different warring states of japan

Chapter 2005 Maeda Toshiie must stand up

Chapter 2005 Maeda Toshiie must stand up

The village chief Lai said in astonishment.

"That's not true... Master Kamaojigo, shouldn't he be the kind of villain who tries to push his limits?"

Maeda Toshiie chuckled.

"Do you know how much money Sibo Real Estate can make for the local martial arts family?"

Murai Mayor Lai shook his head.

"I know that Spo Real Estate is very profitable, but I really don't know how profitable it is."

Maeda Toshiie sighed.

"Then let me tell you.

Ten acres of good paddy fields can yield one and a half dan of rice in the autumn. The land is sold at the market price, which is about the price of thirty dan of grain stamps.

A few days ago, Maeda benefited from the sale of sixty koku of food stamps in the mountains of Iga Ueno Castle.

You can sell barren land that cannot grow much food at a price twice as high as that of good paddy fields, a full sixty kilograms of food stamps. This is Spo real estate.

Who wouldn't be jealous of such a good deal? She is not a villain, but she is not a sage either. How could she not be moved? "

The village chief Lai said in horror.

"Sixty stones? Just those stone fields in Iga Mountain that cannot grow food? This... how is this possible?"

Maeda Toshiie smiled bitterly.

"How is it impossible?

The value of land lies in farming. Good cultivated land is reasonably expensive, while barren mountainous land is ignored. This is the value given by farming.

But Shiba real estate is different. Although the mountainous areas in Iga cannot grow food, they have added values ​​such as security, education, and future.

The saint's battle formation was unparalleled, and Spo Ling was feared by martial artists all over the world, and no one dared to offend him in the slightest.

The Kinki Shiba Territory has not experienced war for eleven years, and the other Shiba Territories have not seen weapons for many years. In troubled times, this security is precious, and this is its value.

Furthermore, the Tongxin Secretariat reformed the Sibo selection system so that only warriors living in the Sibo area who are included in the school district are eligible to participate in the selection.

Maeda benefited from the fact that she was a cultural person with some brains, so she took the lead in cooperating with the famous Confucian Lin Xinsheng to open a temple house, and launched targeted education related to Shiba selection to increase the chances of passing the test.

After a hundred years of troubled times, the people want peace of mind, and it is the inevitable trend for the Si Bo family to seize the world.

The sage abandoned the old customs of the martial arts family, opened up Sibo's selection to the martial arts families in the world, and was willing to rule the world with those who have lofty ideals.

Spo real estate has thus created educational value, and it is a shortcut to the south. It would be strange if it does not rise.

Ten acres of good paddy field can only bring Warrior Ji one and a half kilograms of rice a year. This does not include the busy work of spring plowing and autumn harvest, and the failure of the harvest caused by natural and man-made disasters.

With so much hard work, he was able to sell food stamps worth thirty kilograms.

Sibo Real Estate can provide safe housing, good education, and future prospects, so why can't it sell sixty stone food stamps? "

After listening to Maeda Toshiie's analysis, Murai Nagai immediately felt that it made sense.

The value of Sibo real estate does not lie in the land itself, but in the added value given by society.

Just like in modern society, the construction cost of a square meter of real estate is only one or two thousand yuan, but it can be sold for ten times or a hundred times the price. Why?

Because the value of a house is not only the residential value of the house itself, but also the added value of education, medical care, pension, employment and other additional values ​​attached to the house by society.

However, the Sibo real estate in the Middle Ages could not meet the welfare of modern society, so it could only sell for twice the price of good paddy fields.

But thinking about it conversely, in the agricultural era, land was the most important means of production and could be more expensive than land. In fact, Sibo Real Estate was already very successful. Thanks to the layout of Takada Haruno and the pioneering efforts of Maeda Yoshida and other forerunners, Shiba Real Estate has an effective money-making model and has become a money-printing machine.

This also caused great conflicts between the central and local governments in Spo. No one expected that this gold mine would develop so well. Who should take the lead? In other words, who gets the big deal?

Murai Nagai looked at Maeda Toshiie who looked tired, and finally understood why she said she had no choice. She was also a samurai family in Shiba.

The Wu family values ​​profit over righteousness, and they all talk about unity and following the saint, but in their hearts, who doesn't think that if others don't serve themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth?

Even if Maeda Toshiie cared about the saint's feelings, she couldn't help her do whatever she wanted with a large group of people under her hands, their mouths open and crying for food.

Nowadays, everyone is counting on Shiba Real Estate to make a fortune. How can the good old Toshiie Maeda stand on the opposite side of the overwhelming majority of the people?

It's just that the humble lower class people suffer some losses. Maeda Toshiie should think more about the simple feelings of his own family.

It's not just Maeda Toshi's family who is in trouble, everyone in every family is in such trouble as well.

The successful display of Kinki Shiba Land's real estate construction in Shiba, especially the upstart Maeda Yoshida who was big on housing in the school district and grabbing money and food, made all the local samurai families in Shiba moved.

Everyone, including Maeda Toshiie, spent money to buy civil engineering materials, hired teachers from Terakoya, and were gearing up to make a lot of money.

At this time, whoever comes out to speak for the Tongxin Secretariat is going against all Sibo local martial arts.

Maeda's interests were unwilling to surrender to the Kamao clan. Not only was she arrogant, but she was also facing countless swords and guns from behind, so she couldn't retreat.

If she bows her head and gives in to the Tongxin Secretariat, she will immediately become a coward and traitor hated by all Sibo local martial arts families, and her reputation will be immediately ruined.

Moreover, even if Toshihisa Maeda was willing to commit suicide and commit seppuku, it would not be possible to satisfy the appetite of the Kamao clan.

Tongxin Secretariat is here for the huge benefits of Spo Real Estate, and will never stop just because Maeda's interests are dead.

Maeda is very smart. She knows that the Iga Maeda family alone cannot withstand it. She also knows that whether she sacrifices her mother or not, the result will be the same.

That's why she immediately turned to Maeda Toshiie for help. She even had to kneel down and kowtow to her fourth aunt without even losing face.

And Maeda Toshiie didn't want to get involved at all, but when people were sitting at home, the blame came from the sky, and she couldn't bear the blame.

By this time, Maeda Toshiie no longer had the heart to care about the messy affairs of the Oda Civil War.

Ten acres of rotten land that cannot grow food can be sold for sixty dan in food coupons. This kind of land is worthless at all. I don’t know how many people are working on it in the three major Spur lands, and the interests involved are more than one million dan.

Sibo Real Estate is in a period of rapid growth, and the market size may even reach tens of millions of dollars in the future. Who is willing to give up this income and hand over the benefits to the central Tongxin Secretariat?

This much money is enough to make everyone go crazy with red eyes.

Whether it is for his own interests, his own connections, or his own image, Maeda Toshiie must stand with the Shiba local samurai family.

Maeda's interests kicked the ball over. Regardless of whether Maeda Toshika was happy or not, she had to continue to speak out for the interests of the local samurai family in Shiba.

Maeda Toshiie sighed and said.

"I'll write a handwritten letter and send it to Duowenshan City as quickly as possible."

Murai Nagai asked cautiously.

"You want to..."

Maeda Toshiie smiled bitterly.

"I wrote to the saint, denounced the Kamao family for being lax in their duties, harming loyal people, and shirking responsibility on their colleagues. Even if the Iga Maeda family was at fault, the Kamao family's guilt is more serious. I beg the saint to think again."

The head of the village, Lai, kept gasping after hearing this.

Maeda Toshiie is really ruthless. He either doesn't do something or does it absolutely. Since he has to take sides, he might as well take off his good-guy mask and directly attack Kamou clan.

But looking back, Maeda Toshiie openly questioned the Kamo Clan, and his actions were aboveboard. The saint and the Doshin Secretariat had nothing to say. We couldn't allow the local bosses to express their opinions, right?

In the eyes of the Iga Maeda family, the Maeda Toshiie family is really reliable as an ally at critical moments, and the Maeda mother and daughter will definitely be grateful for the Maeda Toshiie family's full support.

After all, he is still good at dancing.

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