different warring states of japan

Chapter 1999 Turbulent waves are in front of you

Chapter 1999 Turbulent waves are in front of you

The man lay flat on the ground and had no strength to stand up, so he just shouted with all his strength.

"The descendants of the Oda family in Inugami County, Omi, have been treated unfairly, and we ask Lord Yoshitsugi Otani to make the decision!"

The man reported his home in such detail that Otani Yoshitsugi's expression changed.

Back then, Todo Toradaka integrated Todo's ten villages into Todo's leader for the sake of his own family business, making the Todo family a great name. The method was very cruel.

Later, she was killed by Oda's orphan who appeared out of nowhere. After her daughter Takatora Toudo inherited the Toudo family, she resolutely left the Shiba family and followed the Asai family.

This matter was shrouded in mystery, and the deepest nails buried by the Shiba family in Omi country were pulled out, which made both the Oda family and the Asai family heave a sigh of relief.

Later, the Oda and Asai families turned against each other and fought bloody battles with Omi, leading to the destruction of the Asai family.

And Takatora Toudo, who was once known as one of Shiba's three close friends, had to move under the sects of various lords because of his wrong choices, and was ridiculed by the samurai family as a crossing bird.

The former Oda orphan disappeared without a trace after the assassination of Todo Toradaka, and today there is another person claiming to be a descendant of Oda, which makes Otani Yoshitsugi suddenly feel wary, always feeling that something big is going to happen.

she asked after hesitating.

"Do you have proof?"

The man gasped, took out a stack of thank you certificates from his arms, and held them high.

“There are seven certificates of thanks written by the saint himself as proof!”

With a cautious look on his face, Hatamoto carefully took the certificate of thanks from the man's hand and walked towards Otani Yoshitsugi, who was already seventy-eight percent convinced at this moment.

During the Norada War, the Asai Army faced off against the Hexagon Army. The Saint was weak at that time and could only rely on the savages of the Todo clan to fight.

The Oda family is a master of spear skills in Inugami County. One mother and seven daughters are all masters of spears. In order to seize the advantage of being the first to enter the battle, only one daughter was left to guard the stove, while the other one mother and six daughters entered the enemy's formation and achieved outstanding military exploits.

After the war, the saint wrote seven letters of thanks in his own hand, and promoted the Oda clan to the imperial family, writing all his military exploits and status on the letters of thanks.

This man can name seven certificates of thanks, and most of them are fake.

Sure enough, after glancing at the certificate of thanks handed over by Hatamoto with both hands, Otani Yoshitsugi immediately recognized the saint's handwriting. It was indeed the seven certificates of thanks written by the saint himself.

Otani Yoshitsugi quickly dismounted, holding the stack of certificates of thanks in both hands, and walked up to the man in a few steps.

The clever man from the town had already stepped forward to help the man up, leaning his back on his arms.

The seriously ill Oda descendant looked at Otani Yoshitsugi getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt sad when he thought of his mother, wife, and the child who was less than two months old in his wife's arms.

He has long been disheartened and has no memory of this cruel world. The reason why he still refuses to die today is the resentment in his heart.

Why. . Obviously we just want to live well and live a good life through our own efforts. . What did we do wrong and why did this happen? .

Oda's vision was blurred. It turned out that he had burst into tears unknowingly. He came from a lower class background and could not explain any great truth. He only knew the simple truth of repaying debts and killing people to pay for their lives.

The Maeda family owes him a house, and the Kamao family owes him their life. He may not have the strength to ask for it, but he will use his own life to cry out for injustice!

The man struggled and took out another object, which turned out to be a bloody book. The fingers of his hands were already covered with wounds, just for this bloody book.

Otani Yoshitsugi was horrified when he saw it. He personally took the man's blood letter and read it silently.

This look made him even more horrified.

The cry of grievance written in the blood letter involves two important Shiba ministers. One is Kamao, the central leader who is most valued by the saint, and the other is Iga Maeda, the most powerful samurai leader in the Kinki region of the Shiba family. Otani Yoshitsugi was heartbroken. She and Maeda had had intertwined interests for many years and had a deep friendship. How could she not feel numb when seeing an old friend involved here?

Just when she was hesitating, she suddenly heard Hatamoto exclaim.

"My lord, he bit his tongue and committed suicide!"

Otani Yoshitsugi looked up and saw blood pouring out of the Oda descendant's mouth, with a relieved smile on his face, as if he was longing for the joy of leaving this world and reuniting with his dead relatives.

Otani Yoshitsugi's heart fell into the ice cave, and his back was dripping with cold sweat.

She did not doubt the identity of this descendant of Oda, nor did she doubt the injustice written in her blood.

But Otani Yoshitsugi didn't think that a man who was seriously ill and helpless could rush all the way from Minamiomi Hino Castle to Kyoto, and just happen to rush out to cry out for injustice while he was patrolling the streets.

This person should be real, and this thing should be true, but this scene of crying injustice must have been arranged by someone.

Otani Yoshitsugi looked around and saw countless townspeople whispering, but could not find any trace of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Knowing that someone is designing him and the Shiba family, Otani Yoshitsugi is powerless to struggle because this is Kyoto.

There are too many eyes in Kyoto, and it is impossible for her to seal up today's grievance and completely cover it up. What's more, with Otani Yoshitsugi's character and temperament, she will not cover up the grievances of her former comrades.

The people behind the plan saw through Otani Yoshitsugi's character, and also saw behind the seemingly prosperous life of the Shiba family. The contradiction between the central and local governments was already very serious.

Like firewood and straw piled high, if only one spark is missing, a raging fire will ignite and involve everyone.

As for the two core figures in the central area, Kamao clan and Maeda interests, the conflict they tried to avoid may break out because of the bloody letter in the hands of Otani Yoshitsugi.

Maeda's interests caused the pre-sale of housing in the school district, which led to the bankruptcy of Oda's daughter-in-law Qianyan's loan, and Oda's descendant fell ill from fear.

As the governor of the Kamao clan in Kamao clan, he was not strict with his subordinates. Aochi Shigetsuna forced Sengan to commit seppuku. Then Oda Siniang came to argue, and she let the Kamao clan warriors besiege him until he died.

If they were just two ronin, it wouldn't be a big deal whether they died or not, but Aochi Shigetsuna tried to cover up the facts, desecrated the sacred seppuku ritual, and bullied those who shouldn't be bullied.

Why is the military the most protective of shortcomings? Because you have made your comrades back-to-back acquit themselves today, and tomorrow there will be no comrades-in-arms to back-to-back with you.

The Wu family regime is a large-scale military government. Warrior Ji who performs meritorious service may not be prosperous and wealthy, but at least she cannot be bullied to death.

The Pu Sheng family acted roughly this time, covered up the incident afterwards, and wantonly trampled on the most sacred ritual of seppuku of the Wu family, which was inherently problematic.

Not to mention that the Oda family was really wronged, even if the Oda family was rude and troublesome, the seven letters of thanks written by the saint in Otani Yoshitsugi's hand were worth the heads of seven high-ranking samurai families.

How many heads are the heads of the seven high-level samurai families going to be separated from each other by the Maeda family and the Kamao family? After these seven heads fall to the ground, can the Maeda family and the Kamao family still coexist peacefully?

Behind the Iga Maeda family that Maeda was interested in, there were not only the local samurai family of the Kinki Shiba clan, but also the Kaga Maeda family and the Owari Shiba clan of the Maeda Toshi family. The two Maeda families were connected with each other.

The Pu Sheng clan was inexplicably involved in this matter. If they took the blame, the Tongxin Secretariat of the Central Committee would only think that they were looking for trouble, so that the Pu Sheng clan, who was dedicated to public service, was wronged and wronged.

How will the young and vigorous faction of Tongxinzong react? How would Ii Naomasa, a guy who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, view this matter?

Just imagining it, Otani Yoshitsugi's eyes were already filled with turbulent waves.

Taking one last look at the body of the last descendant of Oda who closed his eyes with a smile, Otani Yoshitsugi carefully put away the seven certificates of thanks and the blood letter, finally sighed and said.

"Let's give him a good burial."

(End of this chapter)

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