castle with this level of integrity.

In fact, Yiyin may have assumed Date Masamune's identity as a United Front member, and Date Masamune sent people everywhere to send gifts and money. It is expected that he will soon pass the vote of the grand committee and become a new United Front member.

Nowadays, the big review system has matured. Yiyin can grant people status, but that person must also be able to do things on his own. For the sake of the saint, no one will block you, but the procedures must always be followed.

Mogami Yoshimitsu must obtain the saint's forgiveness before Date Masamune officially enters the Grand Council, otherwise the Mogami family's situation will become even more passive.

The Date family and the Mogami family have become more positive in their attitudes toward the Grand Council, which is something Yoshigan is happy to see.

The value of the northern part of the Ou region is not high, and the most important thing is the Hokuriku Express shipping extension line connecting the North Sea of ​​Japan.

Yoshigan and Tozawa Mori'an slept together, encouraged the Tozawa family to open up Minato City, and prepared to move Satake Yoshige to between the north and south of Dewa, which was enough to control the situation in the north.

The current situation in the southern part of Ou, which is closely related to Kanhachishu, Echigo and other places, is that the Osaki family has perished and the Ashina family has declined. The most powerful samurai daimyo in the area are the Mogami family and the Date family.

Date Masamune took over the Minami Sendai of the Osaki family, plus Yonezawa and Fukushima in her own hands. She was only short of the Aizu area, and she could control Ou's gate.

Mogami Yoshimitsu controlled a series of basins south of Dewa north of Yonezawa, as well as the Shonai area on the southern coast of Dewa, and was second only to Date Masamune in power.

Kaji Keizuna and Honjo Nobunaga under the command of Yamanaka Yukimori, their target of infiltration is Aizu and Shonai.

On the one hand, Yoshigan allowed Date Masamune and Mogami Yoshimitsu to surrender, but on the other hand, he also wanted them to spit out some benefits and extend the tentacles of the Kanto Palace.

The cooperative attitude of these two people also determined the obedience of the Ou Nanbu family to Yoshigami and the Kanto Palace. This is also the reason why Yoshigami finally decided to bypass Mogami Yoshimitsu.

Yoshimitsu Mogami loves his younger brother, his children, and his family, which really makes Yoshigami feel good about her personally.

But she is still from the Wu family, and she competes with her sister for the family governor, and she will not show mercy to those who deserve to be killed.

Yoshihiro will not ruin official duties because of personal feelings. Since he is willing to give Yoshimitsu Mogami a chance, it is naturally because the Mogami family is indeed valuable.

Yiyin laughed.

"Since we are united, why not participate in the big review?"

Mogami Yoshimitsu choked up.

"The foreign minister knows that he has sinned deeply and has failed the saint's kindness. He has trouble sleeping and eating day and night.

If I can't get forgiveness from the saint, how can I have the face to participate in the great review established by the saint? "

(End of this chapter)

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