different warring states of japan

Chapter 1987 The ambition of 8 bannermen

Chapter 1987 Eighty Thousand Banner’s Ambition

Approaching the sage's room, Kamisho took a deep breath, walked quickly to the main door, kowtowed to the ground.

"I am born in Pu's hometown and want to see the saint."

Yoshigan was stunned and looked at Kamaojigo who was kneeling on the porch.

She should know that she is chatting privately with Takada Harano. If there is nothing important, she will not disturb him at this time.

Yiyin had a calm expression on his face, smiled and waved to Kamao clan, and said.

"Shixiang is here, come in and sit down, let's listen to Yangno's business experience, it's quite insightful."

Kamao Clan Xie En came in, and Yoshigan smiled and said to Takada Harano.

"Go on."

Kamao Clan Village is written by the Tongxin Secretariat, and almost everything around Yoshigage is known. Although what Takada Yono is talking about now is important, there is no need to hide it from her.

The revenue of this business is not profit. The revenue from luxury goods is higher and the revenue from daily necessities is lower. If they are mixed together, the average profit is only about 10%.

Takada Harano was relieved of a heavy burden. Now he spoke with less selfish scruples and more detachment and magnanimity. He just listened to what she said.

This year's food stamp crisis, the exchange price of copper coin food stamps almost fell below 1:2, frightened Ishida Mitsunari to become more conservative, wanting to accumulate more profit capital, and also want to develop more new income. "

"The Kanto-Kansai circulation market has a volume of five million guan, and our Shiba family has always only accounted for 30% of the equity capital of the Hokurikudo Trading Road, and the rest is shared with other companies along the way.

Yiyin nodded and agreed.

Yiyin said without hesitation.

"Ishida Mitsunari has done well in recent years, but the income of Shibachu Fund is still too low, and I may not be able to cope with future expenses."

Even if the Tokaido trade route was reopened, it would only have 5 million guan, which would not be able to capture the market of 1.5 million guan.

Nowadays, Sibo's establishment, including the Sibo martyrs and other welfare personnel, has exceeded 5,000. Each person has six shi of food stamps per year, which is 30,000 shi.

Even though the expenses were only 20-30% of the income, the profit of the trade route had reached its peak, and the Sibo establishment was still growing.

One thing goes down, another goes up, and future losses are foreseeable.

Ishida Mitsunari, who is in charge of the Shibachu Fund, is a real person. What she fears most is that she will not be able to make ends meet in the future and will be struggling to make ends meet.

The Sibo Zhong Fund has the fattest part, making 80,000 yuan a year, which sounds like a lot, but in fact, life is not easy.

Takada Yono asked with a smile.

So even though her income was much higher than her expenses, she still held her pocket tight and didn't dare to spend it arbitrarily.

But after just listening to a few words, Pusheng's village became interested and listened more seriously.

According to the market price of 1:2 exchange for copper coin food stamps, it is a hard expense of 15,000 guan.

At this time, the village of Kamao had something on their minds, so why did they want to listen to Takada Yono's talk about the city? However, the sage had orders and he could only listen patiently.

Takada Yangno calculated in his mind for a while, shook his head and said.

"The saint thinks, how much of the welfare of Sibo's establishment can be supported by the income of Sibo Zhong Fund before it is enough?"

"Eighty thousand, if we can maintain the welfare of the Spo establishment of 80,000, that's almost it."

"This is an astronomical figure. She can't even kill Ishida Mitsunari.

With an establishment of 80,000 Sibo, the annual expenditure is 480,000 shi of food stamps, which is equivalent to 240,000 shi in copper coins.

Even if all the business profits were given to the Loyalty Fund, the annual income would only be 150,000 yuan, and there would inevitably be losses in business transactions, and one would have to guard against unexpected variables such as natural disasters and man-made disasters. As a result, without an income of three to five million yuan a year, the foundation is not solid. When the external situation is severe, chaos will occur in the blink of an eye.

Sibo's establishment is a benefit given by the sage to Samurai Ji. It is the culmination of the kindness and righteousness of the king and his ministers. It is the ultimate reward of public kindness and must not be taken carelessly. "

Yiyin nodded.

There is a cloud in the sky: fight for rice's favor and raise rice's hatred. Human nature is insatiable, sharing hardships and hardships, and sharing wealth and prosperity.

Once Shiba's welfare is no longer available, the lower-ranking Ji warriors in Shiba's family will not be grateful for their past favors, but will instead feel resentful today.

This kind of hard-core crop that buys people's hearts must either not be given, or it must be given forever.

As Takada Yono said, the expenditure of Shibachu Fund cannot be stopped. In order to prevent the capital chain from being cut off, the budget must increase the threshold. It is really impossible not to have an income of 300,000 to 500,000 yuan a year.

The question then becomes, where does the money come from?

Relying on food stamps for financing can only meet urgent needs and cannot be sustained in the long term. Once we embark on the wrong path of eating only food at the same time, it will definitely lead to a crisis even more tragic than today's Sakai Port crisis.

There is no chance of relying on Si Bo to collect the taxes from the four public and six citizens. With that little money, it is difficult to carry out the new life movement to improve food and drink, and there is no spare money to repay the Si Bo Zhong Fund.

As for the business dealings in Kanto Kinki, Takada Harano also said that once the 150,000 yuan is over, the Shiba family cannot eat it all themselves, and they have to leave some soup and water for other followers.

This is not the kindness of the Spo family who only takes 30%, but the principle of doing business. If you eat up all the delicious food, who will still be willing to help you?

Don't do stupid things like killing the goose that lays the goose to retrieve the eggs. The Spo family accounts for 30% of the total, which is already pretty good.

Yiyin rubbed his temples and sighed.

"It's difficult."

Takada Yangno smiled slightly and said.

"It's not like there's nothing we can do."

Yiyin glanced at her and smiled.

"You mean foreign trade?"

Takata Yono bowed.

“A sage is no better than a saint.

The island country is barren, with limited output, and only a small amount of domestic demand. No matter how much it is squeezed, it will not help, but foreign trade is a good way to open up money.

Among the merchants of the island country, Sakai Port and Hakata are the most prosperous. Kinki Sakai Port is an exchange for domestic distribution of goods, and Kyushu Hakata is the gateway for internal and external trade.

The commodity trade in Hakata Port comes first from the peninsula, second from Ryukyu, and the emerging Nanman trade. To put it bluntly, they are all second-rate dealers dealing in Chinese goods.

Tomorrow's official trade has been cut off for many years. If it can be reopened and controlled by the Si Bo family, the income of the Si Bo Zhong Fund will increase greatly, and there is a lot to be done. "

Yiyin nodded, and Takada Haruno thought of going together with him.

The island country is known as Treasure Island. The island is rich in precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper. Because there is so much gold, there is a strange phenomenon where gold is cheap and silver is expensive.

As long as there is hard currency such as gold, silver, and copper, the island country will not worry about running out of tradable goods. It will also have lacquerware, paper fans, swords and other specialty products to supplement, which will be enough to maintain tomorrow's trade.

To make money from trade with China and increase one's own financial income, the third generation of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had done this with excellent results.

During the Hongwu Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates caused chaos in the southeast. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu contacted the Ming Dynasty several times. Finally, after wiping out the Japanese pirates on Shikoku Island, he was canonized by the Ming Dynasty and finally reached a joint trade.

This allowed the Ashikaga family's economic strength to overwhelm the various princes of the island country, and finally made the Ashikaga general a true man of the world, rather than the leader elected by the samurai alliance.

The Ashikaga Shogunate also reached its peak.

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