different warring states of japan

Chapter 1981: Who wouldn’t pity the young girl’s love for spring?

Chapter 1981: Who wouldn’t pity the young girl’s love for spring?

After finally calming down Nizi Yukimori's mood, and seeing that she was going into labor within a few days, Yoshihiro simply stayed in Koriyama Castle.

Naturally, everyone in Nizi's family was very happy. The more the saint paid attention to Nizi Xingsheng and the child in her belly, the more secure the future of Nizi's family would be.

At this time, how many people still insist on apologizing for Nizi Shengjiu who died tragically in the Western Kingdom?

As Yi Yin said, in troubled times, everyone is precarious and can only look forward. Superfluous emotions are too luxurious for people in this world.

That night, Yiyin stayed in the courtyard arranged by Nizi's house, which was only separated by a wall from Nizi Xingsheng's residence.

In the courtyard, Yiyin looked at the dim lights on Nizi Xingsheng's side, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

The Kamao clan went to Mount Hiei to pick up Kimaru home, so the defense around Yoshigan was naturally left to Ii Naomasa.

At this moment, Ii Naomasa was behind Yoshigan. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, he spoke.

"Sage, it's getting late, you'd better rest early."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"After riding a horse for several days and trying so hard to persuade Xing Sheng to let go of his hatred, my mind is so irritated that I can't sleep.

Naomasa, do you think I am too cold-blooded? Am I being too unfair to Nizi Katsuhisa? "

When Yiyin persuaded Nizi Yukimori, he was eloquent and decisive, but in his heart he was not as calm and calm as he showed.

The truth is the truth, the emotion is the emotion.

Troubled times are ruthless, but people are kind. After all, Nizi Katsuhisa has followed Yoshigami for ten years, but he can only quibble in every possible way in front of Nizi Yukimori to excuse Akechi Mitsuhide.

In order to protect the bastard Akechi Mitsuhide, Yoshigan demoted the loyal ministers who followed him to outsiders, which felt uncomfortable in his heart.

But what can he do?

He is a father with a dozen women and a dozen children to take care of. For such a man, his parents may not care about him, let alone a loyal minister like Nizi Katsuhisa who has no physical connection.

As the ancients said, if you are not deaf or dumb, you will not be a rich man.

The head of a family has to be confused sometimes, especially if he is the head of a country or the world.

Nizi Katsuhisa's biggest mistake was that she never had the courage to cross that line. If she had really slept with Yoshigan, Akechi Mitsuhide might not have dared to act unscrupulously.

After all, even someone as bold as Akechi Mitsuhide might not have the courage to kill the two women who wanted to kill Yoshiyin in succession.

Yoshigan's sadness is that he can never let go of his conscience, but in Ii Naomasa's view, this is not a problem.

Ii Naomasa said solemnly.

"Sages are wise, how can they make mistakes? If someone does make a mistake, it is also the mistake of the minister."

Yoshigami looked at Ii Naomasa's serious face and smiled bitterly.

"You have excused me perfectly."

Naomasa Ii shook his head.

"Every sentence I say comes from the bottom of my heart, and there is absolutely no intention to flatter those above or bully those below.

In the Ii family where I was born, several generations of family governors were murdered. In order to save my life, my adoptive father had to travel across mountains and rivers to Echigo to ask the saint to take me in and protect me.

The saint was merciful, allowed me to have a nickname, taught me how to behave, and gave me a position of power. I am grateful and willing to repay the saint with my body and soul.

But the benevolence of saints is unique in this troubled world. I am very lucky, but others in the world are not as lucky as me.

In troubled times, who doesn’t have a little bit of sadness? No grievance at all? In the eyes of my ministers, Nizi Xingsheng's actions were too arrogant.

The sage has promised the future of Nizi's family and promised to compensate Nizi's family, but Nizi Xingsheng still has to struggle over and over again, which is really a bit ignorant. "

The expression on Ii Naomasa's face, which showed that the death of a household supervisor in the Nizi family was nothing, and that the Ii family had long been accustomed to it, left Yoshigage speechless for a moment.

But then I thought about it, this is really the case.

In troubled times, it is difficult to guarantee the survival of the family business, and personal life and death do not matter. From the perspective of the Wu family, Nizi Yukimori is really hypocritical and arrogant.

And Yoshigami, who tried his best to appease Nizi Yukimori's willful thoughts, was bound to be whispered about behind his back. People will not think that the saint is kind, but will try to take advantage of the saint's softness to benefit their own family.

Now, everyone knows that saints value their women and heirs, so countless people will use their brains to create more troublesome things.

Yiyin couldn't help but groan when he thought of this. He really couldn't live this life.

Naomasa Ii stepped forward, carefully held Yoshigan's side, and whispered.

"Sage, what's wrong with you? Shall I help you go back to your house to rest?"

Yiyin shook his head.

In this troubled world, the jungle is dominated by the strong, and the Wu family's psychology has long been abnormal, making it difficult to empathize with Yiyin.

Yoshigan felt that he had not done well enough and had let down Nizi Yukimori's ten years of loyal following. However, in the eyes of the warriors, Yoshigan might have given too much.

Thinking that Nizi Katsuhisa is also from the martial arts family, I think she would be satisfied with Izumoshita Yuchi, right?

After thinking about this point, Yiyin suddenly felt much better. It was nothing more than killing the Maori family, and he just did what he said.

With his thoughts gone, Yiyin only felt softness in his arms.

Looking back, Ii Naomasa was leaning against her, showing great care. His elbow had already touched her chest, and she was still unaware of it.

Yoshigan subconsciously pushed his head, and Ii Naomasa let out an unexpected gasp and looked at Yoshigan with an incomprehensible expression.

It was only then that Yiyin discovered that Xiao Xing, whom he had raised by himself, had really grown up, and she was quite big.

Thinking back to the little girl Ii Naotora brought with him after the war in Kawanakajima, and then staring at the innocent girl in front of him, Yoshigan was a little crazy for a moment.

Ii Naomasa felt uncomfortable under Yoshigan's fiery gaze, as if there were ants crawling on his back, causing countless goosebumps.

She swallowed, her face turned red quickly, and her tongue even started fighting with her teeth as she spoke.

"Holy Saint, what do you think I do?"

Yiyin smiled softly and said.

"Seeing that my Zhizheng has grown up, he has learned to love others and comfort me.

When you came to my place, you were just a little bit big, like a porcelain doll. I didn't expect that you would grow so big in a blink of an eye. "

Ii Naomasa was stunned for a moment, feeling the pressure of Yoshigage's elbow on his chest, and then suddenly realized, his face turned even redder.

But no matter how shy she was, she still bit her lower lip, hugged Yiyin's arm tightly and refused to let go, looking back at her beloved man with resentful eyes.

This expression of resentment and full of love made Yoshigami unable to bear it. He wanted to pull his arm away, but Naomasa Ii held him tightly.

Naomasa Ii took a deep breath, bravely raised his head and looked at Yoshiyin, and said.

"The saint said I can do it."

"Did I say that?"

"You said it!"

Yoshigami looked at the courtyard next door where Nizi Yukimori lived. It was already quiet there. It seemed that the pregnant woman had already fallen asleep.

With Naomasa Ii's affection on his pillow, Yoshigan's heart was full of charm, and his mouth was actually dry for a moment.

"It's not appropriate to be here at this time..."

Ii Naomasa didn't speak, but stared at Yiyin with stubborn and resentful eyes, which almost melted his heart.

When a girl is pregnant with her first love, she has no hesitation in seizing the love that belongs to her at this moment. How can she refuse it?

Yoshigan sighed helplessly, suddenly lowered his body and picked up Ii Naomasa from his waist.

Ii Naomasa exclaimed, then blushed and let go of the saint's arm, hugged the saint's neck tightly, and was carried into the house with a look of affection on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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