Chapter 183 Goodbye
Suzuki Shigehide quickly chopped off thirty heads, and the bad situation that Yoshihiro thought in his mind did not appear.

After all, an abnormal torrential downpour, followed by an even more abnormal rain and clear sky, frightened Za Hezhong out of courage.

Yiyin gave Dao Shengmeng three days to reorganize the army, but he only took two days to deal with the Zahezhong.

After another day of recuperation in the camp at the foot of the mountain, it was confirmed that the Zahe people had settled down.Only then were the weapons returned and the rations sent.

When the army is out to control the soldiers, weapons and food are the most important. With these two in hand, they are not afraid of trouble.

In this way, more than one thousand and one hundred Ji warriors were added to Yiyin's hands.

It's a pity that the out-of-season torrential rain caught Zahezhong by surprise, the gunpowder was seriously damp, and most of the iron cannons temporarily became fire sticks.

Black powder cannot be damp, and the charcoal that has absorbed water will not dry at all.Fortunately, Zahezhong himself is also a Ji warrior, even without the iron cannon, he can fight better than ashigaru.

The next day, Yiyin led his army back to Junshan City.Converged with Dao Shengmeng's army, they formed a coalition army and went south.

Among the coalition forces, the Iga army is strong, and the troops sent this time have been slightly reduced, and their morale is high.There are more than a thousand Ji warriors and more than [-] footlights.

There are five hundred Ji warriors in the Zahe party, and more than six hundred Ji warriors in the Zahe country.

Peking University and the Wu family finally went to serve people from fifty-eight families, but they had just been attacked, so people at home stayed on guard.But even so, there are five hundred Ji warriors and one thousand foot light.

As a result, Yiyin's men expanded to [-] Ji warriors, and [-] were light.

Although, the army is full of Chinese people, both old, middle and young.Entering the military ranks of regular warriors, at most miscellaneous soldiers are used as cannon fodder, and their combat power is not high.

But with this number alone, the close friends who are in the midst of a fierce battle can be regarded as a decisive force.

With Xingfu Temple's century-old savings to support the logistics, Yi Yin finally has the confidence to go south and fight against the Sanuki elite who fought in the north and south of Shihe Yicun.

However, before going south, Yiyin still needs to go to Xingfu Temple once to add a layer of insurance to the subsequent confrontation.

Hearing that Yoshihiro Shiba was going to come to ask for advice on Buddhism again, Master Changjue suddenly felt a little sick in his heart.

This young man is too fierce, the last meeting forced her to stand in line with the shogunate, and even lost Xingfu Temple's century-old savings to support military supplies.

Before Tsutsui Junqing defended Tsutsui Castle, he not only took away the nun and samurai family, but also took away a large amount of military supplies.

Then Yiyin came to play a wave of autumn wind again, no matter how rich the nuns are, they can't resist the money.

War is the most expensive business, with extremely high risks and extremely high returns.But what does this have to do with the nuns?
It is impossible to share the benefits if you win, and you have to be punished together with you if you lose. It is really a loss-making business.

Master Changjue's statement that he has no regrets is false, but it is also a helpless move that must be done.

Shingon Sect has not been going well these years.With the rise of the new sect, internal contradictions are fierce and struggles are endless.

In the end, the new faction walked out of Koyasan and went to Wakayama to set up its own mountain.The Genlai people from Genlai Temple guarded the sect and gained a firm foothold.

This almost announced the establishment of a new sect, which would separate from the old Shingon sect.

On the outside, the Tendai Sect sits firmly on Mt. Hiei and is close to the shogunate. Most of the samurai nobles in Kyoto are followers of the Tendai Sect.

In particular, the men of the samurai family headed by Ogoshotai believed in the Dharma.

Yixiangzong took another path, taking root at the bottom.Launching Yiyiyikui in Kaga was successful, achieving the Buddhist kingdom on earth of Mujizong.

Ishiyama Honganji Temple is a strong stronghold with an important strategic location in the near future.Ji Yiguo Zahezhong is also a fanatical believer of Yixiangzong, and his power is expanding day by day.

But the biggest achievement of Shingon Sect in these years, the merger of Hosho Sect and the acquisition of Xingfu Temple has become a pot of raw rice.

Due to the mistakes of a generation of priests, the Tsutsui family, the leader of the nun samurai family, is now completely out of control.

This battle of Yamato allowed Master Changjue to see Tsutsui Junkei's face clearly, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, Xingfu Temple is only a holy place of religion, so nuns should not be allowed to go to the countryside to collect taxes, right?Even if they did, they couldn't do it well.

The Dharma master needs the secular forces as the starting point to control Yamato and achieve the Buddhist kingdom.Now the secular forces have no checks and balances, and one family dominates.

This Buddhist kingdom is almost gone.

Master Changjue sighed, calmed down his emotions, and went out of the temple with a solemn face to welcome the distinguished guests.

When Yiyin came to Xingfu Temple this time, he was greeted by the Dharma Master.The reception place was not the Buddhist hall last time, but the main hall, Dongjintang.

This made Yiyin lament the power of power once again.

Is it so beautiful that it has attracted countless heroes to bow down?It is the wonderful pleasure of power.

Man's greatest crime is to enslave other people's bodies, and his greatest joy is to subdue other people's souls.

Power can make people willing to degrade themselves. For example, at this time, the third wife of a hundred places, Yi Yin glanced at her who was shrugging behind her.

Is it charm that turns a hungry wolf into a domestic dog?No, it's rights.

And the only thing that can fight power is money.Does money block power, or does power suppress money?Not relevant to this article.

Master Changjue and Shibo Yiyin met each other late, and they smiled happily.

Talking funny little things, with interesting Zen ideas, they walked into the Dongjin Hall together and sat down left and right.

The dharma master should have sat on the main seat, with his back against the pharmacist Tathagata of Dongjintang.But the futons in the hall are sitting on the left and right, which made Yiyin sigh.

Buddhism can be mixed up to now and is still alive and kicking, because nuns know how to behave.

The time for exchanging pleasantries was almost over, Yiyin glanced at Nizi Shengjiu, saw her nod slightly, and said to Changjue with a smile on her face.

"The lord of the law is wise. Now that the threat from the north has been eliminated, we only need to drive away the ten rivers and one deposit in the south, and the peace of the Yamato Kingdom can be restored."

Changjue's heart skipped a beat, seeing Yiyin's sincere smile always felt like deja vu.

It was the same when I came to the door at the beginning, and I was immediately alert, and I answered impeccably.

"It all depends on the wisdom of the imperial court, the soldiers use their lives, and the poor nuns dare not claim credit."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"You can't say that, wars are about logistics.

If there is no supply from Xingfu Temple, we and the samurai will not be able to eat enough with broken knives, so how can we have the strength to kill the enemy.

Do you think this is the truth? "

Looking at Yiyin's smiling eyes, Changjue's heart trembled, and he replied tremblingly.

"What the emperor said makes sense."

Yi Yin continued.

"Yamato northern samurai are deeply aware of righteousness, Suzuki Shigehide abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and formed a coalition army to go south to crusade Shihe Yicun, which is a great thing.

But the number of troops in this army has nearly doubled, and the supplies provided by Xingfu Temple are somewhat stretched.

you see? "

Changjue only felt that a burst of anger broke through the sky, and he couldn't suppress any Buddha's heart and principles.

What the hell is food, grass and armaments, am I, Kofukuji, the logistics captain of your Shiba family?

Don't bring such a bullying bald head!
(End of this chapter)

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