different warring states of japan

Chapter 2006 Hashiba Hideyoshi heading for victory

Chapter 2006 Hashiba Hideyoshi heading for victory

I heard a lot about mountain cities and lived in the museum.

Dazang Changan walked respectfully along the porch, and after turning another corner, he came to the hall where the saint listened to the government. He carefully knelt down and saluted outside the door.

Yiyin, who was sitting on the main seat, waved to her gently and motioned for her to come in and wait.

Ozo Changan sat down carefully and quietly raised his head to look diagonally above. Kamaojigo, Ii Naomasa and other Secretariat members were reporting on their work.

Yoshiyin said to Kamao clan.

"Go on."

The Kamo family glanced at Ozo Changan, who was sitting at the bottom of the throne, and knew that because of the good economic problems of Sakai Port, this once-fallen executive officer was once again favored by the saint.

At this moment, Pu Shengshixiang had no time to consider whether it was appropriate for Da Zang Changan to attend, and she was already under great pressure.

The development of the matter was beyond the imagination of the Kamao clan. She did not expect that the local samurai family in Shiba would be so arrogant and intended to fight against the central government in order to save their family's small treasury. She was not expecting it.

At the same time, the Oda Civil War has entered a fierce stage, and the internal strife of the Shiba family has caused the great opportunity to intervene in the Oda Civil War to slip away, which makes the Kamao clan anxious.

Pu Shengshixiang said in a deep voice.

"Oda's letter package used the inner door to open the door and break into Gifu Castle. As the governor of the Oda family, he denounced Oda Nobuchen for his evil intentions and forced him to commit suicide.

However, Shibata Katsuie was blocked by Hashiba Hideyoshi in Kitaomi River and was unable to rescue Oda Nobsumi, so his actions became very hasty.

Its vanguard, Sakuma Morimasa, succeeded in a surprise attack on Shidake and broke into Oiwa Mountain. As a result, he was besieged by Hashiba's army. Sakuma's troops collapsed in the long battle, and Shibata Katsuie's headquarters was also destroyed. "

Yiyin frowned.

Sakuma Morimasa was a powerful general under Shibata Katsuie and the son of Shibata Katsuie's brother. The troops he led were all the elites of Shibata's subordinates.

She wanted to replicate the battle in which Sanada Nobunaga defeated Shidake, made a surprise attack on Oiwa Mountain, forced Oda Nobunaga to retreat, and allowed Shiba to defeat Oda.

Hashiba Hideyoshi's situation was similar to that of Oda Nobunaga. Once she was forced to withdraw from the northern Omi mountains by Sakuma Morimasa, there would be a plain area behind her, with no danger to defend.

Sakuma Morimasa had a beautiful thought, but she had forgotten that Sanada Nobushige's surprise attack on the base of the mountain defeated Hashiba Hideyoshi, and Hashiba Hideyoshi was almost abandoned by Oda Nobunaga and died in Oiwa Mountain.

Hashiba Hideyoshi will never forget that defeat in his life, how could he make the same mistake again?

Sakuma's troops do not have the powerful combat power of the Sanada clan, but they can replicate the success of the Sanada clan and break into Oiwa Mountain again. There is only one possibility.

This is Hideyoshi's trap!

Hideyoshi lured the enemy deep, defeated Shibata Katsuie's most elite troops, and then pushed back to defeat Shibata's headquarters in one fell swoop.

As a result, the seemingly powerful North Army regiment was completely defeated in one day.

Yiyin sighed.

"Katsuie Shibata underestimated the enemy. Hideyoshi Hashiba is so powerful. He showed weakness on the surface and defeated the enemy with one move."

Kamojigo's expression turned ugly and he continued.

"Hashiba Hideyoshi did not give Shibata Katsuie a chance, and took Shibata Katsuie's defeated army into Echizen Province. Shibata Katsuie had nowhere to escape, so he had no choice but to burn Honjo Castle and burn himself to death.

Before she died, she sent Lord Oda's brother Ichikun, who was married to her, out of the city and handed him over to Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was also Oda's retainer. This was considered as fulfilling the relationship between monarch and minister and not involving the men of the main family.

As soon as Hashiba Hideyoshi defeated the Shibata Katsuie, he immediately fell out with Oda Nobugao, accusing her of killing Oda Nobsumi, a member of the family, who was unworthy of being the governor of the family, and Oda became the regent, intending to attack her.

Oda Xinbao was afraid of Hashiba Hideyoshi's strength, so he turned around and contacted His Highness Tokugawa Ieyasu, hoping to get help from Mikawa Ebon's allies to fight against Hashiba Hideyoshi. His Highness Tokugawa Ieyasu has responded to Oda's letter packet and mobilized the military to prepare to intervene in the Oda Civil War. "

Yoshigan shook his head and sighed, Hideyoshi Hashiba was really good at reading people, but the idiot Oda Shinbao was frightened and made the stupidest choice.

Hashiba Hideyoshi made a good move. First, he instigated the regent Oda Nobuo to attack Oda Nobucho, which caused great trouble to the Oda family.

It also made Shibata Katsuie unable to help but send troops to rescue, first breaking the Kiyoshu Agreement that Oda retainers were not allowed to criticize each other.

Then he accused Shibata Katsuie of having evil intentions and being disloyal to his ministers, and joined forces with Oda's big bosses to kill Shibata Katsuie.

After Shibata Katsuie's death, Hashiba Hideyoshi pretended to be a grievance for Oda Nobutumi, saying that Oda Nobuzumi was unfair and wanted to deprive her of her regent status.

Hideyoshi Hashiba himself stood on the side of reason, holding the banner of justice and crusading, and unknowingly became the only powerful boss in the Oda family.

Faced with such an opponent, how could Oda Xinbao not be afraid? That's why she was frightened and thought of attracting outsiders to help, and dragged Tokugawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga's good sister, into the game.

I don’t know what conditions Oda’s envelope provided to Tokugawa Ieyasu, so that Tokugawa Ieyasu, a guy who has always been stable, was willing to take the initiative.

Thinking about it, Oda Xinbao is the nominal regent of the Oda family after all, so it would not be surprising even if he opened his mouth to sell Owari Kingdom to Tokugawa Ieyasu.

However, Oda's envelope move is really not smart.

Yiyin sighed.

"Hideyoshi Hideyoshi's situation is very difficult to control, and Oda ministers such as Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Tsuneki and others may not be happy to see her family become the sole leader.

If Oda Shinbao wins over these veterans and disintegrates Hashiba Hideyoshi's alliance from within, she will still have a chance to fight with Hashiba Hideyoshi.

But Oda's letter is stupid. If she introduces outsiders to participate in the internal fight at this time, it will inevitably arouse the resentment of all the forces in Oda's family.

Hashiba Hideyoshi could only scare her, but he might not be able to persuade the allies to unite in the crusade, but Oda's envelope did such a stupid thing, which was equivalent to giving Hashiba Hideyoshi a reason to crusade against him.

How can people be so stupid? "

Yoshigan was also helpless. He hoped that the internal fighting in the Oda family would be evenly matched and that all forces would wear down each other and become exhausted before he would intervene in the Oda civil war and seize the Oda territory in one fell swoop.

But the development of world affairs is always unsatisfactory. Compared with other people in the Oda family, Hashiba Hideyoshi is really a little too smart.

Pull one faction together, fight another faction, constantly strengthen yourself, intimidate the enemy, force the enemy to disorganize themselves, and if you make a mistake, you will be dragged down and chased.

In just one summer and autumn, the situation in Oda's family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, among the three of Shibata Katsuie, Oda Shinbao, and Hashiba Hideyoshi, Hashiba Hideyoshi was the weakest in terms of status and power.

But now?

If Yoshigami hadn't intervened, Oda would have been conquered by Hideyoshi Hashiba.

Compared to Yi Gin's emotion, Kamao Clan's heart was full of anger and he gritted his teeth.

"The Oda Civil War is getting more and more intense, and our Shiba family should have been prepared to intervene at the most appropriate time to gain the greatest benefits.

However, Lord Maeda Toshiie, as the general of Kinki, turned a deaf ear to the war preparation order issued by the Doshin Secretariat, and refused all military mobilization in the name of criminals awaiting punishment.

Also, Lord Maeda Toshiie was in charge of Kaga Kanazawa, and Owari Shiba received 100,000 koku. The Maeda army had already mobilized into Tsuruga County, staring at the battle between Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi.

But when Shibata Katsuie was defeated and was pursued by Hashiba Hideyoshi and invaded Echizen Province, the Maeda army turned a blind eye and allowed Hashiba Hideyoshi to pass by, resulting in Shibata Katsuie's rapid defeat.

If Tsuruga County could stop the Hashiba Legion and give Shibata Katsuie some breathing time, the situation would not collapse like this, and Hashiba Hideyoshi would not be the only one in the Oda family! "

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