different warring states of japan

Chapter 1982 Asking for wisdom in front of Jindo Palace

Chapter 1982 Asking for wisdom in front of Jindo Palace

In the dead of night, sounds like fists hitting flesh could be heard from the dim room, and from time to time, low sounds like kittens begging for food could be heard.

At this moment, the lights in the courtyard not far away suddenly turned on and people began to shout loudly. However, Yiyin here seemed to be obsessed with his own affairs and knew nothing about external changes.

The defense of the courtyard was arranged by Ii Naomasa. Now she and the saint are talking secretly inside, and no one dares to disturb them. The fellow guards guarding the outside will not let outsiders in to disturb them.

I don't know how long it took, but someone finally walked into the courtyard. Under the reflection of the bright moonlight, Tachibana's face flickered between the trees and the eaves, and her silver hair seemed to reflect the brilliance.

She walked onto the porch in a few steps and paused outside the sliding door. The moonlight cast her figure on the paper door, finally attracting the attention of the two people inside.

Tachibana Kanade looked at the paper door, and saw a figure standing inside the door through the moonlight, and then Yoshigan's voice came.

"what's up?"

"Nizi is lucky to have a grander life."


Tachibana's calm tone seemed to have produced a fierce chemical reaction in the room, making Ii Naomasa feel frightened, shy and nervous.

And Ii Naomasa's nervousness made Yoshigami gasp in air and hiss involuntarily.

At this time and in this place, hearing that the tenth child of the Shiba Goddess was born made the two of them feel extremely embarrassed.

Yiyin reluctantly suppressed his blood-congested head and asked groggily.

"Is it male or female?"

Li Hua's words drifted coldly from outside the door.

"It's a girl. Mr. Nizi Xingsheng has given her the nickname Xiaolu. I want to invite the saint to come and see the child."

This sentence seemed to be a signal, making Yoshigage feel a rush of blood in his head, and Ii Naomasa also turned into a ball of mud with joy for the saint, trembling all over.

No matter what happened inside, Tachibana Kanade just waited silently outside.

After an unknown amount of time, the sliding door opened a crack, and Yoshigami walked out, blocking Tachibana Kanade's view with his body, and then closed the sliding door.

"Let's go and see the kids."

"Sage stop."

Yoshigami looked at Tachibana Kanade and didn't understand her intention to stop him.

Tachibana Kanou stepped forward, pulled up Yi Gin's loose belt, raised his collar to cover the kiss mark, and then licked the water stains on his face with the tip of his tongue.

Then, Tachibana Kanade looked at Yoshigan.

"This way, it's easier to hold the baby."

Yoshigami immediately blushed, coughed to cover up his embarrassment, turned around and walked in front, not daring to look back at Kanade Tachibana.

However, Tachibana Kanade still had the same expression of not caring about anything, and followed Yoshigami out of the yard together.


This summer, the saint's tenth child was born in Koriyama City. Nizi's family welcomed their young master, and the family business was about to prosper.

The busy Yiyin only stayed with Koriyama Castle for two days before bidding farewell to the newborn fawn and her frail mother, and returned to his home city, Duowenshan Castle.

At this time, Akechi Mitsuhide has been ordered to come to Tawen Mountain City to wait for the saint's disposal.

The Kamao clan also took back Oda Kimaru from Mount Hiei and returned to Tamonyama Castle.

The Qingzhou Conference of the Oda family is in full swing, and various forces are vying for the division of Oda Nobunaga's legacy.

As for Yiyin, he also needs to give his woman and his children a new future.

Duowen Mountain City, Jinduo Hall.

This majestic mountain castle stands in Northern Yamato, heading east to the Iga Basin, to the west to Koriyama Castle in the Kamori Mountains to defend Hanoi, to the south to the Buddhist temple complex of the Nara Basin, and to the north to Kyoto.

Back then, when Yoshigan had just captured Kinki's Shiba Territory, he and Uesugi Kenshin went to Kanto and left Kinki.

This Tamon Mountain Castle was built under the supervision of Nizi Katsuhisa. As the central place of the Kinki Shiba Territory, it guarded all directions.

The Nara Basin is the place where the Yamato clan originated. The Emperor's court established Buddhism here. The mountains in the basin are often named after Buddhist temples or gods and Buddhas in various places in the empire, and the same is true for Tawen Mountain.

The Tiantai Sect presented the Armor of Nine Virtues of Light and led the major Buddhist sects to promote Yi Gin to the altar, advocating that he was the descendant of Bishamonten.

And Bishamonten is exactly what the Heavenly King of Hearing and the Buddhist protector is called in Celestial Buddhism.

Tamon Mountain and Yoshi Gin's Shinto are in harmony, and are regarded by the world as God's will. Therefore, Tamon Mountain Castle can also be regarded as the sacred place of Yoshi Gin, Bishamonten's dojo. However, Yoshigan avoided the competition in Kyoto at first and did not immediately break with the Ashikaga and Oda families. He took the initiative to return to the city, hide his power and bide his time, and became a monk.

From then on, there was another family temple named Jinduodian in Dawen Mountain City, which was used by saints to worship Buddha.

Jin, Runye. Lots of Jin, countless moisturizing.

After Yi Gin set foot on Shinto, the Tsudo Hall became a temple, and the Nine Virtues of Light Armor presented by the Tendai Sect was enshrined in this Tsudo Hall.

In the hall, nine-color armors, headed by the red armor with the word benevolence behind the main throne, are placed on the left and right respectively.

At this time, Yoshigami was sitting on the main seat, holding in his arms the poor child who lost his mother at the age of one full moon, Oda Kimaru.

At this moment, Qi Qiwan looked at his father with big curious eyes in Yiyin's arms. Although the two had just met just now, this feeling of blood connection made the child very at ease and comfortable.

Yoshigan looked at his daughter in his arms, looking for clues about Oda Nobunaga between her facial features and eyebrows, but the more he searched, the sadder he became.

He was searching so carefully that he didn't even notice that Akechi Mitsuhide had walked into the Tsudo Hall, walked up to him, and looked at the child intently with him.

Until Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help but ask.

"What is the saint looking at?"

Yiyin didn't even look up, continued to look at the child, and asked.

"Do you think she looks like Oda Nobunaga?"

"I feel more like a saint."

"Then why are you willing to kill her?"

"I didn't see the child at that time. Maybe if I saw the child then, I wouldn't want to kill him."

Yoshigan looked up at Mitsuhide Akechi, and saw that she was pale and sickly, with an elegant and intellectual look that I felt pity for, and she was still thinking seriously about the answer.

Yiyin asked with a sigh.

"Are you feeling better?"

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled weakly.

"It's better, but I can't give birth to another child for the saint."

Yiyin shook his head and asked again.

"Do you regret it?"

"No regrets. You know me. I never regret."

Akechi Mitsuhide said this with a smile, making Yoshigan really don't know whether to be angry or pity.

After a while, Yiyin sighed.

"First Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and then Oda Nobunaga, why are you always disobedient and always making things difficult for me."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"As long as there is no embarrassment for Sibo in the future, I will just die and there will be no need for saints to embarrass me."

Yiyin snorted.

"What about Nizi Katsuhisa? She didn't hinder Shiba Tianxia, ​​why did you want to harm her?"

Akechi Mitsuhide said helplessly.

"She has too much power, and she refuses to sleep with you, the saint, which is not conducive to the implementation of the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest. I am also in a dilemma, so I can only get rid of her quickly."

Yiyin sighed.

"The dove occupies the magpie's nest... You really don't forget your original intention..."

Looking at the pale and weak face of Akechi Mitsuhide, Yiyin felt mixed emotions.

Ten years ago, she proposed the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest, and ten years later, she was still thinking about it.

With such a woman and such a subordinate, Yiyin really doesn't know whether to be happy or sad for herself.

Looking at Akechi Mitsuhide's calm and serious expression, a sentence he had heard in his previous life suddenly popped into his mind.

Only the paranoid can succeed.

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