different warring states of japan

Chapter 1998 The man blocking the road in Kyoto

Chapter 1998 The man blocking the road in Kyoto

Oda Siniang was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize that Aochi Shigetsuna was already sweating profusely and standing outside the door.

Although Aochi Shigetsuna was the sister of Kenhide Kamao and the aunt of Kamao clan, and was appointed as the elder of the family, which seemed to hold great power, she was adopted to the Aochi family after all, and her identity was separated by a layer.

Because of her fault, the ronin continued to harass the residence. In the end, seven or eight Morihime warriors were killed. The ronin also broke into the niche and disturbed the peace of the ancestors.

If the matter cannot be settled smoothly, Pu Sheng Xianxiu and Pu Sheng Clan will definitely replace her.

Aochi Shigetsuna coughed and cursed Oda Siniang.

"Climb out of here quickly! Don't disturb the ancestors!"

Seeing the fierce appearance of Aoji Shigetsuna, Oda Siniang couldn't help laughing. Those tears that had been accumulated for ten years and could not be cried, finally poured out at this moment.

Oda Shino's mind has never been so clear.

It turns out that our life and death have never been important in their eyes! Our lives are not as good as this ancestral armor that has been dimmed by the erosion of time!

us. . What the hell. .

Oda Siniang used her last strength to pick up the armor and threw it at the frightened Aochi Shigetsuna outside the door.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.."

Aochi Shigetsuna didn't know what Oda Siniang was crazy about, how dared to smash Kamao's ancestor's armor so randomly, she was so frightened that she quickly stepped forward to protect the armor, and then shouted.

"Kill her! Kill this madman!"

The iron cannons fired again, and two projectiles from close range hit Oda Siniang hard in the chest. Then the spear-wielding samurai rushed in and stabbed her torso with their spears.

Aochi Shigetsuna hugged his ancestor's armor, his face was ashen, and he said coldly to the retainers beside him.

"There is a gag order. There is no such thing as seppuku by these two ronin. The Ji warriors who died at home were all killed when they went out to exterminate the evil party.

Also, clean up this place quickly and throw this madman’s body outside the city to feed the wild dogs. "


Aochi Shigetsuna felt uneasy. For the sake of her own future of power, she must cover up this matter, absolutely!



The autumn wind is blowing, and the fallen leaves are returning to their roots. Yoshitsugi Otani is riding on his horse, looking at the gradually bare branches, and his mood cannot help but be infected by the depression and chill of autumn.

The busy farming season was almost over, and Oda Nobugao was so impatient that he led his troops into Mino Country and surrounded Oda Nobsumi in Gifu Castle.

There is a cloud in the sky, we are born from the same roots, so there is no need to rush into conflict with each other.

This Oda civil war finally came, and the first to use weapons was precisely the close branch of the Oda. It was a fratricidal war that was common in troubled times.

Shibata Katsuie's Northern Army Regiment is being mobilized, and has made a transit request to Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County, hoping to rush to the aid of Oda Nobuumi, who is at a disadvantage.

However, Hideyoshi Hashiba, who secretly instigated Oda's letter bag, put on a selfless appearance at this time, found Niwa Nagahide, and once again emphasized the harmony in the Oda family.

Both His Highnesses Oda Shinbao and Oda Nobucheng are of the blood of Oda. Retainers should not be involved in the disputes between them, lest the Oda family be completely divided and lead to confrontation.

Moreover, His Highness Oda Shinbao is also the successor of His Highness Kijimaru, the nominal regent and supreme leader of the Oda family.

She punished His Highness Oda Nobuchen. The retainers should persuade him to make peace instead of raising troops to attack.

Hideyoshi Shibata once again stood on the moral high ground, forcing Niwa Nagahide to come out to support her and oppose Shibata Katsuie's reckless actions. In Shibata Katsuie's view, Niwa Nagahide was trying to go astray, and Hashiba Hideyoshi was harboring evil intentions.

Shibata Katsuie married Oda City Lord and claimed to be an Oda clan. Hideyoshi's remarks were tantamount to depriving Oda City Lord of any possible inheritance.

Furthermore, Oda Nobsumi was someone who was protected and supported by Shibata Katsuie.

If Shibata Katsuie stood by and let Oda Nobsumi be easily defeated and killed by Oda's envelope, then no one in the Oda family would listen to Shibata Katsuie anymore.

No matter what, Shibata Katsuie had to send troops, and her tough attitude forced Niwa Nagahide and other neutral Oda retainers to side with Hideyoshi Shibata and block the Hokuriku Regiment moving south.

Hideyoshi Ikeda, Tsuneki Ikeda, and Nagahide Niwa ascended the throne and mobilized Oda retainers from all over the country to gather in Omi Province and go north to stop Shibata Katsuie.

The two sides went south and north, and finally faced each other in Kitaomi, which happened to be the venue for the decisive battle between Yoshihiro Saba and Nobunaga Oda.

At that time, Sanada Nobushige broke through the Oda family's defense line at Shidake and threatened Oda Nobunaga's safety, forcing the Oda army to retreat and helping the Shiba army gain an advantage at the negotiating table.

Today, two armies are facing each other again, and a war is about to break out.

Yamashiro Kingdom and Omi Kingdom are close to each other, and Kyoto is not far from the battlefield.

Although Takashima County, where Isono Umasa is located, is separated by two places, Otani Yoshitsugi, who was ordered to station in Kyoto by the saint, can still feel the sharpening of swords and murderous spirit there.

As for the Shiba family, with the gradual injection of Kanto funds, the run on Shiba's warehouse has subsided, and the financial crisis in Sakai Port is being lifted.

With his hands free, Yoshigan Shiba once again set his sights on the Oda family in the civil war, and seemed to be interested in taking over the Oda territory again.

As the general stationed in Kyoto by the Shiba family, Otani Yoshitsugi is the observation post at the forefront. Naturally, he must be cautious and consider every thought.

At this moment, she was riding a horse and leading troops on the streets of Kyoto's castle town, doing daily patrols. The townspeople on both sides kowtowed to the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came out and wanted to pull the reins of Yoshitsugi Otani.

Behind Otani, Hatamoto had quick eyes and quick hands, and whipped the person who came.

The thin body immediately flew out and rolled on the roadside, scaring the surrounding townspeople to stay away for fear of harming the fish.

Otani Yoshitsugi took a closer look and saw that the person lying on the ground turned out to be a short man. Seeing his chest rising and falling, he suddenly started coughing violently.

Staring at his heavy-handed Hamoto, Otani Yoshitsugi said.

"Go and see what's going on."


The flag was also angry. Who knew that this man was so mad that he dared to collide with the Lord's horse.

Fortunately, I reacted in time, otherwise I would be derelict in my duty as a guard if I let that person hold the master's reins.

Hatamoto dismounted, waved to several ashigaru to come forward, and drove the surrounding townspeople away. Then he used the barrel of his gun to flip the lying man away.

The man seemed to be seriously ill. He was severely whipped. His face was pale now, and he had more air coming out and less air coming in.

But even so, he still protected his chest with both hands, not knowing what was hidden.

Hatamoto snapped.

"Bagayalu! Where did the savage come from and dare to rush into the master? Do you want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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