Chapter 180 Plan
Oda Nobunaga was taken aback by her indifferent and firm tone, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"I don't understand you. If you follow me, when I win the world, I will give you a million stones to know and do."

Maeda Toshiie kowtowed to the ground.

"Toshiya thanked His Highness Oda for his kindness, but I was stupid and let His Highness down."

Oda Nobunaga rolled his eyes and said.

"You stupid fart, you are too smart to be like this.

You can do things with peace of mind. As long as Owari Shiba is loyal to the public, I will reward you fairly. "

Nobunaga was awakened by Maeda Toshiie's remonstrance.

She secretly regretted how she made such a mistake.After Owari's initial decision, he began to suppress the territory of the direct ministers, which is a big taboo.

Although Shiba Yoshigin left Owari, Shiba Ling was rewarded with a dignified kindness, and she shouldn't treat him differently.

She is a person who wants to do great things, and it is the time to forge ahead and be rewarded and punished fairly.

If you become suspicious and wantonly suppress it, other people will feel sad when they see it.

Who will dare to be brave in the future?Aren't you afraid that if you become powerful, you will be suspected by the master?This is not the method that the founder should use.

The so-called creation is nothing more than making a big cake.In the case that the cake can be made bigger, the sharing of profits does not hinder the generosity, which can drive people's desires.

Suppressing the Shiba family at this time is putting the cart before the horse and hurting the hearts of the samurai families under their command.

The Shiba family needs to be suppressed, but not now.Maeda Toshiie is right, Shibo Yoshihiro is in the world, how could he come back.

Since he won't come back, Si Boling is just a foreigner. Could it be that her heart can't accommodate a foreigner's territory?

Not only should there be no suppression, but also goodwill, because Oda Nobunaga needs Shibo Yoshiyin.

Maeda Toshika's words from the country lord reminded Oda Nobunaga that the world is still owned by the Ashikaga family.

Before the world changes, what she should do is to submit to the shogunate, accumulate strength, and spy on the recent past.

She secretly regretted why she was so high-profile.At this time, it is time to attack Mino, get close to the shogunate, and cultivate power.

Wait for the Ashikaga shogunate to decline or even collapse, and wait for her to be full-fledged.

And being friendly with Yoshihiro Shiba, using his prestige and influence in recent days, to find opportunities to cut into the affairs of recent days and even the shogunate, is what she should do most now.

She can't even resist the Imagawa family of the Ashikaga family. It's ridiculous to talk about being afraid of Shiba.

When strength is insufficient, you should make more friends and make fewer enemies.

Maeda Toshiie is right, you have to be generous, wait for the right time, place and people to turn your back on you.

Such an easy-to-understand matter, no one dared to speak to her, only Maeda Toshiie, who was loyal to the Shiba family, risked his life to speak out.

This is what made her really angry.

These warriors under his command still need to be beaten, how can they achieve great things if they are depressed and just living their lives.

Oda Nobunaga thought deeply and was in a bad mood.Maeda Toshiie, who belonged to the Shiba family, was displeased no matter what, and said sarcastically.

"I can't protect myself now, is it useful for you to beg me to treat Spoel fairly?

Why not surrender Imagawa Yoshimoto?Maybe Spoelning can get a first-drop jackpot. "

Maeda Toshiie has followed Oda Nobunaga for many years, and he understands her thoughts best, and it is not surprising that she will take the opportunity to vent her anger, and replied.

"His Highness Oda was joking, Imakawa Yoshimoto is from the Ashikaga sect, how could my Maeda Toshi family bring Shiba to surrender her."

This seems strange, since they are all from Ashikaga, shouldn’t they be more intimate?

But think about it carefully, Shiba Yoshiyin has great ambitions, how can he expand the power of the Imagawa family.

The Imagawa family is a serious Ashikaga family, guarded by Suruga. If the power increases greatly and they get closer to the nearest few, it may not be a good thing for the Shiba family.

To be disrespectful, the Shiba family would rather make Oda Nobunaga bigger than Imagawa Yoshimoto, because the latter is more threatening in the guardian system.

Oda Nobunaga understood.

Although Siba was freed from the worries of leading the enemy, but there was a kind of anger in his heart that he was underestimated.

Like the Miyoshi family, the Oda family is a product of Xia Keshang.Although it was prominent for a while, within the protection system of the shogunate, its foundation was not stable.

The guardian system uses blood and family status as the link, establishes nobles and nobles as the guardian families of various countries, and then decentralizes autonomy layer by layer, controlling a large area of ​​land at a very low cost.

Such rule must be guaranteed by blood.It's not because nobles are born smart, it's just that internal friction has been reduced.

There are endless elites. If everyone is not convinced, can this society still be stable?

However, the lineage and family status are fixed, so everyone should line up step by step and share the results.It's not fair, but it's an effective system.

Japan is barren, the cost of social governance is low, and it can be stable and stable, which is a good system for long-term peace.

The theory of lineage is unfair, suppressing the upward channel of talents, but stabilizing the social structure and reducing turmoil.

The Oda family and the Miyoshi family are born with political disabilities. Once their own strength fades, they are in danger of falling apart.

Oda Nobunaga realized in his heart that the future of Miyoshi's family will not be good.

Even if Miyoshi Changqing really succeeds in going to Luoyang and entering the shogunate, the Miyoshi family will not last long.

People who kill people will always kill them.If you get to a high position with the lower grams, you will die sooner or later because of the lower grams.

He also thought of the slackness of his subordinate Wu family, which is also a drawback of the guardian system.After winning a country, all the martial arts under his command are small and rich, so they are safe and have no ambition to make progress.

In a world of great contention, a new path must be blazed.Gather all the forces in the territory to kill and conquer, and use military merits to stimulate the desire of middle and lower martial artists.

Maeda Toshiie didn't know.

Oda Nobunaga was deeply touched by her few words today, and made up his mind to embark on a path different from protecting daimyos in the Warring States Period.

Oda Nobunaga looked at Tian Lijia in front of him unhappily, and said.

"Do you have anything else?"

Maeda Toshiie bowed his head respectfully.

"Yes. Regarding the attack on the Imagawa family this time, I would like to offer some insights to His Highness Oda."

Oda Nobunaga raised his eyebrows.

"You said."

"The Imagawa family launched with all their strength, and the attacking army this time has a strength of [-].

His Royal Highness Oda initially decided on Owari, and he still needs to divide his troops to suppress the Uemiwari Samurai who have evil intentions. The number of people who will fight will not exceed [-]. "

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"Indeed, there may be only four thousand."

"Owari is rich, there are many good fields, and most of the country is plain. If you want to defeat the Imagawa family, you can only do it in the mountainous area where Mikawa and Owari meet.

I've been to barrel surveying.The mountains over there are not high, but there are many hills, and the hills obstruct the view.

There are also many tributaries, and the mountains are divided by water, which is even more fragmented.

Whether it is [-] people or thousands of people, if they enter here, they will become a small army of thousands of people.The inability to take care of both the head and the tail makes it difficult for Fan to contact.

If you entangle the Imagawa army here, you will have a chance to surprise Imagawa Yoshimoto's main shogunate and defeat the enemy. "

Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes and couldn't help clapping his hands.

"That's a good point, the heroine sees the same thing. Inuchiyo, you and I thought of going together."

Oda Nobunaga seems to have nothing to do recently, and it really has nothing to do.

Because the war is about to start, there are many spies to spy on, so if you want to make a surprise attack, you must carefully conceal your intentions.

Her idea is the same as Maeda Toshiie's, and the Imagawa army must not be allowed to enter the Owari part of the Nobi Plain.

The enemy force is strong.Once they entered the plains of Yimapingchuan, the domestic warriors would inevitably be in turmoil.

At that time, I really don't know how many families can still stand firmly on Oda Nobunaga's side.

If you want to win the enemy army five or six times larger than your own, you can only fight in the mountainous area divided by tributaries and covered by hills.

Only there, the Imagawa army will be dismantled into small armies, and Oda Nobunaga's inferior forces will have room to operate.

she asked with interest.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Maeda Toshiie replied.

"As soon as Imagawa's army arrives, the leader of Shiba's clan, Ozama, will surrender and offer fine wine and food to the army.

Yoshimoto Imagawa is pampered in Suruga.When the army is dispatched, life in the army is bound to be hard, and she can only endure it.

Tongzamaling has developed well in the past half a year. It is a rare and comfortable foothold in the mountains. Imagawa Yoshimoto should like it, right? "

Oda Nobunaga's eyes lit up when he heard it, it was frighteningly bright.

 Ten bursts are on the shelves, thank you readers for your support.The 148 words of this book are not signed, and there are only [-] collections. I always thought that there was no chance to sign a contract and put it on the shelves.To this day, I still don't have an official recommendation.I feel like signing a contract and putting it on the shelves is also a comfort sign, after all, I have written [-] words.But the readers I like have always supported me, and I will work hard to finish this book.This is my first book. In the words of a reader, I have stepped on all the poisonous points that newcomers will step on.But I don't regret it, I think it's interesting to write this way.In the Warring States Period of Japan, the novels of female statues are all niche novels. I was also mentally prepared for what this book would be like if the two joined forces.I only hope to leave a unique novel that I like and that few readers like.Let's encourage each other and bow to thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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