different warring states of japan

Chapter 1780: The out-of-control Kamao Clan Township

Chapter 1780: The out-of-control Kamao Clan Township

Date Masamune also knew that her credibility was not good, but her situation was actually worse than that of Mogami Yoshimitsu, so she could only rush to restore friendly relations with Mogami Yoshimitsu.

The subordinates of Yamanaka Yukimori entered Ou, and the Mogami family was only coveted for the Shonai area, because the value of the Shonai area was very high.

The Date family had so many high-value territories that it would be difficult for Date Masamune to protect his own interests no matter how cooperative and subdued they were.

The first is that the four Aizu counties will be spit out sooner or later, the second is the Ou gateway of Fukushima, and finally the unique strategic location of Yonezawa.

This is important, and that is also important. If Date Masamune didn't resist and was killed by Rigong, all the territory he had finally won over the years after breaking up his relatives and provoking public anger would have to be given away.

In the end, after retreating again and again, Date Masamune may have no choice but to retreat to the Minami Sendai Plain and lie down, doing nothing all his life to develop delicious food.

Mogami Yoshimitsu's younger brother is Date Masamune's father, and he is the closest link between the two.Date Masamune carried his father out to speak at this moment, Mogami Yoshimitsu was still a little touched in his heart.

The male deity refers to uncle, which is the closest relationship among people with different surnames. When transferred to the female deity's world, they refer to aunt and niece.

In a sense, the relationship between Mogami Yoshimitsu and Date Masamune is actually the closest among foreign relatives.

Mogami Yoshimitsu thought for a long time, finally sighed and said.

"Your father has a fierce personality, and he is really similar to you. He is worthy of being a biological father and daughter.

Just go and see him, but let's not talk about moving for now. If you two have different personalities and live in the same city, you're afraid there will be conflicts again. "

Seeing Mogami Yoshimitsu relent, Date Masamune was overjoyed and bowed.

"What my aunt said is that I have a good talk with my father first, and we will take our time with the rest later.

The blood between each other is thicker than water. If there is anything we cannot be honest about, we are not outsiders after all. "

Date Masamune made a double entendre and hit the snake with a stick, which made Yoshimitsu Mogami couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"I have two points to make clear to you."

"Auntie, please tell me."

"First, you and I can't influence the saint's thoughts. I won't say anything for you, and you shouldn't be impatient or eager to ask for anything.

Secondly, Yamanaka Yukimori is the deacon of the Kanto Service Office, and his troops are ordered to enter Ou to maintain peace. You cannot have any confrontational emotions.

The land of Ou is vast, and I think the saint is still very cautious about the Ou warrior family. If nothing major happens, the saint will still be considerate of us, and the Kanto Palace will not make any radical moves for the time being.

Now that you and I have chosen to join the Kanto Chamber of Commerce and participate in the Grand Council, we must learn to use our talents within the new rules.

If I find out that you have done something inappropriate, which may affect the survival of my family, I will definitely kill my relatives with justice and will never show favoritism. "

For a young man like Date Masamune who was easily impulsive, Mogami Yoshimitsu didn't want to be led into a ditch by her, so he kept giving warnings.

But Date Masamune was happy in his heart.

What she was most worried about was that Yoshimitsu Mogami was unwilling to accept the olive branch. As long as he was willing to negotiate and make conditions, he would be tacitly allowing the relationship between the two families to get closer again.

As long as you have a good start, the rest can take your time.

Date Masamune bowed solemnly.

"I will never let my aunt down."

Mogami Yoshimitsu sighed.

"hope so."

The two of them were walking and talking when they suddenly stopped. It turned out that there was a solemn-looking Kamao Clan standing on the porch in front of them, and behind her were a few nervous Tongxin Ji warriors.

Both sides showed formal smiles at the same time, greeted each other, and then Kamao clan asked Date Masamune.

"The backyard is deep and deep. How come Your Highness Ida appears here?"

Date Masamune smiled innocently.

“At the turn of spring and summer, everything revives and flowers bloom.

I have rarely seen such beautiful garden trees and flowers in Ou. While admiring them, I walked deeper without realizing it. Fortunately, I met His Highness Mogami, and I was lucky enough not to get lost. "Yoshimitsu Mogami cursed secretly, you little bastard.

In a few words, Date Masamune made light of his trespassing into the backyard of the saint's residence, and even used Mogami Yoshimitsu as a shield to share the responsibility.

Sure enough, compared to Date Masamune, Kamao clan focused more attention on Mogami Yoshimitsu and looked at him unkindly.

Although the Kamao clan has not yet caught any conclusive evidence, she is not stupid. The saint actually allowed Mogami Yoshimitsu to walk around the backyard. Naturally, there is some unusual relationship.

When he thought that this pretty widow was seducing the saint under his nose, and that she might have succeeded, the Kamao clan was furious, and they would not care about Date Masamune's nonsense.

Kamojigo said coldly.

"Now that you have enjoyed the beautiful scenery, please come back, Your Highness Ida.

The sage said, there are many things going on today, Wuxia summoned me, please go back and have a good rest. "

Date Masamune escaped and nodded hurriedly.

"In this case, I will not disturb the saint's peace."

Kamao clan looked at Mogami Yoshimitsu again and said coldly.

"Your Highness Mogami, please come back too."

Mogami Yoshimitsu smiled slightly, bowed and nodded to say goodbye.

Pu Sheng's hometown is a close confidant of the saint, and regardless of her power and position, few people are willing to offend her just because of her closeness.

Mogami Yoshimitsu also stole the chicken, so why bother to stir up her anger and cause unnecessary trouble.

Being pretentious in front of the saint is because Mogami Yoshimitsu discovered that the saint likes this kind of excitement, but out of the sight of the saint, Mogami Yoshimitsu's attitude towards the Kamao clan can be described as gentle and friendly.

But her kindness was not appreciated by the Kamao clan.

Watching Date Masamune and Mogami Yoshimitsu take a few steps, Kamaojigo suddenly raised his hand and slapped the concubine next to him, followed by a series of left and right arrows.

"Bagh Ya Road! Where the saint is stationed, how dare you wait to slack off! If you accidentally put any cats or dogs in there and disturb the saint, you will all commit seppuku!"

The Tongxinzong's cheeks were red after being beaten, but he raised his head, straightened his chest, looked straight ahead, leaned forward slightly, and took the initiative to get closer and let Pu Shengshi hit him.

"I'm so sorry! Hi! Hi!"

Mogami Yoshimitsu and Date Masamune, who had not gone far, looked at each other, the smiles on their faces were a little stiff, and they had different thoughts.

In any case, the two of them are also the famous names of the martial arts family in Ou, and they are descendants of famous families. It is indeed a bit too much to be criticized by the Kamao clan today.

But the situation was stronger than the people. The two knew the position of the Kamo clan in the hearts of the saints, so they could only endure this and pretended not to hear and left.

Pu Sheng's village is usually very smart in dealing with people. He is polite to foreign ministers and considerate to his subordinates.Today, she couldn't control her emotions and acted abruptly.

The saint has been meeting with the United Front members from all over the country these days. There are so many people coming in and out that it is inevitable that some things will be missed.

Furthermore, the saint was tolerant and allowed the unarmed United Front members to walk around the courtyard. Date Masamune took advantage of the loophole. The guarding United Front members were a bit at fault, but they would not slap them in the face in front of outsiders.

Mogami Yoshimitsu's situation was even more innocent. He was a warrior Hime allowed by the saint to enter and leave the inner courtyard, and the fellow guards would let him go even if they saw him.

Although the Hime warriors on duty felt a little aggrieved, they were all members of the Kamao clan who had been selected and trained by the same people. The eldest sister had taught them a lesson. They could only admit their mistakes. How dare they refute them?
After Date Masamune and Mogami Yoshimitsu disappeared, the Kamao clan calmed down. Seeing the fellow princess warriors in front of her being beaten until their cheeks were red and swollen, she suddenly regretted it.

Killing a chicken to scare a monkey will only work if the monkey is frightened.In Mogami Date's view, his move would not only serve as a warning, but would instead make them feel grudged, which would be harmful rather than beneficial.

Gamo's Township sighed.

"You're on duty, go back and apply medicine, have a good rest, and the others will return to their posts."


After all the Hime warriors had left, Kamao Clan looked in confusion towards the direction of the inner courtyard, where the sage was receiving Yukimori Yamanaka, talking about official matters, maybe. .We will also talk about other things and do other things.

Kamaojigo didn't know what was wrong with him. Ever since his relationship with the saint became closer, he became increasingly unable to control his emotions. Is this the so-called possessiveness?

She smiled bitterly, what qualifications did she have to have such emotions?
(End of this chapter)

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