Chapter 182 Recovery
With the scorching sun in the sky, Yiyin stroked his hair in distress.

The torrential rain just now wet my hair, and now the water is dripping down, which is really uncomfortable.

The long hair that I swore to cut off last year has grown a lot, and I really want to find an excuse to cut off another stubble, or short hair is more comfortable.

Shigehide Suzuki followed Maeda Masayoshi, and there are still many things to do.

The Miyoshi Yixing she caught was killed by Yiyin. The two of them were grasshoppers on the same rope, and they both had a deadly feud with Miyoshi Changqing.

But it might not be the case with her subordinates.The Zahe Party in Zahe Township naturally looks forward to her, but the rest of the country people who are attached to her may not be willing to follow all the way to the dark.

That's why Yiyin gave her the heads of thirty three good horses as certificates of honor.Suzuki Shigehide already understood the meaning of it.

"Fujibayashi Xing, go and send a message to Otani Yoshitsugu and Todo Takahu. If there is something abnormal about the troops of Zahezhong, they will be executed immediately. There must be no mistake."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Maeda Interest Department watched Shigehide Suzuki manipulate the murder and join the gang, Yoshihiro was still not at ease, and asked the three armies to monitor together.

If Shigehide Suzuki can't control the situation, then don't blame me for killing and surrendering.

Returning to his own bench, Yiyin glanced at the San Tai Fu who was sitting under Fu Ditu.

"San Tai Fu of Hundred Lands, how do you think I should deal with you?"

The three princes of the hundred places did not dare to raise their heads, lest they appear disrespectful.

Reflexively raised his head and neck slightly so that his voice could be heard clearly in Yiyin's ears, the image was extremely ridiculous and pitiful.

"Please give me another chance, Your Highness Shiba, I will become a good dog under your seat."

The third husband of the hundred lands despises himself so much, begging for mercy, just to protect his family.

She rebelled in public, and her crime is unforgivable.Now it is fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

With Shiba Yoshiyin's prestige at this time, even if he ordered the massacre of the Baiji family, the people of Minami Iga would obey without any scruples.

It's only because Iga's right to rule is really in Shiba Yoshigin's hands, not the actual title in name before.

So for the samurai family, how can it be considered that they have truly gained the right to rule?
The direct ministers and genealogical retainers are loyal to the main family, but their retainers may not be loyal.Their retainers are loyal, and their retainers' retainers may not be loyal.

One person makes things happen, and many people make things happen.

Rights come from organizations.Use military exploits, knowledge and actions, marriage, and all things that samurai desire to connect to form a group with common interests.

Let the warriors under their command prosper and lose together with themselves, and they are willing to be driven and ruled.

To form an interest group in the traditional guardian system, first of all, you must have a high enough bloodline.

Only when the pedigree of the family is high enough can they occupy a high position in the guardian system, and the profits obtained by the warriors under their command will be rich enough.

Secondly, you need to show that you are capable enough to lead your subordinate warriors to obtain more benefits.

There are no permanent friends in the world, only permanent interests.Interests are the best glue, allowing enemies to stand together and fight side by side.

Now Yiyin, his subordinates have formed the embryonic form of an interest group centered on him.

His lineage is noble and irreplaceable core.

He is invincible and invincible, even God helps him!

Next, he only needs to distribute enough benefits to the warriors under his command after the war, and the Ji warrior group belonging to him will begin to emerge.

No matter how good an individual is, they are humble and powerless. Only the Ji Warriors can fight against another Ji Warriors.

Today, he has completely captured the hearts of the Yihe people.In addition, Peking University and Wu family who hoped to be protected by him, and Zahezhong who were forced to attach themselves.

Although he is not powerful, he is also a vassal and a big figure who can affect the recent situation.

So he couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh, "I've been a fool for more than ten years, and I have today."

There are not many chips in hand, but at least I can sit on a chair and play a few hands on the table.

No longer need to be a small pawn on the chessboard, this feeling of elation is comfortable.

Looking at the third wife of Baidi who bowed her head and begged to be a dog, she remembered that less than ten days ago, she was viciously attacking herself in the [-]th courtyard.

Life is surprisingly smooth.

He then had to force himself to calm down and not continue to bloat.

The ten rivers and one army are still in the south, and the battle of Yamato still has the final hurdle to pass, and Hanoi still doesn't know what the situation is.

"And keep your dog's head, and make meritorious deeds."

"Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for your generosity!"

After waiting for a long time before Yiyin's words came, San Taifu's tense body finally relaxed, and he collapsed on the ground.

The lives of the whole family depended on Yoshihiko Shiba's thoughts, but she was more exhausted than a fierce battle.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to stand up tremblingly, and retreated neatly to the queue, waiting for orders.

"Back to camp."

Yiyin thought that he had nothing to do, and he was unwilling to continue to pretend to suffer, so he returned to the camp with his horse.

In the camp, I changed into the soaked haori, wiped my hair and waited for the news.

Xingsheng Yamanaka on the side was hesitant to speak several times, but Yi Yin glanced at it and said.

"Hime Yamanaka, do you have something to say?"

Yamanaka bowed his head and said.

"It's raining and cold in front of the imperial court, do you need someone to make some warm tea?"

Men in this world are weak, Yamanaka Yukimori was a little worried.Thinking about it, Yiyin felt a little chill, so he nodded.


Yamanaka cheered, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Before and after the imperial court, it is better not to get wet in the rain, it was a little bit empty just now."

As he spoke, he didn't dare to look up and walked out.

Yiyin touched his face helplessly, even though he traveled through many years, he still felt out of place in this world.

Touching it, I felt that the scar on the face had become weaker, so I checked the system with a heartbeat.

Host: Yoshihiko Shiba

Title: Siba Yuqian (The samurai do not recognize your Shiba direct lineage, but recognize you, charm +1)

Iga guardian (you are the only male guardian, you actually rule a country, and you are not yet married. The samurai are greedy for your body and territory, charm +2)

Ghost Sibo (Your reckless charge on the battlefield has won unanimous praise from the brainless warriors, and the chance of injury on the battlefield has decreased)

Strength: 5 (Teacher Saitama’s training method makes you as strong as a woman, friendly reminder, it’s better if you’re bald)
Dexterity: 4 (boars are only slightly more agile than you)

Intelligence: 6 (experiences in previous lives give you a self-knowledge that most people don't have)

Charm: 10 (the value of this attribute point is too high, it is recommended that the host should not continue to invest in points) +1 (you once had the opportunity to become the most beautiful man in the world) +2 (you are still the current one) -4 (huh? Shut up ?)
Legendary events (history that future generations will enjoy watching):
Oath of Difficulties and Eight Sufferings (Sibo Version): Your little thought has become an inspirational story passed down by word of mouth and resonated with the history of Yukiyoshi Yamanaka. (Traditional samurai with a conservative personality will increase their first encounter favorability, Yamanaka Yukimori's first encounter favorability max)

The First Soldier of the Warring States Period (Owari version of Shiba version only): Your bravery is known to everyone, your achievements shine in military history, and your first battle resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Warriors who love to lead the charge will increase their favorability when they first meet, and the favorability of a certain character will be max.) (People who are hostile to you will be instilled with fear, and the enemy's physical strength and morale will decline faster on the battlefield. The limited range: Owari country.)
Junchen Tonglu (Sibo version): Two ones add five, your behavior stunned all the samurai who learned about it, and resonated with Shima Katsutoshi's history. (Traditional samurai with unrecognized talents have an increased favorability for their first encounter, and Dao Shengmeng's favorability max for their first encounter)

Enter the Dragon (Sibo version): You enter the enemy's shogunate in a joint battle and wound the enemy's general.Omi is full of legends about you, and resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Special effects: No crime in life. Your holy temperament makes people feel ashamed and should not be desecrated. ps: Having sex with women other than the original partner will cause the loss of special effects. ps2: The system recognizes that the host is unmarried, and the punishment mechanism will not be activated for the time being.) Encounter favorability rises, a character's first encounter favorability max)

Cut face as evidence (limited to 2b): In order to win the trust of others, you ruined the perfect face that was gifted by the system with Charm +9, Charm -4.There is no idiot like you in history, your self-mutilation scares the system and sheds a special effect. (Special effect: God is jealous of beauty. God took away your beauty and gave you a gift. Every 365 days, you can specify a day’s climate change, and there is no limit to the number of times within 24 hours.) Special effects hurt yourself, baby loves you.)
The charm of the sword wound was -4, and Iga returned to his heart. He got the title of Iga's Guardian Charm +2, and the charm value returned to 9 points unknowingly.

Yiyin couldn't laugh or cry, how many days has he been ugly?I'm handsome again?How much does this system like handsome guys!
(End of this chapter)

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