Chapter 179
Yoshihisa was working hard at Peking University, and Shiba Owari guarded the mansion, and Maeda Riku was also grey-headed.

Maeda Toshihisa was stationed in Ozazama, and he came to Keimura today to meet Maeda Toshiie, who is already Shiba's acting official, in order to discuss the matter of Imakawakami Raku.

Ozama is located in the lower part of Owari, not far from Mikawa Country, and it is the frontier of Oda-Imagawa collision.

She said to Toshie Maeda worriedly.

"Imagawa Yoshimoto has already entered Okazaki Castle, and Nishimikawa Matsudaira Motoyasu has also mobilized to join the Imagawa Army.

Although Imakawa Yoshimoto falsely claimed that [-] is too outrageous, but there are still [-] troops.

What can be done now? "

Maeda Toshiie thought blankly, and said full of memories.

"Matsudaira Motoyasu? Is it Takechiyo?
At the beginning, she was taken to Owari as a hostage, but she got along with His Highness Oda for quite a while.

Followed us around, and I blocked two punches for her. "

It's all this time, are you still reminiscing about the past?Maeda Riku laughed and said.

"That's really great. At least the enemy will allow us to cut through our stomachs, so we don't have to be hacked to death with knives. It's a great fortune."

Maeda Toshiie gave her a blank look and said.

"I know you're upset, but this joke is too cold to be funny."

Maeda Riku sneered.

"What else can I do other than tell a bad joke? The whole Siboling has been developed in less than a year, and you and I only have eight Ji warriors and fifty ashigaru.

This Sibo foot is light and expensive to raise. If Takada Yono was not a merchant to supply military supplies, there could only be about twenty of them.

Since the two Gaotian sisters left for the past few days, the family has been sitting and eating, and they don't know how long the Wuzuqing army can last.

His Highness Oda was guarding against the Shiba family again, and even the Maeda family had no chance to expand their territory.

During the Northern Expedition in Shangowari, every family hiccupped, but our two families did not move at all.

Mother has already said, let us two rebellious daughters not go back to see her in the future, she does not have a daughter like us.

Now, the Imagawa family is going to call again, and Ozama is the first to bear the brunt.You tell me, what else can I do besides telling bad jokes. "

Maeda Toshihisa spread his hands and sighed, he couldn't live through this day.

Maeda Toshiie looked at his sister and said.

"I'm going to meet His Highness Oda once."

Maeda Toshihisa frowned.

"His Highness Oda won't see you. You made Shiba Daishi very angry. It is said that a few days ago, he killed two servants as an excuse to vent his anger. If you go, I may not be able to collect your body for you."

Maeda Toshiie shook his head.

"I have to go once, Lord Yiyin's Si Boling cannot be destroyed in my hands."

Maeda Toshihisa stopped persuading her.

Shiba Yoshiyin has almost become Maeda Toshiie's obsession. Sometimes she feels frightened, not knowing what's wrong with her girl.

Say she is sick, quick thinking.Say she is not sick, as long as there is something about Yoshihiko Shiba, she will become extremely paranoid.

Sighed again, giving up hope.

The Imagawa family has been dormant for many years, and this time they took out all their old books.Gathered all the strength of the [-] shi territory, making up [-] troops.

Along the way, the subordinate lords continued to join, and then hired miscellaneous soldiers as minions, and the number expanded to [-].

Oda Nobunaga initially decided to go to Owari, and he didn't dare to mobilize these newly attached samurai, for fear that they would betray him on the spot and shake his own army.

So, Maeda Toshihisa has the final say.Except for the troops who supervise the various places in the upper Owari, the lower Owari can pull out more than [-] troops.

Twenty-five thousand against four thousand, how can this battle be fought!

As soon as the two broke up, Maeda Toshiie went to Kiyosu Castle overnight to ask to see Oda Nobunaga, but was blocked outside the castle tower.

The next day, Oda Nobunaga slept soundly all night, got up energetically, and asked the surname around him.

"Is Inuchiyo still alive?"

"Return to Your Highness, Maeda-sama is still waiting outside, standing all night."

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"Tell him to come and see me, and I'll see what else she has to say."

When Toshiya Maeda came in, he knelt down and bowed.

"His Highness Oda is well."

Although he stood for a night, Maeda Toshiie was strong in martial arts and was able to support him.

Oda Nobunaga looked at her and smiled.

"Isn't this the representative of the Shiba family, Maeda Toshiie-sama, why don't you come to see me, the old master, when you have time.

Could it be that he was not happy in Spoelland?Want to come back and continue to be my dog? "

Maeda Toshiie looked calm.

"His Highness Oda misunderstood, I came this time to untangle His Highness's knot."

Oda Nobunaga stared at her mockingly.

"I got Kamiouwari, there is no one who dares to talk to me like this.

Inuchiyo, you are so brave.Do you really think I won't do anything to you?
You ran away for Yoshigin-kun, I, Oda Nobunaga, am not as good as a man?
You have to remember, I slept with him twice, each time you sent the message and brought him. "

The humiliation in the tone was vicious.Maeda Toshiie couldn't help but turn pale, and clenched his fingers.

"I didn't expect you to become so narrow-minded, Your Highness, I really disappointed the Li family.

Is this still His Highness whom I really admired and was willing to devote my life to? "

Oda Nobunaga smiled instead of anger.Standing up, he took the saber from the knife rest beside him.

"Continue talking. If you don't satisfy me with what you said today, let Maeda Toshisho collect your body."

As he spoke, he held the handle of the knife in his hand.

Maeda Toshiie looked fearless and said to himself.

"In the past, His Royal Highness was fearless and went forward bravely, but he was afraid that if there were no opponents, life would be no fun.

Aspirations are lofty, even if you are in a difficult situation, you can look far and near, and you will be inspired to be a person in the world.

But now?

However, there are more than [-] stones in Ozhang, so he is afraid of the head and the tail, worrying about gains and losses, which really makes the Li family sigh. "

Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes, his expression became serious.

Since she killed her younger sister Oda Nobuyuki, no one in the family dared to talk to her like this.

Waiting for Kamiouwari to start, it is even more powerful and powerful.Even the nurse sister Ikeda Hengxing is obedient, and no one dares to offend her face.

She also knows it's not good.But she, who is wild by nature, likes the feeling that she promises everything she says, and no one disobeys her, so she is addicted to it.

But after all, she is a hero with a strong mind, and she was touched by Maeda Toshiie's words today.

He said with no expression on his face.

"A mere half a million shi, what a big tone."

Maeda Toshiie looked at her seriously and said.

"There are sixty-six countries in the world, and there are a total of [-] million stones."

Oda Nobunaga only felt a burning fire in his heart, and his eyes stabbed Maeda Toshiie.

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

"I know that His Highness Oda is afraid of Yi Yin-kun, but this should not be done by His Highness Oda whom I know.

His Highness Oda, who I know, would only be delighted that there is another hero in the world, another opponent who can be defeated, instead of shrinking back and playing tricks behind his back.

Your Majesty Oda, Yoshigin-kun will not return to Owari.At the beginning, he transferred all the territory you gave to Maeda Yili, and I knew it.

He has the world in his heart, and the Shiba family he wants to revive is not the country lord of Owari.But in that near, in the capital that martial artists all over the world looked up to. "

Oda Nobunaga was furious, and he drew his sword and pointed it at Maeda Toshiie.

"You mean I'm not as bold as a man!"

Maeda Toshiie looked at her calmly, ignoring the blade.

"Yes. There are sixty-six countries in the world, and His Highness Oda only has Owari in his eyes, and there is no world!
Today is a troubled time, Miyoshi is close to attacking, and the shogunate is precarious. This is a good time for heroes and heroes to show their talents.

What are you doing staring at the Shiba family's three thousand stone territory!If you want it, I will make the decision on behalf of Lord Yiyin, and I will give it to you! "

Oda Nobunaga panted like a cow, and gradually calmed down.Taking a deep breath, he returned the knife to its sheath.

"Owari Shiba, can you make the decision?"


"It seems that Yoshigin-kun is really determined for the world, I am being stingy. I don't need you to give away the territory, do a good job, let Owari Shiba help me.

One day, I will stand near the center and compete with the heroes of the world. "

Oda Nobunaga's eyes were burning wildfire, and he was silent for a while, and asked.

"does it worth?"

Maeda Toshiie looked at her and answered.

"Maeda Toshiie is in love with Shiba Yoshigin more than anyone else in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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